India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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New Member
Jun 2, 2020
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There are individuals in India who even want India to 'fail' in the sense, that the Indian forces experience a setback or discomfiture. With the sole purpose of discrediting the Modi government. It is virtually treason. You can tell in the tone of the nay sayers that the motive is to ridicule the government and BJP, not to display bi-partisan support for the Indian army and paramilitary. With the idea of stopping any Chinese incursions.


New Member
Jun 2, 2020
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And yet again u r assumption of permanent new settlement has no backing other than shuklas write ups.
Numerous times the OSINT imageries have shown no such "new permanent thing".
Right. Going by the tone of the commentators like Shukla, you would think that the Chinese have physically dislodged the Indians from a large area. What seems to have happened is that the Chinese are aggressively patrolling areas that were in dispute, and have prevented Indians from now patrolling those areas. This of course should be reversed, or countered in some other area across the LAC.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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The weight will be decided by the Army or DRDO ? If DRDO makes equipment as per their convenience then let them use it themselves... plain and simple..
We have disagreed on this before , so it won’t come as a surprise that we do so again. Army needs guns, as far as I know and correct me if I’m wrong, the weight is the only major issue with the Atags .The army should induct some and ask for changes in a 2nd lot. There are ultra light guns available if the army needs it, may not be as light as the M777 but it’s available locally. Everybody loses with this dismissive attitude, the drdo may have to keep their own guns but it’s pretty clear that the army isn’t going to get anything else. It’s a lose-lose situation.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Galwan and DBO was the distraction the game is in Pangang Tso , Chinese wanted to secure the lake and they had achieved that now by making permanent structures and camps till Finger 4 . As per someone i know who has some info from his contacts chinese have now machine gun nests on the ridge line near F4-F5 . They are not going to move away from F4 at any cost its upto us now to decide do we want to escalate it to remove them from F4 or we just bow down to their pressure tactics .
Present us with a fair accompli and put the onus on us to further escalate. Standard Chinese policy and why not, it’s been successful almost every time. I prefer ithat we do not de escalate and make the Chinese pay, if not militarily right away, economically.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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And here is a quote from Pravin Sawhney in yesterday's print article, saying, that all powerful chicoms have a veto over Indian construction in Ladakh.
"Once the pandemic gets over, 11 special trains would be commissioned to bring thousands of labourers for building operational roads close to the LAC. How will that help? For one, the PLA would only object to infrastructure building in Ladakh, and not on the rest of the LAC. Since India has changed the status quo of Ladakh on its maps, the PLA will object to any status quo change on the ground. So, expect these workers to toil in Arunachal Pradesh"


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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It is clear that Chinese have no intention of leaving. The occupation of land is to start a fight. Plain and simple. It is not a simple pressure tactics this time.

I am not sure how GOI and Indian army deal with it. Indian army needs to be pragmatic about equipment made locally. It may not be as good as imports but Indian private sector can churn large quantities rather quickly. Quantity has its own quality.

I think Indian military MUST realize that importing equipment is not easy and not even feasible in many cases.


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Aug 30, 2019
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Mani Shankar Aiyar's Son in Law has something to say to Jeff...
Check out the list of names...
and notice the names left out....
Jeff, this isn’t fair. I respect Nitin tremendously. But to suggest that he’s more patriotic than Shukla, Sushant Singh, Suhasini Haider, Pubby, Peri, Pandit, Ananth Krishnan, Indrani Bagchi, Nidhi Razdan, Rahul Kanwal, etc isn’t fair. They’re all seeking the facts without agenda

That list of people are SEEKING facts without agenda? I think they are PEDDLING nefarious agenda without facts.
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right wing

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
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So hide behind fudging?

It is a fact chinese are now sitting on land that they never used to before, and we can do didly squat about it, except to say we are great, our army is great, let's not demoralize our army, labeling others a traitor, and all that rot.

Cool headed thinking of how to give it back to the chinkis is needed. Any and every means, even to have some friendly boots on the ground, without bringing in our false sense of greatness, or nonsensical sense of "sovereignty" and even more ludicrous fear of "getting colonized again". Saying talking to others is "crying mama" etc is just showing how hollow and full of BS we are. Chest thumping is of no help.

A few boots and a few THAADs, working with our soldiers, in couple of strategic locations will be such a huge deterrent to these rats. I am sure US will love to intimidate the chinks from this new frontier, instead of just over SCS.

The alternative is to blow steam in public and on fora like this, and quietly live with loss of land. We have been doing that the last 60+ years, and keep losing land slowly. But we will still continue down the same path. I hope Modi/Doval are cooking up something different.
I think @Bhadra has given an effective reply to u so no need to say anything further.
But I do like THAAD but only in Indian control fully.

right wing

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
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I think US presence is the only one to guarantee calm and peace on any border beteween any two countries.
You are so deluded that there is no point even discussing basic things with u
Giving up the border to us forces ..wah wah.

right wing

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
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Even if temporary encampment its still a breach...
Yes it is and the govt has not slept or hidden this breach.
Full deployment and aggressive patrolling has been done with Indians too pitching up tents just beside their tents.
But no where have they been allowed to enter or they have managed to encamp in what is surely Indian side.
As for the Grey area,they have had road till f4 and a permanent base in 5 for 1-1.5 decades.
And until the Indian army makes sure that the Chinese new tents go away from their forward positions,their will be no peace and standoff will continue.
Thus this might go on till September,when nature itself will ensure both sides to withdraw tents due to inhospitablity.

right wing

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
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Present us with a fair accompli and put the onus on us to further escalate. Standard Chinese policy and why not, it’s been successful almost every time. I prefer ithat we do not de escalate and make the Chinese pay, if not militarily right away, economically.
However in all the engagements since 2014,the Chinese have ended up only transferring or punishing their regional command officers after having to withdraw back to barracks at end of standoffs,which goes to show things dint wind up well.
Even this time,the Chinese command has been,according to sources been transferred in/out.


Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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There is saying deceive distract destroy and some agency knows they are best in it, if my maths is right then we have that one agency who can start the doctrine again as Chinese have many weak spot and it's reputation has taken a hit a lot, so India should start the lead in showing Chinese their own taste of medicine the art of war tao Zhu reversed


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Not sufficient. The arguments are not tenable.

Contest points and rebutt arguments therein.
He is talking about a multi dimensional war long lasting war without realising that wont be possible for the same very reason that we wont be having a long lasting war with Pakistan which is nukes.

Secondly,Indian AirForce is much better placed than China in this theatre.All his Rocket Rocket rant can be taken out by the IAF incase of a war.

And everyone knows how effective these things are at mountains as compared to plains.

Chinese reinforcements as proven by the video will be unacclamatised.They would not be a fight.

India when starts bleeding will fully utilised the Tibetan card which will hurt China very bad.

Indian Navy can block Pakistan and all the Chinese Cargo ships.

Indian Army can take over POK and cut of their road with Pakistan.

Indian Army has much better trained and experienced soldiers for this war.

If they can do space war so can we...and the biggest point if China goes in a war NOW it will be really bad for its image.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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For a professional, you seem to be getting off the wrong side of the bed daily :)

DFI is just another website- a place for people to puke out anything and everything, related or unrelated to defense. Some folks have formed roots here, puking for years on, and others just came by recently. Indian gvt has better things to do than please the cult members here. Chinese must be having a hearty laugh. No need to make it appear as though the outpourings here are of import.

I think US presence is the only one to guarantee calm and peace on any border beteween any two countries. Whether the size of your chest (or ahem...) allows you to accept this fact is another matter.

Yes, "offbeat", "out of mind" and "out-of-the-box" thinking, whatchamacallit, is the way to go about chinkis. They cannot be unseated by typical standard "diplomatic" antics, and "following agreements" just because. This is hysteria if you are a 56" chest-size, else it is cold logic.
For a normal or extraordinary member, you are unnecessarily thrusting your point albiet irrationally.

Since 1993, when the concept LAC was accepted and both sides are ceased with the process of defining it and no significant progress has been made in that field making such noises amounts to compromising Indian position.

When LAC is still subject to negotiation and not fixed asking every hour how much, where and how India has lost ground is akin to asking "Where is LAC"? That is What the Chinese also want that they should get India's perception of LAC from Indian leaders so that the Indian position on the negotiation table is weakened and compromised. A known position of the other side means disadvantage India.

That is you and other people like all loudmouth who are asking the PM every day are batting for China. Plain and simple.

That is what you are also peddling here in the forum.

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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No,I tell you what will happen,
We will build roads as usual and this type of things will again rise in future.
And you type of guys will come in future and say again "MY BAAP USA bachale" and they will say "yes, but we need roads and supplies" and then you will say "good, USA is spending money from it's own pocket so that to build roads", so please tell me what we are doing right now? building roads and increasing our permanent count there.

Them Chinese are succeeding without any use of THEIR SO CALLED PATHETIC WEAPONS but here in India you can't succeed even when you have M-777, Chinook, C-17,etc.

The Chinese always move first so that when time come to disengage they do it from high point.

Here in India this trend of theirs is now being challenged, it was challenged in docklam, it is now being challenged here in ladakh.

So, USA coming here will not do anything extra because even YOUR USA cannot bring those areas beyond finger-4 but India army can and that's why they are saying "construction will keep on going" and mutual disengagement is being talked about.

It is here in this mutual disengagement things are different for us and them.

You are saying like USA here if stationed will get back that area by showing of force.

Well in south China Sea they HAVE FANTASTICALLY REMOVED THOSE ARTIFICIAL ISLANDS OF CHICOMS and now those islands are called PEACE ISLANDS, and Taiwan, Philippines, etc. nations are happy.

And according to you they can do it here too.
Fantasy land in it are we? My friend.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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So it clear now china occupied some land in Ladakh . Why GOI is mum on this ?
Basically Chinese have moved their positions forward in a no man's land. This is the best way to put it.

One option is to wait and negotiate so that Chinese go back to their earlier posts on their own.

Second is to use force, which can become counter-productive if desired objectives are not achieved.

Third is to use other means like economic (kick Chinese companies out of India).


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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There is saying deceive distract destroy and some agency knows they are best in it, if my maths is right then we have that one agency who can start the doctrine again as Chinese have many weak spot and it's reputation has taken a hit a lot, so India should start the lead in showing Chinese their own taste of medicine the art of war tao Zhu reversed
And the first step towards that is to write ten lines having no meaning... :pound:
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