The Last Post


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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As we enter the final hours of this forum, I remember Brig SK Raychaudhuri who I had the pleasure of meeting 3 or 4 times in Calcutta. He was a prolific writer, had a great sense of humour and someone who didn’t pull a punch, very kind and generous. He was a pillar of the forum.

Thanks @Singh for funding the forum for 15 long years. Thanks @LurkerBaba who did more than just lurking to keep the forum running. Thanks @Daredevil for your intervention in the early years of the forum when we faced an existential crisis as the Pakis ddosed us like hell. What you did remains a secret, but you did great 😊

Thanks to all the mods old and new. For the old ones who helmed the forum in its formative days. For the recent mods who did the job as the old ones got away for one reason or the other. I myself haven’t been around here for quite a few years, nor has Singh.

Thank you all the members, old and new - especially the old ones who put in a lot of effort to get the forum going. More so if you are still active for 12-15 years. That’s amazing patronage. Nothing to take away from the more recent members who’ve made this place their go to place for defence. It’s sad that we have to go now.

As mentioned in another post, we will remain in read only mode for the foreseeable future with our most popular defence section. That’s the best we can do for the members who put in the effort.

All the best to everyone for their careers. Keep the enthusiasm going in discussing topics concerning India’s defence on other platforms. I am on @YusufDFI on Twitter/X. People who have good insights will benefit from a global reach and audience of that platform.

I am an adjunct scholar at the Takshashila Institution. It’s an independent centre for research and education in public policy. Those who want to get better understanding, can take up the courses on offer. Serving members of the armed forces are nominated by their respective services to take up these courses. Here is the link

Signing off!

Jai Hind! 🇮🇳