India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Jan 7, 2016
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OK ... it is clear by now that you are not a professional. and that is why you are asking questions worst than a small boy.

Generally the weapons you mentioned are not meant for ground firing roles or employment. They have a very high rate of fire and can not fire for hours and hours to break an attack even if you have ten bunkers full of their ammunition. But I give you all. However, those can not be employed in large numbers.

Neutralise does not mean destruction only. Neutralize means making enemy incapable of performing his tasks perfectly. If 152mm shells are bursting all around a bunker. the gunner is not able to utilize his weapon properly. There would also be smoke all around, blast splinters, cries, destructions - all reduce the effectiveness of weapons.

If the lake is 100 km long on enemy side, he has a choice of building his forces on a given bank two or three km away unopposed in his own area. From there he can launch an attack.

Or he can launch an attack on the shore held by the defender from Lake itself. fight through and break out.

No amount of weapons can prevent an attacker if he is determined. He is also using his Zu-23, L-70 . MMG, HMG, Missiles, artillery and whatever you. You can not say you are immune to enemy fire.

That much is good enough for you.

Keep reading and learning.
Laddakh and most of chinese border is is a hilly area which is a special topography. To fight effectively in this sort of areas require special weapons. This includes guns capable of being air lifted, guided shell, good sniper rifles, good quality of helicopter gunships, guided MBRLs, steep dive mussels like Brahmos, pralay(Not in service yet), light tanks turned for this area etc. Those who have specific weapons will prevail in conflict.


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Oct 12, 2013
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Ido not think ATAGS has made a mark ..... it is too heavy
Well CCS cleared 150 Towed version When there Is Truck version was Available With OFB

OFB already offering BEML-TATRA 8X8 truck mounted 155/52 Gun

They only Suck at Production Speed I don't think they Will share Production line With Private Firm like L&T or others



New Member
Aug 8, 2017
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Guys, wtf is wrong with this gentleman?!
He's perennially targeting the "underprepared" indian military against the all powerful chinkis!
I mean, I understand that he may be on the payroll of the ChiComs, but this is just too much from him!!

Ignore karke bhi kitna kare, bhailog! Someone pls shut him up!

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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Guys, wtf is wrong with this gentleman?!
He's perennially targeting the "underprepared" indian military against the all powerful chinkis!
I mean, I understand that he may be on the payroll of the ChiComs, but this is just too much from him!!

Ignore karke bhi kitna kare, bhailog! Someone pls shut him up!
Sahi baat hai har waqt ignore kiya nahi ja sakta.:cowboy::shoot:


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Guys, wtf is wrong with this gentleman?!
He's perennially targeting the "underprepared" indian military against the all powerful chinkis!
I mean, I understand that he may be on the payroll of the ChiComs, but this is just too much from him!!

Ignore karke bhi kitna kare, bhailog! Someone pls shut him up!
Rather use these joker to demand higher defense Budget. Someone tag Rahul Gandhi to demand extra emergency funding for unprepared military. Lol.


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Dec 25, 2016
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Galwan and DBO was the distraction the game is in Pangang Tso , Chinese wanted to secure the lake and they had achieved that now by making permanent structures and camps till Finger 4 . As per someone i know who has some info from his contacts chinese have now machine gun nests on the ridge line near F4-F5 . They are not going to move away from F4 at any cost its upto us now to decide do we want to escalate it to remove them from F4 or we just bow down to their pressure tactics .

Nitin Gokhale (cont):



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Aug 30, 2019
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Look like master has said to his dog "don't BARK now", wait for the moment.
And Chinese strategy as always "talk so that you can gain time" and now we are all alert, must be their "attack while hidden" methodology, they read too much tsu tsu.
They said Indian Cornovirus. Them acting with ego as high as Mt. Everest, India has put their political leadership in quarantine.

No dialogues.

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Guys, wtf is wrong with this gentleman?!
He's perennially targeting the "underprepared" indian military against the all powerful chinkis!
I mean, I understand that he may be on the payroll of the ChiComs, but this is just too much from him!!

Ignore karke bhi kitna kare, bhailog! Someone pls shut him up!
Thats because the Indian ***removed*** has not fired even a single bullet in anger.. as Chinese come and sit wherever they want to.. Sharam naam ki cheez nahi hain... Modi tries to break the gordion knot put around him by China, and when he tries to get too close to the American camp, Xi Jinping intrudes into what India regards as its own side of LAC.. and pulls back the high flying Modi to onground reality.. There has been no instance when India has pushed the LAC back by regaining control from China , after China has moved it forward, by establishing control over areas that both sides patrol...
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right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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Thats because the Indian pussy has not fired even a single bullet in anger.. as Chinese come and sit wherever they want to.. Sharam naam ki cheez nahi hain... Modi tries to break the gordion knot put around him by China, and when he tries to get too close to the American camp, Xi Jinping intrudes into what India regards as its own side of LAC.. and pulls back the high flying Modi to onground reality.. There has been no instance when India has pushed the LAC back by regaining control from China , after China has moved it forward, by establishing control over areas that both sides patrol...
I would again ask u to present proof of chinese crossing over LAC or stop blaming the govt.
This govt whipped China's ass in doklam and has made the beligerent Chinese foreign affairs speak in modest tones.
And if things come to bullets,they will be fired as well.

right wing

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
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Galwan and DBO was the distraction the game is in Pangang Tso , Chinese wanted to secure the lake and they had achieved that now by making permanent structures and camps till Finger 4 . As per someone i know who has some info from his contacts chinese have now machine gun nests on the ridge line near F4-F5 . They are not going to move away from F4 at any cost its upto us now to decide do we want to escalate it to remove them from F4 or we just bow down to their pressure tactics .
The permanent structures on "Chinese" side were there since at least 2010,the only bone here is their temporary camps and trying to obstruct very openly our patrols.
So diversion to build up permanent structures don't actually hold.

right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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Good.. the pressure is always good... Let the government "officially" clarify the situation in Galwan valley..
This u call as pressure...Pakistani ministers liking your tweet is "pressure" or "treason"?.
Very long rope to Rahul g while official interviews of RM stating that LAC issue is due to build up of Chinese forces close to LAC and not crossing it(yes he was asked multiple times) is not official enough.
Very strange standards in name of " pressure".

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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This u call as pressure...Pakistani ministers liking your tweet is "pressure" or "treason"?.
Very long rope to Rahul g while official interviews of RM stating that LAC issue is due to build up of Chinese forces close to LAC and not crossing it(yes he was asked multiple times) is not official enough.
Very strange standards in name of " pressure".
I am talking about being specific here.. Let there be official statements about specific areas, whether Chinese troops still occupy places, where they werent camped before April 2020. Dont use words like treason lightly.. Even the Modi government is answerable to the people..

Modi has guarded the borders better than MMS government. That does not mean no questions should be asked..


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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OK ... it is clear by now that you are not a professional. and that is why you are asking questions worst than a small boy.
Clearly you are handicapped in deciphering nuanced language or understanding the concept of rhetorical questions.

I do not need a certification from anyone. All are well aware of what my background is, including the other side. Thank you very much.

Generally the weapons you mentioned are not meant for ground firing roles or employment.
You are retired. Quite apparent. Suggest first read up, before making that kind of silly statement which shows your lack of awareness of the weapons issued in sector stores along LC for Direct Fire roles.

And do include the standard of Concrete Pill Box and protection.

They have a very high rate of fire and can not fire for hours and hours to break an attack even if you have ten bunkers full of their ammunition. But I give you all. However, those can not be employed in large numbers.
So how many boats are coming on Pangong Tso that they need to fire for hours and hours? Oh my, you do have a flight of fantasy ... right? Thousands of boats coming up and just two guns. No troops, just two men crews manning two guns.

Neutralise does not mean destruction only. Neutralize means making enemy incapable of performing his tasks perfectly. If 152mm shells are bursting all around a bunker. the gunner is not able to utilize his weapon properly.
Here you go, military definitions:

Neutralize - Put out of action for a short time (temporarily).
Destroy - Put out of action for a long time (or permanently).


What is the end result? (No, am not asking a question. It's RHETORICAL)

I thought destruction shall also render the enemy incapable of performing tasks. Interesting theories you have.

There would also be smoke all around, blast splinters, cries, destructions - all reduce the effectiveness of weapons
Fire Controller has no idea of how to circumvent that, what a dumb soldier! Siting of the weapon will never involve ranging and marking the arcs of fire ............. hmmmmm.

Blast Splinters will open the firing slats and the door of the concrete pill box to degrade the firers ability to effectively engage the target.

Cries .. the bleeding hearts ... damn them.

Destruction - wars have them usually, no?

If the lake is 100 km long on enemy side, he has a choice of building his forces on a given bank two or three km away unopposed in his own area. From there he can launch an attack.
So now it is land attack ...what?

Wait. Why? I thought you were launching an amphibious attack!!!! If you launch the land attack .... my contention of capability to hold ground comes to fore ..... this can't be it ......

Or he can launch an attack on the shore held by the defender from Lake itself. fight through and break out.
Yeah. As if the defender wont have weapons to destroy the boats. Heck .... PLAN is getting Type 055s? Interesting

No amount of weapons can prevent an attacker if he is determined. He is also using his Zu-23, L-70 . MMG, HMG, Missiles, artillery and whatever you. You can not say you are immune to enemy fire.
Yeah, he will drag his Zu23 on a boat and engage it faster mobile over water than a static Zu-23.... cool/ If you say so.

Why not throw in a nuke at it? A 0.2 Kt at 50 meters AGL will just be perfect.

That much is good enough for you.

Keep reading and learning.
Yeah. No wonder Armed Forces have a struggle .....


right wing

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
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I am talking about being specific here.. Let there be official statements about specific areas, whether Chinese troops still occupy places, where they werent camped before April 2020. Dont use words like treason lightly.. Even the Modi government is answerable to the people..

Modi has guarded the borders better than MMS government. That does not mean no questions should be asked..
Why will the govt give statement that Chinese are not at point A and point B within India,when the official govt stand is that they are not within India.
Your entire premise is based on "still occupying" while the GOI stand since day 1 has been the situation today is due to result of huge unexpected deployments along LAC as has been said by RM.
Yeh alag bat hain that you do not believe the RM,in that case even a MEA or MOD spokesperson's words wouldn't be official enough for you.
But don't say the govt has not said anything
I think around 6-7 Hindi channel interviews asked in details about the standoff and if any occupation has occured..the answers were clear and in crisp Hindi.
Even the HM for that matter was asked,again clear answers were given.
Answers pasand na ana is an altogether different thing though.
And in an evolving situation what more answers do we want?


New Member
Jan 22, 2020
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I thought it was functional two years back.... when are they going to increase runway length ??
Any one ...
How long would it take for India to clean up and make that and other landing strips more usable? Years? Months? or less?

right wing

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
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I am talking about being specific here.. Let there be official statements about specific areas, whether Chinese troops still occupy places, where they werent camped before April 2020. Dont use words like treason lightly.. Even the Modi government is answerable to the people..

Modi has guarded the borders better than MMS government. That does not mean no questions should be asked..
This is the Cong national sm cconvener telling gullible people on basis of ajai's write up that Pangong Lake shooting spot of three idiots gone.
This is however not treason but putting "pressure".
Cong has village panchayats and so many local ladaki leaders here..all are in Chinese captivity I presume.
And this tweet doesn't seem at all similar to the ones floating where Pakis also wanted Chinese visa to come.




New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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I inferred from that post and even the present one is that terrain is out of your reach.
So we will strictly follow military logic..... no bunkum.
Rebuttal to the reply:

OK ... it is clear by now that you are not a professional. and that is why you are asking questions worst than a small boy.

Generally the weapons you mentioned are not meant for ground firing roles or employment. They have a very high rate of fire and can not fire for hours and hours to break an attack even if you have ten bunkers full of their ammunition. But I give you all. However, those can not be employed in large numbers.

Neutralise does not mean destruction only. Neutralize means making enemy incapable of performing his tasks perfectly. If 152mm shells are bursting all around a bunker. the gunner is not able to utilize his weapon properly. There would also be smoke all around, blast splinters, cries, destructions - all reduce the effectiveness of weapons.

If the lake is 100 km long on enemy side, he has a choice of building his forces on a given bank two or three km away unopposed in his own area. From there he can launch an attack.

Or he can launch an attack on the shore held by the defender from Lake itself. fight through and break out.

No amount of weapons can prevent an attacker if he is determined. He is also using his Zu-23, L-70 . MMG, HMG, Missiles, artillery and whatever you. You can not say you are immune to enemy fire.

That much is good enough for you.

Keep reading and learning.

RIP Military Logic, hail the bunkum!
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