India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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Sir Iam talking About Steep bridge Btw gora Post And finger 4.No AFV can pass throw it But Chinese can Take AFV there as wee have seen in video this make us vulnerable against there ambush in future

You can throw a tank anywhere in that area and I would love to bet against it.

Infantry trumps tanks in such a terrain every day of the month.


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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Is that what military application of terrain means?
If that is what you inferred from my post?

It is 136 km long and five km wide (max).
So tell me how much time the troops will take to walk 136 km?
It may be a 1000 kms long. The statement - capacity to hold the area around it, should be self sufficient for the discerning mind.

Now tell me how much time will ten fast boats carrying 150 soldiers take to cover the same distance. How would you cover the lake by fire if the midcourse is say 1.6 km from both the banks?
Conversely, what are the principles of opposed 'beaching' ops? Tell me, how will they off load troops to concentrate? If they want to undertake a joy ride in the lake, by any means, do so. Will love to see them do that with a nice Zu-23 target practice demo range set.

Where will you place those weapons? On Indian post which is two third distance away from the starting western side. Means Chinese will over 90km on water unopposed...
And what would they do over the water? Fish?

Can the Chinese establish an opposed boat head / bridge head on any shore.....

Lots of questions...... :crazy:

So, the point of your post? Brooding?
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Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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No doubt this coming decade should belong to banging china, few years back in wiki I had read that R&AW' s primary focus has been shifted from Pakistan to China and it has started separate desk on it. Also a proper mechanism is needed than huge force if India has the required mechanism then no need to worry how much foot soldiers chini sends


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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Dude you seriously underestimating Indian military here.

If India puts all its resources & forces on only China then China gets a banging of a lifetime ( but we have porkies on the other side) so we cannot commit all our forces & equipment on a single front.

Really? Terrain is flat for you all of a sudden in order to change the direction of your attack and switch forces at will to be able to effectively take on an enemy in relatively flattened terrain with wide range of field of fire and ability to maneuver and switch forces?

China also has this dilemma but their primary deterrance is their Navy which is focused on defending against Japs so they also cannot fully use their Naval capability on us. Anyways Navy will only come into picture if this turns out to be a big conflict which I don't think even China wants.


Is that the reason? That the JMSDF will intervene in force against them in case of engagement against IN? Or is the fact that Indian surveillance and targeting of any and all PLAN platforms in IOR is so robust that they will be toast before even they can effectively deploy in Bay of Bengal/Andaman Sea/Indian Ocean? (Thanks to Sunda & Malacca Straits)


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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There's no specific answer. If a rather simplified answer is to be given then for three (3) stage acclimation days required is 7+7+7 or 6+4+4 as some others have put it.
But, it depends on whether you are entering for the first time or are re-entering the HAA ( High Altitude Area)


But there is a concept of intermittent acclimation or rather Intermittant Hypoxy Exposure (IHE) also, but I think it is a suboptimal solution as the detrimental effects will not be noticable until you have accended. Whereas with 3 stage acclimation, adverse affect can be observed during each residence time and thus remedial measures can be provided.

If going for IHE, I would also ensure availability of HAPO bags/chambers and oxygen supply is plentiful in HAA.

But, coming to a rather realistic pov, it also depends on the activity to be done. Soldering is a serious activity. But, then if your purpose is propaganda? You might have seen bikers do Pangong Tso trip with 2-4 days of residence time after landing at Leh airport. So, ultimately your call how you look at it.

In short, if you want me to put 10,000 troops immediately into a feature with air induction above 12000 ft ASL for beefing up defences, I can do that, just need two things:

1. Adequate supply of platforms to insert them by air and assurance that they will not be moving for kilometers in first 2 days.

2. Tablet Acetazolamide in adequate quantities for them so as to premedicate for Acute Mountain Sickness.

Then its a - come on.


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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If IAF's jet really flew over Karachi(which I heard paki's twitter handle are reporting) then India is forcing pakistan to get involve in air fight with IAF via delusional pakistan's public. IAF is very keen to change the post Pulwama false narative created by pakistan.

It also shows India can deal with anything in a two front scenario. We are in good hands.

Ignore this. Much ado about nothing.


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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The problem with Prahaar is more of a Army problem than Bureaucratic red tape.
DRDO developed the Prahaar way back in 2010-11 as it knew that the Prithvi series of missiles were getting old and also as they were liquid fueled(Prithvi 1 & 2) would require quite a bit of time to setup and launch. Army did not at all show interest at that time in Prahaar in the time period of 2010 to 2017. The Army's interest in Prahaar only ignited in the aftermath of the Doklam standoff where it felt a need to have a system to counter very long range MBRL of the PLAGF. But the Army found the 150km range somewhat lacking and hence told DRDO to develop a system with a higher 200km range which we know today as Pranash.

The problem of DRDO is that they make stuff which was not needed and promise stuff which is needed ...... only to dilly dally.


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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“Convenient attempt to ignore historical blunders of Jawaharlal Nehru era”: Retired army officers slam Rahul Gandhi for his tweet on India-China border issue

The group of retired armed force officers slammed senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his "ill-conceived" and "ill-timed" statements and tweets questioning the handling of India-China border disputes by the armed forces and the Government of India. The group has condemned Rahul Gandhi’s statement calling it against national interest.

His statements are “patently harmful to our national interest. In the past too, Rahul Gandhi and Congress leaders questioned the Indian armed forces’ ground and air strikes” read the statement issued by the group of nine retired army officers, including Lt Gen Nitin Kohli, Lt Gen R N Singh and Maj Gen M Srivastava.

They said the Congress leader’s tweets and statements on border dispute with China “betray his lack of knowledge or are a convenient attempt to ignore historical blunders of Jawaharlal Nehru era”.

Blaming the Congress party for the lack of infrastructure in border areas, the retired officers said that the party which ruled India for the longest period of time is “squarely responsible for neglecting the border infrastructure development”.

Castigating him for the past blunders made by his great grandfather the retired officers asked: “Does Rahul Gandhi not know that Tibet was handed over to China on a platter by Mr Nehru and China constructed roads through Aksai Chin and later occupied it when Nehru was the prime minister.”


This 51 year old adolescent is incorrigible! Castigate him, slam him for his comments, do what you will, but he will never change. Can we just ignore him? That wont help as he has become the spokesman for the Chinese and the Paki media who keep quoting his Twitter garbage to embarrass India.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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We Can crush Pakistan But With Heavy Collateral Damage To our Forces
then What Is the Point

Don't underestimate them.they Given us Heavy defense In every war we fought

They Failed due you to there Primitive over religious Leadership
They were in far better position in previous wars of 1965 and even 1971 when their per capital income was higher to ours and they had far better equipment thanks to USA support and they were bigger and surrounded us on two fronts. Yet we overwhelmed them both times. In 65 we stopped at Lahore and in 71 at Dhaka. They couldn't really defend anything.

In kargil they had the advantage of hights and we took time to drop bombs from air. ( Mirage + Israel combo took time). There f16 ran away from our mig29 allowing us complete air superiority over kargill. Again no defense despite having a large airforce.

Fast forward now. Our economy is 10 times larger and percapita almost double that of porkies. Their economy is bankrupt under huge debt. Their armed forces are far more obsolete than ours.

Of almost 400+ jets that they have barring 75 f16 and 100 jf17 all the rest are even older than our mig21bis.!! Only f16 and jf17 block 2 are capable of bvr battle at mid range or higher. Rest are all strike aircrafts.

We will get air superiority within 2-3 days and then it's our choice to select and hit.

Once air superiority is established we can take out their forward armour army bases in matter of hours.

They are really most overblown overhyped army in world thanks to propaganda largely supported by nato during cold war. They have ran away every single time we took battle to them !!

They neither have equipment nor economy to sustain a full flagged war for more than 2-3 days. Even that much expense will put their next 10 generation under perpetual debts.
As it is in peace time when world is flush with surplus oil thanks to corona stall porky are facing fuel shortage!! You can't get more disfunctional than this.

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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They were in far better position in previous wars of 1965 and even 1971 when their per capital income was higher to ours and they had far better equipment thanks to USA support and they were bigger and surrounded us on two fronts. Yet we overwhelmed them both times. In 65 we stopped at Lahore and in 71 at Dhaka. They couldn't really defend anything.

In kargil they had the advantage of hights and we took time to drop bombs from air. ( Mirage + Israel combo took time). There f16 ran away from our mig29 allowing us complete air superiority over kargill. Again no defense despite having a large airforce.

Fast forward now. Our economy is 10 times larger and percapita almost double that of porkies. Their economy is bankrupt under huge debt. Their armed forces are far more obsolete than ours.

Of almost 400+ jets that they have barring 75 f16 and 100 jf17 all the rest are even older than our mig21bis.!! Only f16 and jf17 block 2 are capable of bvr battle at mid range or higher. Rest are all strike aircrafts.

We will get air superiority within 2-3 days and then it's our choice to select and hit.

Once air superiority is established we can take out their forward armour army bases in matter of hours.

They are really most overblown overhyped army in world thanks to propaganda largely supported by nato during cold war. They have ran away every single time we took battle to them !!

They neither have equipment nor economy to sustain a full flagged war for more than 2-3 days. Even that much expense will put their next 10 generation under perpetual debts.
As it is in peace time when world is flush with surplus oil thanks to corona stall porky are facing fuel shortage!! You can't get more disfunctional than this.
My query here is that why the fuel prices in Pak has gone up despite of the fact that the fuel prices are down elsewhere??!!


Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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Absolutely they are the most coward race I have seen specially their army how on earth they have zero % emotion on not taking their dead soldiers body, plus it's high time India close its western border with bang on targets which in away are making us weak by overtly or covertly

right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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“Convenient attempt to ignore historical blunders of Jawaharlal Nehru era”: Retired army officers slam Rahul Gandhi for his tweet on India-China border issue

The group of retired armed force officers slammed senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his "ill-conceived" and "ill-timed" statements and tweets questioning the handling of India-China border disputes by the armed forces and the Government of India. The group has condemned Rahul Gandhi’s statement calling it against national interest.

His statements are “patently harmful to our national interest. In the past too, Rahul Gandhi and Congress leaders questioned the Indian armed forces’ ground and air strikes” read the statement issued by the group of nine retired army officers, including Lt Gen Nitin Kohli, Lt Gen R N Singh and Maj Gen M Srivastava.

They said the Congress leader’s tweets and statements on border dispute with China “betray his lack of knowledge or are a convenient attempt to ignore historical blunders of Jawaharlal Nehru era”.

Blaming the Congress party for the lack of infrastructure in border areas, the retired officers said that the party which ruled India for the longest period of time is “squarely responsible for neglecting the border infrastructure development”.

Castigating him for the past blunders made by his great grandfather the retired officers asked: “Does Rahul Gandhi not know that Tibet was handed over to China on a platter by Mr Nehru and China constructed roads through Aksai Chin and later occupied it when Nehru was the prime minister.”


This 51 year old adolescent is incorrigible! Castigate him, slam him for his comments, do what you will, but he will never change. Can we just ignore him? That wont help as he has become the spokesman for the Chinese and the Paki media who keep quoting his Twitter garbage to embarrass India.
In the process he is destroying one of India's two national parties...earlier on foreign policy and economics,there was some kind of a national common viewpoint even in India.But with rahul heading congress,the grand old party has sailed far too left to do any real good.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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My query here is that why the fuel prices in Pak has gone up despite of the fact that the fuel prices are down elsewhere??!!
Their oil companies can only import what is allowed by their govt. ( Looking at demand and dollars available). Their govt failed to see rise in demand in harvesting season and didn't allow more import ( perhaps lack dollars to pay for more). result shortage
Of oil and oil company now looting people by charging 3-4 times more than actual price thanks to shortage
And everyone is blaming each other !!



New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Of almost 400+ jets that they have barring 75 f16 and 100 jf17 all the rest are even older than our mig21bis.!! Only f16 and jf17 block 2 are capable of bvr battle at mid range or higher. Rest are all strike aircrafts.
Remember, 75 F-16s are just a number. What they have in operational condition to fly are just about 40-45 F-16s due to shortage of spares.


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Feb 16, 2009
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