India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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That's why I said a lite version. None has a clear idea of whats going on LAC and many have their version of story and some with lot of lies and some few lies. All we can trust is what our Army says. I found this guy was feeding fanboy stories during initial days of LAC crisis and after that I stopped reading his tweets on LAC crisis.
That Ajai Sukla guy, he was just click bating. I read an article that he wrote in South China Morning post, any reasonable person will say by reading it 'What a rubbish!!'


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Sep 24, 2016
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Why are they both acting so weird. Do they actually have any real inside grim news which we don't have or they are now sold to ISI ?
Sourav jha is genuine guy not like ajai Shukla!
He wants that we punish China for changing the status quo in first places and not just contend with restoring of status quo. I agree with him on that .

right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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No saurav jha is not a traitor like ajai.
But he hates the present govt just like @leopard,another prominent twitter guy does.
And he is a hawk who wants India to take Tibet but also likes communist/socialist ideals in the same vein.
Plus all their army sources are the same indomitable Shri Shri Panag.
BTW chellaney once lost his job back in the 80s for falsyfying facts.


The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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View attachment 49643
As per some porkis China Deployed pcl 191 MRLS. Artillery can fire Upto 350 Km , Can launch two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km.

The so called high land advantage doesn't look like an advantage for me . Not. Single person / Twitter analysts never said how can we avoid the hitting from those artilleries , in high mountains we don't have much space to manuvers or hide , if it is even not a direct hit the rocks and Other will slide inti directly towards our troops . Chinese are mostly in level grounds , they can shoot and Scoot.

We need to improve our Weapons and need long range and light weight artillery and connectivity between mountain ranges .

May be our army already have some techniques to counter this that's the only hope I have .

no shit,

we need to expedite pranesh version of prahaar missle. it is supposed to have good range and it already has
Mobile truck-based launcher for Prahaar


The Preacher
New Member
Dec 3, 2010
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WLR with some short range Missiles may be helpful , Brahmos may be costly we need 350-400 Km low cost rockets to overwhelm them .

And I strongly feel we need 100-400 Km loitering Munitions to Loiter around the mountains and to hit commie Terrorists army arsenal ,
i vote prahaar or pinaka 2 (with added range)


The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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Pragati or Pranash is likely a good option.

a weapon of this caliber should be force multiplier and it should be cost effective and should be produced locally and quick on demand. if we can give pianaka some added range, then its the cheapest option out of all.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Who Sir? Who is going to invade? PLA??!! :hehe:
Yes why not PLAN ... ??

Maldive has already been overtaken twice by hostile elements...and faces danger of being overtaken by Pakistan, PLA, and even by hostile element in Sri Lanka.
Mauritius and Seychelles are friendly countries and face hostile threats from types of element including mercenaries and Pirates..
Andaman and Nicobar Island face serve threats of occupation by smugglers, mercenaries, pirates, Indonesia, Thailand, Malesia etc the PLAN...

So what makes you think there is no threat there... Indonesia has tried that in the past...
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The Preacher
New Member
Dec 3, 2010
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a weapon of this caliber should be force multiplier and it should be cost effective and should be produced locally and quick on demand. if we can give pianaka some added range, then its the cheapest option out of all.
if i was defense minister :hehe: i would invest in heavy bombers. nothing scares the shit like heavy bombers.


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Jul 11, 2011
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if i was defense minister :hehe: i would invest in heavy bombers. nothing scares the shit like heavy bombers.
Bombers do not capture and occupy territory..
The territory is measured only by foot....
That is why you will never be Defense Minister.
But it is India you never know... :cowboy:


The Preacher
New Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Bombers do not capture and occupy territory..
The territory is measured only by foot....
That is why you will never be Defense Minister.
But it is India you never know... :cowboy:
:dude: if i can send 2x bombers that can each drop 25x250 LGB loaded with CL-20 on my enemy and return base to reload; i will see how i am not able to capture territory.

of course we need soliders to hold the position.

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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Yes why not PLAN ... ??

Maldive has already been overtaken twice by hostile elements...and faces danger of being overtaken by Pakistan, PLA, and even by hostile element in Sri Lanka.
Mauritius and Seychelles are friendly countries and face hostile threats from types of element including mercenaries and Pirates..
Andaman and Nicobar Island face serve threats of occupation by smugglers, mercenaries, pirates, Indonesia, Thailand, Malesia etc the PLAN...

So what makes you think there is no threat there... Indonesia has tried that in the past...
Yeah I heard about a planned invasion of Nicobar Island by Indonesia during 1965 war. Heck they even wanted to rename Indian Ocean to Indonesian Ocean lmao. Shastri must have got his plate full those days damn.


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Jul 11, 2011
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From the PDF ( paper) posted earlier.

Let me quote what you had written, you might not remember due to your senility.


Without being deployed, IA has this mandate. And you idiot have galls to others as losers.

Listen old fart, till 2004 ITBP wasn't even present in Arunachal Pradesh. Sikkim too about that time.
ITBP's mandate ended at Lipulekh pass.
So how can army not have a mandate?
Can't understand this simple thing?

Why LAC, In all borders ( settled/unsettled/Peace/Violent) the border defense part of the border management is with MoD.
That's why Rajnath Singh was the points man giving interview and not HM.
If you don't know check who gave statement in Parliament after 2001 Berubari (BSF killing by BDR in 2001) incident, it was FM and not HM.

This time too on the eve of Lt. Gen level of talk, Joint Sec. Level talk took place between India and China. And it had nothing to do with stealing the thunder from Army.

But then having known your comprehension issues. I was damn sure 'yeh tumhare palle nahi padegi'. Tumhare bas ki baath nahi hai, rehendo. Apna aur bezzati na karyao.
You have gone nuts..
ITBP. Official Web page says;
" In the year 2004, in pursuance of GoM recommendations on “One Border One Force”, the entire stretch of India-China Border comprising 3488 Kms was assigned to the ITBP for Border Guarding duty and, accordingly, ITBP, replaced Assam Rifles in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh in 2004. "

The paper you quoted says Army's role is to maintain Peace and Tranquility in the border areas. However. on papers it is not mandated in those many terms. LAC management is ITBP responsibility is mandated in those precise words by a decision of CCS.

If ITBP is not under command the Army and ITBP is on LAC how does Army maintain Peace and Tranquility? It is only wise fools like you who can not guess it..

Do not expect me to teach you English in this forum. You can take some tuition or that..

Now you are trying to hoodwink and make a further fool of yourselves. GoI is a fool and you are Fanai Khan... I do not what kind of recruitment is carried out in ITBP or Police.. you must be one of those typical promotees...
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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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:dude: if i can send 2x bombers that can each drop 25x250 LGB loaded with CL-20 on my enemy and return base to reload; i will see how i am not able to capture territory.

of course we need soliders to hold the position.
Sending soldiers by sea to hold the position is what amphibious operation is about..


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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You have gone nuts..
ITBP. Official Web page says;
" In the year 2004, in pursuance of GoM recommendations on “One Border One Force”, the entire stretch of India-China Border comprising 3488 Kms was assigned to the ITBP for Border Guarding duty and, accordingly, ITBP, replaced Assam Rifles in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh in 2004. "

The paper you quoted says Army's role is to maintain Peace and Tranquility in the border areas. However. on papers it is not mandated in those many terms. LAC management is ITBP responsibility is mandated in those precise words by a decision of CCP.

Do not expect me to teach you english.

Now you are trying to hoodwink and make a further fool of yourselves. GoI is a fool and you are Fanai Khan... I do not what kind of recruitment is carried out in ITBP or Police.. you must be one of those promoters...
Lol, not mandated. Yeah you can read it on your terms, the world is not going to fall for it.

Your Idiocracy knows no bounds. Yeah during Doklam conflict, it just happened that the nearest post was IA post with ITBP post not in sight.
Ultimate vapourware. But you insisted IA is not present on LAC.
Now you say it is present but not mandated in those many terms.

Idiot, IA is mandated for LAC defence which falls within border management.
Border guarding is also a part of border management which is with ITBP.

Get yourself a dictionary first. Or you can mail the general for clarification.

GoI is fool. PM is a fool and subsequent GoI since 1986 have been hijacked by IPS lobby for not acceding to IA demand. Only erudite person here is you.

You are a perfect example, few bad apples can always get in. But I am sure there would only be handful like you as army didn't err often.

Post away and let me enjoy your cognitive dissonance through your posts. My last on this. Don't expect me to reply.
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