India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Sep 7, 2015
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Pengang Tso is the nearest and shortest approach to Leh. It also threatens Darbuk and Tangtse to the north thereby DSDBO Road also That is why some of the bitterest battles had taken around here at Raezangla, Gurung Hill, Magar Hill, Srijap Complex and Chusul..

Now. there is no price for guessing why these are pressure points and why Penang Tso is the focal point.

Though the lake per se does not have major tactical significance, it lies along the Chushul approach, which is a priority 1 approach that the PLA is most likely to adopt for an offensive into Indian territory. A major Chinese offensive, if it comes, will be across both the north and south of the lake.

During the 1962 war, this was from where the Chinese launched their main offensive where the Indian Army fought heroically at Rezang La, the mountain pass on the southeastern approach to Chushul valley, where a Company of 13 Kumaon led by Maj Shaitan Singh, Param Vir Chakra, made its last stand on 18 November 1962.

The soul-stirring inscription on the War Memorial at Chushul, in memory of the fallen bravehearts in the Battle of Rezang La reads:

How can a man die better,
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,

And temples of his gods.

To the sacred memory of the Heroes of Rezang La,
114 Martyrs of 13 Kumaon who fought to the Last Man, Last Round,
Against Hordes of Chinese on 18 November 1962.

Built by All Ranks 13th Battalion, The Kumaon Regiment

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Vishal reddy

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Mar 21, 2020
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Do you even know why an amphibious fleet in needed?

Its main role is to send troops to occupy land. India doesn't have any interest on grabbing foreign land.

And stop talking & complaining about something that can happen not in near future but in far future.

To your logic. I will say that China has stealth aircraft, yeah maybe not superior like the American ones but still they have them. So, why not question it too?? Because if a conflict happens they can still bomb New Delhi.

So, stop unnecessary fear-mongering and comparing irrelevant stuff that may happen in the next 50 years.

BTW, Andaman is not Taiwan. And India still dominates the Indian Ocean and it will be in the near and distant future too. Those amphibious flleets of PLA will be sinked to the bottom of Indian Ocean before they can even make it to our waters. And port in Sri Lanka, you think India doesn't have any eye on it? A close watch is being kept.
[Flamebait deleted] who's got a PhD in Naval warfare trying to teach others that amphibious fleet is only for invading other's land!!! Sums up ur knowledge about the issue!!
Let me tell you the actual purpose of a amphibious/marine fleet.

The purpose of the Navy’s expeditionary warfare forces is
to transport, deploy, and support Marine Corps units
organized into Marine air-ground task forces (known as
MAGTFs). These marines's roles differ should defend their territories from foreign power which has invaded their territory.
However, three generic types of
MAGTFs are common: Marine expeditionary units
(MEUs), which are normally the size of a battalion, or
about 2,200 troops; Marine expeditionary brigades
(MEBs), with about 14,000 troops; and Marine expedi-
tionary forces (MEFs), with 40,000 to 50,000 troops.
The Navy uses two types of ships to deploy those Marine
Corps units: amphibious warfare ships and maritime
prepositioning ships. Amphibious warfare ships provide
the Navy’s capability for opposed amphibious assaults the most
demanding mission a MAGTF may face—as well as for
many lesser types of missions (which are discussed
below). If an opposed amphibious landing was required,
the first wave of defenders would come from amphibious
warfare ships. Equipment and supplies for reinforce-
ments, or what the Marine Corps calls the “follow-on
echelon,” would arrive on maritime prepositioning ships and would
“marry up” with marines for those units who were flown
in by transport aircraft. The aviation component (fighter
jets and helicopters) also would be flown in from the
main land India. Not all marines would arrive at their area
of operations by amphibious ship, however.
There are 3 types of amphibious vessels (LHA, LPD, LSD)
fleet, or battle force: LHA or LHD amphibious assault
ships (sometimes called helicopter carriers), LPD
amphibious transport docks, and LSD dock landing ships..These vessels are also used in Natural calamities like cyclone and providing cover for civilians!!! So, if you think amphibious fleet is only for offensive purposes, you may only cope with that fact.
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Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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Here comes an online schmuck, who's got a PhD in Naval warfare trying to teach others that amphibious fleet is only for invading other's land!!! Sums up ur knowledge about the issue!!
Let me tell you the actual purpose of a amphibious/marine fleet.

The purpose of the Navy’s expeditionary warfare forces is
to transport, deploy, and support Marine Corps units
organized into Marine air-ground task forces (known as
MAGTFs). These marines's roles differ should defend their territories from foreign power which has invaded their territory.
However, three generic types of
MAGTFs are common: Marine expeditionary units
(MEUs), which are normally the size of a battalion, or
about 2,200 troops; Marine expeditionary brigades
(MEBs), with about 14,000 troops; and Marine expedi-
tionary forces (MEFs), with 40,000 to 50,000 troops.
The Navy uses two types of ships to deploy those Marine
Corps units: amphibious warfare ships and maritime
prepositioning ships. Amphibious warfare ships provide
the Navy’s capability for opposed amphibious assaults the most
demanding mission a MAGTF may face—as well as for
many lesser types of missions (which are discussed
below). If an opposed amphibious landing was required,
the first wave of defenders would come from amphibious
warfare ships. Equipment and supplies for reinforce-
ments, or what the Marine Corps calls the “follow-on
echelon,” would arrive on maritime prepositioning ships and would
“marry up” with marines for those units who were flown
in by transport aircraft. The aviation component (fighter
jets and helicopters) also would be flown in from the
main land India. Not all marines would arrive at their area
of operations by amphibious ship, however.
There are 3 types of amphibious vessels (LHA, LPD, LSD)
fleet, or battle force: LHA or LHD amphibious assault
ships (sometimes called helicopter carriers), LPD
amphibious transport docks, and LSD dock landing ships..These vessels are also used in Natural calamities like cyclone and providing cover for civilians!!! So, if you think amphibious fleet is only for offensive purposes, you may only cope with that fact.

As I have written in my previous post read that post of mine rather than trolling. If would have taken my suggestion and kindly read that post then it wouldn't come to this

I wrote "Its main role is to send troops to occupy land. India doesn't have any interest on grabbing foreign land. "

Now read the line I wrote 'main role' , I didn't wrote only role.


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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From the PDF ( paper) posted earlier.

The mandate of the army is to maintain peace and tranquility along the LAC
Effective manning of the LAC is one of the more challenging tasks of the army.
Let me quote what you had written, you might not remember due to your senility.

Mangement of LAC with China is the responsibility of ITBP and no (i repat No) army is deployed on LAC (may 5-10 km behind yes). Of one does not know that he has no right to comment on such an issue. ITBP Frontier Leh has 13 battalions under their ORBAT. Care to tell me where are those ?

11 division of LAC ?? What the hell is that ? Tinsukhia is LAC or is Tenga LAC ? Some people never improve... is Tangtse on LAC ??

1.5 Div of Chinese?? I believe more than that is in Ladakh only.

it seems your military family has not taught you well.

Without being deployed, IA has this mandate. And you idiot have galls to others as losers.

Listen old fart, till 2004 ITBP wasn't even present in Arunachal Pradesh. Sikkim too about that time.
ITBP's mandate ended at Lipulekh pass.
So how can army not have a mandate?
Can't understand this simple thing?

Why LAC, In all borders ( settled/unsettled/Peace/Violent) the border defense part of the border management is with MoD.
That's why Rajnath Singh was the points man giving interview and not HM.
If you don't know check who gave statement in Parliament after 2001 Berubari (BSF killing by BDR in 2001) incident, it was FM and not HM.

This time too on the eve of Lt. Gen level of talk, Joint Sec. Level talk took place between India and China. And it had nothing to do with stealing the thunder from Army.

But then having known your comprehension issues. I was damn sure 'yeh tumhare palle nahi padegi'. Tumhare bas ki baath nahi hai, rehendo. Apna aur bezzati na karyao.

Vishal reddy

New Member
Mar 21, 2020
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As I have written in my previous post read that post of mine rather than trolling. If would have taken my suggestion and kindly read that post then it wouldn't come to this

I wrote "Its main role is to send troops to occupy land. India doesn't have any interest on grabbing foreign land. "

Now read the line I wrote 'main role' , I didn't wrote only role.
Now, did u read my reply to that?????
"AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE IS NOT ONLY ABOUT INVADING OTHER'S LAND, BUT ALSO DEFENDING IT", Also during peace time those amphibious vessels are used for humanitarian aids like the recent Australian forest fires,where the Australian Navy deployed those LHD vessels!!!
Ps. I am not trolling anyone, just telling them the truth, if you have taken it seriously then I am sry and I apologise!!!
Plus, all these are applicable for all countries except USA, cuz they only invade other countries for their own interest.

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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Now, did u read my reply to that?????
"AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE IS NOT ONLY ABOUT INVADING OTHER'S LAND, BUT ALSO DEFENDING IT", Also during peace time those amphibious vessels are used for humanitarian aids like the recent Australian forest fires,where the Australian Navy deployed those LHD vessels!!!
Ps. I am not trolling anyone, just telling them the truth, if you have taken it seriously then I am sry and I apologise!!!
Plus, all these are applicable for all countries except USA, cuz they only invade other countries for their own interest.
Why are you so obsessed with it? I said it, is its main role. I never said only role or these ships can't do anything else.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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[Flamebait deleted] who's got a PhD in Naval warfare trying to teach others that amphibious fleet is only for invading other's land!!! Sums up ur knowledge about the issue!!
Let me tell you the actual purpose of a amphibious/marine fleet.

The purpose of the Navy’s expeditionary warfare forces is
to transport, deploy, and support Marine Corps units
organized into Marine air-ground task forces (known as
MAGTFs). These marines's roles differ should defend their territories from foreign power which has invaded their territory.
However, three generic types of
MAGTFs are common: Marine expeditionary units
(MEUs), which are normally the size of a battalion, or
about 2,200 troops; Marine expeditionary brigades
(MEBs), with about 14,000 troops; and Marine expedi-
tionary forces (MEFs), with 40,000 to 50,000 troops.
The Navy uses two types of ships to deploy those Marine
Corps units: amphibious warfare ships and maritime
prepositioning ships. Amphibious warfare ships provide
the Navy’s capability for opposed amphibious assaults the most
demanding mission a MAGTF may face—as well as for
many lesser types of missions (which are discussed
below). If an opposed amphibious landing was required,
the first wave of defenders would come from amphibious
warfare ships. Equipment and supplies for reinforce-
ments, or what the Marine Corps calls the “follow-on
echelon,” would arrive on maritime prepositioning ships and would
“marry up” with marines for those units who were flown
in by transport aircraft. The aviation component (fighter
jets and helicopters) also would be flown in from the
main land India. Not all marines would arrive at their area
of operations by amphibious ship, however.
There are 3 types of amphibious vessels (LHA, LPD, LSD)
fleet, or battle force: LHA or LHD amphibious assault
ships (sometimes called helicopter carriers), LPD
amphibious transport docks, and LSD dock landing ships..These vessels are also used in Natural calamities like cyclone and providing cover for civilians!!! So, if you think amphibious fleet is only for offensive purposes, you may only cope with that fact.
Oh. instead of quoting some US Field Manual why not tell that if Island territories like the Lakshadweep. Maldives, Srilanka, Mauritius Seychelles. Andaman Nicobar is invaded or threatened by hostile inimical elements and they occupy those territories then the Indian Navy would require a sizable Amphibious Force to evict them as also sent troops to prompt or defend those territories..

Khalas...!! Kissa Khatam...

It is a valid requirement ...


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Oh. instead of quoting some US Field Manual why not tell that if Island territories like the Lakshadweep. Maldives, Srilanka, Mauritius Seychelles. Andaman Nicobar is invaded or threatened by hostile inimical elements and they occupy those territories then the Indian Navy would require a sizable Amphibious Force to evict them as also sent troops to prompt or defend those territories..

Khalas...!! Kissa Khatam...

It is a valid requirement ...
We probably require every kind of military equipment out there given our size and expanse .

So more important question is what is our priority now to procure ??

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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Oh. instead of quoting some US Field Manual why not tell that if Island territories like the Lakshadweep. Maldives, Srilanka, Mauritius Seychelles. Andaman Nicobar is invaded or threatened by hostile inimical elements and they occupy those territories then the Indian Navy would require a sizable Amphibious Force to evict them as also sent troops to prompt or defend those territories..

Khalas...!! Kissa Khatam...

It is a valid requirement ...
Who Sir? Who is going to invade? PLA??!! :hehe:


New Member
Nov 16, 2013
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This is what Saurav Jha is Saying.

Hope BJP is not doing a major fuckup.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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From the PDF ( paper) posted earlier.

Let me quote what you had written, you might not remember due to your senility.


Without being deployed, IA has this mandate. And you idiot have galls to others as losers.

Listen old fart, till 2004 ITBP wasn't even present in Arunachal Pradesh. Sikkim too about that time.
ITBP's mandate ended at Lipulekh pass.
So how can army not have a mandate?
Can't understand this simple thing?

Why LAC, In all borders ( settled/unsettled/Peace/Violent) the border defense part of the border management is with MoD.
That's why Rajnath Singh was the points man giving interview and not HM.
If you don't know check who gave statement in Parliament after 2001 Berubari (BSF killing by BDR in 2001) incident, it was FM and not HM.

This time too on the eve of Lt. Gen level of talk, Joint Sec. Level talk took place between India and China. And it had nothing to do with stealing the thunder from Army.

But then having known your comprehension issues. I was damn sure 'yeh tumhare palle nahi padegi'. Tumhare bas ki baath nahi hai, rehendo. Apna aur bezzati na karyao.
It was only after GOM report implementation that the concept of "one Border One Force" was implemented . ITBP became a Force from being an irregular village guerilla (or Gorilla if you so wish) spending three months at Sarhan.

Now It is high time that you all act like a force rather than an employment exchange for SC, ST and OBC. You get recruited as constable and become an IG being an SC. ST or OBC climbing over the head of everyone else. Such is the pathetic state you serve in.

I am fully aware of your Ladakh tricks. You draw double allowances than Army for Ladakh, rotate every three months to make that as a temporary duty, claim T/D TA/DA. keep your family perennially in govt accommodation in Delhi as special right. For that also you demand reservations... you are virtually looting the country and on top of that gifting land to the Chinese..

I think I have touched your raw nerves somewhere.. I can imagine your pain.

You are free to call me names as I do not expect any thing better. I even know that you will rise in revolt against any criticism like CRPF the other day did against IG in Kashmir.

Whatever it is ITBP has written a chapter in its history ... bad chapter and that can not be obliterated.... but how would you know what is history...?? Do you have a history???
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New Member
Aug 30, 2019
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You are serious?!!! I didn't even noticed.
That's why I said a lite version. None has a clear idea of whats going on LAC and many have their version of story and some with lot of lies and some few lies. All we can trust is what our Army says. I found this guy was feeding fanboy stories during initial days of LAC crisis and after that I stopped reading his tweets on LAC crisis.
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