India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Jul 29, 2018
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Chinese are not on LAC only to intrude 2-4 km. Intrusion was just a psy op game to decrease morale of enemy before strike.

They intruded and now cooking the enemy in propaganda warfare so that India goes into panic on seeing PLA.

Had Modi not did surgical strikes 1 & 2 and Balakot, entire nation would have been in panic. Indians now trust our armed forces and believe current BJP leadership has balls of steel.

I also have same theory that China wants to stop India becoming a manufacturing hub. This is the real objective, not occupying desert of laddakh.
Accept your theory on Psy Ops. The Chinese are masters in making themselves look bigger than the reality. But what about our land that they have occupied. Can it go unchallenged. I don't mind waiting it out if we had 2 - 4 km of Aksai Chin occupied by our army. Chinese (Chinese controlled) land in exchange for Indian land. Let barter trade happen later for land.

Commando 01

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Jun 7, 2020
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Accept your theory on Psy Ops. The Chinese are masters in making themselves look bigger than the reality. But what about our land that they have occupied. Can it go unchallenged. I don't mind waiting it out if we had 2 - 4 km of Aksai Chin occupied by our army. Chinese (Chinese controlled) land in exchange for Indian land. Let barter trade happen later for land.
All Chinese action replicates the concepts mentioned in Art of war (Sun Tzu)


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Feb 27, 2018
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Yeah...they’re also seeing how trump is handling this. Putting boots on US soil is costing him a lot.
Hardcore trump supporters are disappointed that the national guard is deployed.
Trump voters are against the national guard being deployed? Seriously? They would want them deployed almost immediately, why on earth do you think they wouldn't want that?

You really need to understand the ground reality here. They have literally abolished the police in Minnesota. The police have been disbanded. What these guys are asking for is police reform.
This is the ripest moment for Democrats to take advantage of the situation. Most younger white folks are the ones who are catalyzing these movements or protests. The minorities have been forcefully united against trump. By the Democrats.
The only reason trump won last time was because, he had electoral votes. He was lucky. The popular vote had gone to Hillary. The way he has handled the Coronavirus pandemic and this fiasco, it’s a sure boot from the chair now.
The Chinese are emboldened now knowing that trump will exit soon.
Minnesota is not a state that ever votes Republican , it's a democratic state, has always been one for decades. The Minneapolis council vote is a joke and will be considered that way. Joe Biden has distanced himself from calls to defund the police. It's a loony idea and absolutely laughable that it actually gets air time but even the stupidest Democrats know that it is suicidal to go down that path.

Minneapolis and the state of Minnesota are democratic run. Blaming Trump is an astonishing act of political chicanery. I have no idea who will win in November but f theres a democratic win, that will be because Biden remained in the centre. All this talk of defunding. eliminating the police will likely drive away many middle class voters away.

There is a precedent to this, Nixon won on a law and order platform and while the time isnt the same, if Biden is seen to be anything more than offering lip sympathy to such calls, the voters will like run the other way.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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You really need to understand the ground reality here. They have literally abolished the police in Minnesota. The police have been disbanded. What these guys are asking for is police reform.
This is the ripest moment for Democrats to take advantage of the situation. Most younger white folks are the ones who are catalyzing these movements or protests. The minorities have been forcefully united against trump. By the Democrats.
The only reason trump won last time was because, he had electoral votes. He was lucky. The popular vote had gone to Hillary. The way he has handled the Coronavirus pandemic and this fiasco, it’s a sure boot from the chair now.
The Chinese are emboldened now knowing that trump will exit soon.
These protests are certainly going to help Trump. His reelection was in jeopardy due to corona virus & was accused that he trusted Xi Jinping too much. That's why he is giving too many anti China statements off late. China believes that he is easier to negotiate since he is a businessman. They were happy with trump's victory in 2016 because they feared Clinton may raise human rights issues in Xinjiang & hong kong. I don't know which president Indians should support here Trump is unpredictable while biden played a major role in Civil nuclear deal & has called for strengthening Indo US ties further more last year.


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Dec 12, 2015
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I think Modi is playing a wait and watch game. While Chinese have occupied some 'disputed' land, the strategic impact is marginal. I also think Chinese need a propaganda victory probably to scare Taiwan and South Korea more than India.

However the situation is highly unstable and probability of armed conflict very high.


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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Accept your theory on Psy Ops. The Chinese are masters in making themselves look bigger than the reality. But what about our land that they have occupied. Can it go unchallenged. I don't mind waiting it out if we had 2 - 4 km of Aksai Chin occupied by our army. Chinese (Chinese controlled) land in exchange for Indian land. Let barter trade happen later for land.
Like i said, China coming in 2-4 Km inside isn't the main objective. One abnormality led to another that PLA and IA have considerably increased troops strength across LAC.

That's not how you occupy land because PLA now can't leave position and go back to barracks and IA won't go back until Chinese return to pre Apr 2020 line.


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Dec 12, 2015
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Bhadra: I do not think a para military force can deal with PLA whether ITBP or any other.

China has become very aggressive in last 2-3 years. One can argue that India should have foreseen that and taken countermeasures. And I think India has taken countermeasures to the extent possible. India does not have political structure of China to take aggressive measures.

However India does have adequate reserve capacity to counter an aggression.


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
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Like i said, China coming in 2-4 Km inside isn't the main objective. One abnormality led to another that PLA and IA have considerably increased troops strength across LAC.

That's not how you occupy land because PLA now can't leave position and go back to barracks and IA won't go back until Chinese return to pre Apr 2020 line.
Are you OK with Chinese sitting, sleeping and shitting on Indian land?. Is there nothing to fight for?. Hindi - Chini bhai bhai.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Chinese are not on LAC only to intrude 2-4 km. Intrusion was just a psy op game to decrease morale of enemy before strike.

They intruded and now cooking the enemy in propaganda warfare so that India goes into panic on seeing
I agree though the reason for this could be varied. India wont be a huge threat to manufacturing, we are a particularly clumsy and cumbersome partner for most, there are many other options. This is most likely geopolitics at play imo, what with many countries now treating china as an adversary. India joining hands with other countries can hardly be something that china wants.

Whatever the reason, the Chinese have probably miscalculated and earned more anger their way. Finger this and finger that might be the motto of a particular Bollywood actress but for the rest of us, the Chinese seemingly deserve only the middle finger. The finger strategy of China is pointless, provoking a huge backlash but earning precious little in terms of real estate.


New Member
Mar 27, 2019
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Trump voters are against the national guard being deployed? Seriously? They would want them deployed almost immediately, why on earth do you think they wouldn't want that?

Minnesota is not a state that ever votes Republican , it's a democratic state, has always been one for decades. The Minneapolis council vote is a joke and will be considered that way. Joe Biden has distanced himself from calls to defund the police. It's a loony idea and absolutely laughable that it actually gets air time but even the stupidest Democrats know that it is suicidal to go down that path.

Minneapolis and the state of Minnesota are democratic run. Blaming Trump is an astonishing act of political chicanery. I have no idea who will win in November but f theres a democratic win, that will be because Biden remained in the centre. All this talk of defunding. eliminating the police will likely drive away many middle class voters away.

There is a precedent to this, Nixon won on a law and order platform and while the time isnt the same, if Biden is seen to be anything more than offering lip sympathy to such calls, the voters will like run the other way.
You’re speaking as though this is all theoretical. Minnesota city police have been disbanded. There are numerous other police departments that are in the line to be underfunded.
Trump is the commander in charge and he let it get this far. There is absolutely NO one else to blame here. If he had come out and said, we are going to reform the police department during the initial stages of riots, it would have been different. He’s still keeping mum. Middle America is slowly realizing that his leadership skills are close to Zero. He hasn’t contained law and order. He has exacerbated it. Most of his fan base, the hardcore gun wielding militia style folks are shocked that the national guard has been deployed after 200years in Washington. They always feared the govt and it’s military and trump has brought them right to their doorstep. Ammo sales are going through the roof. Like I said. Not a lot of folks are understanding the ground reality here. Even the most seasoned politicians will find it difficult to navigate these waters in these times. China sure has learnt to play ball.

Council votes are not jokes. They have serious ramifications and can override governors in lots of instances. They can even set the policy for state. Which includes jurisdiction over the State troopers.


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May 31, 2020
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cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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So its bad news , limited options for us . Either we make peace or they leave on their accord.
The writer suggests that China indeed has occupied some pockets of land. So as per Shah & kadi ninda we should not give them an inch. Time to walk the talk now. Either we should threaten China to interfere in SCS or form diplomatic relationship with Taiwan. Something gotta give here.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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The writer suggests that China indeed has occupied some pockets of land. So as per Shah & kadi ninda we should not give them an inch. Time to walk the talk now. Either we should threaten China to interfere in SCS or form diplomatic relationship with Taiwan. Something gotta give here.
Develop Andaman nicobar navy base and give limited access to US navy .

:rage: that should lit a fire under their ass.


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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Are you OK with Chinese sitting, sleeping and shitting on Indian land?. Is there nothing to fight for?. Hindi - Chini bhai bhai.
Bhai, do you beat up everyone who leans on to your car or bike in Parking? You assume they will leave after sometime. It's just pressure tactics by PLA, nothing more.

You handle an escalation with equal force, not disproportionate force, atleast on border where no bullet has been fired since 50 years. We also have interest in keeping LAC conflict free.


New Member
Jun 7, 2020
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The problem of deploying a police force on the border is when ever there is a law and order situation or an election the troops are pulled out of the forward areas and deployed in the hinterland for policing duties leaving a lacuna. This has been going on for many many years. Most of our so called CAPF are headed by IPS cadres who do not have a clue on how to manage borders. I dont mind IPS cadres leading CRPF or CISF but certainly not BSF, ITBP or SSB whose primary responsibility is to guard indian frontiers. The current situation on the ground is really confusing. In some areas the ITBP is at the front while in some areas its the Army. I have also heard about ITBP troops carrying out patrols as per the directions of the Army in many areas. I feel if we need to boost our defences in the border specially during peace time ITBP should be placed under the operational control of the Army and no other responsibility should be added such as VIP protection or law and order situation etc. Their only role should be to guard the border during peace and prevent the so called salami slicing that has been going on 1962 onwards.

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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Develop Andaman nicobar navy base and give limited access to US navy .

:rage: that should lit a fire under their ass.
Even better sign logistics agreement with Japan immediately & send some warships near Chinese manmade Islands along with US & Japanese navy & start doing exercises that will scare the s**t outta them.
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