India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Jul 11, 2011
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Again another useless post.

But then, I am talking to a person who is defending an organization, whose failure about intruders sitting in it's area of responsibility was brought out by a ship herder. How convenient.

But, ITBP is to blame because PLA pitched tents on its own side of LAC.

And why not talk about IA scouts?
We're they raised to be positioned in Secunderabad? Responsible for trijuncton of Hyderabad-Secunderabad-Cyberabad🤣
IA just changed the definition of Scout Battalion.

And taking about contingency? What contingency did IA have when it pulled troops out of RR battalions in 1999 and 2002, which led to rise of militancy in hinterland?
Keeps your facts right at least ... OK..

You change ITBP battalions every three months but want Scouts to be permanent in Ladakh.... you are a big fool. Army units and their soldiers spend minimum two and a half years in Ladakh..

Only ITBP can afford the luxury of poofing off govt money in rotating troops every three months... what kind of constables do you have ?? Are they sissies..?? Teach them some soldiering..

Intrusion in Kargil was an outright intelligence failure. And if it was Army failure. people were held accountable and sent home. ITBP brass should also be held accountable and sent home. Simple. Acceptable ??

Army threw out the intruders from Kargil. Now you throw the Chinese from Penang Tso, Galway and Bogra. Let me see it... Let me see you coming out from your HQ in Delhi or Chandigarh to lead an attack on finger 5.

Only two RR battalions were employed during OP Vijaya for road opening. There was no increase of terrorism during OP Vijay..

Now you have stooped down to your real policia level... go on I am game..


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Dec 10, 2016
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NewsX TV, which is a pro-Dharmic channel, has a very good feature today( June 8th/2020) on India's border with China, which should really be a border with Tibet.
Rishabh Gulati is an excellent anchor and commentator for the channel.
Rishabh Gulati is impressive.Others have lost the plot including Arnab.

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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I've got two quotes for you
The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.
2) Prevention is better than cure!!
Do you even know why an amphibious fleet in needed?

Its main role is to send troops to occupy land. India doesn't have any interest on grabbing foreign land.

And stop talking & complaining about something that can happen not in near future but in far future.

To your logic. I will say that China has stealth aircraft, yeah maybe not superior like the American ones but still they have them. So, why not question it too?? Because if a conflict happens they can still bomb New Delhi.

So, stop unnecessary fear-mongering and comparing irrelevant stuff that may happen in the next 50 years.

BTW, Andaman is not Taiwan. And India still dominates the Indian Ocean and it will be in the near and distant future too. Those amphibious flleets of PLA will be sinked to the bottom of Indian Ocean before they can even make it to our waters. And port in Sri Lanka, you think India doesn't have any eye on it? A close watch is being kept.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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All of a sudden everyone here seems to accept that China has intruded and occupied Indian land, and India was caught napping. What happened?
I guess everyone knows Chinese troops came in Galwan valley last month & after clashes they had gone back. Current dispute is about Finger 4 in Pangong lake. Both sides have different perception of LAC there but this time the situation is tense there. Entire LAC along Ladakh is hot. But Chinese troops & equipment are all along Chinese side of LAC.


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Keeps your facts right at least ... OK..

You change ITBP battalions every three months but want Scouts to be permanent in Ladakh.... you are a big fool. Army units and their soldiers spend minimum two and a half years in Ladakh..

Only ITBP can afford the luxury of poofing off govt money in rotating troops every three months... what kind of constables do you have ?? Are they sissies..?? Teach them some soldiering..

Intrusion in Kargil was an outright intelligence failure. And if it was Army failure. people were held accountable and sent home. ITBP brass should also be held accountable and sent home. Simple. Acceptable ??

Army threw out the intruders from Kargil. Now you throw the Chinese from Penang Tso, Galway and Bogra. Let me see it... Let me see you coming out from your HQ in Delhi or Chandigarh to lead an attack on finger 5.

Only two RR battalions were employed during OP Vijaya for road opening. There was no increase of terrorism during OP Vijay..

Now you have stooped down to your real policia level... go on I am game..
Ha ha 😆
Can this emotional rant be counted as reply?
I don't make disparaging and unsubstantiated comment on any bonafide organization of GoI without proof. Members can search for themselves.
Such disparaging remarks are just the hallmark of the poster I am replying to.

But then when real question are asked, somebody takes the 'patli gali'.
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Vishal reddy

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Mar 21, 2020
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Do you even know why an amphibious fleet in needed?

Its main role is to send troops to occupy land. India doesn't have any interest on grabbing foreign land.

And stop talking & complaining about something that can happen not in near future but in far future.

To your logic. I will say that China has stealth aircraft, yeah maybe not superior like the American ones but still they have them. So, why not question it too?? Because if a conflict happens they can still bomb New Delhi.

So, stop unnecessary fear-mongering and comparing irrelevant stuff that may happen in the next 50 years.

BTW, Andaman is not Taiwan. And India still dominates the Indian Ocean and it will be in the near and distant future too. Those amphibious flleets of PLA will be sinked to the bottom of Indian Ocean before they can even make it to our waters. And port in Sri Lanka, you think India doesn't have any eye on it? A close watch is being kept.
If u think amphibious fleet is only for offensive purposes, I cannot help you with that!!
There's more that a amphibious/marine fleet can do, other than land grabbing... Its also used for defensive measures and securing ur territory.

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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If u think amphibious fleet is only for offensive purposes, I cannot help you with that!!
There's more that a amphibious/marine fleet can do, other than land grabbing... Its also used for defensive measures and securing ur territory.
Read my previous reply.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Ha ha 😆
Can this emotional rant be counted as reply?
I don't make disparaging and unsubstantiated comment on any bonafide organization of GoI without proof. Members can search for themselves.
Such disparaging remarks are just the hallmark of the poster I am replying to.

But then when real question are asked, somebody takes the 'patli gali'.
Accept like all that ITBP was sleeping in their bunkers when Chinese intruded...
It is so simple...The intrusion could not have been one day affair.. but must have taken weeks..

Do not bite here and there .. remain on the subject for a meaningful discussion rather than stooping down to exhibiting policemen's panic hysteria..


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
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India's next moves will be:
  • Call China's bluff, match them man for man, tank for tank, rocket for rocket, and nuke for nuke.
  • Mobilize along the entire front and mobilize in no-man's lands elsewhere
  • Build economic pressure by hitting Chinese businesses in India hard. Thanks to their misadventure in Ladakh, India has the "national security" excuse to give to WTO. We can make Chinese businesses bleed billions of Dollars
  • Torment Chinese merchant vessels in IOR, force them to move in convoys escorted by PLAN, which can become soft targets if war does break out. (German U-boat strategy of forcing transatlantic shipping lines to move in convoys that can be taken out easily)
  • Also terrorizing chicoms in IOR can test the so-called "string of pearls." If we spot PLAN vessels making port in Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Myanmar, or Bangladesh, coerce those states harder
  • Keep Pakistan on the back-foot. If our intelligence detects any paki excitement, start hitting paki positions along LoC
All that is fine. If even after that the Chinese don't withdraw what do we do?. The most feasible military option is to occupy part of Chinese occupied Tibet and force the PLA to negotiate. It can escalate to war.Thats ok. Peace is sometimes not gained without waging war.

Everybody wants to know what is our action plan. We do not have the luxury of waiting endlessly. It is Indian territory where the PLA is sitting and they will only consolidate with time. Either they leave soon or they face the consequences.


New Member
Mar 27, 2019
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LOL, the Canadian press has been feeding you too much maple syrup.

There is a strong counter-polarization by working class America. They've tasted antifa, and they know their businesses will never be safe in a Democrat regime. 2020 will see a landslide Trump victory. The American silent-majority, which has been bullied to chant "BLM" will throw its weight behind Trump.

Once re-elected, Trump will come out with crippling regulations against social media (Zuckerberg saw this and pledged neutrality while Dorsey's skull is a little thicker). He will also double down on economic warfare against China, by making Xi an increasingly bad idea for the Chinese masses. Trump will also systematically take out Soros and corporations affiliated to him.

Whether Trump is an idiot is debatable, but whether he's vindictive is not.
Yeah...they’re also seeing how trump is handling this. Putting boots on US soil is costing him a lot.
Hardcore trump supporters are disappointed that the national guard is deployed. He’s been taking potshots at respected military leaders and most military leadership at this point is against him.
Ever since these riots have happened, not a word/a peek from him. He’s not handling this as a president should do.

But, America will look for someone else. Conservatives with a much more rational sense of behavior. There are optiona. But it will be a miracle for trump to win once more.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Yeah...they’re also seeing how trump is handling this. Putting boots on US soil is costing him a lot.
Hardcore trump supporters are disappointed that the national guard is deployed. He’s been taking potshots at respected military leaders and most military leadership at this point is against him.
Ever since these riots have happened, not a word/a peek from him. He’s not handling this as a president should do.

But, America will look for someone else. Conservatives with a much more rational sense of behavior. There are optiona. But it will be a miracle for trump to win once more.
With its "Abolish the police" rant, the radical left is frightening white people. You know what the difference between poor blacks in US, and poor Indians is: A rich guy can walk at day/night in any slum without getting mugged, but, a rich white guy, will get mugged most of the times in a black neighborhood... Trump is posing as the "Law and Order" president.. and the radical left is helping him...


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Only if India can counter the Chinese amphibious fleet of the PLA Navy. Take a look at their future plans.
Amphibious fleet is the weakest in Indian Navy!!
I dun get your point , amphibious fleet is for land / island invasion , they wont go all the way to india with an amphibious fleet to attack our main land . They may attack andaman nicobar in war time but not with Amphibious ships.


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Accept like all that ITBP was sleeping in their bunkers when Chinese intruded...
It is so simple...The intrusion could not have been one day affair.. but must have taken weeks..

Do not bite here and there .. remain on the subject for a meaningful discussion rather than stooping down to exhibiting policemen's panic hysteria..
I thought that was your last post on this topic with me.
But let's not continue on this because my replies would not look good on you and IA as a whole.

And then what's left to attest when you have passed your judgement
stooping down to exhibiting policemen's panic hysteria..
And lastly your assertion that you threw out (re 1999)- well throwing out (with loss of many men, material and money) is no compensation to letting them in.
Also, please check which agencies were tracking PLA exercise and then their subsequent branch off.
Don't be surprised if you don't find ITBP in the list but an agency which cancelled joint exercise.
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New Member
Mar 27, 2019
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With its "Abolish the police" rant, the radical left is frightening white people. You know what the difference between poor blacks in US, and poor Indians is: A rich guy can walk at day/night in any slum without getting mugged, but, a rich white guy, will get mugged most of the times in a black neighborhood... Trump is posing as the "Law and Order" president.. and the radical left is helping him...
You really need to understand the ground reality here. They have literally abolished the police in Minnesota. The police have been disbanded. What these guys are asking for is police reform.
This is the ripest moment for Democrats to take advantage of the situation. Most younger white folks are the ones who are catalyzing these movements or protests. The minorities have been forcefully united against trump. By the Democrats.
The only reason trump won last time was because, he had electoral votes. He was lucky. The popular vote had gone to Hillary. The way he has handled the Coronavirus pandemic and this fiasco, it’s a sure boot from the chair now.
The Chinese are emboldened now knowing that trump will exit soon.

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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You really need to understand the ground reality here. They have literally abolished the police in Minnesota. The police have been disbanded. What these guys are asking for is police reform.
This is the ripest moment for Democrats to take advantage of the situation. Most younger white folks are the ones who are catalyzing these movements or protests. The minorities have been forcefully united against trump. By the Democrats.
The only reason trump won last time was because, he had electoral votes. He was lucky. The popular vote had gone to Hillary. The way he has handled the Coronavirus pandemic and this fiasco, it’s a sure boot from the chair now.
The Chinese are emboldened now knowing that trump will exit soon.
What about business owners. Who will insure any business in Minnesota once the police is disbanded. Insurance costs will go through the roof. Minneapolis city council president says in an interview that being able to summon the police when your house gets broken in is a privilege.. Its not a privilege. Its a public good that tax payers expect... We have to wait and watch how this moves... November is still far away..


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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I thought that was your last post on this topic with me.
But let's not continue on this because my replies would not look good on you and IA as a whole.

And then what's left to attest when you have passed your judgement

And lastly your assertion that you threw out- well throwing out (with loss of many men, material and money) is no compensation to letting them in.
Also, please check which agencies we're tracking PLA exercise and then their subsequent branch off.
Don't be surprised if you don't find ITBP in the list but an agency which cancelled joint exercise.
That is what I am also chanting about..
Let there be a national enquiry on the lines of Subrahmanium Committee and fix responsibility..
As per the mandate, the LAC management is with ITBP and there is no need to fix any responsibility .... given task, role and mandate is the responsibility...
Unless you mean that LAC management was given to ITBP subject to Army joint training Exercise...
You are a loser.. !!
However, it is much above and far away from the Police culture to have a spine live aside moral responsibility..

You can conduct a national referendum on that ...

I know next you are going to do is to threaten a strike in ITBP... or CAPF officers Union or still better going to the Supreme Court..
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New Member
Mar 27, 2019
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What about business owners. Who will insure any business in Minnesota once the police is disbanded. Insurance costs will go through the roof. Minneapolis city council president says in an interview that being able to summon the police when your house gets broken in is a privilege.. Its not a privilege. Its a public good that tax payers expect... We have to wait and watch how this moves... November is still far away..
There are different layer of security provided in each state. The police department s funded through city councils and hence has been disbanded. The state police are the ones providing overwatch now. Nothing is going to go over the roof. Democrats are all about business. They are more about business than the republicans. The police department can be easily replaced/dismantled and reorganized with different leadership as has happened before.

Trump is no Nixon. Where Nixon was able to secure votes after the MLK movements. He has nurtured critics and naysayers with every person that he has worked with.
The whitest conservatives now know that Trump will not be able to handle what they want nor deliver what they want. As the Chinese economy surpasses the US, we will see large businesses lobby FOR Democrats or republicans with that familiar war mongering attitude. From the Clinton’s to the Bushs to the Obamas(The obamas, who launched the single most deadliest campaign in the Middle East using an elegant tool: Drones). People now slowly realize that having trump in power is causing more harm to businesses locally than any one else.
Fun fact: If his relations with the CIA were good, these riots could have been handled a lot differently(better).


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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All that is fine. If even after that the Chinese don't withdraw what do we do?. The most feasible military option is to occupy part of Chinese occupied Tibet and force the PLA to negotiate. It can escalate to war.Thats ok. Peace is sometimes not gained without waging war.

Everybody wants to know what is our action plan. We do not have the luxury of waiting endlessly. It is Indian territory where the PLA is sitting and they will only consolidate with time. Either they leave soon or they face the consequences.
Chinese are not on LAC only to intrude 2-4 km. Intrusion was just a psy op game to decrease morale of enemy before strike.

They intruded and now cooking the enemy in propaganda warfare so that India goes into panic on seeing PLA.

Had Modi not did surgical strikes 1 & 2 and Balakot, entire nation would have been in panic. Indians now trust our armed forces and believe current BJP leadership has balls of steel.

I also have same theory that China wants to stop India becoming a manufacturing hub. This is the real objective, not occupying desert of laddakh.
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