Are we Facing Prithaviraj Moments
What do you do when the snake comes out of its hole and is doing Nagin Dance at your door ?
Depends on your situation and your mindset.
You may be quite dazzled and dumbstruck by fear and start looking at it frozen not knowing what to do. Now it is snake which will do whatever it has do. You have given up.
Second situation is that you are aware that snake can come out and harm you for which you have kept a stick standby. When snake is doing Nagin dance. you pick up your stick and try scare the snake. Efforts are to drive away the snake from your door.
Third is that you pick up the stick and beat the hell out of the snake and ensure that it does not go back to its pit. You use that as a golden opportunity to eliminate at laest that snake which has dared appear infront of your house.
Chinese have appeared in the killing grounds of India into valleys and raod limited/bound plateaus. Their 15000 soldiers, tanks and guns are there mesmerizing and threatening Indians. There is not much of maneuver space
for them to do a Nagin dance.
Having raised the stick, shall we guide that snake back or beat the hell out of it . destroy the snake and hang it nearby for all snakes to see. It is a historical opportunity for which India has been preparing itself since 1962 in spite of friends and lovers of snake inside our house. It is will be very foolish for India not to destroy the enemy that has appeared in front on your ground in a place where he has not much of advantages.
Wll Narendra Modi suffer from Prithaviraj syndrome ??
Come on Narendra Bhai and Mot Bhai. do not let off that Ghori go back to Gazani to come back later? Kill him.. There many Jaichands and many nay sayers around you. There are too many Ghori lover there around you but -
“चार बांस चौबीस गज, अंगुल अष्ट प्रमाण, ता ऊपर सुल्तान है मत चुके चौहान।”