India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Oct 12, 2013
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The 91N6E panoramic radar has a declared anti-stealth targeting range of 150 km (93 mi)Maximum targeting ranges (detection ranges are wider) are:

  • For a ballistic target (speed of 4800 m/s and a RCS of 0.4 square metres): 230 km
  • For a target with RCS of 4 square metres: 390 km
  • For targeting of strategic-bomber sized types: 570 km

96L6 high-altitude radar
The 96L6 high-altitude detector (TSBS) radar and equipment operates independently of the 96L6E low-level radar detector. The 96L6E2 export version can track a maximum of 100 targets, and is resistant to false returns of clutter in mountainous terrain. It can perform the functions of a command post for battalions of S-300 (SA20/20A/20B) or S-400. 96L6-1[47] of S-400 and S-500. It serves as the command post for the battalions.

  • Command Center PBU 55K6E The maximum distance between the command center and the battalion of 98ZH6E with the use of re-transmitters is 100 km (62 mi).

92N6A radar for S-400
Missiled are launched from 5P85TE2 self-propelled launchers or 5P85SE2 trailer launchers operating in conjunction with a BAZ-64022 or MAZ-543M tractor-trailer. A new type of transporter was introduced in 2014 to improve mobility while reducing fuel consumption. The cost of transporters in 2014 is 8.7 million rubles.
ALL you need A Escort jammer And Spike 2000 on Mirage-2000 & jaguar

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Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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ALL you need A Escort jammer And Spike 2000 on Mirage-2000 & jaguar

Main characteristics of the S-400
Max. target speed4.8 km/s (17,000 km/h; 11,000 mph; Mach 14)
Target detection distance (km)600
Range against aerodynamic target (km)
  • maximum
  • minimum
Altitude limits for aerodynamic target (2015, km)
  • maximum
  • minimum
27 (easily)/30, 56 (9m96e2), up to 185 km (40Н6Е)
Range against tactical ballistic targets (km)
  • maximum
  • minimum
The number of simultaneously engaged targets (full system)80 earlier in stage of development was 36
The number of simultaneously guided missiles (full system)160 can use 2 missile to attack 1 target
Ready for operation on a signal from driving on the march5 min; 10–15 min during development
Ready for operation on a signal from standbyready and enabled 35 sec; ready 3 min
Time between major overhauls10,000 hours
Service life
  • ground facilities
  • anti-aircraft guided missiles
At least 20 years
15 years
It's how you use the equipment's that all's depends even the israeli in october war with EW equipped F 4s were unable to go against Divina and GOA's SAM's Systems and the so called Ancient SAM's scored 1.8 Missiles per Aircrafts that were hit down


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Main characteristics of the S-400
Max. target speed4.8 km/s (17,000 km/h; 11,000 mph; Mach 14)
Target detection distance (km)600
Range against aerodynamic target (km)
  • maximum
  • minimum
Altitude limits for aerodynamic target (2015, km)
  • maximum
  • minimum
27 (easily)/30, 56 (9m96e2), up to 185 km (40Н6Е)
Range against tactical ballistic targets (km)
  • maximum
  • minimum
The number of simultaneously engaged targets (full system)80 earlier in stage of development was 36
The number of simultaneously guided missiles (full system)160 can use 2 missile to attack 1 target
Ready for operation on a signal from driving on the march5 min; 10–15 min during development
Ready for operation on a signal from standbyready and enabled 35 sec; ready 3 min
Time between major overhauls10,000 hours
Service life
  • ground facilities
  • anti-aircraft guided missiles
At least 20 years
15 years
It's how you use the equipment's that all's depends even the israeli in october war with EW equipped F 4s were unable to go against Divina and GOA's SAM's Systems and the so called Ancient SAM's scored 1.8 Missiles per Aircrafts that were hit down
The S-400 Protection against Aircraft Is Just 120 km Not 400 Km

The S-400 Triumph also launches 9M96E and 9M96E2 medium range ground-to-air missiles. Designed for direct impact, the missiles can strike fast moving targets such as fighter aircraft with a high hit probability. The maximum range of the 9M96 missile is 120km.



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Oct 12, 2013
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Aug 16, 2019
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For our Paki friends and Indian communist who still doubt Chinese deaths, hear it from the Chinese
propaganda mouthpiece:

By Hu Xijin Source:Global Times Published: 2020/6/24

I would like to pay high tribute to the PLA officers and soldiers. China's security and the tranquility of China's borders depend upon them. Thus far, the Chinese military has not released any information about the deceased. As both a former soldier and current media professional, I understand that this is an expedient move with the aim of not irritating public opinion in the two countries, especially in India. This is Beijing's goodwill. I believe that the dead have been treated with the highest respect in the military, and that the information will eventually be reported to society at the right time, so that heroes can be honored and remembered as they deserve.

The biggest irony is the article is titled "India gained only casualties from border clash" and then they admit their soldiers were killed also!

I don't why we don't believe our sources when they said 40+ Chinese died and many were captured. The whole truth will eventually come out. It's too embarrassing for the Chinese so they are blocking all information.

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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In my opinion chinese will ask Pakistan to engage India because even they know they will get defeated in Tibbet their plans are something else


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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If I remember properly SAA have Pantsir and S 300 or S 300SV under their command
S-400 Is Vulnerable against Aircraft attack Its Protection against SEAD Dedicated aircraft Primitive even PAAC-2/3 is better Protected
Against high End EW & Stand off Munitions or ARM's


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Apr 16, 2015
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Guys, look what india hating NYT has said. They have quoted US intelligence on chinese casualities.

China’s Military Provokes Its Neighbors, but the Message Is for the United States
From the Himalayas to the South China Sea, China is pressing its territorial claims aggressively, raising the possibility of additional deadly clashes.

A military parade in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing last year.
A military parade in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing last year.

In the same week that Chinese and Indian soldiers engaged in a deadly brawl, one of China’s submarines cruised through the waters near Japan, prompting a scramble of aircraft and ships to track its furtive movements. Chinese fighter jets and at least one bomber buzzed Taiwan’s territorial airspace almost daily.
With the world distracted by the coronavirus pandemic, China’s military has encroached upon its neighbors’ territories on several fronts throughout the spring and now into summer, flexing its military might in ways that have raised alarms across Asia and in Washington.
China’s military assertiveness reflects a growing sense of confidence and capability, but also one of confrontation, particularly with the United States over the pandemic, the fate of Hong Kong and other issues that China considers central to its sovereignty and national pride.
China claims all of its recent operations are defensive, but each increases the risk of a military clash, whether intended or not. That appears to be what happened on the night of June 15, when Chinese and Indian soldiers fought along their disputed border in the Himalayas.

It was the bloodiest clash on that frontier since 1967. According to Chinese analysts, Indian news reports and American intelligence reports, it also caused an undisclosed number of Chinese deaths, the country’s first in combat since its war with Vietnam in 1979.
“I think the possibility of an accidental shot being fired is rising,” Wu Shicun, president of the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, said at a conference in Beijing this week, unveiling a report on American military activity in the region.

A satellite image shows a Chinese army base in the Galwan Valley near the unofficial border with India in May.
A satellite image shows a Chinese army base in the Galwan Valley near the unofficial border with India in May.Credit...Maxar Technologies, via Associated Press
China has long acted forcefully to defend the country’s territory and interests, but it is now operating with greater military firepower than ever before.
“Its power is growing at a much greater rate than the other regional powers,” said Adam Ni, director at the China Policy Center, a research organization in Canberra, Australia. “This has really given Beijing more tools at its disposal to push its more assertive and aggressive agenda.”

The increased operational tempo this year follows a military modernization program that began in the 1990s and accelerated under China’s ambitious and authoritarian leader, Xi Jinping. He steadily purged the military’s top ranks of corrupt or insufficiently loyal officers and shifted the focus of the People’s Liberation Army from heavy ground battles to more agile joint operations using air, naval and, increasingly, cyberweapons.
Mr. Xi has also made the military an even greater priority in the wake of the pandemic. China’s premier, Li Keqiang, announced last month that the military budget would rise 6.6 percent this year, to nearly $180 billion, about a quarter of the American defense budget, even as overall government spending was set to decline because of the global economic slowdown.
At the National People’s Congress, Mr. Xi noted the role the military played in Wuhan, where the outbreak began in China, and warned that the pandemic posed challenges to national security. The country, he said, should “step up preparations for military struggles, flexibly carry out actual military training, and comprehensively improve our military’s ability to carry out military missions.”

The Chinese leader Xi Jinping reviews a fleet in the South China Sea in 2018.

The Chinese leader Xi Jinping reviews a fleet in the South China Sea in 2018.Credit...Li Gang/Xinhua, via Associated Press
China’s military is widely thought to remain far behind American armed forces, but it has caught up in some areas, including the expansion of its naval power and the deployment of anti-ship and antiaircraft missiles.
By the end of last year, China was believed to have at least 335 warships, more than the United States, which has 285, according to a report last month by the Congressional Research Service in Washington.
The report said China now posed “a major challenge to the U.S. Navy’s ability to achieve and maintain wartime control of blue-water ocean areas in the Western Pacific — the first such challenge the U.S. Navy has faced since the end of the Cold War.”

China has stepped up its military activity near Taiwan after the self-governing island’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, won re-election in January by beating a candidate viewed as less hostile to Beijing.
One of China’s two aircraft carriers cruised along the eastern coast of Taiwan in April, accompanied by five other warships. Chinese aircraft have repeatedly buzzed Taiwanese airspace in the last week, in what analysts said were tests of the island’s defenses. China plans to hold a military exercise in August that will reportedly simulate the seizure of Taiwan’s Pratas Islands, a cluster of atolls known in Mandarin as the Dongsha Islands.
China has also expanded its claims to the South China Sea, creating two new administrative districts to govern the islands it controls in the Paracel and Spratly chains and menacing other neighbors.
In April, China’s Coast Guard rammed and sank a Vietnamese fishing boat. The same month, a Chinese government research ship stalked an oil vessel in waters Malaysia claims as its own, prompting the United States and Australia to send four warships to monitor the situation. The Philippines lodged a formal diplomatic complaint after a Chinese warship pointed its targeting radar at a Philippine naval vessel.

A Great Wall 236 submarine participates in a military flotilla off Shandong Province, last year.

A Great Wall 236 submarine participates in a military flotilla off Shandong Province, last year.Credit...Pool photo by Mark Schiefelbein
In the East China Sea, the patrol by a Chinese submarine last week was the first detected since 2018, when Japanese warships forced a nuclear attack submarine to surface. It follows rising tensions over Japan’s administration of the Senkaku Islands, which the Chinese call the Diaoyu Islands.
“When China views it is being challenged in these other sovereignty disputes in this era, it will respond with a very tough line,” M. Taylor Fravel, director of the Security Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an expert on China’s military, said.

“China never had the ability to assert itself in the maritime domain until really in the last 10 or 15 years,” Mr. Fravel said, noting the steady buildup of China’s naval and air forces. He added, “That has enabled China to press its claims in the East and South China Sea more than before.”
It has also stepped up patrols in the skies over the region. Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., commander of the Pacific Air Forces who will soon take over as the Air Force chief of staff, said Wednesday that until recently China had only occasionally flown missions of its H-6 bombers but was doing so now on an almost daily basis.
Those bombers, while old, have been revamped and equipped with new missiles that China put on display at the military parade last October commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

A photo provided by Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense shows a Chinese H-6 bomber flying above a Taiwanese F-16 in February.

A photo provided by Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense shows a Chinese H-6 bomber flying above a Taiwanese F-16 in February.Credit...Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense, via Reuters
For all of its recent activity, China’s military remains untested. The clash with the Indians was an isolated fight with rocks and clubs, not firearms, so it was hardly a test of Chinese military preparedness. It did raise questions about training and discipline.
Details of the incident remain sketchy and impossible to verify independently, but according to some accounts in the Indian news media, a tense, but manageable situation spiraled out of control because inexperienced replacements from other parts of Tibet did not observe the usual protocols for defusing confrontations.
China has not disclosed the number of casualties on its side, though a report by India Today, a major news outlet, said Indian forces turned over the bodies of 16 Chinese soldiers. An American intelligence official in Washington suggested that China was deliberately hiding its losses, which were comparable to India, ranging from 20 to 30.

Song Zhongping, an independent military analyst, said the figure was lower than the Indian claims but would not be released “to avoid stimulating intense sentiment in India.”
While the tensions with India are important, they are not the core Chinese military priority: confronting what it considers American aggression in China’s neighborhood.
The United States, too, has stepped up its military activity in the region. It has sent American warships through the South China Sea and stepped up support for Taiwan and its military — issues that came up this month when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met China’s top diplomat, Yang Jiechi, in Hawaii.
The Chinese blame the United States for the tensions in the region, accusing the American military of routinely interfering in a region where it has no territorial claims.
Zhu Feng, executive director of the China Center for Collaborative Studies of the South China Sea, who also contributed to the report on American military activity there, warned that the possibility of confrontation would increase as the U.S. presidential campaign heated up.
“The United States has pinned China down with the two talons of the South China Sea and Taiwan issues,” he said.
Reporting and research was contributed by Julian Barnes in Washington, Claire Fu in Beijing and Motoko Rich in Tokyo.


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
If I remember properly SAA have Pantsir and S 300 or S 300SV or PM under their command
No S400 can be defeated we recently saw crude made UAV attacks on kheimim airbase. If you have group of say crack troops approaching base say 5 km with such UAV they can wreck havoc. Which is why it has to be deployed with multiple systems.
Russian deploy electronic warfare teams, Pantsir and even tor M1 to provide comprehensive coverage of their base.

Now in regards to Israelis attacks there are news report that Russians gives them green signal to wage their war with Hezbollah.


Tihar Jail
Jun 19, 2020
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No S400 can be defeated we recently saw crude made UAV attacks on kheimim airbase. If you have group of say crack troops approaching base say 5 km with such UAV they can wreck havoc. Which is why it has to be deployed with multiple systems.
Russian deploy electronic warfare teams, Pantsir and even tor M1 to provide comprehensive coverage of their base.

Now in regards to Israelis attacks there are news report that Russians gives them green signal to wage their war with Hezbollah.
That's why I say they could deploy the S 400 with their or equipments like any HQ systems and literally they are not gonna send it without the EW equipment's even chinese equipments are not upto the international standard they still could hold it
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