India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Sep 24, 2016
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With multiple intrusions, why are we not acting ? Is that MeA babus have successfully arm twisted NaMo to prevent IA from firing the first shot ? The more we delay the more territory is nibbled away by these chinkie rats. Not firing the first shot means we are playing right into their hands ! I some how feel MeA babus have convinced PMO that they can negotiate their way out of this. And please don't tell me that NaMo is a gung ho war monger. Faar from it, he always gives peace a chance , much too much I feel ! Time to give that "free hand" to the IA which is always claimed by this govt ...
How do you we are not acting? Is it because army is not briefing you minute by minute??


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Sep 24, 2016
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Feb 19, 2019
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Americans are not saviors, they only follow their best interests.

I don't get why Indians keep complaining about this. This is how every country should operate. Why the hell would the country NOT follow it's best interests???

It is when the interests match that alliances form. There are no emotions in play. ONLY self interest. And that's how it should be for India too.


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Aug 5, 2019
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That headline is a massive reach.
I would not Fap to it. We should fight our own battles. If push comes to shove alliances will be formed,but only for mutual interest. This is news indeed ,and a good one at that too,but we are more than capable of dealing a 2.5 front,we have been preparing for it since decades,now's the time to put it to test.we won't have a better govt than this to deal with the current scenario.godspeed everyone


New Member
Mar 24, 2019
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Its a blog run by silicon valley chinese . Its a article for those still waiting for conformation of CCP on number of casualty..

On June 15th, a serious conflict broke out in the Gallevan Valley on the Sino-Indian border, causing casualties. The incident is still fermenting. But the most interesting thing is that the CCP has not confirmed the casualties. The Indian side There were 20 soldiers killed, and the death toll of the CCP military ranged from 5 previously rumored to more than 40 later. Some descendants of the Communist Party of China have published a message on Weibo a few days ago that claimed that 5 people were injured in the Chinese side, and 2 of them died because of serious injuries, but the news was deleted without confirmation. The CCP refused to respond to the casualty figures cited Actually deleted again. Concerning the CCP’s unwillingness to respond to the number of casualties caused controversy, it was reported on the Internet that the families of the soldiers killed on the front line in the Chinese side were told that they could only be buried in secret and the government would give more money. This incident detonated the anger of netizens.

The Chinese Communist Party refused to respond to its own casualty figures
At 18 o'clock on June 24th, Cai, the second generation of the Chinese Communist Party, who frequently broke the news on the Chinese social media Weibo, said carefully, "Two of our five heroes who were injured because of defending their homeland and defending the country have been seriously injured by daggers and were rescued by serious injuries. Eight days ago, the rescue failed the day before yesterday."
Cai Cain hinted that during the Sino-Indian conflict, the CCP soldiers actually injured 5 people, 2 of them were seriously injured and died after 8 days.

However, Cai Cao deleted it shortly after publishing the aforementioned Weibo. Officials did not confirm the data.

The day after the serious conflict between China and India (16th), Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian responded to this matter at a regular press conference without mentioning that there were casualties on both sides.
Zhang Shuili, a spokesman for the CCP’s western theater, said that “a fierce physical conflict broke out on both sides, causing casualties”. But he refused to disclose details of how many CCP soldiers were killed.

Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the Global Times of the Communist Party of China, once issued a document saying that there were also casualties in China. A post appeared on the Internet at one time, referring to the death of 5 people and the wounding of 11 people in the CCP army during this conflict, but this number was not officially confirmed, and the post was later deleted by the network administrator.

But according to ANI quoted by the New Delhi News Agency in India, the conflict also caused the death and serious injury of 43 Chinese military personnel.

The Central News Agency quoted the Hindustan Times on June 20 as saying that a senior official in the South Building of the Central Government Complex of India said that the CCP’s force commander deployed near the 14th patrol station in Galakan Valley, Ladakh, in 15 In the conflict in Japan, the deputy commander was also killed in the conflict

The Indian side held a grand funeral for the fallen soldiers
On June 18, India held a grand funeral for 20 martyrs who died in the country, and tens of thousands of people sent their funerals on the scene. After the video of India holding a funeral for soldiers was posted online, it attracted many Chinese netizens to watch.

On June 23, Twitter reported that the families of Chinese soldiers killed on the front line between China and India were told to only bury them quietly!
According to the news, the township government where Wang Shaobai, a fallen soldier of Xiangtan nationality, received a call from the political commissar Hu Yifei of the county’s military department, told the military commission to issue an order not to hold an event to welcome the heroic heroes home, and the funeral must be kept confidential. However, the martyr's pension and martyrs' standards will be favored.

In response, netizens are sad and angry:

"India died of soldiers, heroes, state funerals. China died of animals, leeks, not even a single figure."

"India died of soldiers, the CCP died of cannon fodder"

"The SS is dead, you have to quietly, don't let the people know, and add a few dollars to you privately"

"I dare say that the comrades who were alive at this time must still believe that the party's "this is a political need, a state secret, to obey the overall situation, it is the need of the national interest". "The conflict dead people also know, But it doesn’t mean how many people have died, what can’t be said and can’t be understood..."
Sacrifice a warrior is like a dead dog-too many bad things are done, not only kidney deficiency but also heart deficiency everywhere."

However, the family members of Chinese soldiers killed on the front line between China and India were told that they could only be buried in secret, and they cannot be officially confirmed.
The death and injury of the Chinese side is a mystery. What is the secret of Beijing's silence?
In the past few days, the number of deaths and injuries of the CCP’s army in the Sino-Indian border conflict has become the focus of world attention. However, the CCP’s official media remained silent. Fang Guang quoted the report as saying that China has not announced the number of casualties because of fear of losing face. Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the Global Times, who has always been good at "holding for the party", threw out a statement: "China does not want the people of the two countries to compare the figures of casualties on both sides, thereby stimulating public sentiment between the two countries." Concealment is because of kindness. But this is very different from the international community's belief that human life should be taken care of and the open and transparent information release mechanism.
The South China Morning Post, a pro-CCP background in Hong Kong, cites Indian media to disclose that the number of casualties in China caused by the bloody conflict between China and India is between 35 and 43. The report also stated that a source within the Chinese Communist Party revealed that Beijing is “very sensitive” to military casualties, and all figures must be approved by Xi Jinping.

The Voice of America report questioned whether in recent years Beijing has attacked on all sides, is the Sino-Indian border conflict a long-planned action? Why is Xi Jinping so sensitive to casualty numbers? CCP is mainly worried about stimulating public sentiment in which country?
Hu Ping, Honorary Editor-in-Chief of "Beijing Spring", said that it is the CCP's usual practice to keep secrets, but few figures are not classified as state secrets. Therefore, whether or not to publish or how much to publish must be weighed by the authorities and the government and politically considered.

Hu Ping said: How many casualties did China have this time? This should have been announced by international practice. But it has not been announced yet, of course it is out of political considerations, there is no doubt about this. But this is also to remind everyone that even if it is released one day, that number is also released in accordance with political needs. It is also doubtful whether it is reliable.
Hu Ping pointed out that from the perspective of China, there are indeed such embarrassments. If there are more deaths, the Chinese government will blame the cowardly and incompetent. If there are fewer deaths, India will definitely be more angry. But more important among these is the issue of responsibility. Originally, China and India had such an agreement in 1996, where hot weapons were not allowed, so that repeated conflicts would not cause any fatalities, and even less serious casualties.

According to the British media BBC report, the Chinese side dispatched more people than the Indian side, and it is likely to be the attacker. Hu Ping said that when it comes to responsibility, who is responsible for launching an attack, escalating the conflict, and using equipment that can endanger the life of the other party? China also feels the seriousness of this issue, which is also an important reason why it has been unscrupulous on this issue
According to analysis, China is now accustomed to dealing with international relations in the manner of war wolves. There may be a hint that you can do something. Later, this matter might get bigger, it's hard to clean up.

According to an analysis of the article by Zheng Zhongyuan, a time commentator, the Chinese Communist Party has abnormal thinking of maintaining stability. From the CPC’s establishment of the Party to the maintenance of power after the establishment of the government, the accumulated experience and lessons of the fear of collapse have made it a little nervous. , At the point of imminent enemy. In China, any incident is considered to be political, and there are fears that it will lead to political instability, so everything may become "confidential." This should be the inside story that after this Sino-Indian border conflict, the CCP still refused to confirm the number of soldiers killed and wounded in the international puzzled onlookers.



Maulana Rockullah
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Aug 12, 2009
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Looks like we rattled the ccp cages,chicom mouthpiece is whining
Indian public opinion is impulsive and overbearing on intl issues, putting own dignity&pride above others’ &not understanding importance of mutual respect. Therefore, China and India used to be at roughly the same level of development, now India’s GDP is only one fifth of China’s


China says: Indian public opinion is impulsive and overbearing on intl issues, putting own dignity&pride above others’ &not understanding importance of mutual respect. Therefore, China and India used to be at roughly the same level of development, now India’s GDP is only one fifth of China’s

China means: Our economy is hurt, EU slapped us at WTO recently, trade down and business in process of going out and floods have only added to our misery. We LOST 50 soldiers against 20 of India even when we tried to fight 5:1! Whole WORLD is laughing at us and our Han Chinese pride is biting dust! Please don't hurt us and buy our cheap crap. Please don't hurt us or we cry and fill Galwan river with our tears and flood you!!!

China starts crying and BEGGING just after few curbs and it's just a start....... :lol:



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Mar 27, 2019
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They have already stationed Type 15 and Z 10s SAM's batteries and MBRL's near border what to expect H 5 Ks flying towards and launching all the four YJ 12s and DF 21 Ds missiles towards border we dont have any other choice but to accept the Haqeeqat the Harsh reality
Lol. Right...harsh reality. Bro. Stop. ✋
The issue is, the Indian army is too strong for border warfare in such terrain. They are massively more experienced and hardened. If SF starts moving into these areas, the chinks are in for a rough time. Lethality of SAMS drops rapidly in such terrain. MBRL and arty positions will be the first to be targeted by standoff systems.
The Indian side has moved similar equipment to the border too.


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May 16, 2011
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Interesting, it's seems US troops from Germany will head to Asia, hope they circle China a little bit more.


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Feb 16, 2009
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You misunderstand. The post was in reply to a post that said in a Hollywood movie, Indian nuclear codes were shown to be in Sanskrit. I meant that it's actually plausible because we do give Sanskrit names to our armaments.

On that topic, I would like more... nuanced names than rather Agni and Aakash. Something more flavorful. Names like Bramhastra or Varunastra are good because it harkens to specific mythological things. Names like Astra are not good because it just means weapon, sadly.
We should have some names from Asura clan as well lol. A mass destructor named rahu or a EW system named Kala nemi well its kind of terrifying.


The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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Army alert to PLA build-up in hotspot Depsang

India has also counter-deployed an adequate number of acclimatised troops and heavy weaponry to prevent any further ingress after a sizeable number of Chinese troops intruded deep into Indian territory in the strategically important Depsang Bulge area located at an altitude of over 16,000 feet.

In a show of strength, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has also deployed over 10,000 troops, with tanks and artillery guns, from its 4th Motorised Infantry Division and 6th Mechanised Infantry Division within its territory near the Line of Actual Control (LAC), sources said.

But the new front opened by the PLA in Depsang Plains, after Pangong Tso, Galwan and Hot Springs, is considered critical because it obstructs the two available routes through the tabletop plateau to the logistical hub and airstrip at DBO and the critical Karakoram Pass in the north. PLA troops, now camping near the ‘Bottleneck’ area in Depsang, have effectively been blocking Indian patrols to the LAC in the region, sources said.

Read more at:


The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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OPINION | Chinese Buildup In Galwan Betrays Trust, It’s Time For India To Up The Ante

India need not do a Balakot with China. But what we can certainly do is take the fight into the Chinese camp. There will be several soft softs in the over 3000 kilometre border with China. India needs to identify a few, be bold and enter Chinese territory and sit there. Let’s not forget that there are 23 disputed points—11 in Ladakh, four in the central sector and eight in the east—along the border and therefore the scope is enormous, especially in the central and eastern sectors. This posturing will tell China that India is not a punching bag.

read full article


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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I would not Fap to it. We should fight our own battles. If push comes to shove alliances will be formed,but only for mutual interest. This is news indeed ,and a good one at that too,but we are more than capable of dealing a 2.5 front,we have been preparing for it since decades,now's the time to put it to test.we won't have a better govt than this to deal with the current scenario.godspeed everyone
Boss what do you smoke. Who teaches you this BS.

I am shocked at these repeated self-defeating comments on this forum.

The spiritual world is clear that India needs help and support of allies.

I hope GOI is not a fool like you.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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As if china ever valued India as a partner. Our foreign policy people have been so dumb about china it's unbelievable.
That includes Modi who ran that policy for the last 6 years. In a way, this is good. It’s a wake up call to those who were stupid enough to believe the economic partnership nonsense. China has shown the contempt they have, towards India, towards Modi and towards the $60 billion surplus we paid to them. Even hafta extortionists show more respect.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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Neither Pak nor china have any capability near Israel USA Level. So s400 will be massive headache for them.

It can be overwhelmed eventually but even that takes too many resources so that still complicates things for enemy.
Chinese cannot deploy best of air defences in the West and thus make their heartland prone to attack. The chances of S400 in Tibet are very low. Its effectiveness in mountains will be an issue too.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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With multiple intrusions, why are we not acting ? Is that MeA babus have successfully arm twisted NaMo to prevent IA from firing the first shot ? The more we delay the more territory is nibbled away by these chinkie rats. Not firing the first shot means we are playing right into their hands ! I some how feel MeA babus have convinced PMO that they can negotiate their way out of this. And please don't tell me that NaMo is a gung ho war monger. Faar from it, he always gives peace a chance , much too much I feel ! Time to give that "free hand" to the IA which is always claimed by this govt ...
Plenty of action is being taken. It is just that GOI is not shouting from the rooftops about it.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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As long as US sends F 18s flying over paki land and stops a 2 front war. We will be good.
First principle of international diplomacy is that one has TO ASK for help. Nothing is automatic.

Second principle is there is always give and take.

So stop assuming that USA will automatically (by default) come to our aid while we sit on our backsides and do nothing.
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