India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Feb 27, 2018
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I think GOI is acting with calm resolve, exactly how they should. There is no panic and no loose statements/daily briefings.

War should always be a last resort. Nothing to do with 'baniya' mentality here. Unnecessary loss of life benefits nobody.
I think a war is stupid to start but the fact that we haven’t prepared for this situation for the last many years makes a war more likely, not less. That or eating crow.


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Dec 25, 2016
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Which is what even i was thinking if we want to tackle this without firing bullet just send 20k soldiers with batons and rods and push them chinese physically if they fire the bullet then no need to hold back from our side at all . In winters the lake can be frozen as heavy like these pictures . But the snow on top of those ridges will be less the chinks can easily stay back .

Load our soldiers in Tata Safari drive over the lake and go push them without using any weapons and put the onus on them to escalate



we shd wait till oct .. then beat the shit out of them with hockey sticks with large number of troops . And shd make a video of it.. war cnt be fought in winter . Till next summer emergency purchases shd be done and efforts shd be there to cool down situation . :laugh:


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Mar 24, 2019
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Typical coward attitude. 1965 was a near miss, if Pakistan would have captured akhnoor then it would have been good bye Kashmir
Kargil was a brilliant tactical operation and still 5353 is with Pakistan because we were coward enough not to cross LOC
I would prefer to live in a failed nation than a coward money hungry nation who cannot defend it's border
LOC and LAC are not same.. dnt compare it to kagil . Things have not come to a level whr u think it to be .. where war ll be the only option . Pakistan is a failed state... go spend some time there .


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Jul 11, 2011
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Sir, poor armed forces of a poor nation sir. They need to figure out best response in the limitations that all of us are under.

The senior armed forces officer have often said they will fight with what they have. Most of us civilians also do the same. Regardless of all limitations, we strive and improve., Other sectors have somethings to show off... be it IT services, automobiles, healthcare, banking, disaster management, food security, space etc etc.

All have come some way ahead. The expectation is that the defense ecosystem also does the same.
All of us realize that if all countries attack India simultaneously, we are seriously screwed. The 45 sanctioned squadrons may not be of use even then.

We need to be realistic. We are already No.3 in defense expenditure in the world. As a country, we don't expect to have a expeditionary force. We just need to be able to defend ourselves effectively. Inspite of having all this, do you mean our forces are incapable of protecting us?
But why are we poor in making use of whatever we have .. we are a poor country with very rich bureaucracy and rich politicians. rich police and rich contractors, rich journalist and rich fraudesters like Malaya and Chowksies.. Rich bank managers etc..

The question should be - can we make use of resources that are available the way they can be used. can we coordinate and synergies national efforts like a nation or this nation has been held to ransom y bureaucracy.. Wherever you go whatever you touch is bureaucracy.... Governance has become subservient to bureaucratic interest. We live in a time where bureaucrats refuse to go on posting to NE and anyone who goes there draws allowances more than posting to a foreign country.. where so-called scientist sit on a project for sixty years without any accountability and where own OFB create the largest deficiencies in ammunition.

The issue in this country is not lack of resources but that of governance... we are simply not able to govern well ..


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
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we shd wait till oct .. then beat the shit out of them with hockey sticks with large number of troops . And shd make a video of it.. war cnt be fought in winter . Till next summer emergency purchases shd be done and efforts shd be there to cool down situation . :laugh:
Chinese won't wait till Oct for results.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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LOC and LAC are not same.. dnt compare it to kagil . Things have not come to a level whr u think it to be .. where war ll be the only option . Pakistan is a failed state... go spend some time there .
He does have a point though. Porkistan is all about hurting India at all costs whether they even have to eat their own s**t. If we even adopt 10% of their methods we can seriously hurt Chinks. Proxy war is a crucial tool if you have to hurt a big enemy. If a begger nation like Porkistan can afford we sure as hell can. Chinese believe we are divided but guess what they are divided too. Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunan are all its weak spots. This pacifist approach no longer works & plausible deniability is a serious methodology we need to adopt in diplomacy. If China works on Sun Tsu's methods why can't we work the way Chanakya taught us aka to weaken the enemy from the inside.


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May 30, 2020
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I think this is the alternate route ITBP took last October to reach F7 which Nitin Gokhale talked about


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Question to experts on Pangong Tso..

Why is there an assumption that Finger 4 can be defended only from north side, why is no one talking about south side of the lake?

worst case scenario, PLA posts can be taken out from south side as well. Isn’t it? It’s about 5 km.


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Nope this is not near pangang tso this is near Galwan that small bridge which chinese completed last year . check the bottom left of pic its written pangang 30km south

I think this is the alternate route ITBP took last October to reach F7 which Nitin Gokhale talked about


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Oct 12, 2013
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Lol.. One look at the discussion and we find lot of cowards who are scared of war.No wonder why Pakistani generals said that Hindu morale is weak.
Baniya only worry for his investment and not for his pride..
Instead start showing some grit.. Nations are not build out of money but with Iron and blood.
Don't be scared of war. We don't have to win the war but make sure that china loses this war.. We should now test nuclear weapon and start moving our nukes to LAC
Pride is more important than money
You're Likes are Plagued With Prithivi raj Syndrome Or Rana Sanga
Fate Will Will Not So different


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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another self goal by China.
The Philippines is a very slippery ally. China has complete domination over Philippine-claimed waters, and put Manila in a position where Philippine economic activity is at the complete mercy of PLAN, Chinese coast guard, and the "blue boat" militia. So there's very little India can hope to get out of them other than kind words in international fora.

Also Duterte is extremely slippery. In the past few years, he switched alignment from the US to PRC, and back to the US when the temporary closeness to Beijing yielded exactly naught (as the Americans predicted and warned him about).

Gautam Sarkar

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Apr 24, 2019
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The Philippines is a very slippery ally. China has complete domination over Philippine-claimed waters, and put Manila in a position where Philippine economic activity is at the complete mercy of PLAN, Chinese coast guard, and the "blue boat" militia. So there's very little India can hope to get out of them other than kind words in international fora.

Also Duterte is extremely slippery. In the past few years, he switched alignment from the US to PRC, and back to the US when the temporary closeness to Beijing yielded exactly naught (as the Americans predicted and warned him about).
A bit OT but recent event :



New Member
Mar 2, 2019
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View attachment 49989
Seriously, dhoti-shivering on this thread :yawn:
haven't been able to keep up with all the activity on this thread but the general tone seems to be pessimistic and downbeat though i'm not sure why as this isn't really making the news headlines like it almost definitely would if we suffered a major setback with the the eager pack of wolves that is our media and opposition.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Comapre This to Kargil
Many commentators and writers in Defense Fraternity had anticipated much earlier that China might do a Kargil on India. The moment one mentions Kargil it becomes very alarmist so much so that it might invite hysteria. Here is sample of an article only veterns write to keep themselves happy in a La La land.

But what is Commonality? let us see -

* Bothe are aimed at denial of strategic road and both fail to acknowledge alternatives. India has connectivity to DBO through Nubra valley and DBO ALG as India had connectivity to Siachin through Repsi Manali- Leh.
* Both attempted to attain the aim by dominating the road and give a fait accompli to India. Pakistan did it surreptitiously and China did it openly with a sense of Dadgiri...
* In both the cases the enemy never anticipated the level of reactions from India. Pakistan and China in the present case think India will accept their transgressions. Let us hope it is not so this time.
* Bothe involve high altitude mountains - a difficult proposition for an attacker.
* It appears that India will be able to gather wide international support in her favor like Kargil.
What is not Common
* Contrary to Kargil China has many secure logistics lines and has built up backup reserves in large numbers. The conflict can be sustained and go longer.
* Contrary to Kargil it would be difficult to localize the conflict and the Chances are that it will flare up over LAC. Therefore it would be difficult for Inda to build up concentrate such superior forces in Ladakh as we did in Kargil.
Interesting Time Ahead - Even the veterans might have to play the role..:)


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Across the lake i think we can easily use 105mm arty guns to bombard the ones sitting on those top of ridges . not sure can we move arty guns near to lake ?

The mobilisation right now happened is basically mirroring what the chinese have mobilised . We moved our guns and more troops after chinese started bringing close to 10k troops into their side not close to LAC but little bit away from their LAC.

We should be prepared for all type of operations if things starting to go down faster .

Chinese actions are showing they are not here for any talks and neither they have interest to leave the lands they have camped in now . It will have to be use of force if we think to keep the status quo as per April 2020

Question to experts on Pangong Tso..

Why is there an assumption that Finger 4 can be defended only from north side, why is no one talking about south side of the lake?

worst case scenario, PLA posts can be taken out from south side as well. Isn’t it? It’s about 5 km.
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