India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Went through all the posts in last couple of weeks. A mango man like me could only reach to this conclusion
We have no hope. Modi is useless. China is going to no it has already won. Doomsday is here.
Off I go to enroll for online Mandarin classes
Practice eating bats, all kinds of insects, cats, dogs, slugs, snakes, urine soaked eggs...etc etc..
Else, you won't belong.

right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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You live in a Lala Land. You should have read the govt orders on the subject. There was indeed some concession of one or two percent or one odd seat in educational institutions for the wards of defense personnel killed or wounded in action and some gallantry award winners. But then the Police forces militated and bumped into that so-called quota and virtually snatched that away from them. Now the so-called quota is for Defense forces and central govt police forces on a competitive basis. due to many advantages enjoyed by wards of Police personnel including a lot of black dirty income, residence in metros. etc they enjoy the so-called quota.

Besides half of CAPF are ST.ST and OBC already a birthright privilege class. But they also intruded into that meagre defence quarto.

I suggest that you look into the data .

By raising that question you have shown the level of your ignorance, the prejudices you are subjected to as also the level o poison you have against the Defense Forces.
Sir I had given and passed the AFMC exam and interview.
And probably u should know that someone who could crack it and rank amongst the 110 in the country who made it there,sure read the rules prevailing then.
As for living in Lala land..many feel the same about you..Muh Army is the only good all are fools!


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Ok, let's see what the issues are and why it's going to be sticky for us.

As we know, in April 2018, PM Modi informally met with President Xi in Wuhan. This was after the 2017 Doklam crisis. Both sides agreed that they would ‘cooperate with each other’ and not be rivals. But according to China, India has reneged on that consensus. The Chinese are not happy at what India is doing which is 'against their supreme national interest'.

They cite instances of betrayal which includes:

1. India’s growing strategic footprint in support of the Indo-Pacific strategy.

2. The Quad dialogue meant to contain China.

3. A host of bilateral trade issues where they think India has acted against the interests of Chinese companies keen on business in India; ostensibly at the behest of the US.

4. Revocation of Art 370 in August 2019 and the legal change made to J&K when it was divided into two separate Union Territories of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh. As we are aware, China had protested, saying that the creation of the UT of Ladakh has altered the status quo. However, unmindful of China’s protests, the HM Amit Shah declared in parliament that Aksai Chin was part of the Ladakh UT. External affairs minister Jaishankar tried firefighting and to explain to Beijing that the new constitutional status of Ladakh had not changed things on the ground but that did not assuage the Chinese leadership.

5. In the midst of all this, PM Modi in a virtual summit with Australian PM Scott Morrison raised the level of bilateral relations – giving a fillip to the Quadrilateral Dialogue and the Indo-Pacific strategy, which pissed off Beijing. This led to a further hardening of positions between China and India at the diplomatic and military level talks.

And Galwan will be the bone of contention as it dominates the road to DBO which poses a threat and jeopardises PLA's future plans for the Karakoram Pass and to other objectives in Ladakh. We need to be prepared for the long haul.

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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VIRGIN BOY EGSS and promotes vigority.. are chinese impotent by nature that their every food is promoted toward Sex ..
For a long time the Hans have thought themselves as the superior human race. Even now they think themselves as such and CCP has only encouraged this type of medieval ideology. The hans have lived in Taiwan, Korea, Japan they doesn't have such mentality but mainland Chinese does. In their thoughts as they are superior every custom (doesn't matter how primitive it is or medieval barbaric like) they have is rational.:frusty::frusty::frusty:


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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My pont was what happened in the past. Not Congress or BJP. Problem is not only political parties but also our babus and institutions which have given us NSA like Shivshankar Menon. And remember that even if we all that lost land can be reclaimed as it was never accepted by us. To this day it is still disputed like Tibet, Arunachal Pradesh , aksai chin and shaksgam valley. And please don't make it political we all know which govt. Has more guts . And lastly there is no capture of territory. Chinese were present In no man's land since the start of this century at finger 5. What they are doing is that they are now stopping us for patrol beyond f4 by deploying some troops at heights. We bypassed there temporary post at F5 through height directly upto f7 last year. We took some heights where we will be at advantage in no man's land. So tit for tat is going on. The only problem here is that disputed part of territory was always on our side from our perspective.
China is always looking for a fight. But a fight may not be in India's interest!

India is running 20 years behind China in socio economic conditions. There is no point in fighting in Ladakh if that breaks the bank and impoverishes your people.

See war is a last resort. Today's war is very expensive. No point fighting a war without clear objectives.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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If they are using non state actors to achieve their goals. Well then just let accident happens. Last time I checked Chinese were operating lot more commercial ships across the world than us.
Message should be clear that we will not take it lying down.
Hum toh doobenge magar tumhe bhi le doobenge Sanam !

"China deployed a large number of survey vessels in Vietnamese waters including around areas where India's ONGC has oil exploration projects"

We have a stake there , we can support the vietnamese directly or indirectly to fend off the Chinese . That will really irk them .


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Stealing information is one thing. And destroying system is another.

Yahi hota hai bhai jab koi Die Hard 4.0 dekh ke use reality se compare karta hai.
Israels crippled iranian nuclear assets using cyber attacks ,

"Stuxnet reportedly ruined almost one-fifth of Iran's nuclear centrifuges. Targeting industrial control systems, the worm infected over 200,000 computers and caused 1,000 machines to physically degrade"

Russian/ china routenly probes USA power grids for weak points .

The chinese can cripple our banking infra , internet , power grids in same way

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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China is always looking for a fight. But a fight may not be in India's interest!

India is running 20 years behind China in socio economic conditions. There is no point in fighting in Ladakh if that breaks the bank and impoverishes your people.

See war is a last resort. Today's war is very expensive. No point fighting a war without clear objectives.
Conditions are far more worse in China than as it seems. There is youtube channel called advchina. Check their videos you will get the really picture of China. In many cases it will look that its great but actually its not and far more worse.


New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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"China deployed a large number of survey vessels in Vietnamese waters including around areas where India's ONGC has oil exploration projects"

We have a stake there , we can support the vietnamese directly or indirectly to fend off the Chinese . That will really irk them .
Those blocks till my understanding are just for the purpose of irking China. Nobody is developing them . But still that won't be much as we have not attacked their mainland .


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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Ok, let's see what the issues are and why it's going to be sticky for us.

As we know, in April 2018, PM Modi informally met with President Xi in Wuhan. This was after the 2017 Doklam crisis. Both sides agreed that they would ‘cooperate with each other’ and not be rivals. But according to China, India has reneged on that consensus. The Chinese are not happy at what India is doing which is 'against their supreme national interest'.

They cite instances of betrayal which includes:

1. India’s growing strategic footprint in support of the Indo-Pacific strategy.

2. The Quad dialogue meant to contain China.

3. A host of bilateral trade issues where they think India has acted against the interests of Chinese companies keen on business in India; ostensibly at the behest of the US.

4. Revocation of Art 370 in August 2019 and the legal change made to J&K when it was divided into two separate Union Territories of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh. As we are aware, China had protested, saying that the creation of the UT of Ladakh has altered the status quo. However, unmindful of China’s protests, the HM Amit Shah declared in parliament that Aksai Chin was part of the Ladakh UT. External affairs minister Jaishankar tried firefighting and to explain to Beijing that the new constitutional status of Ladakh had not changed things on the ground but that did not assuage the Chinese leadership.

5. In the midst of all this, PM Modi in a virtual summit with Australian PM Scott Morrison raised the level of bilateral relations – giving a fillip to the Quadrilateral Dialogue and the Indo-Pacific strategy, which pissed off Beijing. This led to a further hardening of positions between China and India at the diplomatic and military level talks.

And Galwan will be the bone of contention as it dominates the road to DBO which poses a threat and jeopardises PLA's future plans for the Karakoram Pass and to other objectives in Ladakh. We need to be prepared for the long haul.
China is very good in making up excuses where it's real intention is land grab.

India's growing strategic footprint is far smaller than China's growing footprint in south Asia.

The amount of military transfers to Pakistan along with financial assistance creates a direct threat to India's security.

If China is going to object to India's relations with other countries than we have basically had it.

China needs to make peace with the fact that Kashmir is not breaking away from India.

There is no change in status quo by revocation of article 370. This reason is spurious.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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For a long time the Hans have thought themselves as the superior human race. Even now they think themselves as such and CCP has only encouraged this type of medieval ideology. The hans have lived in Taiwan, Korea, Japan they doesn't have such mentality but mainland Chinese does. In their thoughts as they are superior every custom (doesn't matter how primitive it is or medieval barbaric like) they have is rational.:frusty::frusty::frusty:
Ethnic Chinese are over 74% of Singapore population.

The preferential treatment they get over others is quite glaring.

Singapore can have a dozen rules for expats but Chinese nationals get PR in under 6 months while Indians have to wait for 18 months to only learn that their application has been rejected and no reason is given.

End of the day, it is just another Chinese outpost remotely controlled by PRC.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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Israels crippled iranian nuclear assets using cyber attacks ,

"Stuxnet reportedly ruined almost one-fifth of Iran's nuclear centrifuges. Targeting industrial control systems, the worm infected over 200,000 computers and caused 1,000 machines to physically degrade"

Russian/ china routenly probes USA power grids for weak points .

The chinese can cripple our banking infra , internet , power grids in same way
I think a lot of systems have already been changed to limit the impact of cyber attacks. Websites are vulnerable but an attack on a website does not necessarily mean it can cripple a bank.

I have no direct knowledge of Electric grids but I think it is unlikely. India may not have fully automated grid.

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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Ethnic Chinese are over 74% of Singapore population.

The preferential treatment they get over others is quite glaring.

Singapore can have a dozen rules for expats but Chinese nationals get PR in under 6 months while Indians have to wait for 18 months to only learn that their application has been rejected and no reason is given.

End of the day, it is just another Chinese outpost remotely controlled by PRC.
If you look closely you will understand that PRC is a huge bubble. They are basically a group of thugs who bribe people, bully others by showing them PLA which is another bubble itself and they are only after money & power.

Abhijeet Dey

New Member
May 6, 2013
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Ethnic Chinese are over 74% of Singapore population.

The preferential treatment they get over others is quite glaring.

Singapore can have a dozen rules for expats but Chinese nationals get PR in under 6 months while Indians have to wait for 18 months to only learn that their application has been rejected and no reason is given.

End of the day, it is just another Chinese outpost remotely controlled by PRC.
India's engineering exports fell drastically in April; China & Singapore manage positive growth :frusty:


cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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Ethnic Chinese are over 74% of Singapore population.

The preferential treatment they get over others is quite glaring.

Singapore can have a dozen rules for expats but Chinese nationals get PR in under 6 months while Indians have to wait for 18 months to only learn that their application has been rejected and no reason is given.

End of the day, it is just another Chinese outpost remotely controlled by PRC.
Since we are talking about Chinese prejudice take a look at this.
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