India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Jul 11, 2011
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Is The Cat Out of The Bag
Chinese diplomat tweets a twist to Ladakh standoff, sees link to Article 370

The spokesman of the Chinese embassy in Pakistan created a flutter in diplomatic circles by appearing to suggest the standoff between Indian and Chinese border troops was linked to New Delhi’s decision to scrap Jammu and Kashmir’s special status last year.

Wang Xianfeng, whose Twitter bio describes him as press officer at the Chinese mission in Islamabad, included in his tweet a link to an article by a scholar from an influential think tank affiliated with China’s ministry of state security or main intelligence agency, which also suggested a connection between the border tensions and the change in Kashmir’s status.

“India’s actions of unilaterally changing the status quo of Kashmir and continuing to exacerbate regional tensions have posed a challenge to the sovereignty of China and Pakistan and made the India-Pakistan relations and China-India relations more complex,” Wang tweeted.

People familiar with developments said Wang is responsible for liaising with the Pakistani media. Though the tweet could represent his personal opinion, this is the first time a Chinese official has sought to link the border standoff with the change in Kashmir’s status, including the creation of the union territory of Ladakh, which particularly angered China.

India and China are currently engaged through diplomatic and military channels for an “early resolution” of the border standoff after what Indian officials have described as a “limited military disengagement” along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh, the focus of the tensions.

When India scrapped Jammu and Kashmir’s special status on August 5 last year, the Chinese foreign ministry had issued two statements criticising the development, including one that focused on the splitting of the state into union territories.

This statement, while urging India to be “cautious” on the border issue and to avoid “actions that further complicate the border issue”, said: “China has always opposed India’s inclusion of Chinese territory in India’s administrative jurisdiction in the western part of the Sino-Indian border.” This was a reference to the area in Ladakh that New Delhi claims but is controlled by Beijing.

Wang’s tweet linked to the article by scholar Wang Shida of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, which began by saying India had since last August “taken constant actions to unilaterally change the status quo of Kashmir and continued to exacerbate regional tensions”.

The article, titled “India blinded by ‘double confidence’”, said India’s move to change the status quo in Kashmir “constitutes a serious threat to regional peace” and “posed a challenge to the sovereignty of Pakistan and China”.

“On the Chinese side, India ‘opened up new territory on the map’, incorporated part of the areas under the local jurisdiction of Xinjiang and Tibet into its Ladakh union territory, and placed Pakistani-administered Kashmir within its so-called union territories of Jammu and Kashmir,” the article said.

“This forced China into the Kashmir dispute, stimulated China and Pakistan to take counter-actions on the Kashmir issue, and dramatically increased the difficulty in resolving the border issue between China and India,” it added.

The article noted that China’s foreign minister Wang Yi had conveyed his country’s position on these issues to external affairs minister S Jaishankar when he visited Beijing last year – that “India’s moves challenged China’s sovereign rights and interests and violated the agreement on maintaining peace and tranquillity in the border areas between the two countries”.

At the time, Jaishankar had informed the Chinese side that India’s action was a purely internal matter with no consequences for the country’s external boundaries.

Amitabh Mathur, a former special secretary in the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), questioned the timing of the Chinese official’s tweet and said it underscored the complex issues involved in the ongoing standoff.

“It seems as if the Chinese are leaning on us and the situation isn’t as simple as some are making it out to be. It’s also strange that such a tweet emanated from a Chinese official in Islamabad. There is a Pakistani connection to it and it’s almost as if the Chinese are trying to reassure the Pakistanis,” he said.


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May 8, 2018
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I guess this article is just to mask the true intentions of Chinese.
Also this will give a lot ammo to opposition parties of India to undermine Modi Govt's achievement (i.e. abolishment of article 370) and pave way for political slugfest and divide common man's opinion.
Is The Cat Out of The Bag
Chinese diplomat tweets a twist to Ladakh standoff, sees link to Article 370

The spokesman of the Chinese embassy in Pakistan created a flutter in diplomatic circles by appearing to suggest the standoff between Indian and Chinese border troops was linked to New Delhi’s decision to scrap Jammu and Kashmir’s special status last year.

Wang Xianfeng, whose Twitter bio describes him as press officer at the Chinese mission in Islamabad, included in his tweet a link to an article by a scholar from an influential think tank affiliated with China’s ministry of state security or main intelligence agency, which also suggested a connection between the border tensions and the change in Kashmir’s status.

“India’s actions of unilaterally changing the status quo of Kashmir and continuing to exacerbate regional tensions have posed a challenge to the sovereignty of China and Pakistan and made the India-Pakistan relations and China-India relations more complex,” Wang tweeted.

People familiar with developments said Wang is responsible for liaising with the Pakistani media. Though the tweet could represent his personal opinion, this is the first time a Chinese official has sought to link the border standoff with the change in Kashmir’s status, including the creation of the union territory of Ladakh, which particularly angered China.

India and China are currently engaged through diplomatic and military channels for an “early resolution” of the border standoff after what Indian officials have described as a “limited military disengagement” along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh, the focus of the tensions.

When India scrapped Jammu and Kashmir’s special status on August 5 last year, the Chinese foreign ministry had issued two statements criticising the development, including one that focused on the splitting of the state into union territories.

This statement, while urging India to be “cautious” on the border issue and to avoid “actions that further complicate the border issue”, said: “China has always opposed India’s inclusion of Chinese territory in India’s administrative jurisdiction in the western part of the Sino-Indian border.” This was a reference to the area in Ladakh that New Delhi claims but is controlled by Beijing.

Wang’s tweet linked to the article by scholar Wang Shida of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, which began by saying India had since last August “taken constant actions to unilaterally change the status quo of Kashmir and continued to exacerbate regional tensions”.

The article, titled “India blinded by ‘double confidence’”, said India’s move to change the status quo in Kashmir “constitutes a serious threat to regional peace” and “posed a challenge to the sovereignty of Pakistan and China”.

“On the Chinese side, India ‘opened up new territory on the map’, incorporated part of the areas under the local jurisdiction of Xinjiang and Tibet into its Ladakh union territory, and placed Pakistani-administered Kashmir within its so-called union territories of Jammu and Kashmir,” the article said.

“This forced China into the Kashmir dispute, stimulated China and Pakistan to take counter-actions on the Kashmir issue, and dramatically increased the difficulty in resolving the border issue between China and India,” it added.

The article noted that China’s foreign minister Wang Yi had conveyed his country’s position on these issues to external affairs minister S Jaishankar when he visited Beijing last year – that “India’s moves challenged China’s sovereign rights and interests and violated the agreement on maintaining peace and tranquillity in the border areas between the two countries”.

At the time, Jaishankar had informed the Chinese side that India’s action was a purely internal matter with no consequences for the country’s external boundaries.

Amitabh Mathur, a former special secretary in the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), questioned the timing of the Chinese official’s tweet and said it underscored the complex issues involved in the ongoing standoff.

“It seems as if the Chinese are leaning on us and the situation isn’t as simple as some are making it out to be. It’s also strange that such a tweet emanated from a Chinese official in Islamabad. There is a Pakistani connection to it and it’s almost as if the Chinese are trying to reassure the Pakistanis,” he said.


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Feb 27, 2019
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this is from vs says on sf ....
A lot is happening between India, US, Israel, Australia and Japan. Chinese are in for a massive surprise. They have refused to allow Indians to patrol upto F8 or sirijap which we call IB. They are insisting that IA/ITBP will not intrude beyond F4. A situation not acceptable to India. Infact India has asked them to revert to pre 2005 situation. The 640sqkm they took after that has to be returned. India is willing to declare that as grey zone. Chinese have made F4 non negotiable. That gives them more of our territory. CDS has assured GOI that we can not only take over complete Aksai Chin from China but also hold additional territory in Eastern front by making a dash to Lhasa. only one brigade of Mountain strike division has been moved in AP border. Others are being kept on hot standby for deployment along whichever front India may open against China. This is also to make difficult enemies options and delay tactical deployment of its forces to counter the opposing force.

good morning !!


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Jul 11, 2011
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In light of the above article, some aspects of the current standoff emerge clearly-

* The issue of Status of J&K effects China more than Pakistan in terms of settlement of boundary in Ladakh as also the status of GB where the Chinese have sunk 100 billion dollars. Moreover, their ability of collusion with Pakistan through land link stands threatened which Chinese diplomats is saying as "effecting Sovereignty of China".

* That the issue of the standoff in Ladakh is not a military issue and therefore the military leaders can not offer solutions to the cause of standoff.

* The Chinese military actions are directly related to improving their position on the LAC which they are trying to push as a solution towards a final settlement of boundary - accept LAC as the final boundry.

* The ghost of Nehru in respect of Tibet question as also the status of J&K is adversely haunting India. China and Pakistan are using military tool to coerce India to buckle down.

* This is going to be long drawn affair and India is certainly looking at the specter of looming Two-Front War

So folks be ready. The immoral willy China is looking at this Corona times as an opportunity and chances of a larger war is becoming clear and clear.

Let us see what India as a Police State will do? India has no other option but to use its behemoth CAPF in the military roles when there is a two-front war. Our Police forces' ability to perform military tasks has been dismal so far. There seems to be hardly any time for corrective measures..



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Jul 11, 2011
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IA was busy in kargil, if i recall correctly...
What does that reflect on our two front War theory and the present system of management of National Security? That it is not worth it to give a border to CAPF and move forces somewhere else to fight a war...

It also reflects that Indian policymakers have no stomach for corrective military actions as they should have taken post-Kargil War or they consider it insignificant or further they can tolerate Chines misbehavior.

Then look where we have landed... Is hamam men sab nange chain..


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Jul 11, 2011
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If what hellfire says is correct, then it would only be in India’s interest to forge a greater alliance with the US. If concessions have to be made, I would rather that India give them to US than China. Chinese won’t stop their randi rona in the future. Today, they claim galwan valley as theirs, tomorrow they will claim Leh as well. Chinese only understand brute strength.
If a military option does not seem to yield favorable results, then we will have to face reality and seek help from US, even if it means being projected as their vassal state for a while . Use that time to build up our own military preparedness to a level where China cannot dare to carry out such adventures again.

PS: I am just basing my statement on hellfire’s arguments. However, I don’t believe he is fully correct, but that’s another issue.
When one is incapable of wiping off his aft. the solution is not ordering an American commode..

Are we seeking American help to protect our national security regime of inaptitude, factionalism, bureaucratic empire-building and indecisiveness..

BJP and Modi Shah Doval trio have a straight task cut out for them to face the rot and clean up the system... even if someone from outside comes he will do that as a first step.

Otherwise, there is no dearth of "Outsourcing Experts" in this country... elites not deserving a nation.. Jaichands inviting Ghori....


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Apr 24, 2019
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You live in a Lala Land. You should have read the govt orders on the subject. There was indeed some concession of one or two percent or one odd seat in educational institutions for the wards of defense personnel killed or wounded in action and some gallantry award winners. But then the Police forces militated and bumped into that so-called quota and virtually snatched that away from them. Now the so-called quota is for Defense forces and central govt police forces on a competitive basis. due to many advantages enjoyed by wards of Police personnel including a lot of black dirty income, residence in metros. etc they enjoy the so-called quota.

Besides half of CAPF are ST.ST and OBC already a birthright privilege class. But they also intruded into that meagre defence quarto.

I suggest that you look into the data .

By raising that question you have shown the level of your ignorance, the prejudices you are subjected to as also the level o poison you have against the Defense Forces.
My classmate whose father is in Army has to score above 70 or 75% in every semester to get concession in fee. There are many more whom I have talked about this. And they told me that, it is a same story in schools also.


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Jul 11, 2011
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this is from vs says on sf ....
A lot is happening between India, US, Israel, Australia and Japan. Chinese are in for a massive surprise. They have refused to allow Indians to patrol upto F8 or sirijap which we call IB. They are insisting that IA/ITBP will not intrude beyond F4. A situation not acceptable to India. Infact India has asked them to revert to pre 2005 situation. The 640sqkm they took after that has to be returned. India is willing to declare that as grey zone. Chinese have made F4 non negotiable. That gives them more of our territory. CDS has assured GOI that we can not only take over complete Aksai Chin from China but also hold additional territory in Eastern front by making a dash to Lhasa. only one brigade of Mountain strike division has been moved in AP border. Others are being kept on hot standby for deployment along whichever front India may open against China. This is also to make difficult enemies options and delay tactical deployment of its forces to counter the opposing force.

good morning !!
Sir please tell me what did you eat last evening to see such a dream... Where did CDS say something ... ?? Any reference please ??


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Jul 11, 2011
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OK in this fog of utter frivolity one thing is claer-
333 GCs passing out of IMA today are going direct to their units where they are posted....

At least 80 percent will go their infantry units and to do their attachments with Infantry units on the frontline and CI/CT.

Normally they are given one month's level after passing out before they proceed to their units..


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Feb 27, 2019
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Sir please tell me what did you eat last evening to see such a dream... Where did CDS say something ... ?? Any reference please ??
sir, this is what vistol said yesterday in another forum. As the situation is boiling, everything is not in open source. From vistol's quotes, i just sensed this government and army is not surrendering. No need to take each word seriously. But at least their mindsets are in right direction to handle chini yearly dum dum.


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May 8, 2019
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Sir please tell me what did you eat last evening to see such a dream... Where did CDS say something ... ?? Any reference please ??
so, the CDS will come out openly with such statements? It's fair speculation at this point, let's see for ourselves what course of action this administration has in mind regarding border disputes........


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Oct 10, 2014
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When one is incapable of wiping off his aft. the solution is not ordering an American commode..

Are we seeking American help to protect our national security regime of inaptitude, factionalism, bureaucratic empire-building and indecisiveness..

BJP and Modi Shah Doval trio have a straight task cut out for them to face the rot and clean up the system... even if someone from outside comes he will do that as a first step.

Otherwise, there is no dearth of "Outsourcing Experts" in this country... elites not deserving a nation.. Jaichands inviting Ghori....
modi has no interest in cleaning up the bureaucracy. In fact, he has given more control to them in the last 6 years by centralizing power and appointing bureaucrats as ministers and over reliance on them to carry out government welfare schemes. To think that this government will lead a revolution to cut down the powers of the bureaucracy is foolhardy.


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Mar 5, 2017
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Good folk of DFI, can you please list down which major weapon systems of strategic significance have we not proven yet ?


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Jul 11, 2011
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sir, this is what vistol said yesterday in another forum. As the situation is boiling, everything is not in open source. From vistol's quotes, i just sensed this government and army is not surrendering. No need to take each word seriously. But at least their mindsets are in right direction to handle chini yearly dum dum.
There were some things alarming in your post such as only one brigade has gone ahead to the border in North East... etc.. That the Chines have taken 640sqkm...

These are matters of National significance to some and should not be used a loose talk on a bar ... or what they call as "Lunger Gup"...
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New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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There were some things alarming in your post such as lonely one brigade has gone ahead to the border in North East... etc.. That the Chines have taken 640sqkm...

These are matters of National significance to some and should not be used a loose talk on a bar ... or what they call as "Lunger Gup"...
640 sqkm that is a land mass bigger than Mumbai city. Chinese have already pinched us at our core interests. What is stopping us from pinching theirs now ?


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Mar 5, 2017
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Not sure if trolling or genuine concern. Assuming goodwill, cyber-attacks cannot cripple power grid. Power grid core components are either mostly analog, manually operated, or within the intranet (no access to the internet).

Cyberwarfare is overrated and portrayed as an omnipotent power where a nerdy-looking college kid can somehow take down an entire government by slamming his fingers on a small laptop.

Cyberwarfare is slow and oftentimes its just denial of service (you cannot access what you want because millions of bots are overloading it). You often need massive computation powers and hours of time to break through a system. Even after if you can break into a system, most you can do is copy/steal information.

Defacing/destroying/disabling a system is often just not possible, and even if it is, it's quite reversible.

TLDR - We can deal with cyber attacks. Our cyber-warfare (mostly freelancers, few groups work with govt. occasionally) is among the best in the world,.

I am not sure why you said so when reports are coming out about our insecure grids and govt is working on policies to secure them.


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May 8, 2017
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As long as we have edge in air power, chinkis can't do shit on LAC, we just need to upgrade and optimize our mothballed mig 23s for ground strikes , combined with mig 27 and Jaguar fighter-bombers and operating under the air cover provided by Su 30s and Mirages, we will bomb the chinki midgets to the kingdom come, only one solid kick to the ass and chinese won't bother us for next 30 years, i think Modi is just taking his time to see if chinese agree diplomatically then it's good for all.

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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If its a fishing boat they are going to send i agree with your assessment. But why would they send a fishing boat against a warship of ours if they plan to embarrass us and we are not sending fishing boats there.
PLA Navy doesn't confront any foreign warships directly in the disputed waters. Don't you know that?

They sends buffer elements such as small ships with civilians, fishing boats etc. So, any conflict with the foreign ships can be denied and/or avoided later. Those PLA f*ckers are not even a paper dragon.o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O

And if you don't even believe then see this video carefully. Its been all over the internet.

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