India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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So I guess China Occupying the no mans land is a breach of Equilibrium we had so far.

How come we didn't stop it when the base was being Constructed?
IA was busy in kargil, if i recall correctly...


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Mar 5, 2017
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I think we have don't have good information collection mechanism in place on Chinese front. Which is understandable because that is a front where even US has failed multiple times. This is where Taiwanese and other east asian countries can come handy.

right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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There is no Quota for Fauji kids if that would have been the case me and my two best friends would have not been kicked out from SSB :dude:

Are you talking about CSD daaru Quota ?
Food quota,quota in all sorts of clubs etc,concession marks for fauji kids in exams..I was shocked to see that in AFMC marking acheme back then and despite selection dint go there because they don't give permanent commission to docs easily..that is a separate rant though.(ignore the last part)


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Nov 8, 2015
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This game of musical chair is not in the stage where only one chair is left to be seated. Which is why everyone is talking about multipolar world.
Second Do you get into punching fight with a bull ? Can you even win a punching game with a bull ? So you never play that game with a bull. Matador goes into the arena with a different objective, that is too awe and capture the praise of the audience by taming a much powerful bull. Chola Kingdom subdued China for ages by capturing Indonesia and hence ensuring Indian dominance.
We have to be creative.
as i see we are heading towards G2 if we dont bring the Chinese down and no one else have the scale or resources to do it.I dont count USA or Trump to help.They are fine with G2 .Chinese can subdue USA with a single trade deal and we will end up as lapdog of either one of them like Russia is now.
I do agree you don't punch bull you tame it,but Chinese are no bull in Himalayas compared to us.
I would like to read on cholas subduing chinese in their way.Can u suggest a read friend?

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Please check the below link bro its says its just 5%.We will never be ready .we need a disruption .just see how we did with PPE and masks, we came from zero to worlds second largest producer.I am not saying govt should ban everything from china (it not officially possible until both countries are part of WTO),but an economic war with china benefits us.There are many alternatives for electrical and electronic equipment in the world and the cost can be competitive easily with the market size we have ,if we force the Chinese out.
View attachment 49988
Bro I suggest u see wikipedia where it clearly says it was 16% till 2017-18. According to which we exported 16% & imported 68%. Our total trade was 84 billon US$ & with a trade deficit of 51.1 billion US$


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Dec 25, 2016
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Last post before I crash from the hangover of VAT69

1. We claim till F8 China claim till F2 . We controlled till F4
2.We build road till F3 and China builds road till F5
3.we patrolled till F5-F8 , China patrolled till F4 never came to F2
4.Now why didn't we build a road till F5 why did we stopped at F3 and then used only foot patrol ?
5.China built road till F5 in 1999 that's solid 20 years and why didn't they build road further to F3 ?
6.China has big boat jetty near F7 why did we allowed it to be built if it's our claimed territory ?

So far all along we let China keep building infra in the territory claimed by us as ours , now what did suddenly changed that people here want some bar soup for their dinner baying for Chinese blood . They just put camp in the territory they had built road 20 years ago .

China wants to settle the border issue by moving from F8 to F4 ? So that we don't claim anymore about the land till F8 ?

If we agreed to this now will China assure there won't be anymore future claims for further land grab to F2 ?

If people wants to to act and throw Chinese out I want to ask one simple question . Are we going to push them out from F4 to F8 ? We going to short skirmish just for that extra 8 Kms ? What about the rest of aksai chin ? Who will fight for that next congress govt ?

My two cents offcourse it doesn't matter a shit . If we are going for using of force than rather do it to push maximum coverage of aksai chin if not just negotiate and finalise the border and move on to PoK and screw the Pakis

Which ever way this standoff goes I smell burning paki pigs sooner than later either way .


Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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Nothing meaningful will Chinese gain from putting up forces on our Himalayan border. We have to understand that it is about positioning. We have to weed off Chinese pressure without being pawn of any other power. That is the primary objective. Not regaining control of Aksai Chin or anything else.
In SCS and East Sea we are getting into pond where it is a multiparty issue, not just ours. Hence telling Chinese we can complicate this issue for you. That would be major headache for them.
If things escalate in SCS then others have to join without India and China asking. Thus sending the message that China and India cannot solve their own issues. Hurting China credibility most, it will hurt bit of us but then we will be able to equate ourselves with China.
That's the main question why china is putting itself in this position, infecting virus, threatening other sovereign country by force full grabbing nml position,
I mean UN is simply watchdog kya
Then asking it's dog pakistan to bark from other end
Like whoever is at the highest econ of Chinese is testing's perception :cruisin2:on what for supremacy :hehe:


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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There is no Quota for Fauji kids if that would have been the case me and my two best friends would have not been kicked out from SSB :dude:

Are you talking about CSD daaru Quota ?
I guess OP probably meant AFMC and related institutions where ward of servicemen enjoy some kind of 'quota'.

Once you are assigned your chest number at SSB, you are only a number and your conduct at the center is directly mapped to your character with no bias towards/against your background. Haven't personally experienced it nor heard it from anyone.

They are largely interested in you and what is between your ears.
The Army otherwise does a darned good job in shaping you physically.

They fully agree that the system isn't fool proof and some undeserving ones do manage to sneak in and deserving ones get filtered out but it largely works well.

A close friend we all had given up on made it to the hunters club. Even his serving Col. father did not give him a chance. People evolve.


New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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Bro I suggest u see wikipedia where it clearly says it was 16% till 2017-18. According to which we exported 16% & imported 68%. Our total trade was 84 billon US$ & with a trade deficit of 51.1 billion US$
Wikipedia say 16 billion my friend not 16%. I gave you a link of department of Commerce Government of india.You wont get better that that.


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Yeh kab hua . :scared2:bloody congress gave away such large land parcel and shookla and gen panang never asked for MMS to go to war ? Nice this is what I hate congress kare toh pyaar Modi kare toh war . Why such double standards from so called veterans their loyalty should be with the country irrespective of who rules .

Not as per Jamyang Tsering Namgyal statement on Twitter link attached above.

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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Wikipedia say 16 billion my friend not 16%. I gave you a link of department of Commerce Government of india.You wont get better that that.
Yep my bad but still it clearly says China is the biggest trade partner of India. And 16 billion $ is a hefty sum as well & our 3rd biggest market. India indeed is trying to reduce trade deficit but it will take some time to reduce Chinese dependency.


New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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India must be facing series of Chinese cyber attacks as we speak. Non contact warfare is the modern age warfare. I dunno where we stand in that capability because that is the real threat which we are going to face. Just imagine Northern Grid failing during this pandemic, how many patients will die because ventilators will not be working.


New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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Yep my bad but still it clearly says China is the biggest trade partner of India. And 16 billion $ is a hefty sum as well & our 3rd biggest market. India indeed is trying to reduce trade deficit but it will take some time to reduce Chinese dependency.
What i am saying here is they got more to loose here than us because we have trade deficit with them so it is advantage us not the other way around and we are not as dependent on china like usa is dependent on china form diaper to everything .We all have seen that during initial days of Chinese virus.


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Not as per Jamyang Tsering Namgyal statement on Twitter link attached above.
Oh so Doom Chele was lost during 2008-09. I was confused when I read about it in 2013.
Have linked the my old Post, which contains some anecdotes about that place.



New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Yeh kab hua . :scared2:bloody congress gave away such large land parcel and shookla and gen panang never asked for MMS to go to war ? Nice this is what I hate congress kare toh pyaar Modi kare toh war . Why such double standards from so called veterans their loyalty should be with the country irrespective of who rules .
Shukla, Panag and sundry others like them are examples where the SSB filter failed to detect and remove garbage from entering the institution.

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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What i am saying here is they got more to loose here than us because we have trade deficit with them so it is advantage us not the other way around and we are not as dependent on china like usa is dependent on china form diaper to everything .We all have seen that during initial days of Chinese virus.
You are only seeing half picture my friend. It is always a double edged sword.
First of all we have signed WTA agreement and we can not ban imports

2.We can not produce those goods at same price in India .If we import from any other country we will have to pay more which will cause inflation

3.We pay for imports from China by INR and as such dollar is saved

4.We export to China many items from Steel ,metals and raw materials to China and we will face difficulty in exports ..


New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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India must be facing series of Chinese cyber attacks as we speak. Non contact warfare is the modern age warfare. I dunno where we stand in that capability because that is the real threat which we are going to face. Just imagine Northern Grid failing during this pandemic, how many patients will die because ventilators will not be working.
You worry too much my friend.Cyber warefare is not one way street.I believe we tested precisely that scenario when PM asked us to switch of the lights(I know its a wild theory) and all ICU units have power backups and generators due to unreliable power supply any way.


New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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You are only seeing half picture my friend. It is always a double edged sword.
First of all we have signed WTA agreement and we can not ban imports

2.We can not produce those goods at same price in India .If we import from any other country we will have to pay more which will cause inflation

3.We pay for imports from China by INR and as such dollar is saved

4.We export to China many items from Steel ,metals and raw materials to China and we will face difficulty in exports ..

  1. I am not asking govt to ban imports that not possible as long us and chine are in WTO but we can trouble them in duties with such skewed trade deficit like trump is doing to us.
  2. If we think everything on price we can never grow .that said targetted customs duties in case of trade war evens the odds necessary for local industry to catch up .Case in point that how we are able to compete Chinese in Auto sector.
  3. We dont pay chinese in INR.
  4. Exporting raw materials is one of the least value addition industries and local manufacturing can easily pick up that material or we can make a trade deal with many other countries with whom we do 87% of trade.( total trade with Chinese is only 13% )
We are getting a little out of topic here and i am late for bye for now.
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