India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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This is the most important battle that India needs to win as a nation. Unfortunately, we are right now barely scraping through.

Personally, I feel that we will stick and stay put. No draw down. Publicly it may be claimed, as Dokalam. But beefing up of forces on either side will take place significantly, as at Dokalam today.

Lets see how this works out.
Matches my take as well..


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Nov 8, 2015
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Really you seriously think they won't do the same to us. Our 16 billion Dollar export to them will get seriously effected. In fact China is the largest trading partner of our country( US is close though). We might take a big economic hit as well. I am not saying we shouldn't do anything I say hit them geopolitically aka Taiwan, Hong kong. Raise Xinjiang issue. Openly interfere in SCS. We cannot take on China economically.
Chine may be largest trading partner but it doesn't mean an advantage to them ,when we have a trade deficit with them they are at a disadvantage in economic war not us.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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I agree there is no such comparable message yet .
News media may be reason govt don't want to show all their cards yet.otherwise we will be forced to go to war or loose face ,both are not good but at the same time if we prepare public we loose the element of surprise.Wouldn't it be better not to mobilise public but show them a tactical victory to start.
on a lighter note, tactical moves are happening.
India is talking to the eastern neighbour, at the same time banging their friend hard on our western front.
LoC is hot all along. Pakistan wants escalation. Let it be. They've activated Poonch, Uri, Rajouri, Mendhar, Nowshera sectors. Return gift would be heavy to handle.


right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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Why is that the government won't take action against chinese troops do we fear that the battle will not go our way if that is not the case then what.
We do not want war neither do they.
That is the only reason.
But rest assured this govt will not lose land and will achieve Chinese withdrawal from the tents...but it will take time and effort.


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Nov 8, 2015
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on a lighter note, tactical moves are happening.
India is talking to the eastern neighbour, at the same time banging their friend hard on our western front.
LoC is hot all along. Pakistan wants escalation. Let it be. They've activated Poonch, Uri, Rajouri, Mendhar, Nowshera sectors. Return gift would be heavy to handle.

Some OSINT are claiming this is happening because of the pak defense budget released today and this happens every year?Can some one confirm ?are we sure this is Chinese related?


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Some OSINT are claiming this is happening because of the pak defense budget released today and this happens every year?Can some one confirm ?are we sure this is Chinese related?
like i said.. on a lighter note..


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Mar 5, 2017
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We are faced with similar dilemma what Chinese thinkers faced when they fought a war over the border dispute with Russia. And hence got all the tech and support from the West. so @Hellfire might be right that our thinkers might go with this option in order to place ourselves as a power to reckon with.

But war even short one is not a best choice. We need to threat China in a way it has not been threaten ever.


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Nov 8, 2015
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We are faced with similar dilemma what Chinese thinkers faced when they fought a war over the border dispute with Russia. And hence got all the tech and support from the West. so @Hellfire might be right that our thinkers might go with this option in order to place ourselves as power to reckon with.

But war even short one is not a best choice. We need to threat China in a way it has not been threaten ever.
But how do we threaten them with out violating their sovereignty and leading to at least a skirmish? CPEC perhaps?

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Chine may be largest trading partner but it doesn't mean an advantage to them ,when we have a trade deficit with them they are at a disadvantage in economic war not us.
Dude Chinese exports to India counts between 2-3% of its total exports. We have to be rational here. What I am saying is hit where it it hurts them.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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We are faced with similar dilemma what Chinese thinkers faced when they fought a war over the border dispute with Russia. And hence got all the tech and support from the West. so @Hellfire might be right that our thinkers might go with this option in order to place ourselves as a power to reckon with.

But war even short one is not a best choice. We need to threat China in a way it has not been threaten ever.
Problem with a "War" is that there is no guarantee of a favourable outcome. once it starts, you never know when it will end.


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Jul 11, 2011
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And to veterans and army men here,yes we are proud of you and u are very brave folks who have to work in very challenging conditions.
But to blame the govt DRDO itbp politicians and every other person but the army for ills at the border today is a bit funny.
We the common folks have seen how many men in uniform have also stymied each and every Desi project of mention,had junkets with aman Ki asha gang,have actively participated in advisory groups to give up Siachen,continue to get caught in massive scams and kickbacks.
Plus we have likes of ajai and sahwney as veterans themselves and many others.
So it will also be better for veterans to do some soul searching before blaming everyone but themselves and continuing their agendas at the cost of truth.
This applies to others also in the forum and at large it scientists analysts police men or doctors like me.
Such skepticism would not have been warranted if one knew a little more about The veterans being a little more concerned about the nationals security and the state of affairs of their serving brotherns.

Veterans population of the country is about 2.6 million ex-servicemen, and 60,000 widows/ war widows, i.e., a combined total of 3.2 million. If you wish to muffle their voices that would not be in order. They before being anything else are the honourable citizens of India with all democratic rights, Many of them have second or third generations serving the armed forces.

If one is a little more aware, it is not hard to find how more than 40 percent of politicians, prominent policy influencers, opinion makers etc in the USA and Western societies are Ex-Servicemen and Veterans. Indian culture however is absolutely contrary to that where Servicemen and veterans contrary to belief face hostile attitudes and environment, especially in an urban milieu.

No one is asking any special privilege but only their normal right of citizens. In fact the veteran community in India is rather not vocal and in my opinion, must play their socio-political role deserving their large numbers. That is what is expected in a Democracy....

All other charges leveled are prejudicial, made up and contrary to facts..
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New Member
Mar 5, 2017
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But how do we threaten them with out violating their sovereignty and leading to at least a skirmish? CPEC perhaps?
well they violated our sovereignty so this option is not out of the table in my opinion. We can weaponize Vietnam, Taiwan along with our boats (may be aircraft carrier) patrolling in Formosa Strait (Taiwan Strait), abbidding international laws, yet violating Chinese sovereignty. So option is still there.

CPEC is still our integral territory - not Chinese . so targeting it will not be attacking their sensitivity.

Anand Pandey

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Aug 5, 2019
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Dear Friends,
Just wanna know can we handle two front war which seems likely to happen in current scenario as our western and eastern front is disturbed.I am asking this as I am layman and not expert like forum members.As citizen of the nation just want to know our preparedness.I support Modiji and his core team members,but what I see is that we are begging to China for status quo.why can't we for evicting them from our territory.
Jai Hind

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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A lot of it could be due to Indians returning from abroad; as they may be moving their savings through banking channels.

The economy has started improving but export picture is muddled.

I would disregard forex reserve number as it may not mean much.
Exports in the first week of June are down just 0.8 percent from a year ago.. India is back in business :cruisin2:


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Mar 28, 2013
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2. An India which is at peace with China is more useful for them than an antagonist one. I may be wrong and China may restore status quo ante - provided they get major forms of concessions from GoI. That could happen, but that is remote. They want to secure/insure against Indian actions in general area GB and what they perceive, and in no less enabled by our fanboys and OSINTs, is an 'Indian interference in Baluchi struggle'.
Now with this statement, if you visualize the current situation at LAC.

Who from IA said, if political mandate is to retake GB, so be it?
Which political personality said, a war with Pakistan will be max 7 days affair?
And who said he has received a lot of greetings from Baluchi brothers and sisters?
Who leaked that a top Baluchi nationalist wanted asylum in India?

And mind you none of this statements were made to bolster up falling political approval.

So, with respect to above questions, what kind of reaction were we expecting and what kind of actions were we prepared for?

So, if you see, we aren't the innocent kid who got trapped.

And about the statement that we are ready for 2.5 front war?

So, who is testing whose appetite?

And lastly,

India-Mongolia-Dalai Lama-China, if you remember? (2015)
Was Mongolia not expecting any retribution from China when she invited Dalai Lama?
Knowing very well how sensitive China is with Dalai Lama?


New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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Dude Chinese exports to India counts between 2-3% of its total exports. We have to be rational here. What I am saying is hit where it it hurts them.
Our exports to china are also just 6% .In SCS we cant do anything other than some statements.But killing the import machine will have profound efect on our economy because alternate suppliers develop here who will intimately compete with Chinese in world market which is looking for an alternative for china.Win for us loss for them.
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