India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Let us hypothetically say China fires the first salvo, what would happen then?

- China "might" occupy some land
- India will definitely decrease what ever trade it is doing with China now, they can kiss the trade deficit they enjoy good bye
- Indians will most definitely change their attitude towards China
- India "might" decide to hit China where it hurts, in Indian ocean

Just wondering what China's objective here is...
It is not even sure they would actually get some land here but in return they would be losing one of the largest markets in the world forever.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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I don't think it would come down to shooting match between the troops,

It won't number of troops that will decide who wins the war.
It will be the big guns, AirForce and the capability to re-supply that will decide it.

Let me ask a question -
If China fires the first salvo in the north, What would make India not open a new front in Indian Ocean?
It will be foolish for India to go alone in confrontation with China. China is not India's problem alone.

Best is to wait and watch and avoid conflict as much as possible ATM. China can grab some land but land can be reclaimed later when China is weaker.

A serious war between USA and China is far more likely than many people think. USA has already started taking aggressive actions against China; and given fast growing challenge to US dollar; US stance against China will worsen steadily.

India is not set up to take China alone. Will cause serious problems.


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Jul 15, 2018
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As Indian and Chinese military commanders are busy in talks to end the border standoff in eastern Ladakh, a Global Times report has revealed that China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) 75th Group Army recently received delivery of a batch of new weapons. These new weapons include China’s most advanced vehicle-mounted howitzer, the PCL-181, as identified by Chinese military enthusiasts in photos showing the commissioning ceremony when its troops were conducting exercises in northwestern China amid border tensions with India, according to Global Times, which cited the official WeChat public account of the 75th Group Army.

A brigade under the PLA 75th Group Army is reported to have held a commissioning ceremony of new weapons and equipment during field exercises in northwestern China’s desert areas, Nanjiang Haojiao, or Horn of the Southern Border. The official statement released on Tuesday also attached photos of several PCL-181 vehicle-mounted howitzers. The public debut of this type of 155-millimeter caliber wheeled howitzer was done during the National Day military parade in Beijing on October 1, 2019. China Central Television (CCTV) reported that the new weapon weighs only 25 tons, making it much lighter and faster and with longer endurance than the previous self-propelled howitzer, which uses crawler tracks and weighs more than 40 tons. The lightweight weapon reportedly has an edge in high altitude areas when the lack of oxygen could impact the power of the engine. It would also have digitalized control panels in the howitzer’s cab, and this system would allow artillery gun deployment with the press of a button, automatic gun calibration and semi-automatic ammo reload. The PCL-181s were dispatched to the PLA Western Theater Command during the Doklam standoff with India in 2017, and contributed to the safeguarding of peace at the border, said the report citing Shanghai-based news website The new weapon was reportedly commissioned before the positive border talks between China and India on Saturday. Notably, China and India are “properly handling” and taking actions to ease the situation at the border based on the “consensus” reached recently during their diplomatic and military level talks, a PTI report quoting senior Chinese official said on Thursday. The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s remarks reportedly came a day after the Indian and Chinese military commanders held “productive” talks to end the border standoff in eastern Ladakh. .


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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I don't think it would come down to shooting match between the troops,

It won't number of troops that will decide who wins the war.
It will be the big guns, AirForce and the capability to re-supply that will decide it.

Let me ask a question -
If China fires the first salvo in the north, What would make India not open a new front in Indian Ocean?
Those who have to plan countries defence do not go by "Thinking" "guess" and "speculations"... they go hard facts ...
The Indian Ocean - above applies.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
It will be foolish for India to go alone in confrontation with China. China is not India's problem alone.

Best is to wait and watch and avoid conflict as much as possible ATM. China can grab some land but land can be reclaimed later when China is weaker.
Even if India goes alone, exactly what is China's objective?
It's not like they can occupy and hold land....
Our supply chains are short, theirs are long....I can easily see the cost of holding Indian land being too costly for China.

Not to mention the points raised like stopping trade or hurting them in Indian Ocean.

As we are on defense, China really needs to spend a lot of man power to hurt us,
Like us going into POK and trying to win, only difference is that our supply routes into POK would be much shorter than China's into Ladakh.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Those who have to plan countries defence do not go by "Thinking" "guess" and "speculations"... they go hard facts ...
The Indian Ocean - above applies.
Then what are the hard facts?
That we will will never open a new front against China & will only fight them on their place of choosing?

Commando 01

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Jun 7, 2020
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If this conflict ignites, whole world will be against china. Already every nation is upset of China because of corona viruses. Support will also available from South China sea countries. I see not a single country supporting china other then Paki pigs in this conflict. It will provide opportunity for USA and other powers to jump in and take steps against Chinks.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
If this conflict ignites, whole world will be against china. Already every nation is upset of China because of corona viruses. Support will also available from South China sea countries. I see not a single country supporting china other then Paki pigs in this conflict. It will provide opportunity for USA and other powers to jump in and take steps against Chinks.
sentimentally, yes, they would be.
Would most of them join the fight? Doubt it.

On Flip side, I doubt Porkis would join Chinese either,
They have more to lose in case it gets nasty.

Now a days even our farts are making them go dark and get their whole AF in sky..


Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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Just because some masked guy sticks a needle in you does not mean that they are looking out for you. Jus saying.
I was saying they had what we call scanners mechanism to see if we were infected or not or carrying the virus or not, incidentally in mumbai the person who was infected with corona whose flight landed from uae was unnoticed as we still didn't had proper scanning and pcr device


New Member
Nov 16, 2013
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When shit hits the fan you go for best possible substitute. The reforms will happen but at this moment it is all about national security. I am sure some domestic artillery procurement will already have been ordered by now in case GOI is sure China is preparing for war.
No, this just shows that government and MOD babus have no planning whatsoever, they should have ordered M777's a long time ago, what was the point to wait till now? . Emergency foreign purchases means corruption and getting fleeced by foreign countries,playing in the hands of dalals.

Case in point :-

This happened in february of this year, So we have money to buy additional 300-400 T90's but not to to buy few more M777's during the signing of original deal? . This is nothing but corruption of PSU lobby backed by Russia. I imagine Modi would destroy this unholy nexus but so far he has made it even stronger with AK203, Kamov, T90's and in future FMBT, FICV e.t.c.


New Member
Jul 15, 2018
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If this conflict ignites, whole world will be against china. Already every nation is upset of China because of corona viruses. Support will also available from South China sea countries. I see not a single country supporting china other then Paki pigs in this conflict. It will provide opportunity for USA and other powers to jump in and take steps against Chinks.

Nope the whole world will stay silent , The entire Islamic countries support Communist China rather than Hindu India . Russia stay Neutral . The entire South East Asia including Nepal support China . Most of the European countries and isreal stay Neutral . May be we will get limited NB support from USA like intelligence , some Weapons etc otherwise nothing going to happen. These are myths of our Indians , punny South China sea nations stay mum of fear thatsall . Thus is a battle we need to fought alone


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Well there is so much feedback about Patriot because they had been used for decades and their reviews are in open . Honestly i want to see one at least one real feedback about the so called invincible S400 or at least its older sibling S-300 which war did russians used these ? what is the guarantee that they will perform like its claimed in the brochure ? We had given enough free run to svetlana and romanov in our defence procurement . So unless we see S-400 or S-300 in real time action we can't even compared them with PAC.

A software bug still plagues the Patriot point defense SAM, so much that the recent Iranian missile strike on Oil fields and airforce base in UAE with Patriots parked next to it, couldn't do shit. The Infamous Patriot bug is so popular, that it was even an example given by the Dean of MIT in a python programming course I took back in 2012. Lol.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Fresh footage of Indian counter-mobilization underway along all sectors bordering China. We are matching them rocket-for-rocket and nuke for nuke.

Other rumors include:
  • IAF practicing decapitation air-strikes against Pakistani cities at the first sign of Pak Army opportunism
  • IAF also practicing precision strikes into Tibet in the event of any hostile ground action from China
  • Navy practicing IOR area-denial against all Chinese vessels
  • Army preparing to test PA X corps with sledgehammer advances into so-called AK
  • Army exploring all territorial opportunities along Pak and China borders (valleys, ridges, peaks, bulges, fingers, and more)
  • Tons of emergency procurements underway
  • Deployment of Arihant with prototype SLBMs carrying fission warheads
  • A second-strike plan against both China and Pakistan on hot-standby
  • Secret commissioning and deployment of Arighat with the same package as Arihant
  • Thanks to low domestic consumption during lockdown, India's strategic fuel reserves are at >100% capacity
  • Warnings sent to Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka that any collaboration with the Chinese military would invite a military response from India


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Our Vodka biraadars had dropped us long back for some chinese bat soup , Look at the language Russia should not interfere indirectly we will not come to your support we are already in bat soup gang aap apna marwalo . But we will also not tolerate if you go to uncle sam help because we sent nuclear sub to save your ass in 1971 . for that bloody help our entire country was been pawned by the famous sharp nose PM to these babushka thugs for decades what else more now we have to give ?


Vodka brothers :rofl: .

"drop that Non alignment drama" , no way man , we are India . Even if there is an alien invasion we will only join at last minute .

I think the Russians will drop us first before we drop them , when they start selling arms to Pakistan .


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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I think this make in India initiative is fine in long run but we can not throw our jawans in danger by providing them untested weapons .what will happen if a Kalyani manufactured ulh barrel got burst in while firing during wartime who will be responsible .we need proven weapons during do or die condition .there is a dialogue in hindi movie in which Prem Chopra acting as a military officer says " army andaajo par nhi chalti".
Kalyani are the amongst the best in what they do. World class. They have tested extensively their guns. There is more chance of foreign stuff (not M777 which is also very well engineered) exploding than Kalyani's. Not to say that it wont happen but they are very good at their work and they will perform better than most.
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