India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Apr 8, 2016
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Why do I have a feeling that the Chinese might do a pre emptive strike on India.

Consider this

Chinese are deploying all along the border and in turn we are being forced to do the same

Now in this situation , the advantage will lie with the side who carries out the first strike inorder to weaken the other side first.

I hope India is considering this factor and surveillance is in place to pre emptive any such moves .



New Member
Oct 10, 2014
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Why do I have a feeling that the Chinese might do a pre emptive strike on India.

Consider this

Chinese are deploying all along the border and in turn we are being forced to do the same

Now in this situation , the advantage will lie with the side who carries out the first strike inorder to weaken the other side first.

I hope India is considering this factor and surveillance is in place to pre emptive any such moves .

no best time to strike is when enemy is totally unprepared. Now risk of stalemate increases when both sides are fully mobilized.

right wing

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
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Why do I have a feeling that the Chinese might do a pre emptive strike on India.

Consider this

Chinese are deploying all along the border and in turn we are being forced to do the same

Now in this situation , the advantage will lie with the side who carries out the first strike inorder to weaken the other side first.

I hope India is considering this factor and surveillance is in place to pre emptive any such moves .

The element of surprise is lost and India has reportedly started purchases as well.
The PM has ended up talking with everyone from Israel to Philippines.


Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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Regarding lac scenario India has played the cards well china is in catch 22 situation if they flag white then full on jag hasaee and if flag red then rahi sahi izzat bhi gayi I am really watching closely what will dragon do


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Apr 8, 2016
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Now I will tell you how the previous governments and babus fucked up India's surveillance capabilities along the Chinese border


This is a remote surveillance system with range in excess of 15 kms from many years ago

The fucking bureaucrats etc deliberately delayed and later cancelled the large scale deployment of these systems .

Only one system was deployed and tested successfully in a high altitude along India Tibet border.

Remember the military smart phone which was a path breaking effort but deliberately killed by previous governments and some uniformed men.

Who needs external enemies ?

right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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The scale of cooperation with Russia is quite small at present. One indicator - no Air India flight to Moscow for last two years.

Air connections between Russia and India are at smallest in quite some time.

We need to stop looking at GDP through a Western lens. A country that has export of 450 billion USD cannot have a GDP of just 1.3 trillion. And we are talking of a very diversified economy like Russia.
That is one side of the story ...the aeroflot has flooded Delhi with flights
Defence deals in dollar terms are the highest in Russian history for India (not info-Russian only but for any other country also)
Russian investment in India too is its highest anywhere in the world at this moment(thanks to kudankulum3-4 and others )
So can't buy that argument
Yes more needs to be done but that's true for every relationship


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Now I will tell you how the previous governments and babus fucked up India's surveillance capabilities along the Chinese border

View attachment 49871

This is a remote surveillance system with range in excess of 15 kms from many years ago

The fucking bureaucrats etc deliberately delayed and later cancelled the large scale deployment of these systems .

Only one system was deployed and tested successfully in a high altitude along India Tibet border.

Remember the military smart phone which was a path breaking effort but deliberately killed by previous governments and some uniformed men.

Who needs external enemies ?
I've always suspected that people in Indian Civil service have been somehow compromised by foreign agencies.
First by USSR during Indra regime and then under Manio CIA, ISI and every Tom Dick and Harry.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
My suspicion arose when the folks in state police ratted out TSD. IMO biggest modern militray blunder .

Currently these Snake's are in IPS cadre sending info outside country. They are in IAS ranks making or should I say rigging our Econmic Regulations. They are in Government offices writing and singing important files. Media, Bollywood, Book Publishers(Penguin Books), Colleges, think tanks.
The PR agent of Deepika Padukon has a close connection with Dubai and Dawood. They are the one responsible for placard protests on Twitter.

The real enemies are on the inside.

A very bloody purge is needed.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019

A British Documentary about the Indo-Sino War of 1962. The Documentary is shown from the Chinese Perspective by the British. The Documentary is made by the Leftist Anti-India British State Owned Media under BBC. The Documentary it looks like was created in response to the New Border Dispute between India and China in between LAC and China Occuiped Aksai Chin.


Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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I don't buy the argument that tsd is disbanded it will lay low and maybe kept in more secrecy
Only the exposed officers must have been transferred
Yes the Babu's have really drilled hole on many things.
I remember when I went to shangai during swineflu which occurred in Pune in 2009 when our flight reached there, there were masked men who had all the instruments available to check each passenger in its neck area... after completing my schedule of work and returned back to India when I got out of plane here in India I was thinking we will have same drill here but alas I was handed paper where there were some objective type of questions written, are you having cold, are you suffering from fever ...I was like :cruisin2:
Iss system ka kuch nahi ho sakta
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New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Why do I have a feeling that the Chinese might do a pre emptive strike on India.

Consider this

Chinese are deploying all along the border and in turn we are being forced to do the same

Now in this situation , the advantage will lie with the side who carries out the first strike inorder to weaken the other side first.

I hope India is considering this factor and surveillance is in place to pre emptive any such moves .

I still feel they have something is in there minds. All these talks of deescalation is a facade and we should be well prepared and ready, they will strike in our weakest moment and they may be thinking that this is it. I say keep eye on baki movements too.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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Looks like we are in for the long haul. The situation is now going to stay tense for a long time.

The initiative is in PLA's hands so be ready for some reverses and bad news.

However PLA cannot stay on icy heights forever. It will have to withdraw at some point.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
I still feel they have something is in there minds. All these talks of deescalation is a facade and we should be well prepared and ready, they will strike in our weakest moment and they may be thinking that this is it. I say keep eye on baki movements too.
We must make absolutely clear to Chinese,
a single bullet fired on our borders of their choosing,
we will open a new theater of our choosing...

It should be a direct threat to Chinese, no mincing words.

You fire bullet in Ladakh,
We will fire Brahmos on your ships in Mallaca.


New Member
Sep 22, 2016
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I don't buy the argument that tsd is disbanded it will lay low and maybe kept in more secrecy
Only the exposed officers must have been transferred
Yes the Babu's have really drilled hole on many things.
I remember when I went to shangai during swineflu which occurred in Pune in 2009 when our flight reached there, there were masked men who had all the instruments available to check each passenger in its neck area... after completing my schedule of work and returned back to India when I got out of plane here in India I was thinking we will have same drill here but alas I was handed paper where there were some objective type of questions written, are you having cold, are you suffering from fever ...I was like :cruisin2:
Iss system ka kuch nahi ho sakta
Just because some masked guy sticks a needle in you does not mean that they are looking out for you. Jus saying.

Commando 01

New Member
Jun 7, 2020
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Why do I have a feeling that the Chinese might do a pre emptive strike on India.

Consider this

Chinese are deploying all along the border and in turn we are being forced to do the same

Now in this situation , the advantage will lie with the side who carries out the first strike inorder to weaken the other side first.

I hope India is considering this factor and surveillance is in place to pre emptive any such moves .

Most probable, both forces are maneuvering along the border with deployment counter deployment and fortification. Chinks may be trying to find a loophole in indian actions so that they can ignite the things off. We need not to give them that loophole.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Mountain terrain is a terrain for 1:10 ratio.

Why do we keep forgetting that the Pakistani Army even without proper reinforcements and Air support of any kind was able to hold the Indian Army in Kargil which came with heavy artillery and air support plus full reinforcements?

I think the Indian Army is much better placed to tackle China.
Ok, sir.
But the question is - "Are well placed to attacks the Chinese and dislodge them from positions we consider as ours...

Mountains is mostly advantages defender and high altitude more so. When it comes to competitive advantage the one who has intruded and occupied areas has wrested the initiative.

Now see attacking features like finger five to eight is going to be extreme difficult. One side is steep mountain slope and the other side the lake. Deployability is so narrow that even vehicles are not able to turn.

The attacker can only present ten soldiers' attacking front and would be suicidal.

IA would have to capture the bloody top and then role down.. Then IA soldiers can even kill the Chinese with stones.. IA can not even lineup tanks on the suther shore and blast of defences on Northern portion because the Lake is about 5 km wide. No gun shoots five km indirect shooting...

Only an amphibious assault is will do the trick.. Ten boats attack by night,,,,

Who would have ever thought there could be an amphibious assault in Ladakh...... :cowboy:


Maulana Rockullah
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Aug 12, 2009
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Guys... keep on topic. A lot of Pakis and Enti-Nesnals read this forum.

Here is a interesting news. Chini propaganda machine is in full swing and pakis are being used as free mazdoor creating threads on their forums each second deriving unending orgasms of India-China war! :lol:

Twitter announced Thursday that it had deleted more than 170,000 accounts tied to a Chinese state-linked operation that were spreading deceptive information around the COVID-19 virus, political dynamics in Hong Kong, and other issues.

Almost 25,000 of the accounts that were deleted formed what Twitter described as the “core network,” while around 150,000 accounts were amplifying messages from the core groups.

“In general, this entire network was involved in a range of manipulative and coordinated activities,” the company wrote in a blog post. “They were Tweeting predominantly in Chinese languages and spreading geopolitical narratives favorable to the Communist Party of China (CCP), while continuing to push deceptive narratives about the political dynamics in Hong Kong.”
Twitter noted that the accounts taken down this week were tied to a Chinese state-backed operation last year that attempted to sow political discord in Hong Kong. Those accounts were also taken down.
According to an analysis of the accounts by the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), many of the accounts shut down were tweeting about the COVID-19 pandemic, with activity around this issue beginning in late January and reaching its peak in late March.

The accounts primarily praised China’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. While most of the accounts had less than 10 followers and no bios, the SIO found that they had tweeted almost 350,000 times before being shut down. “Narratives around COVID-19 primarily praise China’s response to the virus, and occasionally contrast China’s response against that of the U.S. government or Taiwan’s response, or use the presence of the virus as a means to attack Hong Kong activists,” the SIO wrote in its analysis. “The English-language content included pointed reiterations of the claim that China - not Taiwan - had a superior response to containing coronavirus.”

Twitter on Thursday also shut down thousands of accounts tied to Russian and Turkish state-linked misinformation efforts. The over 1,000 Russian accounts removed were tied to state-backed political propaganda within Russia, while the over 7,300 Turkish accounts removed were primarily spreading information favorable to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his political party.
While the amount of Russian and Turkish-linked accounts was less than those tied to China, the Russian and Turkish accounts were found by the SIO to have tweeted a combined almost 40 million times before Twitter took action. Twitter said it planned to host a conference later this summer to “bring experts, industry, and government together to discuss opportunities for further collaboration” around removing deceptive state-backed social media campaigns. Misinformation around the COVID-19 pandemic has run rampant on social media over the past few months. A report from Carnegie Mellon University released last month found that almost half of coronavirus-related tweets were likely from bots. Researchers said that it looked like a “propaganda machine” and resembled past Russian and Chinese misinformation efforts.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Forget having 10:1 ratio against India they are outnumbered by us right now.
Not really... PLA would have a capability to bring in about twenty divisions.
India hardly has 11 Division to defend the whole front.

That is where comes in The 500 battalions of CAPF. Leveing essential battalions on internal Security duties at least 100 battalions can be taken out and formed into ten divisions provided that they are militarily trained and oriented.

That is why I advocate of the militarisation of CAPF. Let all of them get trained by the Army on recruitment and serve for five years in the Army on borders. CI/ CT operations. Then when such requirement arises let them reserves.

Without Army training and understanding the ethos they will be a litter and hamper operations instead of being of some use.. ....

That is the only way out to tacle Chinese propensity and tendency to overwhelm others with huge numbers..

But here the situation on ground is different. ITBP will barely provide 25 battalions out of sixty even under national emergency.. No DIG and IG will be anywhere near the battle zone. they just throw the battalions and say goodbye to them..


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Not really... PLA would have a capability to bring in about twenty divisions.
India hardly has 11 Division to defend the whole front.

That is where comes in The 500 battalions of CAPF. Leveing essential battalions on internal Security duties at least 100 battalions can be taken out and formed into ten divisions provided that they are militarily trained and oriented.

That is why I advocate of the militarisation of CAPF. Let all of them get trained by the Army on recruitment and serve for five years in the Army on borders. CI/ CT operations. Then when such requirement arises let them reserves.

Without Army training and understanding the ethos they will be a litter and hamper operations instead of being of some use.. ....

That is the only way out to tacle Chinese propensity and tendency to overwhelm others with huge numbers..

But here the situation on ground is different. ITBP will barely provide 25 battalions out of sixty even under national emergency.. No DIG and IG will be anywhere near the battle zone. they just throw the battalions and say goodbye to them..
I don't think it would come down to shooting match between the troops,

It won't number of troops that will decide who wins the war.
It will be the big guns, AirForce and the capability to re-supply that will decide it.

Let me ask a question -
If China fires the first salvo in the north, What would make India not open a new front in Indian Ocean?
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