India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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IF this news is true then it proves that BJP is filled with ****** just like congress, instead of giving order to private sector atleast for ULH and completely disbanding the OFB they are AGAIN going for very costly imports through emergency purchase. Who knows if any of the ammunition including PINAKA rockets/AFSPDS rounds manufactured by OFB works. BJP needs to act fast and do the much required reforms, they can't hide behind the excuses anymore of how much one government will do.
We direly require lightweight howitzers of a higher caliber to have an edge in Chinese border, hence we ordered 145 M777s before, few to be shipped as-is, others to be made here.

You are saying producing them in-house, yeah good thought, but now? When war can literally break-out anytime?

Answer me -
  • Can the local sector produce ULH currently? Kalyani and others have rolled out models but they are untested (if I remember correctly).
  • Even if they can, can they produce it in significant numbers in a short time so that it can make a difference? I don't think they can deliver 100+ until next month.
  • If we try to disband OFB, the privileged corrupt workers will just go on a strike, which will shut down OFB production. Can we afford our national ammunition factory to be shut down in midst of an upcoming (possibly) 2 front war?

Seems to be SOP Of indian gov , regardless of political party. :frusty:

Didnt same thing happened after Feb IAF - PAF engagement .
Yeah, it did. And that's because Astra was not mature enough at that time, and we did emergency purchases to replenish our wartime reserves. Also, we don't have any short-range IR missile to be made in house in the near future.


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May 28, 2016
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TBH I dont get it why does China want to start shit now of all times when the world is pissed out on them.
Is it the infrastructure development that's bothering them? Maybe they think such war hawk posturings will force the government to move back. If that's what they think then they have failed to understand this government.
The doval papers, already laid out the situation which is currently happening right now. This decade and Wuhan virus crisis has created a window of opportunity for the PLC. Time is in there favor. We can defend ourselves, but we will loose significant land area if they tried to use the tactics laid out in Doval Papers.


Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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If the weapons procurement is true then ....
We are preparing for an all out ...if China doesn't backs.....also this may pressurize china to back off
Also other nations can ask china to...


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May 28, 2016
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It once again time to refer back to my post 4089.

This is an indication if true.. big indication that :
* India is absolutely firm on their demand that Chinese restore status quo to Apr 2020. Nothing less/
* Indication that Chinese are not ready to pull back.
* Indication that LAC is not the real issue but the issue is something else and the Chinese are determined to use their military as an instrument of coercion in attaining a diplomatic goal.
* If LAC be the issue then it is related to CCP declared gaol of securing all their national territories and boundaries by 2021. Then the Chinese will attempt to coerce India militarily to accept present LAC as boundry. That can only happen if India loses more territory consequent to military action and then accept the present LAC as boundry on the negotiation table.

* This objective could make the Chinese think of repeating 1962 model - quick intense and swift assault using mechanised forces in Ladakh while holding Indian Forces in East and Sikkim. Offensive in Ladakh gives China additional advantages on pressurising India on the issue of GB and CPEC.

* The aim and purpose could also be to halt any anticipated Indian offensive into GB and to protect their more than 100bn investment of CPEC.

They are trying to give us message that you are building roads to our traditional silk route paths, and it directly connects to CPEC. They very well know, that at present Pakistan cannot wage war, so Indian GOI can retake POK in this decade including Gilgit.

IF we take Gilgit, Chinese will be cutoff, and they won't let that happen. This I think makes more logical sense to why there posture is currently right now.

Yash Patel

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May 18, 2018
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Chinese Army build-up from Ladakh to Arunachal, Indian Army increases troop deployment all along LAC

Peace along border is essential for further development of bilateral ties: MEA on eastern Ladakh border row



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Dec 25, 2016
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Mostly from the US Army reserves they have quiet a lot of them in Tanks and artys in their reserve . THAAD is over blowing we don't have such requirement as our PDV and AAD covers that domain its S-400 which we needed to tackle CM and Fighter jets . THAAD is not going to happen . as @WARREN SS Said we need some 20-30 Chinooks badly which will help to lift M777A to the conflict zone and also troops quickly

I think we are getting this from U.S. inventory otherwise such delivery will take months to fulfill. In return U.S. has asked to buy THAAD too.


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Oct 12, 2013
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You are saying producing them in-house, yeah good thought, but now? When war can literally break-out anytime?
This Rattles Many Fanboys on the Forum
Imported Or Not M777 Is Damn Cutting Edge weapon That Operational for more than a decade in Hand of US Army
410 FH-77 acquired from 1986–1991 Scam Or not Bofors Won us Kargil Single highhandedly

The Primary Objective Of Weapon or Platform is To give Edge over adversary in Time of war
Its doesn't Matter If Its Imported Or Indigenous

There Is no Utilization Of Acquiring indigenous Platform if Its not Not PAR With its comparatives


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Aug 30, 2019
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Mostly from the US Army reserves they have quiet a lot of them in Tanks and artys in their reserve . THAAD is over blowing we don't have such requirement as our PDV and AAD covers that domain its S-400 which we needed to tackle CM and Fighter jets . THAAD is not going to happen . as @WARREN SS Said we need some 20-30 Chinooks badly which will help to lift M777A to the conflict zone and also troops quickly
They are doing us a favor if they are giving from their inventory. We should also give something in return to them.

Chinooks we will buy later they know that. They know we won't buy THAAD from them. Arm twisting may be instead of favor?

Rajpal s

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Nov 9, 2018
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I think this make in India initiative is fine in long run but we can not throw our jawans in danger by providing them untested weapons .what will happen if a Kalyani manufactured ulh barrel got burst in while firing during wartime who will be responsible .we need proven weapons during do or die condition .there is a dialogue in hindi movie in which Prem Chopra acting as a military officer says " army andaajo par nhi chalti".


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Aug 30, 2019
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I think this make in India initiative is fine in long run but we can not throw our jawans in danger by providing them untested weapons .what will happen if a Kalyani manufactured ulh barrel got burst in while firing during wartime who will be responsible .we need proven weapons during do or die condition .there is a dialogue in hindi movie in which Prem Chopra acting as a military officer says " army andaajo par nhi chalti".
May be we can also send M777 from LOC to LAC and ULH on loc for testing.


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Dec 25, 2016
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I know we got fleeced by all our so called Strategic friends when ever they find an opportunity like how Israel did in kargil same USA and france also will do now if given opportunity they run a weapons selling business not some charity .

But this is not time for arm twisting at least when most are screwed by chinese wuhan virus attack and they are pushing us to be part of QUAD and expecting us to do the bulk of the lifting in IOR region in countering PLAAN arm twisting us will only delay all that progress .

More than THAAD purchase they would want us to drop that Non alignment drama and finally take a stand on their side including dumping Vodka brothers

They are doing us a favor if they are giving from their inventory. We should also give something in return to them.

Chinooks we will buy later they know that. They know we won't buy THAAD from them. Arm twisting may be instead of favor?

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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They are doing us a favor if they are giving from their inventory. We should also give something in return to them.

Chinooks we will buy later they know that. They know we won't buy THAAD from them. Arm twisting may be instead of favor?
I think if GOI is sure war is inevitable & US is ready to help with arms & equipments some kind of deals will happen. If US is directly providing all this from its own inventory it will want something too. Let's see how this all pans out. After S-400 I don't think we need THAAD should settle for something else.


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May 28, 2016
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If MoD is thinking about THAAD, does it mean we have no confidence over our own BMDs? :confused1:
Wont S400 covers 600Km hemispherical range...

Besides THAAD uses Raytheon's radar, and Raytheon has fucked up its Patriot battery. Historically THAAD has missed targets.

A software bug still plagues the Patriot point defense SAM, so much that the recent Iranian missile strike on Oil fields and airforce base in UAE with Patriots parked next to it, couldn't do shit. The Infamous Patriot bug is so popular, that it was even an example given by the Dean of MIT in a python programming course I took back in 2012. Lol.
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