India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
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Jun 5, 2017
The situation of nation is such that where bonafied experienced soldiers are needed we have IAS, IPS, IRS and even a Krishi mantri. Put a Carpenter in a 5 star restaurant to do the Grand chefs job and see what happens. The Carpenter might have been best of the best in its own field but in the kitchen he's out of his expertise, now there are carpenters who are also chefs but they are too less and too insignificant.
Despite all this Modi's romance with Bureaucracy knows no end. In his own speech he said that the Babus have wasted his 5 years and yet he does'st seem to care he still has those fellas in the MOD. Does he want babus to mend his ways? does he still believe babus can be redeemed?
Years and years of incompetence in the procurement has resulted in the handicap of the trident.
Politician and Parties will come and go but an average bureaucrat will at least serve for 30 years.
We had a chance with CDS but we blew it to. First among equals my foot.

BJP will go Congress will come AMCA will be delayed, Carrier will be delayed, FICV will be delayed, back to square on.

The MOD should be moved out of parliament, out of 100 posts 95 should be from armed forces, the rest 5 posts should be optionally manned by Glorified Clerks (IAS).

Its now or never, if we keep sitting on our ass we ill be ran over by our enemies.
The Truth is in the Congress era we were crawling, now in BJP era we are running. Are Bhai Zammana dodne ka time he, we need to run really really fast if we want to catch up.

Kya hi kahu, that Chinese Pic capturing our soldier reached in my whats app group and I had to bust my ass to save Modi Governments face.


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Mar 7, 2019
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China is a pussy.

it exposed itself in such skirmishes by uploading funny videos of sissy troops.

i highly doubt the fight their soldiers offer..i think a long war with india could break up their country if nuclear weapons are not used.

being an economic power doesnt mean it is a military power... Germans were of this delusion in ww2 and soviets taught them a lesson in which they lost 150000 troops in the battle of Stalingrad starving and the red army reaching berlin.
Germans made a few blunders because they were getting bombarded from all directions, they picked up a fight they couldn't control. If it wasn't for the Stalingrad offensive and if hitler would have listen to his generals, WW2 probably would have ended differently.


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Dec 12, 2015
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Well moving back 2.5km is hardly a de-escalation. Troops going back to barracks is de-escalation.

Seems to me that both armies will stay forward deployed.

It is still a standoff though not a war yet.

India should use the time for going into an overdrive on arms acquisitions.


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Feb 27, 2018
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Turf now held by Chinese soldiers includes positions in the Galwan Valley that overlook a new Indian highway built to supply New Delhi’s most forward military base at Daulat Beg Oldi. “The Chinese have presented a fait accompli to India, and they are deeply entrenched and sitting pretty in vantage locations overlooking the highway, which is now in easy artillery range of the PLA,” said Brahma C
hellaney, a professor of strategic studies at New Delhi’s Centre for Policy Research.

...............But analysts are sceptical about New Delhi’s prospects of dislodging the Chinese troops without big concessions.
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New Member
Jan 22, 2020
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:dude: if i can send 2x bombers that can each drop 25x250 LGB loaded with CL-20 on my enemy and return base to reload; i will see how i am not able to capture territory.

of course we need soliders to hold the position.
That is how the US captured Baghdad- shock and awe treatment first, and then send in foot soldiers.


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Sep 25, 2015
How much time is needed for chinkis to get acclimatized?
Its not about time,
We shed blood and men over 70 years to develop our strategies and men.

It's like asking some one to go into a jungle and hoping that they would acclimatize after few days,

Cartel Boss

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Mar 16, 2020
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So, Pakistan had its terror launchpads fully loaded. It sought Chinese assurances in holding back India. But India bombed the pads anyway. What the hell Pakistanese were thinking! Did they really think China will be able to stop India from bombing Pakistan?

It looks like these terror launchpads were guarded by 32 infantry battalion of Pakistanese army which took a hit in Indian raid.


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Jan 22, 2020
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We have more tanks than China. And almost same number of artillery.

We absolutely overwhelm pakistan in overall equipment. Just having more sph doesn't mean anything. We have far more armour overall. Twice the airforce with most jets far more capable than best of pakistan.

We may lack offensive power to take over whole tibet but we have more than enough to crush pakistan completely while simultaneously taking the war inside tibet.

Regarding ofb they are being corporatized anyway.
And they have tactical nukes which are just show pieces. Only fools will believe Pak will simply roll over in case of an all-out war. I really hope RAW has some secret plans to sabotage their weapons first, and then only have a full-scale war.

With both Pak and China, thinking that we are great and have a great, strong, war-hardened army is just conning ourselves. These enemies are no fools. Taking them on 1-on-1 is no longer an option. A 1-off Balakot or Pulwama is just that- something to make us feel good in the short run (but with china, India is scared to even try these adventures, I dont understand why. We should simply "intrude" into chinese land and stay put! Ask them to fire the first shot. Cowardice on display here?).

Need for unconventional war-fare tactics. That is what china is doing. They are literally showing us the middle Finger4 (!!),and saying "thenga, kar le jo karna hai". We should also shove a bamboo up their rear elsewhere and say, "oye dhakkan, ye le..."


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Jan 22, 2020
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The RCEP rebuke even under insistance of friends like Japan showed how the govt is at least sane on such issues compared to the mindless ASEAN deal which upa pushed through to destroy Indian manufacturing.
yeah, I dont understand why this gvt is also trying its level best to become a full-member of ASEAN! Do you?

Cartel Boss

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Mar 16, 2020
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As I mentioned earlier, this whole tamasha was manufactured by China in desperate hope that India for the fear of escalation would not bomb Pakistanese terror launchpads. Unfortunately for Pakistan, it did not work. India last night (India time) carried out air raids against Pakistanese terror launchpads. There was nothing that China could do to help Pakistan.


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Feb 27, 2018
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Nitin Gokhale:
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Aniruddha Mulay

New Member
Oct 16, 2019
Nope They Have 4000 + 3rd gen ration tanks
They Also Equipped they With Hard Kill APS system And BMS

They are Spending huge in R&D New Kinetic Sabots rounds Specially DU rounds

And Armour Is Equal to Russian Konkant-5 class
You can See Tank balathion Tournament in russia There Tanks are really Comparable To T-72b3 And T-90s in mobility if not Armour

Compare There SPH To tank Ratio

Real Force Multiplier are There Copy Of Smerch And BM Grad
Almost Almost 1500 + Compare To our 266 +

They Heavy investing in MLRS While We don't Even Produce Single Regiment of Prahaar

My point Is We are Trapped in are own incompetence And Corrupt Bureaucratic system
The problem with Prahaar is more of a Army problem than Bureaucratic red tape.
DRDO developed the Prahaar way back in 2010-11 as it knew that the Prithvi series of missiles were getting old and also as they were liquid fueled(Prithvi 1 & 2) would require quite a bit of time to setup and launch. Army did not at all show interest at that time in Prahaar in the time period of 2010 to 2017. The Army's interest in Prahaar only ignited in the aftermath of the Doklam standoff where it felt a need to have a system to counter very long range MBRL of the PLAGF. But the Army found the 150km range somewhat lacking and hence told DRDO to develop a system with a higher 200km range which we know today as Pranash.


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Jul 21, 2010
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India has largest and most experienced mountain trained army in the world according to Chinese expert .


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Dec 12, 2015
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And they have tactical nukes which are just show pieces. Only fools will believe Pak will simply roll over in case of an all-out war. I really hope RAW has some secret plans to sabotage their weapons first, and then only have a full-scale war.

With both Pak and China, thinking that we are great and have a great, strong, war-hardened army is just conning ourselves. These enemies are no fools. Taking them on 1-on-1 is no longer an option. A 1-off Balakot or Pulwama is just that- something to make us feel good in the short run (but with china, India is scared to even try these adventures, I dont understand why. We should simply "intrude" into chinese land and stay put! Ask them to fire the first shot. Cowardice on display here?).

Need for unconventional war-fare tactics. That is what china is doing. They are literally showing us the middle Finger4 (!!),and saying "thenga, kar le jo karna hai". We should also shove a bamboo up their rear elsewhere and say, "oye dhakkan, ye le..."
War will not be won or lost on icy heights of Ladakh. Trust me.

It is 80% economic war.

Replace Chinese imports and you will see much better result.
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