India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Jul 11, 2011
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MEA might have facilitated the meeting, but meeting was headed by IA from Indian side.

But that does not bring LAC during management during peace under Army. Every single thing that happens on LAC during peace has military implications wherein ITBP will shed its role.

Border personnel meeting is a mechanism under agreements that states Army personnel will meet each other to discuss the issues... that is how PLA comes..


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Apr 14, 2020
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WLR with some short range Missiles may be helpful , Brahmos may be costly we need 350-400 Km low cost rockets to overwhelm them .

And I strongly feel we need 100-400 Km loitering Munitions to Loiter around the mountains and to hit commie Terrorists army arsenal ,
Drdo will be testing soon an upgraded version of brahmos missle with greater range


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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But that does not bring LAC during management during peace under Army. Every single thing that happens on LAC during peace has military implications wherein ITBP will shed its role.

Border personnel meeting is a mechanism under agreements that states Army personnel will meet each other to discuss the issues... that is how PLA comes..
Your contention was about Rajnath singh commenting, he is commenting because his department handled the talks recently.


United States of Hindu Empire
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May 29, 2009
Because Panag and Shukla are raising the question about the management of India's defence but in a different way on a different points but it all boils down to Management of India;s National Security..

What I am asking are valid questions on the subject and I do not consider my self in their category.
Answer my questions rather than run away by being evasive, take a diversion and go into denial mode. Address the issues raised..
Both are spouting things above their pay scale.
Both are dodgy characters.
Their messaging is insidious, demoralising, bitter, non-conciliatory, anti establishment and wrapped with enemy propaganda.
There is no occasion to talk about these systemic reforms which takes decades.
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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WLR with some short range Missiles may be helpful , Brahmos may be costly we need 350-400 Km low cost rockets to overwhelm them .

And I strongly feel we need 100-400 Km loitering Munitions to Loiter around the mountains and to hit commie Terrorists army arsenal ,
Drdo will be testing soon an upgraded version of brahmos missle with greater range
IA has no options for those ranges. Prahaar & Brahmos are next best available platforms. both do not have that reach at the moment.

There has to be Prahaar ER in the inventory, and for Brahmos we will know by end of year hopefully.

For area defence, spyder or MR-SAM should be good enough.


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Oct 12, 2013
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View attachment 49643
As per some porkis China Deployed pcl 191 MRLS. Artillery can fire Upto 350 Km , Can launch two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km.

The so called high land advantage doesn't look like an advantage for me . Not. Single person / Twitter analysts never said how can we avoid the hitting from those artilleries , in high mountains we don't have much space to manuvers or hide , if it is even not a direct hit the rocks and Other will slide inti directly towards our troops . Chinese are mostly in level grounds , they can shoot and Scoot.

We need to improve our Weapons and need long range and light weight artillery and connectivity between mountain ranges .

May be our army already have some techniques to counter this that's the only hope I have .
Saw the Image they are PHL-3
Not PCL 191

Anything Of this caliber Will be hit by Brahmos Block III


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Jul 11, 2011
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Who goes for border meeting with PLA Indian Army or ITBP?
Did IA Colonel and Brigadier go for border meeting with PLA or did ITBP DIG or IG go before Lt. Gen level meeting.
Thus extending your own argument, who would brief the media HM or RM?
(As CCS has been briefed both can but still?)
If there is a military skirmish on Bangladesh Border like it happened in past will Rajnath Singh go to press ? Simple no? Will Army general go for meeting? Simple no... Same is the case of Indo Pak IB...

For LC Mod and Rajnath are responsible because LC is with MoD.

However, LAC is with MHA and ITBP during peace? So let Amit Shah answer.

DG ITBP is in Delhi and Sector commander / IG ITBP might be in Srinagar and Chandigarh. So what do you tell Chinese - Wait the IG will acclimatize for 21 days then only we can have a meeting? And even then there is no surety..

Ground realities are very pathetic my dear....

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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IA has no options for those ranges. Prahaar & Brahmos are next best available platforms. both do not have that reach at the moment.

There has to be Prahaar ER in the inventory, and for Brahmos we will know by end of year hopefully.

For area defence, spyder or MR-SAM should be good enough.
I think for a small skirmish pinaka & M777 are more than handy. Though it is a genuine weakness of ours that we need MBRLs who can fire at least 200km deep into their Tibet bases. Brahmos indeed is a costly one but we don't have many options. Our Indigenous industry seriously need to work on MBRLs & stop focusing too much on Porki front.


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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Just plain fantasies and speculations are not what forms the basis of the principle of "Know your Enemy"...

While assessing an adversary a maximalist position is required to be taken. Must give everything to the enemy and then develop strength s and capabilities to defeat the enemy. That is what makes a better workable plan..
'Dil ko khush rakhne ko , Gailib ye khayal acha hain'
You know what these comments remind me of ? It reminds me of typical PAKI delusions ' One Paki equals 10 Indians'. I think we all will be better if we dont take 'battle hardened army nonsense ' into account when we discuss INDO - CHEEN conflict.

Any army worth its salt will fight. If they dont - then well its a bonus. The only question should be 'How do we turn tables on China assuming that they will stand ground and fight' ; everything else is a rosy picture.
My point was defeat the enemy for what? Only to retain our side of LAC?

Let me ask you, are you willing to put only your money in the game and other side has no collateral, then what good is that win.


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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If there is a military skirmish on Bangladesh Border like it happened in past will Rajnath Singh go to press ? Simple no? Will Army general go for meeting? Simple no... Same is the case of Indo Pak IB...

For LC Mod and Rajnath are responsible because LC is with MoD.

However, LAC is with MHA and ITBP during peace? So let Amit Shah answer.

DG ITBP is in Delhi and Sector commander / IG ITBP might be in Srinagar and Chandigarh. So what do you tell Chinese - Wait the IG will acclimatize for 21 days then only we can have a meeting? And even then there is no surety..

Ground realities are very pathetic my dear....
ITBP has asked for a flag meeting with the Chinese side but there has been no response as of now, sources said.

To answer your previous post, ITBP do go for flag meeting with PLA.
Nothing to do with PLA being under their MoD.

So why IA went for Colonel, Brigadier and Lt. Gen meeting this time?


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Jul 11, 2011
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Let me put it on record. Modi has miserably failed to do reforms in many sectors including defence. Now should we surrender to China and start barking like that scumbag Shukla who is last seen asking to disband Mountain corps and Ladakh based armoured divisions?

It is either an illiterate attempt or a mischievous agenda to talk reforms and conflate issues when enemy is at the gates.

I have always maintained that you can never satiate jingos when it comes to procuring military capabilities. I have argued so many time in the favour of Indian forces’ capabilities to fight two front war.

Repeatedly people have let us down during acute circumstances showing their defeatist mentality. So many posters have given example of Pakistan who is at war with bigger nation for so many decades to take a clue.

I simply ask, are you with our Soilder facing China or not? If your answer is yes! then use your intelligence on debating how we can harass China for a long duration at LAC.

The Chinese audacity or Pakistani audacity is not in their misreading of our capabilities but intent.

For god sake show some intent to fight, trust me it will start reflecting into your military leadership, politicians and eventually babus.
My dear Sir, I would have agreed with you on all points but for the fact that Who is responsible for the management of LAC is a national agenda of highest importance.. you are underplaying that by subterfuges..

To transfer LAC to Army or put ITBP under command is a matter of reform from the previous system which is proving counter-productive.. This a simple matter of reforms but is stuck up for a few posts of DG, IGs and DIGs. This a simple reform affecting national sovereignty...

Why such things are happening on LAc is a national issue and raising question on that is nationalism. Trying to suppress those questions is simply being anti-national...

Please take questions as the questions rather than attacking motives... by not answering questions one is either trying to hide something or incapable of leadership.. bulldozing on national security issues is harmul..


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
The briefings are done when there is clarity on ongoing active aggression between two sides.

It seems to be another dildo that will be wielded for next few weeks on briefing to media where they will love to make it a diplomatic spectacle between two highest offices. Not to mention planted and leading questions will be asked to put current government in a fix where they will avoid to be censorious about China openly as of now.

RM has already said that he will apprise the nation in the Parliament, BTW.


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Jul 15, 2018
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IA has no options for those ranges. Prahaar & Brahmos are next best available platforms. both do not have that reach at the moment.

There has to be Prahaar ER in the inventory, and for Brahmos we will know by end of year hopefully.

For area defence, spyder or MR-SAM should be good enough.

Very costly bro each Brahmos costs 2.7 million USD ,and we don't know how effective it will be against a moving target


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May 31, 2020
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My point was defeat the enemy for what? Only to retain our side of LAC?

Let me ask you, are you willing to put only your money in the game and other side has no collateral, then what good is that win.
You just described Kargil war . Any war with the Chinese will go similarly , except they will lose face internationally .

We may not gain any territory but we can take them down a notch.


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Jul 11, 2011
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To answer your previous post, ITBP do go for flag meeting with PLA.
Nothing to do with PLA being under their MoD.

So why IA went for Colonel, Brigadier and Lt. Gen meeting this time?
I did say that ITBP may form part of the team and it does....
Army forms the team because it is a military matter. And that does not place LAc under command Army during peacetime...
Try and understand this rather than raising that time and again..

Or take it this way -- everything there is military matter and ITBP has no business to be there ... now happy ??


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Very costly bro each Brahmos costs 2.7 million USD ,and we don't know how effective it will be against a moving target
My friend Ship also moving target in the Sea Brahmos has Terminal active Seeker

It Designed To knock out ships at speed of
40 knots74.08 kph

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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If there is a military skirmish on Bangladesh Border like it happened in past will Rajnath Singh go to press ? Simple no? Will Army general go for meeting? Simple no... Same is the case of Indo Pak IB...
So, if 20,000 Pakistani troops with mechanized infantry have pitched camp right at the Punjab border, then, wouldn't Rajnath give a presser (as events might lead to a war, requiring defense of the nation), or would he hide behind protocol saying.. "Well its peacetime, let Motabhai handle the press"


New Member
May 31, 2020
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My friend Ship also moving target in the Sea Brahmos has Terminal active Seeker

It Designed To knock out ships at speed of
40 knots74.08 kph
Is it a valid strategy to use cruise missile against MBRLs ? Seems overkilll. There is the issues of cost + do we have enough ?


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Your contention was about Rajnath singh commenting, he is commenting because his department handled the talks recently.
He was made to comments much before the talks begin...
Actually the talks are always conducted under agies of MEA so Jayshankar should have been briefing...
My point is simple - if LAC management is with MHA and ITBP then Amit Shah should be answering the question..
Let border personnel meeting be headed by DG BSF who would not know any head or tail of LAC... Army would have no objection to that... Let AC during war also be with ITBP if our leadership considers that appropriate ..
But it should not be "Kare koi air Bhare koi.". a fundamental bureaucratic trait..
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