India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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My point is there will be no war. Chinese don't have the guts. Although a bit of scuffle could wake us up from deep slumber and then we can actually start building military muscle including bombers.
A small skirmish between IA and PLA can cause PLA to wake up from slumber too and make them battle hardened and change their SOPs, an element of surprise that should be best left for bigger battles.

We can guess how IA will perform but PLA's performance right now is a gamble. How they fare between shell explosions, mutilated bodies and in odds. Will they stay put and fight till death or run back. Usually army units always consists of soldiers who have seen action and they guide new recruits in time of fear but PLA has none.

And let me reach out here and go all the way. What if PLA turns out to be pathetic and runs back leaving their ground, question is do we have balls to recapture Aksai Chin and then some? Will be allow IA to capture more ground or chicken out like Kargil and accept ceasefire.

Fight only when China's territory is on the line too otherwise it makes no sense of repeatedly defending our borders while our adversaries never have to worry about IA permanent capturing of territory.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Can someone please tell me when did MoD take over Management of LAC with China ?? I am not aware of any such gazette notification ?? Or Army is being used as scapegoat ??

If not then why is Rajnath Singh managing Media? Has ITBP come under command Rajnath Singh? Where is DG ITBP? Where is director R&AW? Where is Amit Shah = MHA the managers of LAC during peace?

Not invalid. political or anti-national questions !! Very simple nationalist questions ??
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Can someone please tell me when did MoD take over Management od LAC with China ??

If not then why is Rajnath Singh managing Media? Where is DG ITBP? Where is director R&AW? Where is Amit Shah = MAH the managers of LAC during peace?

Not invalid. political or anti-national questions !!
Talks were conducted by IA, isn't it?

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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I know guys War is bad. And people will die that's even more bad.

But IA will love to take on an army. Because in Kashmir IA sees a lot of action but in the ground its only the boys of RR who fires. And IA faces terrorists which are very difficult to differentiate from general civilians. A fully uniformed army can put a smile in many soldier's faces.

I apologize in advance if I hurt someone through this comment.


New Member
Jul 15, 2018
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As per some porkis China Deployed pcl 191 MRLS. Artillery can fire Upto 350 Km , Can launch two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km.

The so called high land advantage doesn't look like an advantage for me . Not. Single person / Twitter analysts never said how can we avoid the hitting from those artilleries , in high mountains we don't have much space to manuvers or hide , if it is even not a direct hit the rocks and Other will slide inti directly towards our troops . Chinese are mostly in level grounds , they can shoot and Scoot.

We need to improve our Weapons and need long range and light weight artillery and connectivity between mountain ranges .

May be our army already have some techniques to counter this that's the only hope I have .


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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if we are to take forward this line of thought, what better way to show aggressive intent than bang pakis on the west. By bang I mean either arty or air strikes on tango camps.

it would demonstrate the following aspects on India’s intent:

1) India is capable of handling western border independent of eastern border.

2) irrespective of CCP pressure tactics, life goes on in India as usual.

3) India doesn’t mind banging anybody in midst of negotiations, even a Chinese ally is within reach.

Breaking: Heavy Indian firing reported from sectors of Abbaspur, PoK along LoC. As per reports, Indian Army targetting terror launchpads & conducting preemptive strikes using heavy weapons.



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Jun 7, 2020
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In case of a kargil like skirmish I feel we should try and push the LAC back atleast 30-40kms into what is now with them as of today. Taking over the entire aksai chin area at this point without going all out is not realistic. Infra has seen massive improvements not just in ladakh but all along the LAC specially Arunachal. It's time we stand up to them and give them a bitter lesson.

Raj Malhotra

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Aug 13, 2009
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A Brilliant lecture by Subramanian Swamy. His views are something you will never hear in routine press. Listen to it till the end


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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A small skirmish between IA and PLA can cause PLA to wake up from slumber too and make them battle hardened and change their SOPs, an element of surprise that should be best left for bigger battles.

We can guess how IA will perform but PLA's performance right now is a gamble. How they fare between shell explosions, mutilated bodies and in odds. Will they stay put and fight till death or run back. Usually army units always consists of soldiers who have seen action and they guide new recruits in time of fear but PLA has none.

And let me reach out here and go all the way. What if PLA turns out to be pathetic and runs back leaving their ground, question is do we have balls to recapture Aksai Chin and then some? Will be allow IA to capture more ground or chicken out like Kargil and accept ceasefire.

Fight only when China's territory is on the line too otherwise it makes no sense of repeatedly defending our borders while our adversaries never have to worry about IA permanent capturing of territory.
Just plain fantasies and speculations are not what forms the basis of the principle of "Know your Enemy"...

While assessing an adversary a maximalist position is required to be taken. Must give everything to the enemy and then develop strength s and capabilities to defeat the enemy. That is what makes a better workable plan..


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Can someone please tell me when did MoD take over Management of LAC with China ?? I am not aware of any such gazette notification ?? Or Army is being used as scapegoat ??

If not then why is Rajnath Singh managing Media? Has ITBP come under command Rajnath Singh? Where is DG ITBP? Where is director R&AW? Where is Amit Shah = MHA the managers of LAC during peace?

Not invalid. political or anti-national questions !! Very simple nationalist questions ??
Who goes for border meeting with PLA Indian Army or ITBP?
Did IA Colonel and Brigadier go for border meeting with PLA or did ITBP DIG or IG go before Lt. Gen level meeting.
Thus extending your own argument, who would brief the media HM or RM?
(As CCS has been briefed both can but still?)


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Ok Agreed ...
But this family had developed a system. organizations and culture of managing the Indian Security system wherein a ceratin set of sucking bureaucracy have developed a political stake in the present structure and system of functioning.

Except for appointing a toothless CDS what has BJP Govt and Modi - Shah - Doval done to bring in reforms, efficiency,and effectiveness in National Security management? When all border forces across Indian borders are paramilitary Army forces, why India should opt for police command on the management of borders? So we are trying to impress ourselves and bureaucratic interests? How many times BSF will utterly fail on Bangladesh Borders, ITBP on Indo China Borders, and even then Amit Shah creating ITBP Command HQs?

How long will India play OBC. SC ST politics in the management of National Security by creating six hundred battalions of CAPF and hundreds of posts of IGs, DIGs. DGs only to employ and please a vote bank? For Congress it was deliberate but what have the Modi - Shah - Doval Combination done to reform it?

Why is Rajnath is coming in front to explain things if LAC is under MHA in so-called peacetime and ITBP and intelligence agencies under MHA and MEA are responsible for lapses? Why are they using Rajnath Singh as sacrificial goat... ??

Panag and Shukla may be scums of politics but certainly, they are not the only voices in protest. There are some very valid questions regarding higher system of management of national Security that need to be addressed...

If the country has raised sixty battalions of ITBP and given them a task, they are the ones who should be running in circles. Why take this opportunity of someones failure to further enslave the Army and break the ice on their head... ??

Where is the BJP Nationalist approach to National security ?? Why are they stuck with bureaucratic approach... where is the leadership and vision ?? Where in national resurgence when it clearly is bureaucratic resurgence...
What Shukla and Panag’s treachery has to do with Modi’s reforms or lack of it?

Looks like every time I name these two your undies get into some twist.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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View attachment 49643
As per some porkis China Deployed pcl 191 MRLS. Artillery can fire Upto 350 Km , Can launch two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km.

The so called high land advantage doesn't look like an advantage for me . Not. Single person / Twitter analysts never said how can we avoid the hitting from those artilleries , in high mountains we don't have much space to manuvers or hide , if it is even not a direct hit the rocks and Other will slide inti directly towards our troops . Chinese are mostly in level grounds , they can shoot and Scoot.

We need to improve our Weapons and need long range and light weight artillery and connectivity between mountain ranges .

May be our army already have some techniques to counter this that's the only hope I have .
:notsure: We would have to deploy IAF across border . Maybe some one knowledgeable can comment on it .


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Talks were conducted by IA, isn't it?
The talks are Conducted by MEA also that does not mean they manage the security of LAC on the ground?
Secondly. there is no equivalent of ITBP on the other side .. BDR is under PLA and their officers are generals are from PLA.
Thirdly, LAC is a military matter and not a police matter. But ITBP is not under command of Army. Even then some ITBP personnel may form part of the team if so required.
Fourthly, BSF does conduct border personnel meeting on Bangladesh border (I say again Border) and Indo Pak border. Border in peacetime is not a military matter.

That is why I keep insisting that ITBP on LAC is a disaster unless they are semi militarised and put under command of Army. That what the nature of job demands. There is no need whatsoever to create dichotomy there.


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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View attachment 49643
As per some porkis China Deployed pcl 191 MRLS. Artillery can fire Upto 350 Km , Can launch two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km.

The so called high land advantage doesn't look like an advantage for me . Not. Single person / Twitter analysts never said how can we avoid the hitting from those artilleries , in high mountains we don't have much space to manuvers or hide , if it is even not a direct hit the rocks and Other will slide inti directly towards our troops . Chinese are mostly in level grounds , they can shoot and Scoot.

We need to improve our Weapons and need long range and light weight artillery and connectivity between mountain ranges .

May be our army already have some techniques to counter this that's the only hope I have .
Brahmos NG !!!! :brahmos:


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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The talks are Conducted by MEA also that does not mean they manage the security of LAC on the ground?
Secondly. there is no equivalent of ITBP on the other side .. BDR is under PLA and their officers are generals are from PLA.
Thirdly, LAC is a military matter and not a police matter. But ITBP is not under command of Army. Even then some ITBP personnel may form part of the team if so required.
Fourthly, BSF does conduct border personnel meeting on Bangladesh border (I say again Border) and Indo Pak border. Border in peacetime is not a military matter.

That is why I keep insisting that ITBP on LAC is a disaster unless they are semi militarised and put under command of Army. That what the nature of job demands. There is no need whatsoever to create dichotomy there.
MEA might have facilitated the meeting, but meeting was headed by IA from Indian side.

Lt General Harinder Singh, XIV Corps Commander, led the Indian delegation to the Chinese border meeting point at Moldo near Chushul. The Chinese army team was led by Maj General Liu Lin, commander of the South Xinjiang Military District, which is responsible for the border with Ladakh.


New Member
Jul 15, 2018
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Brahmos NG !!!! :brahmos:
WLR with some short range Missiles may be helpful , Brahmos may be costly we need 350-400 Km low cost rockets to overwhelm them .

And I strongly feel we need 100-400 Km loitering Munitions to Loiter around the mountains and to hit commie Terrorists army arsenal ,


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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What Shukla and Panag’s treachery has to do with Modi’s reforms or lack of it?

Looks like every time I name these two your undies get into some twist.
Because Panag and Shukla are raising the question about the management of India's defence but in a different way on a different points but it all boils down to Management of India;s National Security..

What I am asking are valid questions on the subject and I do not consider my self in their category.
Answer my questions rather than run away by being evasive, take a diversion and go into denial mode. Address the issues raised..


New Member
Jul 9, 2017
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A small skirmish between IA and PLA can cause PLA to wake up from slumber too and make them battle hardened and change their SOPs, an element of surprise that should be best left for bigger battles.

We can guess how IA will perform but PLA's performance right now is a gamble. How they fare between shell explosions, mutilated bodies and in odds. Will they stay put and fight till death or run back. Usually army units always consists of soldiers who have seen action and they guide new recruits in time of fear but PLA has none.

And let me reach out here and go all the way. What if PLA turns out to be pathetic and runs back leaving their ground, question is do we have balls to recapture Aksai Chin and then some? Will be allow IA to capture more ground or chicken out like Kargil and accept ceasefire.

Fight only when China's territory is on the line too otherwise it makes no sense of repeatedly defending our borders while our adversaries never have to worry about IA permanent capturing of territory.
'Dil ko khush rakhne ko , Gailib ye khayal acha hain'
You know what these comments remind me of ? It reminds me of typical PAKI delusions ' One Paki equals 10 Indians'. I think we all will be better if we dont take 'battle hardened army nonsense ' into account when we discuss INDO - CHEEN conflict.

Any army worth its salt will fight. If they dont - then well its a bonus. The only question should be 'How do we turn tables on China assuming that they will stand ground and fight' ; everything else is a rosy picture.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Let me put it on record. Modi has miserably failed to do reforms in many sectors including defence. Now should we surrender to China and start barking like that scumbag Shukla who is last seen asking to disband Mountain corps and Ladakh based armoured divisions?

It is either an illiterate attempt or a mischievous agenda to talk reforms and conflate issues when enemy is at the gates.

I have always maintained that you can never satiate jingos when it comes to procuring military capabilities. I have argued so many time in the favour of Indian forces’ capabilities to fight two front war.

Repeatedly people have let us down during acute circumstances showing their defeatist mentality. So many posters have given example of Pakistan who is at war with bigger nation for so many decades to take a clue.

I simply ask, are you with our Soilder facing China or not? If your answer is yes! then use your intelligence on debating how we can harass China for a long duration at LAC.

The Chinese audacity or Pakistani audacity is not in their misreading of our capabilities but intent.

For god sake show some intent to fight, trust me it will start reflecting into your military leadership, politicians and eventually babus.
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