India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Sep 24, 2016
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Does India Need Russian TU-160, Nuclear Capable, Strategic Bombers To Counter China?
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Let's first use the 300 sukhoi we have . All our military equipment would retire without seeing a proper war. Why add bombers to it!!


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Sep 7, 2015
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Ladakh deadlock: China said - need to implement the agreement between the leaders of the two countries

Published: June 08, 2020 16:41 IST

China and India have agreed to maintain peace on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and resolve the deadlock through negotiations and implement the consensus reached between the leadership of the two countries. This claim was made by China's top official on Monday.

He said, "There has been a consensus that both sides need to implement the agreement between the leaders of the two countries so that the difference does not turn into a dispute." Hua was referring to the instructions of Chinese President Xi Chinfing and Prime Minister Narendra Modi which were given after two informal summits. Chinfing- Modi had asked the armies of both the countries to take further steps to restore confidence to maintain peace and patience at the border.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson further said, "Both sides will work to maintain peace and patience on the border and create a good environment". He said, "The situation is stable and in control and both sides will resolve the related issue." We are ready to discuss.

Hua's remarks come a day after the Indian Foreign Ministry's statement that India and China agreed to continue diplomatic and military negotiations as part of a bilateral agreement to peacefully resolve the current deadlock at the border.

The standoff between the two armies began when India started building significant roads in the Galwan Valley in Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi as well as the Finger area around Pegong Lake and was opposed by China. The situation worsened in eastern Ladakh when violent confrontations between 250 Indian and Chinese soldiers took place on May 5 and 6. An incident similar to Pegong Tso also took place in North Sikkim on 9 May.

Note Xi's Chinese way of spelling his name! It's Xi Chinfing and not Xi Jinping! Anyway, what's in a name?

But what we need to do is to do what the Chinese are doing - identify and go occupy dominating heights inside their claim line along the 4000km LAC so we can then barter real estate. But for that to happen, Modi will need a 112 inch chest!


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Sep 24, 2016
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A proper three layer ballistic missile defence should be the priority over Bombers.
As for bombers we already have AURA in the pipes.
My point is there will be no war. Chinese don't have the guts. Although a bit of scuffle could wake us up from deep slumber and then we can actually start building military muscle including bombers.


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Sep 24, 2016
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Ladakh deadlock: China said - need to implement the agreement between the leaders of the two countries

Published: June 08, 2020 16:41 IST

China and India have agreed to maintain peace on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and resolve the deadlock through negotiations and implement the consensus reached between the leadership of the two countries. This claim was made by China's top official on Monday.

He said, "There has been a consensus that both sides need to implement the agreement between the leaders of the two countries so that the difference does not turn into a dispute." Hua was referring to the instructions of Chinese President Xi Chinfing and Prime Minister Narendra Modi which were given after two informal summits. Chinfing- Modi had asked the armies of both the countries to take further steps to restore confidence to maintain peace and patience at the border.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson further said, "Both sides will work to maintain peace and patience on the border and create a good environment". He said, "The situation is stable and in control and both sides will resolve the related issue." We are ready to discuss.

Hua's remarks come a day after the Indian Foreign Ministry's statement that India and China agreed to continue diplomatic and military negotiations as part of a bilateral agreement to peacefully resolve the current deadlock at the border.

The standoff between the two armies began when India started building significant roads in the Galwan Valley in Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi as well as the Finger area around Pegong Lake and was opposed by China. The situation worsened in eastern Ladakh when violent confrontations between 250 Indian and Chinese soldiers took place on May 5 and 6. An incident similar to Pegong Tso also took place in North Sikkim on 9 May.

Note Xi's Chinese way of spelling his name! It's Xi Chinfing and not Xi Jinping! Anyway, what's in a name?

But what we need to do is to do what the Chinese are doing - identify and go occupy dominating heights inside their claim line along the 4000km LAC so we can then barter real estate. But for that to happen, Modi will need a 112 inch chest!
We might already be holding some chini land. Doval adds more than 56 inch to modis 56 inch.

Chinese are singing for peace again . No surprise here.


United States of Hindu Empire
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May 29, 2009
Dalla Panag and Shukla were given a task to spin it as India’s fault because Chinese knew looking aggressor this time will be harmful. Many clowns feed on that bait. But then people took the challenge and debunked their lie.

China has been changing the status quo way before 2014 and only recently India started to match it.

Getting beaten into pulp on TV debates, now Shukla and that loser Panag have been tasked to demoralise the masses including their own peers who are taking on China-man by accusing India being a coward.

Look carefully how both these snake are twisting either side of the argument.

1. India at fault and aggressor because it is developing infrastructure that provoked China.

2. India is coward because it is losing land to aggressor China.

Sticking on to point 2 and seeing his foot soldiers are not being able to make a dent the Pappu Gandhi has now come out of his rat hole to take the charge. The clown prince following his Bofors Dallal father’s foot steps has started playing with the fire of demoralising the nation and eventually forces.

This all happening when Chinese have just landed on LAC.

We have not forgotten how his corrupt mother unleashed all her political might to demoralise the nation during Kargil war on a non issue.

Later on they said it was BJP’s war.

Least I talk is better about this family’s role during Doklam as people’s memories are still fresh.


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Jul 11, 2011
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One small action of Chinese on LAC has brought SLMB. IRBM, LRBM. Fighter bombers, US troops in Ladakh, Rahul Gandhi. BRO and Sibu Soren, Army Commander Western Command in Pooh, Army Commander Northern Command in Leh, CSG Meeting, MoD Meeting, NSA meetings, Nuclear Submarine, what not and what not on board.. at least in news...

But ITBP which is actually responsible for LAC is raising Command HQ in Chandigarh (Wow). There are promotions galore in ITBP. IB and RAW under Amit Shah for job well done. The old MHA man Rajnath Singh will take no cudgels with MHA. Only the generals will run around, Leh, Chusul, Pooh and everywhere in circles...

After all, the politician has lots of value for an IPS policeman. Generals have no political utility.... so simple.. their voices can be muted...


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Bombers are a pointless platform platform to have in the age of AEW&C and BVRAAMs.

SSBNs are the new bombers. We gotta have many SSBNs and K-4 type SLBMs. ASW still isn't as advanced as modern AAD. We can still sneak into Chinese waters and glass chicoms in places like Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai, before they even know what hit them.

I'm sure chicoms reading this will be like "we too have SSBNs and can glass Indian coastal cities." But that's exactly my point. China thought Tibet and Xinjiang can shield han-land from an Indian nukes. That they can launch their nukes from Tibet at Indian cities merely a few hundred kilometers away; and that chicom BMD would take advantage of the vast response time Tibet affords them, to ward off Indian Agnis.

SSBNs are a way for India to guarantee MAD against China.

abhay rajput

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Apr 10, 2016
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You mean like Manhattan Project? :hehe:
First of all , contrary to popular belief underground nuclear explosion don't create small earthquake every times . Second why would we test in Delhi.? RRCAT India's most valuable institute in terms of nuclear research. This institute does simulation that you have heard about through lasers. And it's comes under DAE
Lastly read this article
We don't need to conduct any test . And subcritical test are done all the times. Even us done those test , the last one I remember was in 2017 . remember we export deuterium and tritium to USA . This helps them keeps there H bomb in shape . :playball:
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Jan 17, 2010
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Bombers are a pointless platform platform to have in the age of AEW&C and BVRAAMs.

SSBNs are the new bombers. We gotta have many SSBNs and K-4 type SLBMs. ASW still isn't as advanced as modern AAD. We can still sneak into Chinese waters and glass chicoms in places like Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai, before they even know what hit them.
Not really, bombers equipped with multiple long range CMs will enable us to hit deep inside China without using ballistic missiles. Or fire a huge number of SOWs in the case of Pakis.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Interesting tweet.. looks like India was observating chinese movements all along. So the question is:

1. Did Modi put too much trust in his bilateral informal summits, that no action was taken..
2. That India wanted the Chinese to intrude.. That India wanted an escalation?

Relationship with China carry quite a big weight of decades long diplomatic transactions including high volume of trade.

Relying on that weight is quite obvious choice when things change like this.

Their last military exercise in the region was monitored very carefully and it seems the spillover at LAC was expected before they go back behind war ready lines.

To me it seems they want India to make diplomatic overtures towards 11 Ping and then descalation will happened like it happened during Rajiv Gandhi’s tenure.

I am not sure if Modi will read it right and won’t lose it in the translation (knowingly or unknowingly).

My reading is Modi will call out Chinese bulff and shift the paradigm of Indo-China relationship more towards military deterrence than trade and diplomatic.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Not really, bombers equipped with multiple long range CMs will enable us to hit deep inside China without using ballistic missiles. Or fire a huge number of SOWs in the case of Pakis.
Yeah, provided we've established air-superiority and can waltz into chicom airspace. With sub-surface warfare, there's no concept of area-domination, area-denial, or "superiority." You sneak in, emerge, unload your SLBM complement in a volley that can overwhelm their BMD, and then you get the hell out.

If we have 4-5 SSBNs deployed at all times in chinese seas, it would neuter chicom war-planners to no end. Tibet would become a liability rather than an asset to them.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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People are taking it more seriously this time . When scientist like Sonam wangchuck are appealing for boycott of Chinese products. So many people are silent but enmity with China is definitely higher after corona and now this.
People have sentiments and sentiments over the time start fading if government don't support them.
Few months down the line the dispute goes cold people will forget about it and will move on and will buy whatever shit they want to.
If government of india can ban / make life of Chinese companies difficult for india then we can boycott them and is there a alternative to Chinese products?


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Jul 11, 2011
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Dalla Panag and Shukla were given a task to spin it as India’s fault because Chinese knew looking aggressor this time will be harmful. Many clowns feed on that bait. But then people took the challenge and debunked their lie.

China has been changing the status quo way before 2014 and only recently India started to match it.

Getting beaten into pulp on TV debates, now Shukla and that loser Panag have been tasked to demoralise the masses including their own peers who are taking on China-man by accusing India being a coward.

Look carefully how both these snake are twisting either side of the argument.

1. India at fault and aggressor because it is developing infrastructure that provoked China.

2. India is coward because it is losing land to aggressor China.

Sticking on to point 2 and seeing his foot soldiers are not being able to make a dent the Pappu Gandhi has now come out of his rat hole to take the charge. The clown prince following his Bofors Dallal father’s foot steps has started playing with the fire of demoralising the nation and eventually forces.

This all happening when Chinese have just landed on LAC.

We have not forgotten how his corrupt mother unleashed all her political might to demoralise the nation during Kargil war on a non issue.

Later on they said it was BJP’s war.

Least I talk is better about this family’s role during Doklam as people’s memories are still fresh.
Ok Agreed ...
But this family had developed a system. organizations and culture of managing the Indian Security system wherein a ceratin set of sucking bureaucracy have developed a political stake in the present structure and system of functioning.

Except for appointing a toothless CDS what has BJP Govt and Modi - Shah - Doval done to bring in reforms, efficiency,and effectiveness in National Security management? When all border forces across Indian borders are paramilitary Army forces, why India should opt for police command on the management of borders? So we are trying to impress ourselves and bureaucratic interests? How many times BSF will utterly fail on Bangladesh Borders, ITBP on Indo China Borders, and even then Amit Shah creating ITBP Command HQs?

How long will India play OBC. SC ST politics in the management of National Security by creating six hundred battalions of CAPF and hundreds of posts of IGs, DIGs. DGs only to employ and please a vote bank? For Congress it was deliberate but what have the Modi - Shah - Doval Combination done to reform it?

Why is Rajnath is coming in front to explain things if LAC is under MHA in so-called peacetime and ITBP and intelligence agencies under MHA and MEA are responsible for lapses? Why are they using Rajnath Singh as sacrificial goat... ??

Panag and Shukla may be scums of politics but certainly, they are not the only voices in protest. There are some very valid questions regarding higher system of management of national Security that need to be addressed...

If the country has raised sixty battalions of ITBP and given them a task, they are the ones who should be running in circles. Why take this opportunity of someones failure to further enslave the Army and break the ice on their head... ??

Where is the BJP Nationalist approach to National security ?? Why are they stuck with bureaucratic approach... where is the leadership and vision ?? Where in national resurgence when it clearly is bureaucratic resurgence...
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