India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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May 31, 2020
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Dude I know you are concerned perhaps a bit too much. I would like to give an idea of a 2 front war.
for the last 50 years, the Indian strategy is to simulataneously fight a 2.5 front war without any external help

1 = Offensive war against Pakistan

2 = Defensive war against China

0.5 = internal uprising by Indian muslims / naxalites

***The 0.5 war will be handled by 1 million army reservists and 1 million central govt armed police forces such as CRPF

***To wage a war, you need logistics,

Pakistan just has 3 days supply of Petroleum - Oil - Lubricants for full war

Pakistan just has 72 railway engines, 10 passenger rail engines and 62 goods train engines vs India has about 10000 rail engines - You need a road-rail network to supply an army in war

In terms of modern aircraft, India has a 20 to 1 advantage over Pakistan

***Next we move to the defensive war vs China

*The China border is along Tibet, which is mostly a high altitude desert

China cant keep more than 15k soldiers permanently in Tibet, and even

during a temperory war Surge, no more than 100k for about 2 months

The extra surge soldiers have to be acclimatise for several weeks

In Mountain warfare, the invader needs a 5 to 1 advantage

In 1962 war, China threw 100k soldiers vs 15k Indians and had acclimatised them for 3 months

To handle a 200k Indian mountain soldiers, China needs to attack with 1000k

soldiers from Tibet, and this is impossible, even for a surge.

*Next Military jets cant take off from high altitude Tibet, with

full fuel and weapons load, China just has 24 jets in Tibet

vs hundreds of Indian jets taking off fully loaded from plains airfields

China ( and India ) cant make jet engines and China imports low reliability

Russian jet engines ; Russia deliberatly sells limited amount of jet engines to China

for fear of future Chinese invasion of Siberia

*Next the Indian navy can easily blockade the Straits of Malacca, and cut off Oil to China

Land based Indian aircraft can destroy any Chinese navy in Indian ocean and only a

small % of Chinese navy can operate in Indian ocean, much of Chinese navy has to be

held back to face US and Japan navy

*Next, China has a bad habit of ripping off arms vendors, they even ripped off

the Russian Su-27, so most arms vendors wont even give brochure to China

In terms of modern weapons, India can buy latest tech from US, Israel, Russia, France,

all of which are far more technically advanced than Chinese weapons - 70% of Chinese export weapons are sold to Pakistan ( which is desperate for any bad quality weapons )

So China cant cross Himalaya and cant enter Indian ocean.
This is my thought process regarding a two front war though it is strictly defence based. We need to be wary of both Porks & Chinks but no way we should fear them.
Those are all nice but do they compare to SRao's idea ??

50 US super soldiers at the LAC . :rofl:


New Member
Apr 4, 2019
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The idea of 50 US personnel works on the presupposition that US in our camp. They aren't. We know that, US knows that, China knows that. If hostilities start, they'll be recalled to US. China will call the bluff in first week.

US won't save their satellite States like Japan or SoKo if situation is serious. You can write that down.

Also, they haven't won a war since...WW2? And they've fought adversaries far inferior to them.

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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Who needs usa to take on coward chinkies. Chinki with all their bravado can't even reclaim taiwan a tiny island with just a few million in population.

That the same chinki will fight India which has same population to themselves is a ridiculous
Its a propaganda force rather than fighting one.:hehe:

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Those are all nice but do they compare to SRao's idea ??

50 US super soldiers at the LAC . :rofl:
This is what happens when you watch too much superhero Hollywood movies. This same super soldiers got their a*s kicked in Vietnam & know don't know what to do with Taliban. I think someone here posted a article about how Chinks got scared of irregular miltias in South Sudan & Indian military came to save the day. I know we should never underestimate the enemy especially if the enemy is as shrewd as Chinese who are backstabbers by default but at the same time we are not in way lesser to them.

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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This is what happens when you watch too much superhero Hollywood movies. This same super soldiers got their a*s kicked in Vietnam & know don't know what to do with Taliban. I think someone here posted a article about how Chinks got scared of irregular miltias in South Sudan & Indian military came to save the day. I know we should never underestimate the enemy especially if the enemy is as shrewd as Chinese who are backstabbers by default but at the same time we are not in way lesser to them.
Do you have a link to the South Sudan article? Then please share.
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New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Expected better from u
When I said Japan And Koreans About Taking PLA I talked About there Indigenous Capability Are Well Established

Japanese Are Pioneered in Various Technologies So are Koreans .Mitsubishi Industries And Samsung For Korea

They make 80 % Of there Equipment on there Own That Include Tanks ,Artillery ,Submarines ,Assault rifles
AESA RADAR ,Destroyes etc

South Koreans Transferred Us SPH TOT in form K-9

They are Much more Developed Prepared To take PLA than Us Indians

I mean To say they utilized US Proximity For there Gains They don't need US any more

US Is now Only hurdle Btw them and From becoming Dominating regional power

Context Is That We Should Maintain Relation With US on the Lines of Russians

No more or Less

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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Do you have a link to the South Sudan article? Then please share.
I also first heard about this on DFI. Sadly our media never shows us these kind of things. They are always too busy with Porkies & their cornflakes manufacturing army.


New Member
Mar 24, 2019
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dint china fought usa in korean war .. it dint stop them frm attacking . USA was super power back then as well. So symbolic aspect is nonsense ...It ll only embolden them them from humiliation they fear the most.. usa troops cn nt add nything more in case of a war scenario.. chinese ll win perception war.. How 50 USA soldiers with out knowledge of geography and terrain ll help us ? The best they can do is supply armaments as soon as possible whn demanded ..and create some pressure on eastern sector so that chinese full attention is nt paid on western sector . If there are usa boots on our soil it ll become something different.. remember we still depend upon russia for many armaments we previously purchased.. We have enough power to give a bloody nose and make it a stalemate if they choose to fight .. Dont go by perception on world media .. See the ground realities on our abilities in case such scenario emerges .


Tihar Jail
Feb 21, 2020
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What is the condition on LAC near NorthEast? Are the chinese building up there as well?


Tihar Jail
Feb 21, 2020
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LOL, the Canadian press has been feeding you too much maple syrup.

There is a strong counter-polarization by working class America. They've tasted antifa, and they know their businesses will never be safe in a Democrat regime. 2020 will see a landslide Trump victory. The American silent-majority, which has been bullied to chant "BLM" will throw its weight behind Trump.

Once re-elected, Trump will come out with crippling regulations against social media (Zuckerberg saw this and pledged neutrality while Dorsey's skull is a little thicker). He will also double down on economic warfare against China, by making Xi an increasingly bad idea for the Chinese masses. Trump will also systematically take out Soros and corporations affiliated to him.

Whether Trump is an idiot is debatable, but whether he's vindictive is not.
It about India's outreach to US leaders for the sake of global position and not fail like earlier on the issue of Kashmir. Chinese have lobby there.

Commando 01

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Jun 7, 2020
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PLAAF Changhe Z-8KA helicopter is seen along LAC in Eastern Ladakh. May be on recce mission using its strong FLIR sensors


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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I also first heard about this on DFI. Sadly our media never shows us these kind of things. They are always too busy with Porkies & their cornflakes manufacturing army.
was this the same incident where PLA lost two of their chaps during peace keeping duties? Timeline seems to match.

there were huge funeral processions too in their villages for the chaps who died.

cereal killer

New Member
May 14, 2020
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was this the same incident where PLA lost two of their chaps during peace keeping duties? Timeline seems to match.

there were huge funeral processions too in their villages for the chaps who died.
Yeah it is the same one. China's reputation was badly tarnished after the inquiry came out.
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