India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Yeah, every other country has a reason or the other, from the mighty and rich Europeans, to the small and rich Japan and SKorea.

India is a bit special to not see the benefit of having a psychological effect of a small presence, under the garb of "training".

Hum zara hat ke hain. As I said, izzat ka sawaal hai. Matter of shame. Agree.
No it's different. Very different
You can never compare india with EU. We are not EU they are different people with many countries being just buffer state of USA and even in EU france doesn't allow American bases on its own soil.
South korea and japan doesn't have nuclear deterrent against there adversaries. And there policies are designed and written by Americans.
India being country of 1.2 billion people cannot be allowed to be dictated by anyone on this earth.
If we were going to end up out sourcing our security why governments spend billions on defence gone to a effort to develop nuclear missiles.
We are spending billions on development of nuclear subs.
Policy of india is to become a net security provider in SEA we are in talks to build mighty 3rd aircraft carrier to "project power".
If india cries like a baby and ask help Chinese would be successful just like 1962 because it will destroy India's position as a challenger and player in the region.


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May 31, 2020
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I just don't know how Chinese will get afraid of American 50-100 troops if they patrol on LAC.
People are watching to much rambo movie's.
That will only just show that india is not a equal power in the region.
And i don't think Chinese will get afraid Chinese have effectively fought against them in Vietnam war.
You mean korean war , and i agree they fought USA with shitty equipment and large numbers.


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May 31, 2020
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Yes yes build a new white house in arunachal pradesh a golf course too.

Aur kuch bacha hai bolo wo bhi add kar dete hai.

Best ek kaam karo arunachal pradesh ko american pradesh naam dedo ab khush.
I am not supporting his argument , he wants us to be the next South korea / Japan / Poland etc.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
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Jun 5, 2017
Well You Underestimating the Japanese And Koreans I assure you they are better equipped then IA

That Today they both Can jointly Take On the PLA on it own

Only Constraint is there Pacifist approach

USA also curbed there Ambitions

Hell Without USA Even CCP Will be Not What it is Today Without Western Trade Chinese
Expected better from u



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Jan 7, 2016
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If india want to make china piss in it's pants test K-6 missile and roll batch of nuclear subs.
Assured total destruction will keep Chinese at bay.
No, both countries know that nuclear war in such a small conflict is not an option. We need to show out tactical strength such as snipers, artillery, MBRL, Strength in logistics to transport and deploy equipment and troops etc. fast.


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May 31, 2020
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If india want to make china piss in it's pants test K-6 missile and roll batch of nuclear subs.
Assured total destruction will keep Chinese at bay.
That will only give us parity , make us equal with them . A limited conflict will not involve nukes , so their mischief on the border will continue .


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Jan 22, 2020
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Israel has a US base tho , and by SRao's logic we should also have US bases near LOC . maybe allow a few F35s in our IAF bases . Place their THAAD and patriot system on the border like South Korea . Joint exercises like they did with Poland a few years ago when Russia starts getting uppity.
I wouldn't go so far as bases- just friendly exercises with a small number of troops, in places that are inconvenient to the chinese, and will give them a pause. But given the way India is signing up to be a part of triads and quads, I wouldn't be surprised if some such arrangement comes about in the future.

I would also suggest that IAF should consider buying a squadron of F35s- the psychological effect on the chinks will be tremendous. Place about half a squadron in Ladakh, and rest in NE. It will definitely also make the US more amenable to support India in every forum, and for a few billion $, we can feel more safe. I dont think Rafale's bring such a sense of fear in the adversary.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Expected better from u

He is not wrong in a way though while japan and south korea indeed come under the influence of US their military is not to be taken lightly.

Japanese navy alone is more than enough to wreak havoc on PLAN the anti submarine component of japan is very strong along with their BMD capability.

I feel like in the case of our army we are much better than them since we have seen much more action.

Cant say much about the gear though japanese infantry modernisation has been going at a good pace they even got their new rules recently but they are not as experienced as us.
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Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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That will only give us parity , make us equal with them . A limited conflict will not involve nukes , so their mischief on the border will continue .
The threat of india being capable of mass destruction of bejjing if they cross certain line's of indian territory would be just enough to get upper hand.
It will also help us to stop Chinese in everyone's favorite fantasy of two front war.

On LAC i have no doubt that Chinese will end up there ass getting roasted.


New Member
Jan 22, 2020
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No it's different. Very different
You can never compare india with EU. We are not EU they are different people with many countries being just buffer state of USA and even in EU france doesn't allow American bases on its own soil.
South korea and japan doesn't have nuclear deterrent against there adversaries. And there policies are designed and written by Americans.
India being country of 1.2 billion people cannot be allowed to be dictated by anyone on this earth.
If we were going to end up out sourcing our security why governments spend billions on defence gone to a effort to develop nuclear missiles.
We are spending billions on development of nuclear subs.
Policy of india is to become a net security provider in SEA we are in talks to build mighty 3rd aircraft carrier to "project power".
If india cries like a baby and ask help Chinese would be successful just like 1962 because it will destroy India's position as a challenger and player in the region.
Nothing you said has prevented china from doing what it did. Not India's 1.2 billion people, nor its mighty army, nor its billions spent on nuclear subs, nothing. These just cannot prevent the salami slicing tactics of the chinks.

Let's just hope china will vacate the land they have occupied for the last few decades. And seem to keep inching in every year.

I just read a foolhardy statement from a Paki that maybe this is the time for them also to intrude a few km into J&K! Giving them ideas, our response to the chinks.


New Member
Aug 8, 2017
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Guys, why isn't our airstrip at DBO concretized?
It shouldn't be difficult isnt it?
Or is it coz of pressure from chinkies?.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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It depends of How much aggressive posture India is able to exhibits. If these small Chinkis are scarred, they will be
more than eager to withdraw.
if we are to take forward this line of thought, what better way to show aggressive intent than bang pakis on the west. By bang I mean either arty or air strikes on tango camps.

it would demonstrate the following aspects on India’s intent:

1) India is capable of handling western border independent of eastern border.

2) irrespective of CCP pressure tactics, life goes on in India as usual.

3) India doesn’t mind banging anybody in midst of negotiations, even a Chinese ally is within reach.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Nothing you said has prevented china from doing what it did. Not India's 1.2 billion people, nor its mighty army, nor its billions spent on nuclear subs, nothing. These just cannot prevent the salami slicing tactics of the chinks.

Let's just hope china will vacate the land they have occupied for the last few decades. And seem to keep inching in every year.

I just read a foolhardy statement from a Paki that maybe this is the time for them also to intrude a few km into J&K! Giving them ideas, our response to the chinks.
They did make china run away in doklam . Lol.

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Nothing you said has prevented china from doing what it did. Not India's 1.2 billion people, nor its mighty army, nor its billions spent on nuclear subs, nothing. These just cannot prevent the salami slicing tactics of the chinks.

Let's just hope china will vacate the land they have occupied for the last few decades. And seem to keep inching in every year.

I just read a foolhardy statement from a Paki that maybe this is the time for them also to intrude a few km into J&K! Giving them ideas, our response to the chinks.
If india was not capable of defending it's land then sikkim wouldn't have been part of India arunachal pradesh would have been taken by them and dokalam would have been Chinese territory too.
And in these current crisis Chinese are claiming area in no mans land india have also mass mobilized thing's. If Chinese want a long term border face off then we are going to give them exactly that we will not allow them to come inside there presumptions line.

Btw American track record is also not very great super power which failed to defeat taliban and is on talks to have a peace deal with them for American face saving.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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Nothing you said has prevented china from doing what it did. Not India's 1.2 billion people, nor its mighty army, nor its billions spent on nuclear subs, nothing. These just cannot prevent the salami slicing tactics of the chinks.

Let's just hope china will vacate the land they have occupied for the last few decades. And seem to keep inching in every year.

I just read a foolhardy statement from a Paki that maybe this is the time for them also to intrude a few km into J&K! Giving them ideas, our response to the chinks.
Dude I know you are concerned perhaps a bit too much. I would like to give an idea of a 2 front war.
for the last 50 years, the Indian strategy is to simulataneously fight a 2.5 front war without any external help

1 = Offensive war against Pakistan

2 = Defensive war against China

0.5 = internal uprising by Indian muslims / naxalites

***The 0.5 war will be handled by 1 million army reservists and 1 million central govt armed police forces such as CRPF

***To wage a war, you need logistics,

Pakistan just has 3 days supply of Petroleum - Oil - Lubricants for full war

Pakistan just has 72 railway engines, 10 passenger rail engines and 62 goods train engines vs India has about 10000 rail engines - You need a road-rail network to supply an army in war

In terms of modern aircraft, India has a 20 to 1 advantage over Pakistan

***Next we move to the defensive war vs China

*The China border is along Tibet, which is mostly a high altitude desert

China cant keep more than 15k soldiers permanently in Tibet, and even

during a temperory war Surge, no more than 100k for about 2 months

The extra surge soldiers have to be acclimatise for several weeks

In Mountain warfare, the invader needs a 5 to 1 advantage

In 1962 war, China threw 100k soldiers vs 15k Indians and had acclimatised them for 3 months

To handle a 200k Indian mountain soldiers, China needs to attack with 1000k

soldiers from Tibet, and this is impossible, even for a surge.

*Next Military jets cant take off from high altitude Tibet, with

full fuel and weapons load, China just has 24 jets in Tibet

vs hundreds of Indian jets taking off fully loaded from plains airfields

China ( and India ) cant make jet engines and China imports low reliability

Russian jet engines ; Russia deliberatly sells limited amount of jet engines to China

for fear of future Chinese invasion of Siberia

*Next the Indian navy can easily blockade the Straits of Malacca, and cut off Oil to China

Land based Indian aircraft can destroy any Chinese navy in Indian ocean and only a

small % of Chinese navy can operate in Indian ocean, much of Chinese navy has to be

held back to face US and Japan navy

*Next, China has a bad habit of ripping off arms vendors, they even ripped off

the Russian Su-27, so most arms vendors wont even give brochure to China

In terms of modern weapons, India can buy latest tech from US, Israel, Russia, France,

all of which are far more technically advanced than Chinese weapons - 70% of Chinese export weapons are sold to Pakistan ( which is desperate for any bad quality weapons )

So China cant cross Himalaya and cant enter Indian ocean.
This is my thought process regarding a two front war though it is strictly defence based. We need to be wary of both Porks & Chinks but no way we should fear them.
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