India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Who have let it slide. Last I check artilleries are moving forward and airforce chief was in leh.

Chinese may have started it and still got beaten but no one has declared end of it!!

This is just beginning . Both sides are reinforcing a whole lot more is coming. We will strike back. I don't there is any other alternative after what has happened.

I hope for the same I'm just reacting like this after @Hellfire replied.

I hope for the best.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Why hasn't China released its casualties? It seems like they would be eager to change the narrative and paint themselves as the victim.
More than anything CCP is afraid of negative face value.
They wanna showcase She jin as extremely strong leader that's why Chinese Ambassador in past used to subtle now they are bad mouthing everyone and are claimed as wolf warrior inside China.
India on the other hand is cold minded and much more strategic.


Maulana Rockullah
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Aug 12, 2009
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Cant say they are. As Capt Amrinder Singh pointed out the other day , if the army has to fight with sticks better to send in the RSS . At least they are well versed in lathis... 😠😠😠. What a load of nonsense making the army fight with sticks and stones.
Bringing RSS into anything is typical CONgress style.

Amrinder is one of the few better leaders left in CONgress and the reason he is not much liked by "Gandhis" as leaders like him can topple them. The reason "Gandhis" bought mental Siddhu to topple him but Amrinder threw Siddhu out. Now Siddhu is like Thobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghaat ka.

But at the end of the day Amrinder is forced to tow his party line.

btw Amrinder knows RSS is doing good work in Punjab and CONgress irked.

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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Damn.. This report of china re entering dokhlam very worrisome .If they start war entire NE can be cut off .. They r behaving like due to corona situation shop keeper is away and time to loot ...
Mr MMS and Chidambaram and all former Finance Ministers should be pushed into Doklam to protect it as they are responsible for cutting funds for Mountain Strike Corps.


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Apr 21, 2020
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That's mean they just buying time.....

They are looking to 'settle' the border issue with India.

Please recollect the original offer. Just for reference:

In my personal opinion here (and I write my personal opinion when I am offering my opinion based on my appreciation of the situation), the Chinese read that Mr Modi has the necessary Political Clout and Capital to reach a settlement. Yet, they also understand that the situation may not be ideal as anyone compromising on the issue will also end up facing a public wrath. So, a 'carrot and stick' approach is being adopted, with a view to put pressure on GoI and the citizens as also create

The Chinese need India to reach some kind of settlement for u/m reasons:

1. To protect it's interests in world forums. A 'friendly' and 'compliant' India will be an useful ally in offsetting the debilitating fallout of the COVID 19 crisis. The same, the fallout, has hit the domestic economy severely. A potentially precarious condition for CPC's hold over power.

2. To prevent a formation of a formalized 'Quad' with potential allies in terms of nations facing security challenges with China joining at a latter date to augment the same into a NATO like structure. Please recollect that the primary reasons for the fall of USSR & Iron Curtain was simply the high economic costs. That includes everything - from technology R&D to market/finance access. The NATO & allied states benefited from lower developmental costs for Technology which fuelled the innovations for both the market and resulted in what was popularly known as "RMA"(or Revolution in Military Affairs). These again imposed costs on the USSR that it simply could not afford but had to.

(this is what we see happening with Pakistan, albeit in a modified way)

3. Securing CPEC. I have mentioned it elsewhere, Chinese will not hesitate to sell Pakistan down the drain if we were to insure and ensure their interests over CPEC. When the HM makes a statement over GB and in the same breath, Aksai Chin, their insecurities over this critical aspect - of finding an alternate to their precarious SLOC, come to fore.

4. India remains a very large market for them. Yes, it may seem counter productive to use force, but there is a rather typical Chinese logic behind it - the Indian core manufacturing is very selective and limited. Most of the 'Made in India' products that are of mass use, are manufactured by Chinese firms and Indian 'manufacturers' simply paste their company name and logo on it.

Of course, one must never forget that for the Chinese, the treaty is meant only to be valid for that time period. They can move out of it whenever they feel that it is invalid with 'change in circumstances/conditions/time'


New Member
Jun 19, 2020
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Mr MMS and Chidambaram and all former Finance Ministers should be pushed into Doklam to protect it as they are responsible for cutting funds for Mountain Strike Corps.
Lol MMS govt sanctioned the strike corps. They were voted out soon after. It was up to the NDA to make the necessary budgetary provisions and take it forward. In their wisdom and it was Jaitley I think who said it was too expensive so it was curtailed and here we are. Now there is talk of 3 IBGs for the China border. That isn’t enough for even one sector. So go figure....


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Hmmm so numbers were revised from 2-3 to 5 and from 5 to 30.
Lovin' it.

Still no word of SF in the fight? Sigh..
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