India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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The problem with R&AW and IB is the lack of a vision and long term perspective on a given subject. Both are bureaucratic organizations led and controlled by IPS and their visions can never surpass their ability to reproduce what is written in Khan Academy's IAS guide or Brilliant Tutorial Notes. Their rivalry is also a friendly match between two batch mates to gain proximity to Madam or Modi rather than being professional.

Coupled with that has been abject political interference where they have been shamefully used for internal political objectives of a particular party. Either R&AW simply does not a bird called "National Interest" and a "Grand Vision" for a great India or their vision has no political approval or there is no political consensus on that. Otherwise, why would they botch up in Srilanka, Punjab, Assam, Nagaland, Bangladesh, 1965, 1971, Kargil, J&K, and now Ladakh?

They work for political parties . have their bureaucratic interests to buttress and capable of changing colours and intelligence as it suits the boss.

What they did in Nepal and what they must be doing there looks haphazard without any long term plan and a vision. They are singularly responsible for large scale communists and Maoists surge in Nepal which is now grown into a monster and biting India.
Agreed, RAW should be given more freedom more like Pakistan's ISI. We are improving but still not there yet.


United States of Hindu Empire
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May 29, 2009
Good,bad, ugly Nepali notwithstanding, they need good bitchslapping and disciplined to know who is the big daddy here.

Lindus (many of them who are crawling here as well) who can not handle bad PR must stay home and keep their opinions to themselves.

I won’t go into the benefit and nuances of assertive, aggressive, interventionist policy because I expect people daring to join defence forums have caliber to foresee 2nd and 3rd effect of an armed conflict which eventually gives you entitlement and space to expand your influence.

Those who suffer causality syndrome or body bag syndrome must also stay home and listen podcasts on toxic masculanity and benefits of not wearing bras.

You lost chance to take over Jaffna, you lost chance to establish democracy in Myanmar, you did not captured POK in last three and half wars, you let communist take over Nepal by letting or being complicit in the murder of their monarch, played to Chinese sensitivities lullaby for last 2 decades.

Now how much more careful and PR conscious you want to become?

Even if you give them donkeys ladened of gold they will still find fault in the carry bag’s colour.

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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hit&run, you cannot change a society overnight.

The aggression that you want to see can come only from a revolution in a country like India.

For now, I prefer treating Nepal as a kid brother gone astray.
India have to behave like an older brother here. Nepali people work at our restaurants, factories and even in our armed forces.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Agreed, RAW should be given more freedom more like Pakistan's ISI. We are improving but still not there yet.
To compete with ISI our R&AW will have to undergo a complete transformation which is not possible under the culture of governance we all have developed. perpetuated and now accepted. The Nehruvian and Congress' deep distrust of military and culture of avoiding and subjugating anything military is an ingrained and intrinsic nature of bureaucracy be it MEA, MoD< MHA, IB or R&AW. It is part of their DNA now... after all they all are part of legacy which allowed them to hoodwink any British white man or woman except their white military commanders... calling the CDS "Galli Ka Gunda "is part of that fear and culture

One thing is for sure in this country - they simply do not understand an animal called Military and consequently are unable to handle that animal the way it should have been.

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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What is the meaning of such statements? It's like we've submitted to them. India govt ministers & mouthpieces are bunch of jokers.
These type of leaders are carrying forward khangressi tradition. This mentality of being peace lovers has given us jack s**t. Baniya mentality is also to blame. How can there be peace with a neighbor like Porkistan? Amit Shah to Gadkari be like "Toh him kya job chod de":frusty:

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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This is what these tin pot experts are paid to do. Every time they open their disgraced mouths they make it difficult for India and Indians to defend. They become insider’s view when not even a stray dog comes to smell their filthy presence in reality.

It is now an open secret that Chinese and Pakistani agencies pay millions of dollars to these Dallals. The nuisance multiplies when simpletons take their word seriously and start searching merit in it.

Nice effort by good Sir in the article, BTW.
You dont really need China or Pakistan to pay these guys.. Indian business houses will themselves pay them handsome sums, to put out any article.. When the government of the day deploys hundreds of thousands of troops on the chinese border, while not letting out any info for the public, the public will thirst for some info.. If the idiots in GOI do not take even a small initiative to officially put forth a narrative... someone else will....


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Feb 28, 2019
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Develop cold feet when asked if we can punish Pakistan after 26/11.

Fall back on RAW to hit ISI assets in North/North West Pakistan in retaliation.

Grab and dash when nobody's looking.

Police trailed his men for 2 months before Assam Rifles Commandant’s arrest

Army intel officer, cops among 5 arrested for embezzling 15 kg gold in Bengal: Cops

Despite all the evidence, blame everyone and keep whining 'We are Gold standard' and ours is the last word on all matters relating to national security.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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right wing

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Jul 7, 2014
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Well .. some one is shivering in GOI..and asked Gadkari to wave the white flag.. Hope those Gilgit baltistan weather bulletin guys will take a cue.. :pound:
Gadkari is always misquoted and has foot in mouth disease.
Judge a man by his work,not by his media bytes or byted versions collected from a full speech by media.
The BRO projects are implemented under coordination of his ministry look how he is so hands on with every project.
1.projects in ladakh and tunnels in JnK
2.himachal Pradesh tunnels and chardham project
3.projects and tunnels in Arunachal and Sikkim
4.projects in north east
All these projects has been brought back to life by his steady hands,something even the BRO chief says repeatedly.
Not to mention that this "baniya" is laying some of the biggest infra projects of the world as we speak.


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Mar 24, 2019
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Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Purely prejudicial argument not at all based on facts.

You must know that it is Nepalis who want that open border regime to be scrapped. It harms them more than the Indians. Indians extract ten time more out of Nepal than the Napalese benefit out of India. All those who are doing proxy business in Nepal - import Chinese stuff and then funnel that back into Indian markets are all bloody our Baniyas and scamsters.
Indians extracting more than the Nepalis, does not mean India benefits. The open border is a pain for both countries and should end...

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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we dont consider gilgit baltistan pok , aksai chin foreign land and show it as part of our territory in map .. what is wrong in gadkari statement ... these are not pak or chinese land as per our official stance .
And the article makes no mention of Gilgit Baltistan or aksai Chin.. so what made you draw your conclusion ?


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Aug 30, 2019
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Dec 12, 2015
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Indians extracting more than the Nepalis, does not mean India benefits. The open border is a pain for both countries and should end...
Do you want to fence the border? I think it is impractical to fence all borders.

Be patient and take some setbacks in stride.


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Jul 11, 2011
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India have to behave like an older brother here. Nepali people work at our restaurants, factories and even in our armed forces.
I do not belive either in Hitlers Fascism nor Stalins or Mao's inhumanity.

Policies between neighbors are the best when based on give and take and mutual benefits. Today's India can allow American citizens to be RBI governors, Chinese, Polish, Slovak or Swiis national to be CEO , salesmen, company employees in India but we nitpick on a poor Nepali guard. Bangladeshi have become a huge problem in India because of their political exploitation or use not otherwise. No building can be constructed in Delhi NCR without Bengalies/ You drive them out and Bhihari will be quick to ask ten-time raise.

India besides being a country is a massive subcontinent with affinities expanding across border all along. Let us start from North - Tibantans, Ladakhis. Kashmiris, Punjabies, Gujrati Rajputs, Tamils, Orriyas, Bengalis, Nagas and finally Nepalis...

re all those our ******s...? There are sensibilities, affinities, cultures and religions involves. We are not Europe so cut out on racial and ethnic or lingual lines. We are so mixed up with fundamental human characteristics all across..

Hence any rough shod applies across our border areas are bound to boomerang. It is unique situation in the world and the only other country set up in such a situation is China. We need to convert this condition in our strength rather than weakness..

That is a civilizational trait we have inherited from thousands of years of our history. Even Buddhism could not break it what is communism in front of that Why should we squander that strength... simply because one rough govt says Lipulekh belongs to Nepal...


New Member
Feb 26, 2019
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If someone says so, I doubt if he has visited Nepal as a common man...

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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I do not belive either in Hitlers Fascism nor Stalins or Mao's inhumanity.

Policies between neighbors are the best when based on give and take and mutual benefits. Today's India can allow American citizens to be RBI governors, Chinese, Polish, Slovak or Swiis national to be CEO , salesmen, company employees in India but we nitpick on a poor Nepali guard. Bangladeshi have become a huge problem in India because of their political exploitation or use not otherwise. No building can be constructed in Delhi NCR without Bengalies/ You drive them out and Bhihari will be quick to ask ten-time raise.

India besides being a country is a massive subcontinent with affinities expanding across border all along. Let us start from North - Tibantans, Ladakhis. Kashmiris, Punjabies, Gujrati Rajputs, Tamils, Orriyas, Bengalis, Nagas and finally Nepalis...

re all those our ******s...? There are sensibilities, affinities, cultures and religions involves. We are not Europe so cut out on racial and ethnic or lingual lines. We are so mixed up with fundamental human characteristics all across..

Hence any rough shod applies across our border areas are bound to boomerang. It is unique situation in the world and the only other country set up in such a situation is China. We need to convert this condition in our strength rather than weakness..

That is a civilizational trait we have inherited from thousands of years of our history. Even Buddhism could not break it what is communism in front of that Why should we squander that strength... simply because one rough govt says Lipulekh belongs to Nepal...
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