India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Apr 21, 2020
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For the bold. Yes and no. Yes, we are holding some buffer territory. No, it's not a good position as we are holding positions which we anyways claim and they also hold positions we claim which were previously not under them, now.
Isn't the reverse true too
Its not a good position for them either as chinese are holding positions that they anyways claim and we also hold positions which they claim and weren't under us (No man's land)
Or i am missing something here,
China claims till finger 2, we claim till finger 8, we are both stuck between finger 4 & 5, so basically we both are holding positions claimed by both but was No man's land.

Can you divulge if chinese have occupied territory at other places too?

abhay rajput

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Apr 10, 2016
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Who? Where?
Okay sir , I have few questions for you
1- if we have to lose territory then we should atleast fight a war because these salami slicing have been happening since a long time . The biggest one I heard happened in 2012/2013.
2- if GOI doesn't want war then the best way is to test our biggest nuke . It will send the message quite clearly to the Chinese.
3- I always say just abandon any purchase and make only nukes and missiles . Place them on lac itself so there will be no salami slicing.
4- this is what happens when you don't test nukes more than 25kt. Even north Korea have far more advanced weapons than us with bigger missiles. I bet no one want to mess with them.
5- lastly didn't we also occupy some no man land also on 27 may.? Sow what's the problem here.
Please answer these questions as clearly as you can old man.


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Oct 12, 2013
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Everyone here seems to think we wont attack or cant attack or that's not how we operate.Any logical explanation to why we should not attack first? Isn't that what we should do if every one thinks otherwise.
You Will Not attack the enemy When you are at your Low .And Enemy Is desperate Also to attack you need To build a Narrative And Plan.And Possible contingencies
So We Will make the move When it Will suits us


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Apr 8, 2016
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Another ajai shukla type of a$$hole. why is our forum being overrun by these types? Does no one see what is happening?
You have no idea who he is , I personally don't care who he is or anybody is , I go for the content . He brings maturity and experience minus jingoism

But let me tell you he was joking when he said -1 to 1 because as a person in the know ( or involved or familiar with responsibility of high stakes ) he or anybody will never explicitly give the cards out. Or it could be a matter of " touch wood "

Kids might but not professionals which have a stake and everything to lose.

And i agree shukla is a ahole and more
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Jul 4, 2013
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They have absolutely nothing to lose. They came prepared, and they executed.
That surely is not true. They can lose the 60billion trade surplus they have with us to start with.
Militarily, for such a long border, there would surely be positions where we can surprise them with our versions of salami slicing or whatever the military brains have thought of.
Diplomatically, they will ensure they are isolated because of their aggressive actions.

I also don't understand this line of argument where all the initiative and preparation lies with the adversary and we are caught napping. I'm sorry, but I don't think our forces operate at such reactionary level.

What most members here miss is the broader picture, which I had hinted at earlier in my initial posts here. China is looking to negotiate a peace with India to secure it's interests. And it is prepared to go to war (limited) for that if need be.

The present stand off has all the makings of an adversary prepared to fight a limited war.
There is no "limited war". Its not for them to decide. Any number of events may escalate it . From the punching of a Major to the sinking of some vessels in IOR.

I am not saying that we will crush China or anything as they are clearly ahead in a number of spheres and its in front of our eyes to see. Still expecting us to rollover and die sort of option seems defeatist and shows lack of imagination IMHO.
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Mar 5, 2017
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Chinese citizens do not care much about what is happening in Himalayas. If it was diversionary tactic than those PLA soldiers wouldn't have dig in tranches and set up camps. Cold War 2 has commenced and this is challenging power asking another major power that on which side that major power will be or will it be neutral. Which is why all the border negotiations are getting transferred to higher ranks and these talks will probably happen in 3-4 months between PMO India and Chinese President Office.
India right now is batted by both sides - US and China. USCIRF is pressurizing India and other departments helping India to take stance against China. Chinese using PLA to pressurize PM's strong man image by capturing Indian territory.
We are being sucked into this cold war. We are discussing alot about tactical challenges and how they will be overcome. MSR with PLA (backed by Beijing) in Tibet cannot be cut off without major military action and consequences of that would major war.

Let us see how India will forge its path.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Everyone here seems to think we wont attack or cant attack or that's not how we operate.Any logical explanation to why we should not attack first? Isn't that what we should do if every one thinks otherwise.
If India were to start first, war drums and justifications for war would be propagated thru news media. it takes atleast 3 months to prepare the public for war.

which hasn’t happened, yet.


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Oct 13, 2009
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You have no idea who he is , I personally don't care who he is or anybody is , I go for the content .

But let me tell you he was joking when he said -1 to 1 because as a person in the know ( or involved or familiar with responsibility of high stakes ) he or anybody will never explicitly give the cards out.

Kids might but not professionals which have a stake and everything to lose.
Do you any idea at all as to what's going on?


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Nov 8, 2015
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You Will Not attack the enemy When you are at your Low .And Enemy Is desperate Also to attack you need To build a Narrative And Plan.And Possible contingencies
So We Will make the move When it Will suits us
Sure I dont disagree all of that .I am not asking why we are not attacking now. I am asking why we shouldn't attack first? As history tells me we havent initiated any of the wars after independence.Why is that?


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Apr 21, 2020
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limited war would give CCP a chance to divert attention from a failing economy, and might even re-energise their internal systems.
Absolutely agree here.

but from a CCP point of view, why would they initiate a limited war that too with a nuclear neighbour? which is not their modus operandi.
You have not understood what I have been pointing at. Let me bore you a bit. Apologies.

1. Chinese need to secure their flanks in face of what they sense is an opportunity that is fast slipping from their fingers - of using COVID19 Chinese Virus distraction to secure its interests more firmly against littoral states. For this, they need to force India to the negotiating table.

2. An India which is at peace with China is more useful for them than an antagonist one. I may be wrong and China may restore status quo ante - provided they get major forms of concessions from GoI. That could happen, but that is remote. They want to secure/insure against Indian actions in general area GB and what they perceive, and in no less enabled by our fanboys and OSINTs, is an 'Indian interference in Baluchi struggle'.

3. The best way to get India to negotiations table is encouraged/selected leaks of "large tracts of territories held by China" in order to force the GoI to act. The action left open for GoI, in their calculus, would be negotiations, which makes sense even for me (although now am more convinced than ever before to use force against them).

4. As long as the present status quo remains in affect, China is getting all it wants from this standoff. A GoI which is on the backfoot (let us accept one fact, for all his silliness, RaGa does throw enough nonsense so frequently that quite a few right sane people also end up believing him. In an era where its a fashion to disbelieve the leadership, you can appreciate what a nightmare it is).

5. Even if, due to some perceived political compulsion Mr Modi is forced to order IA to evict them, they are prepared to fight a limited war in order to still head for negotiations.

6. And we have a no first use as has China, for nukes. So, out of calculus. For this situation.

wouldn’t it make sense for them to try these tactics on a smaller neighbour first?

we know for sure that India will not fire the first shot.
Well, India is the only one who can take them on. If we decide to lug it out, we may take some hits initially, but we will push them back and then some. It will be tough, costly in terms of manpower and material/economy, but we can not only hold our own but also push them back.

My only scepticism stems from a significant members of our leadership, both political and military/security forces, believing and convinced that we shall not be able to do so. And that can cost us the initial reverses that I talk of.

I have at least some faith in the present RM, who is ridiculed for being 'Kadi Ninda' but knows when he needs to act tough while speaking softly. PM is a different man. He won't back out of a fight. But he is not a dictator either.

@Hellfire is Respected And Far head than Fanboi's in Strategic thinking on Forum All his points are Bitter Pill

He is Neutral What every Veteran Should be
Eekkks .. He was abusing me?


Another ajai shukla type of a$$hole. why is our forum being overrun by these types? Does no one see what is happening?
Hi there.

Grow up.

Get some idea.

Then engage.

Man, I have not been spoken to like this even by Pakistanis who hated me ..... sigh ...


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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Is nirbhay program closed
Again spike can be used on hal rudra
Spike comes with quad luncher ,rudra can carry dual luncher only ......
Again is nag with namica ordered
Status of mrsam
How India is going to save it's cities from missile s
Is BMD operational

Post in chit chat if any queries:

1. nope
2. yes
3. yes
4. ordered. not delivered since a decade.
5. developed, LRSAM going on
6. by hoping no one fires at them at present. Delhi Mumbai etc have defences though.
7. Being operationalized .... underway


New Member
Sep 14, 2009
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strong leadership will change things and erase the confusion It should be clear
how the Chinese view India after all that has happened.

i wish you will be true . but we know its not true.

policy should not be depend on any leader , that should be predefined and well executed by forces


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Sure I dont disagree all of that .I am not asking why we are not attacking now. I am asking why we shouldn't attack first? As history tells me we haven't initiated any of the wars after independence.Why is that?
Lets say We Attack What Will be the objective If Capture Up-till Finger 8 Why not Tibet

  • What Will be the Collateral. Is Indian public mindset ready for 50,000 deaths If Do go offensive
  • Do We have Diplomatic support by UNSC members or Our allies or there Logistics supply
  • What is are Preparation For attack Do we have Enough Military Capabilities To get Edge Over adversary
  • Last But Not the Least What Is the Contingencies In Case our military Failed To achieve the objective With collateral Damage


New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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If India were to start first, war drums and justifications for war would be propagated thru news media. it takes atleast 3 months to prepare the public for war.

which hasn’t happened, yet.
in that sense does the Chinese need do the same for their public as well right?
More or less Indian public is aware now since last 1 month that something is not well on Chinese border.That should count i think.
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