India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Jul 11, 2011
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I think either the Chinese have gone mad or they are working on some larger plot to capture the world during Wuhan pendemic.

Now the Chinese have claimed Sakteng in Bhutan.

Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary is located mostly in Trashigang District and just crossing the border into Samdrup Jongkhar District, Bhutan. It is one of the country's protected areas.

So now the Chinese want to sit at Udalguri and Tamalpur - like hell...:shoot:

Claim over Sakteng means claim over entire Tawang Tract. Is it the real intention or a diversion, I do not know. But Chinese can forget about Tawang.

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Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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Please take it as a friendly reminder. Don't put out anything that's not in public domain or till that event has already happened.
That's because we roughly know your location.
I don't.....after feb27 iaf tested new bvrs....we got to knew it from Russian media...I was aware of that but didn't reveal.....


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Dec 12, 2015
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These are non-chinese view point which does not make any difference. More important data points what chinese think. I believe chinese views are strictly aligned with CCP world views (not all but majority). As long as there are no voices against regime or discomfort in mainland china, its of no use other than internal consumption for non-chinese audience only.
Well the all pervasive control on information in China means Chinese citizens will not see the outside world; except a few who got educated overseas.

China is a difficult nut to crack as it is an epitome of autocracy (or dictatorship). But all nuts eventually crack.

I think we are close to a world war. 555 days of absolute evil. China will be in shambles at the end of it.

Nature (God) has its own ways of working that non-God fearing people cannot understand.


The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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China Crafts New Row In Bhutan Wildlife Sanctuary Bordering India

As the SWS request came up for discussion, sources said, the Chinese member of the GEF Council raised objections against the proposal contending that the sanctuary was located in a disputed area between Bhutan and China.

China Stresses on Project ‘Falling in Disputed Area’
The objection came as a shock to the Council meeting but the GEF Secretariat immediately rebutted the Chinese contention pointing out that the SWS was located within the sovereign territory of Bhutan, the sources added.

However, during the adoption of the nal work programme, the Chinese member insisted that the footnote should record that “China objects to this project due to the reasons that the project falls in the disputed area between Bhutan and China”.

The GEF Secretariat suggested that the footnote would only record the fact that China objected to the project and the reasons could come in the highlights of the discussion, which is a less formal record, and not in the Chair’s Summary.

However, the Chinese Council Member indicated that he would need time to consult with his higher ups to come to a view on the matter, the sources revealed.

The matter rests there at the moment but those who have dealt with China say this is not the end of the matter. Bhutan and China admittedly have an acknowledged border dispute dating back decades.

Talks between Thimphu and Beijing have been limited to three areas of dispute (two in North Bhutan — Jakarlung and Pasamlung areas — and one in West Bhutan, the more famous Doklam area).


The raising of the new, non-existent dispute by China is straight out of its playbook employed against Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia and India: make a claim, establish some kind of a presence, withdraw and then cite that precedent in future negotiations in addition to invoking some vague historical reference and miraculously produce ancient maps to buttress its claims.
read full article at

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