India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Apr 3, 2019
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I am telling you wait for 2-3 days and liberal media will be saying mudi banned chinese apps, next he will ban free speech in social media. They will spin any news, already i am seeing post from liberals popping up
2-3 Days? They've already started doing their randiRona but Becharon ki sunta kaun hai? Except few jhola chap and JNU Unkil isstudents.


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Jul 15, 2018
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Signalling that it is all for peaceful restoration of status quo ante in East Ladakh but is also prepared for the worst case scenario, the Indian Army has deployed six T-90 missile firing tanks and top-of-the-line shoulder fired anti-tank missile systems in the Galwan Valley sector.

The senior military commanders from India and China are meeting at Chushul on Tuesday to work out the de-escalation and disengagement process on mutual terms. The army’s decision to deploy the T-90 Bishma tanks was taken after the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) had beefed up its positions on the river bed with armoured personnel carriers and troop tents. The Indian Army is occupying the dominant heights in the sector within its side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Infantry combat vehicles along with 155mm howitzers have been deployed all along 1597 km long LAC in East Ladakh with two tank regiments deployed in Chushul sector to repel any aggressive plans of the adversary through the Spanggur Gap.

While Chinese PLA wants to make a deal on the LAC in this sector as part of withdrawal, the Indian Army is no mood to give an inch as the military aggression came from the Western Theatre Command of China with the intention of redefining the LAC. According to military commanders, India is prepared for a long haul in this limited spectrum with capability of a full spectrum retaliation in case the red flag goes up.

With the water temperature in the river already touching 10 below zero and the river bed temperatures more frosty than the dominant heights due to temperature inversion, it is only a matter of time when “General Winter” takes over the area and makes Chinese positions in Galwan Valley untenable. While the PLA propaganda talks about introduction of troops trained in martial arts in the East Ladakh sector, fact is that the Chinese foot soldier is conscripted into the army for two years unlike the Indian hardy trooper who stays a minimum of 17 years.

Since 1984, the Indian trooper has been trained in high altitude war to repel Pakistan Army from taking over Siachen glacier and has been sitting heights of over 15,000 feet in both Kargil as well as East Ladakh sector. The general morale of the Indian military commanders and troops is very high with both Indian Air Force and Indian Navy deployed in highest state of alertness. Majority of Chinese PLA Air Force fighters are taking off from Hotan air base in Taklamakan desert, some 240 km from the LAC with surface to air missiles deployed to counter the Indian fighters.

Blue Water Navy

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Feb 13, 2020
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China Crafts New Row In Bhutan Wildlife Sanctuary Bordering India

As the SWS request came up for discussion, sources said, the Chinese member of the GEF Council raised objections against the proposal contending that the sanctuary was located in a disputed area between Bhutan and China.

China Stresses on Project ‘Falling in Disputed Area’
The objection came as a shock to the Council meeting but the GEF Secretariat immediately rebutted the Chinese contention pointing out that the SWS was located within the sovereign territory of Bhutan, the sources added.

However, during the adoption of the nal work programme, the Chinese member insisted that the footnote should record that “China objects to this project due to the reasons that the project falls in the disputed area between Bhutan and China”.

The GEF Secretariat suggested that the footnote would only record the fact that China objected to the project and the reasons could come in the highlights of the discussion, which is a less formal record, and not in the Chair’s Summary.

However, the Chinese Council Member indicated that he would need time to consult with his higher ups to come to a view on the matter, the sources revealed.

The matter rests there at the moment but those who have dealt with China say this is not the end of the matter. Bhutan and China admittedly have an acknowledged border dispute dating back decades.

Talks between Thimphu and Beijing have been limited to three areas of dispute (two in North Bhutan — Jakarlung and Pasamlung areas — and one in West Bhutan, the more famous Doklam area).

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Something is seriously wrong with Chinese leadership these days. Its their common attitude towards every neighbour, I know. But still its a bit aggressive even for the good old CCP.

Xi is truly behaving like a dictator now. Involving more countries will only make look China bad. :truestory:


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Jul 15, 2018
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Chinese build-up faces roadblocks in Galwan Valley.

The grand deployment of the Chinese troops in the Galwan river valley seems to have been cut-off into several parts due to an overflow into the river, satellite imagery reviewed by India Today TV shows. The high-resolution satellite imagery, captured by Planet Labs satellites on June 25, 10 days after the unfortunate brutal combat in the Valley, suggests that the newly-built Chinese roads have washed away. The imagery also shows the reclaimed area in the valley, which the Chinese troops created by artificially reducing the width of the river, has also been filled with water, effectively cutting off the rear flank from middle and forward positions.

There are still no signs of a pullback by China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the Galwan Valley yet even as the Indian and Chinese military commanders reached a “consensus to disengage” from all “friction areas”. The large PLA tents on the southern bank of the river are visibly cut off from the vehicles stationed at the northern bank as the bridge connecting the banks has been washed away. The images analysed by India Today TV suggests that the newly reclaimed land created by the PLA troops by reducing the width of the river in the valley has also been lost in some parts due to the overflowing water.


Even after arriving at a “mutual consensus to disengage”, following the marathon 10-hour long meeting between senior commanders at Moldo, the Chinese side continues with its heavy build up in the Galwan Valley. The images show no reduction of troops and deployments in the valley. They show the intensive presence of camouflaged tents, vehicles, road JCB like machines, etc on the Chinese side.

The area around Patrol Point 14 seems to have been cleaned in these images as compared to last images captured on June 12. The Chinese tarpaulins and adjacent tents continue to be seen in these images. The back-up Indian positions (not shown here) have also intensified on the Indian side with more intense deployment as compared to earlier seen images. India on Friday warned China against any attempts to alter the status quo along the LAC by force. India’s ambassador to China Vikram Misri said China’s recent claim of sovereignty over the Galwan Valley was completely “untenable”.


The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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'No namaz in Pakistan during office hours': Chinese companies prohibit Muslim employees from offering prayers

In an explosive video that has surfaced on social media, a Muslim cleric can be seen claiming that Chinese companies have been barring Muslim employees in Pakistan from offering namaz, one of the five pillars of Islam.

In the video, the cleric can be seen urging Pakistanis to take a stand against the diktat and tell the Chinese companies that they will have to follow local laws and that the "country does not belong to them".

"We cannot ignore namaz. People are afraid that they will lose their jobs. But it has now become a matter of self-respect for us," the cleric goes on to say in the video.

It has come as a big surprise since China is an all-weather ally of Pakistan and has long-term investments and interests in the country. China's suppression of Islamic practices in its companies in Pakistan and its aggressive repression of homegrown Muslims back in China may soon enable the mainland to loosen its grasp on the Pakistani public's opinion.

China has already received backlash from the Islamic world after the Xi Jinping govt banned "men with beards and women with Muslim headscarves" from using public transportation in the city of Karamay in Xinjiang in China. The local govt also banned people sporting the Islamic star and crescent from using public transport as well.

China's discrimination against Muslims is growing. The domestic consequences of its policies are controversial. However, according to media reports, Beijing, in 2014, publicly spoke with leaders from both Afghanistan and Pakistan about concerns over the Uighurs staging attacks against the Chinese populations.

While the governments in Kabul and Islamabad expressed interest in complying with the Communist Party's request to better monitor their northern borders, China still faces the prospect of alienating the Pakistani and Afghan public with its policies of religious intolerance.


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Apr 24, 2019
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China Crafts New Row In Bhutan Wildlife Sanctuary Bordering India

As the SWS request came up for discussion, sources said, the Chinese member of the GEF Council raised objections against the proposal contending that the sanctuary was located in a disputed area between Bhutan and China.

China Stresses on Project ‘Falling in Disputed Area’
The objection came as a shock to the Council meeting but the GEF Secretariat immediately rebutted the Chinese contention pointing out that the SWS was located within the sovereign territory of Bhutan, the sources added.

However, during the adoption of the nal work programme, the Chinese member insisted that the footnote should record that “China objects to this project due to the reasons that the project falls in the disputed area between Bhutan and China”.

The GEF Secretariat suggested that the footnote would only record the fact that China objected to the project and the reasons could come in the highlights of the discussion, which is a less formal record, and not in the Chair’s Summary.

However, the Chinese Council Member indicated that he would need time to consult with his higher ups to come to a view on the matter, the sources revealed.

The matter rests there at the moment but those who have dealt with China say this is not the end of the matter. Bhutan and China admittedly have an acknowledged border dispute dating back decades.

Talks between Thimphu and Beijing have been limited to three areas of dispute (two in North Bhutan — Jakarlung and Pasamlung areas — and one in West Bhutan, the more famous Doklam area).

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China is a no 1 ******* country in this world.


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Sep 4, 2019
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Paaji,Aaram naal.Waha Indian Army saans ni leni de rhi cheenio ko,Aur Bchi kuchi kasar aap nikal do haha
Just wondering saar.
It's not like I'd ever recommend sending a Sub to keep an eye on that area, sending a trading ship with RAW agents as businessmen to assess and photograph the Dam's vulnerable yet vital points.
I also disagree that, should we have the tech to do so safely, we should try to insert a MARCOS demolition team in it to accelerate it's structural decay as a preemptive measure or outright bomb it in all out hostilities.

We shouldn't do that. We regard an innocent life as the closest thing to god and never should we ever risk the lives of the millions of citizens peacefully living there who will probably cost billions to evacuate and settle notwithstanding the fact that P.L.A will get overstretched helping them out and many manufacturing units will also get outright destroyed.

We're a democracy. Highly unbecoming of us to ever try underhanded tactics like this.
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