China Economy: News & Discussion


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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A Chinese media researcher made a paper on how those India Youtubers' China tour impact Indian and how they would make profit from it:

Those famous Indian YTers, and their followers, videos about China, views...


YT's income plan:


According to income plan, each of them would make $4,000 - $20,000 from the China tour, not a bad deal.
Plus those videos are also eye opener to local Indian with positive image about China, and China didn't sponcered a penny of them.

Truly a win-win-win deal!


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Wel, fire is on the rapid speed without alarming is world problem, chech the recent case in Hawaii.
Hawaii you say . Strangely a lot of Chinese firms have made large investments in Hawaii .

Quite a substantial Chinese presence in Hawaii & Maui. Didn't Sun Yat Sen spend a few years in Hawaii in his youth possibly being educated & converted to Christianity there ?

I'm sure the forthcoming investigations will throw up some links on excellent & completely modern Chinese construction techniques & the fires spreading so rapidly in Maui.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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A Chinese media researcher made a paper on how those India Youtubers' China tour impact Indian and how they would make profit from it:

Those famous Indian YTers, and their followers, videos about China, views...

View attachment 220187

YT's income plan:

View attachment 220188

According to income plan, each of them would make $4,000 - $20,000 from the China tour, not a bad deal.
Plus those videos are also eye opener to local Indian with positive image about China, and China didn't sponcered a penny of them.

Truly a win-win-win deal!
Does this include earnings from the MSS ? Do mention what has MSS contributed by way of inducements also . That would be the real win win deal .

vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2023
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A Chinese media researcher made a paper on how those India Youtubers' China tour impact Indian and how they would make profit from it:

Those famous Indian YTers, and their followers, videos about China, views...

View attachment 220187

YT's income plan:

View attachment 220188

According to income plan, each of them would make $4,000 - $20,000 from the China tour, not a bad deal.
Plus those videos are also eye opener to local Indian with positive image about China, and China didn't sponcered a penny of them.

Truly a win-win-win deal!
lol....which country do this😂. specially china where youtube is ban. never see a country analysing other countries youtubers. now i 100% sure, they r funded. about making money, they r earning good enough. thats why they manage to travel in different countries. soon i will also start doing youtube vlogs. hope CCP fund me 1 million dollar atleast for my upcoming "chinese tour". i will bring chinese favourite jai jagannath with me also. 🤭😜


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Does this include earnings from the MSS ? Do mention what has MSS contributed by way of inducements also . That would be the real win win deal .
Dude, as i said before, bringing ideology to each converation is boring to me, and with little contribution to thread...

If you would spent 3 mins to check those YT's past videos on other nations, you would find their motivation and ways of making profit.

At least i brought some contents from our media with India related, don't be so mean.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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lol....which country do this😂. specially chinese where youtube is ban. never see a country analysing other countries youtubers. now i 100% sure, they r funded. about making money, they r earning good enough. thats why they manage to travel in different countries. soon i will also start doing youtube vlogs. hope CCP fund me 1 million dollar atleast for my upcoming "chinese tour". 🤭😜
"never see a country analysing other countries youtubers." - In morden society, any social behavior is worthy to research, most big universities have news and new media research major. R u college educated?

"now i 100% sure, they r funded" - Yes, this is the article talking about.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Dude, as i said before, bringing ideology to each converation is boring to me, and with little contribution to thread...

If you would spent 3 mins to check those YT's past videos on other nations, you would find their motivation and ways of making profit.

At least i brought some contents from our media with India related, don't be so mean.
Could you explain how all these Indian vloggers arrived in China around the same time then ? Check their Timelines also for the other vlogs they've done across the world to see if even 2 of them have been in any country around the same time. You think we don't know what's happening ? Or do you think Indians here are like your < 82 IQ cheer leader ?


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Could you explain how all these Indian vloggers arrived in China around the same time then ? Check their Timelines also for the other vlogs they've done across the world to see if even 2 of them have been in any country around the same time. You think we don't know what's happening ? Or do you think Indians here are like your < 82 IQ cheer leader ?
Well, I think i told you i was in Internet & eCommerce business for 15 yrs, recently i also have a team doing eCommerce on Tik Tok, this is quite normal, if there is hot topic, just come and gain traffice, since the traffic is money!


For the specfic motivations for those Indian YTers, i personal thinking:

1. since China were just open after covid-19, which means they are blocked for 3 yrs.

2. Travel Youtuber is also a highly competing channel, they are competing each other, who comes first who will draw biggest attention, and attention means traffic and money.

3. Local Indian's desire to see China, since there were not many Indian inside China and with little skill on good YT video making.

vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2023
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"never see a country analysing other countries youtubers." - In morden society, any social behavior is worthy to research, most big universities have news and new media research major. R u college educated?

"now i 100% sure, they r funded" - Yes, this is the article talking about.
no other countries need paid youtubers to show their countries....that means u want to hide ur ugliness. in india youtubers come nd make videos of slums, poverty places nd other issues...even their viewers enjoy "poverty porn". but we dont hide. we r not artificial like china, we accept truth...even its shameful or not pleasant. again i m telling u, no other country paid youtubers to show their country. their r many thing to research, chinese should research on how their GDP growth is slowing down etc. 😂


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Well, I think i told you i was in Internet & eCommerce business for 15 yrs, recently i also have a team doing eCommerce on Tik Tok, this is quite normal, if there is hot topic, just come and gain traffice, since the traffic is money!

View attachment 220189

For the specfic motivations for those Indian YTers, i personal thinking:

1. since China were just open after covid-19, which means they are blocked for 3 yrs.

2. Travel Youtuber is also a highly competing channel, they are competing each other, who comes first who will draw biggest attention, and attention means traffic and money.

3. Local Indian's desire to see China, since there were not many Indian inside China and with little skill on good YT video making.
Your post is on expected lines & doesn't address any of the points I've made . On the contrary it supports the charges I've made .


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Your post is on expected lines & doesn't address any of the points I've made . On the contrary it supports the charges I've made .
It dosen't matter, i won't try to change anyone's POV here, i came just for exchanging info and views.

I already made my point.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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China is the world's top car exporter in 2023 beating out Japan and Germany. But China's exporters cannot count the world's two biggest markets (China and US) in their balance sheet like Japan and Germany so gaining the pole position with that kind of disadvantage is amazing!

View attachment 220096
TikTok says there are 1000+ Chinese luxury EV exporting to Russia from this custom daily, they are all unofficial, done by local dealers:





And Li Auto is the hottest one, with $120,000 - $150,000 sold in Russia each with good profit, pretty welcomed by rich Russian:



From Q2, Li Auto is more profitble than Tesla,

Since it's selling $USD50,000+ vehicles, with 30,000+ each month.

Just for making this 2.2m long Front Light Strip without break points, Li Auto invested $USD20M :

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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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TikTok says there are 1000+ Chinese luxury EV exporting to Russia from this custom, they are also unofficial, done by local dealers:

View attachment 220191

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View attachment 220194

And Li Auto is the hottest one, with $120,000 - $150,000 each, pretty welcomed by rich Russian:

View attachment 220195

View attachment 220196

From Q2, Li Auto is more profitble than Tesla,

Since it's selling $USD50,000+ vehicles, with 30,000+ each month.

Just for making this 2.2m long Front Light Strip without break points, Li Auto invested $USD20M :

View attachment 220197

I had a try on last weekend with Li Auto, quite impressive.

The mall is full of EV brands, the Tesla not even owns a single shop:









Parking lot from my Company's software park, One Li Auto L8, two BYDs, one BMW; Young programmers now more believe in EVs with local brands.

The Li Auto L8 is around $50,000; Then BYD Qin is $15,000, Then BYD Han is $30,000, BWM X3 is around $40,000.

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Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Have you checked if there is water in the toilet or the toilets actually flush and don’t get backed up due to poor sewer connections ? Also, are there cameras in every stall? Most likely the party secretaries stole a large amount of money and fled to the west.
The Chinese toilets are so clean and modern that the Chinese are washing vegetables in them.
China did spend billions building toilets in tourist destinations for show off. Now that tourism is dead in China, perhaps the unemployed youth will stay in them? Win-win. No rent for unemployed youth in return for toilet cleaning jobs.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Business Insider reported in January that China’s consulate general in New York signed a USD 300 million contract with US-based Vippi Media in New Jersey to create a social media campaign promoting positive messaging about China TikTok, Instagram, and Twitch as a lead-up to the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing.

Social media influencers were asked to produce content for their target audiences on Chinese culture, positive diplomatic relations between China and the US, and consulate general news, reported RFA.
“What happens is you’ll have a state media like CGTN or CRI or iChongqing or any number of organizations which are run by the Chinese government — which are the Chinese government — and what they will do is they will pay for the flights, pay for the accommodation, organize the trip, and liaise with the content creator and invite them to go on these trips,” said YouTuber Winston Sterzel, who lived in Xinjiang.

Minders working as translators or fixers are always present to make sure the content creators follow the script, he said.
Reminds me of this episode -

LOL... land of the free.

Vloggers, who post short videos on their personal websites or social media account on platforms like YouTube, say that local government officials arrange their travel and logging during trips they are hired for to make videos that put China in a good light, said Bahram and Nuriman.

“They arrange our travel, and they pay for our lodging and food,” said YouTuber Lee Barrett in a video he recorded.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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TikTok says there are 1000+ Chinese luxury EV exporting to Russia from this custom daily, they are all unofficial, done by local dealers:

View attachment 220191

View attachment 220192

View attachment 220193

View attachment 220194

And Li Auto is the hottest one, with $120,000 - $150,000 sold in Russia each with good profit, pretty welcomed by rich Russian:

View attachment 220195

View attachment 220196

From Q2, Li Auto is more profitble than Tesla,

Since it's selling $USD50,000+ vehicles, with 30,000+ each month.

Just for making this 2.2m long Front Light Strip without break points, Li Auto invested $USD20M :

View attachment 220197
Looks like the Russian mafia prefers LI. You do know that the Russian mafia are ruthless? If the EV catches fire, LI’s CEOs head will be displayed on a spike in Beijing. Chinese touting sales to sanctioned Russia. What next? Mexican cartels buying “luxury” Chinese EVs? They are even nastier than the Russian mafia. They will chop off the heads of all of LI’s executives and spike them in front of the flooded Forbidden city in Beijing.

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