Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Apr 9, 2022
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1.5% of world GDP cannot compete with a coalition that has 60% of world GDP.
Russia is kicking the shit out of Ukraine, and your reply is that? What the fuck are you talking about? It's like watching Germany beating Brazil 5-0 in the first half of the world cup semis and then having some clown like you saying Germany cannot compete with Brazil. Do you like sounding stupid?
Brazil v Germany (2014 FIFA World Cup

Germany's 71 win was the largest in FIFA World Cup semi-final history.


Jun 14, 2012
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Russia is kicking the shit out of Ukraine, and your reply is that? What the fuck are you talking about? It's like watching Germany beating Brazil 5-0 in the first half of the world cup semis and then having some clown like you saying Germany cannot compete with Brazil. Do you like sounding stupid?
Brazil v Germany (2014 FIFA World Cup
Germany's 71 win was the largest in FIFA World Cup semi-final history.
Did this make the Brazil team disappear from FIFA like the Jamaican team? It's just a lost battle. This “game” was started by Putler and now he is looking for players from outsider teams, because the cheapest Buryat player has risen in price 6 times.


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Mar 21, 2022
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Russia has begun to study Ukrainian American-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles. Three laser ring gyroscopes are being studied that help the guidance system keep the ATACMS missile on a given ballistic trajectory and a GPS antenna that provides correction in the initial and final phases of the missile's flight.
According to the technical specialist, “We can analyze the operation of rocket systems throughout the entire flight path. The correction base, how much it can be adjusted.” Details in the video.


Anirbann Datta

Eternal Flame
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Apr 8, 2016
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Why? Because he defends his country from invasion by a barbaric power?
Defending from a invading country is OKAY, Ukraine has every right to any extent to defend it self, but how came Russia became barbaric! did they gas someone like- 6 million Jews' or starved some 30 million breeders like rabbits like churchill did, or dropped nuke on innocents, or exterminated natives just for being 'Indians of red' or conquested some slaves colouring red or black skin! ohh, I forgot adding the IRS chapter too.
OR, just bombed some crows in Yugoslavia or some mere millions in Iraq/Syria/Sudan/Yemen/..... just for the search of non existent WMDs. Error- 404 - no barbaric entity found except Pulter.
I am just trying to gauge the scale of barbarism template of Western concept.

Actually for the rest of the world( i.e 5 billion+ rest population), it's the Western groups, either NATO or Swift or any other ones who are the real barbaric culprits who still think they can do anything to any state who can oppose or stand tall against their omni-polar hegemonistic dominance.


Regular Member
Apr 30, 2023
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Defending from a invading country is OKAY, Ukraine has every right to any extent to defend it self, but how came Russia became barbaric! did they gas someone like- 6 million Jews' or starved some 30 million breeders like rabbits like churchill did, or dropped nuke on innocents, or exterminated natives just for being 'Indians of red' or conquested some slaves colouring red or black skin! ohh, I forgot adding the IRS chapter too.
OR, just bombed some crows in Yugoslavia or some mere millions in Iraq/Syria/Sudan/Yemen/..... just for the search of non existent WMDs. Error- 404 - no barbaric entity found except Pulter.
I am just trying to gauge the scale of barbarism template of Western concept.

Actually for the rest of the world( i.e 5 billion+ rest population), it's the Western groups, either NATO or Swift or any other ones who are the real barbaric culprits who still think they can do anything to any state who can oppose or stand tall against their omni-polar hegemonistic dominance.
I can throw enough historical facts such as the Holodomor, the rape of Berlin, the great purges by Stalin, and much more from the Russian past to equalize your claims about the barbarism of the West. No, I care only about the current war crimes the Russians have committed. I am not blind to what they did in Bucha, what they did to Ukranian PoWs, and how they bombed purely civilian targets like malls or grocery shops. Ukraine has every single right to join whichever block it wants.

Do you people never think why every single Eastern bloc country made a mad scramble to join NATO? Ask any Eastern European, everyone will show you the depths of hate they hold for Russian imperialism.


Jun 14, 2012
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There are many stupid creatures who do not understand that there is more than just colonial imperialism. It’s these emotions that Putler plays on.

Anirbann Datta

Eternal Flame
Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Says an exfart who's nation's 30%+area has already been legally colonised by US as for the current day counts.
keep thriving(if 1 can) on western aid and hopium to join NATO.
We can read both RT and BBC here in INDIA and judge it by ourself that who is what... unlike some western 'freee press muncher' where every other side publication with different viewpoint has been blanket banned in the name of FREEDOM OF PRESS and EXPRESSION!!!!:rofl::rofl:


Jun 14, 2012
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Says an exfart who's nation's 30%+area has already been legally colonised by US as for the current day counts.
keep thriving(if 1 can) on western aid and hopium to join NATO.
We can read both RT and BBC here in INDIA and judge it by ourself that who is what... unlike some western 'freee press muncher' where every other side publication with different viewpoint has been blanket banned in the name of FREEDOM OF PRESS and EXPRESSION!!!!:rofl::rofl:
Do you have an official document that the United States called Ukraine its colony? If not, then just shut up about the subject. Until 2014, no one prohibited us from watching RT and many other Russian TV channels. But Putler chose the path of military conquest. That's why I wanted to give a shit about your “freedom of speech.” How many Pakistani channels does Indian central television broadcast?


Jun 14, 2012
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All of Orban's "peace" proposals have been consigned to the toilet.
I have a different version: the “African Legion” was erased. Bikers don't help much either. More and more Russian female soldiers are appearing from penal colonies. Soon North Korean troops will arrive. The Potato Fuhrer from Belarus also hisses like a non-poisonous snake.
Putler is not strong enough to hold on to the stolen piece. That's exactly why he released Orban.
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Regular Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Guys, can you give me a good article that summarizes and analyses the ukraine-russia war so far. What were the keys strategic mistakes and brilliances on each side? What are the lessions India must take from this war?


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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All of Orban's "peace" proposals have been consigned to the toilet.
I have a different version: the “African Legion” was erased. Bikers don't help much either. More and more Russian female soldiers are appearing from penal colonies. Soon North Korean troops will arrive. The Potato Fuhrer from Belarus also hisses like a non-poisonous snake.
Putler is not strong enough to hold on to the stolen piece. That's exactly why he released Orban.
View attachment 259584
Forget Putin, Ukraine turned out to be exactly as weak as it was thought to be.
This forum is closing down, otherwise we would have bashed you online on the day Ukraine capitulated. Coming in a year or two. Ukraine shall be like Japan, completely neutered and vassal to Russia.


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Personally, I am not a beggar and before the war I managed without American help. At the state level - I have already said: the fate of the American Revolution without French money could be sad. Without French money in 1812. The British arrived, gave the Americans a hard time, burned the White House, and Canada remained under their control. So don’t waste other people’s money, passing it off as your own. You are not the whole USA, just a pathetic representative of this country.
I, as a private individual, can decide for myself who I like and who I don’t.
As for your fear of Russia. I specifically looked at the list of American films about the USSR. The KGB and nuclear war - that's my conclusion. They deliberately frightened your society and it’s a pity that they don’t do that now. The situation of the past is repeated. When American propaganda came up with scary stories about the Germans in WW1 and then they turned out to be lies. However, when Jews began to be burned in Nazi ovens, American society refused to believe it. They believed it, when they themselves saw it, paying for it with the lives of thousands of American soldiers.
I don’t like Biden himself, but he is right when he says that Russia must be stopped. Otherwise, John will die just like the Ukrainian Pavlo. And @Immanuel will move in with you, fleeing the war. :)
Immanuel will do just fine, we're global citizens anyways. If a wider war comes to Europe, off course we would flee to a tax haven. As for DJT, get in line, a lot of haters. Heard he already chit chatting with Putin about what land Russia would like to keep, so yeah..things aren't looking up for Ukro NAzis.


Jun 14, 2012
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Immanuel will do just fine, we're global citizens anyways. If a wider war comes to Europe, off course we would flee to a tax haven. As for DJT, get in line, a lot of haters. Heard he already chit chatting with Putin about what land Russia would like to keep, so yeah..things aren't looking up for Ukro NAzis.
Everything is clear with you. An ordinary coward. Keep licking Putler's ass.

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