Russia defence & technology updates


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Mar 21, 2022
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The first footage of the 125-mm high-explosive fragmentation tank projectile 3OF82 “Telnik”, which appeared in the Russian army, has been published. The shells were produced under a contract dated 2021. Now the Telnik projectile can be used from the 2A82-1M gun mounted on Russian T-90M Poryv tanks. It is expected that the projectile will soon be adapted for the latest modifications of the Russian T-80BVM tanks with the 2A46M-4 gun and the T-72B3 tank with the 2A46M-5-01 gun. The Telnik projectile, weighing 23 kg and with a warhead weighing 3 kg, is equipped with a projectile trajectory detonation system, with induction input and temporary installation of a head fuse.



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2022
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Russian military personnel showed a homemade buggy "ZVeraBoy" for fighting drones. The servicemen independently welded the body of the buggy and assembled all the weapons that have recently been used to fight drones. The buggy is equipped with two turrets with a thermal imaging sight and a six-barreled shotgun. At the front of the vehicle there is a turret with two PKT machine guns, between which there is a homemade six-barreled muzzle-loading shotgun. There are also six short barrels installed around the perimeter of the buggy for firing homemade charges made from 7.62 mm bullets. The turret is controlled via a monitor from the passenger seat. The rear turret rotates 360 degrees and is equipped with six twin AK-12 assault rifles that fire simultaneously. The buggy's power reserve, engine and other technical details are not reported.



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2022
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In the Amur Region, the crews of Russian Tu-95MS strategic missile-carrying bombers practiced in-flight refueling of aircraft. More than 5 Tu-95MS aircraft were involved in the flights; refueling was carried out from Il-78 aircraft. The Tu-95 aircraft was initially created with an in-flight refueling system, which in theory made it possible to increase the flight range to 18 thousand km with one refueling and up to 32 thousand km with several. The Tu-95 fuel system includes 11 tanks, which are located in the wings and fuselage. The weight of fuel to be filled can reach 88.5–100 tons, this is up to 50% of the take-off weight of the aircraft; aviation kerosene grades T-1, TS-1 or T-2 are used. Now the Tu-95MS-16 version aircraft are being upgraded to the Tu-95MSM version with the engines replaced by the NK-12MVM modification with AB-60T propellers. This version is distinguished by a complete replacement of radio-electronic equipment, while the airframe of the aircraft remains the same. The crews of Tu-95MS aircraft practiced piloting techniques and air navigation during the day and at night. In-flight refueling was carried out at an altitude of over 5,500 meters and at speeds over 550 kilometers per hour.


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