Pakistani terrorists attacked Army Camp in J&K's Uri

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Senior Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Not 10 head but I hope you know dozens killed during retaliation of ceasefire violation around 2014-15.
Death Toll statistics was censored in pakistan and Sharif had an emergency meeting.:D
For Rahul Baba, criticize Modi if you have a better alternative for him.
The only politics done here is by you people. This government is as fattu as the last government.
Are you not same guys Who comment on ops pics posted in these forums by Mods Para SF in Myanmar & J&K

Look Criticize Govt other thing i understand But you noticed Members came one step ahead Like calling Army Coas wet pants and abusing Military officers which offer their services to this nation
the Language was So degraded I Mean shame on them We enjoy luxury sitting in our home due to Sacrifices of Army Men in J&K and NE


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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Dont trust Indian media, only the location of exercise is getting changed from PoK to somewhere in paki mainland
Why did Russia agree to hold the exercises in PoK in the first place? Like I said, such feel good news are being planted in Media to control the anger.

Modi is doing what he does best, deliver more Jumlas. Idiot thinks that he has fooled the public again.



Lestat De Lioncourt
Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Are you not same guys Who comment on ops pics posted in these forums by Mods Para SF in Myanmar & J&K

Look Criticize Govt other thing i understand But you noticed Members came one step ahead Like calling Army Coas wet pants and abusive Military officers which offer their services to this nation
the Language was So degraded I Mean shame on them We enjoy luxury sitting in our home due to Sacrifices of Army Men in J&K and NE
I would never do that. Show me one post where I have abused the Army or general Suhaag.

I am making fun of this Mr. feku 56 inches who talks big and act small. He let those incest born b@stards in our airforce base and for what? Pakis are laughing at us,they are spitting on our face and they are killing our boys.What does this government do to stop it? They tie our army's hand and talk big.
All people who are saying things like keyboard warriors and armchair generals.I am gonna tell them to look at my post history and tell me where have I bid for war?
Time has changed. We are facing an extremist muslim terrorist nation who carpet bomb their own civilians.Do you expect to talk sense and peace with them. They are uncivilised muslim islamic b@stards who only know the language of death. If you're gonna talk peace and sense with them, they'll think that you're afraid. They should be slaughtered in masses and only then they will know the value of peace.
The truth is that this government is no better than UPA. The only difference is Manmohan singh was a mute and Narendra modi is a chatter box.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Army to turn on heat, asks government to consider cross-border strikes

Though "surgical strikes", covert military operations may not be on the cards as yet, the Army can certainly "bleed" Pakistani troops without crossing the LoC.
NEW DELHI: The Army is going to turn the heat on Pakistan along the 778-km Line of Control (LoC) with concentrated artillery barrages, sniping and other operations, even as a section of the Indian security establishment wants the government to also consider "limited but punitive cross-border strikes" to send an unequivocal message to Pakistan.
But while "enhanced military pressure" along the LoC is a tactical move to impose some costs on the Pakistan Army for continuing to aid and abet terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir, the government will have to take a considered decision on conventional cross-border strikes on terror-training camps because of possible escalation into a full-fledged conflict.
Army battalions along the LoC as well as forward IAF airbases on the western front have in any case been put on "full alert" to take care of any contingency, government sources said.
Though "surgical strikes", covert military operations or "hot pursuits" inside Pakistani territory may not be on the cards as yet, the Army can certainly "bleed" Pakistani troops without crossing the LoC.
Targeted artillery and heavy-mortar fire on Pakistan army posts and bunkers and intensive sniping to interfere with movement of their patrols are among the several tactical options used in the past. "Yes, there will be retaliation from the other side but it can be dealt with," said a source.
As for cross-border strikes, some security establishment officials say a political decision has to be taken to send a clear message to Pakistan that "enough is enough". A senior official said, "How long will we keep on absorbing terror strikes, from 26/11 to Pathankot, without effectively retaliating? Our defensive approach only serves to embolden the Pakistan army-ISI combine further."
Officials say there are a variety of military options with "different thresholds" that can be considered by the government short of a full-scale war or crossing Pakistan's nuclear red lines. The first could be "calculated trans-border operations" by infantry units or even the Special Forces, trained for such "irregular warfare", against military or terrorist targets across the LoC.
For longer range strikes, the 90-km range Smerch rockets or the 290-km BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles can come into play. An escalatory step would be "surgical air strikes" by fighters like Mirage-2000s, Jaguars and Sukhoi-30MKIs armed with laser-guided 'smart' bombs or cluster bombs. But this will have to be carefully calibrated because Pakistan's air defence system is totally geared towards India, with the possibility of IAF taking some losses.
But others sound a word of caution. "Pakistan is no Myanmar (where Indian Para-SF troops conducted a trans-border raid to take out militants in June 2015). The government has to take into account that any strike inside Pakistan can escalate into an all-out war. Pakistan, of course, often threatens first-use of tactical nuclear weapons if it is attacked by India," said an official.
URI ATTACK|Pakistan|Kashmir


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Even you don't know what the F you are typing in your post just 2014, RW, congress, Pathankot bla bla blah

Not a single logical post which proves Indian retaliation.
Where were you living then?
Or had no access to news at that time?
Or after one year, you will forget about Uri attack too like you forgot those events.
I need a post to prove that? I'm sure other members or news articles in 2014 (from pakistani sources themselves) may highlight it to you.

You can deny and be ignorant as much as you can, but that's fact.

Bharat Ek Khoj

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2016
Are you not same guys Who comment on ops pics posted in these forums by Mods Para SF in Myanmar & J&K

Look Criticize Govt other thing i understand But you noticed Members came one step ahead Like calling Army Coas wet pants and abusing Military officers which offer their services to this nation
the Language was So degraded I Mean shame on them We enjoy luxury sitting in our home due to Sacrifices of Army Men in J&K and NE
I think you quoted wrong people.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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Few days back the government was debating whether to continue splurging money on the Separatists or not. What happened?

Babaji ka Thullu, that is all we will get from this government.

All these sound bites are being given to the media to douse the public anger.
You are probaly right. Apparently, we are too 'mature' for 'knee-jerk' reactions.

I guess I just need something to not be entirely dejected.


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2015
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Why did Russia agree to hold the exercises in PoK in the first place? Like I said, such feel good news are being planted in Media to control the anger.

Modi is doing what he does best, deliver more Jumlas. Idiot thinks that he has fooled the public again.


He knows what he's doing.......dont want to act like a bhakt but ill repeat that give it some time...even he knows that public(his regular votebank) wants revenge


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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Are you not same guys Who comment on ops pics posted in these forums by Mods Para SF in Myanmar & J&K

Look Criticize Govt other thing i understand But you noticed Members came one step ahead Like calling Army Coas wet pants and abusing Military officers which offer their services to this nation
the Language was So degraded I Mean shame on them We enjoy luxury sitting in our home due to Sacrifices of Army Men in J&K and NE
Generals enjoy luxurious lives and play politics to kill time while low ranked and unranked officers die. That is the reality of IA. The top brass is not much different from the Bureaucracy, both get cuts from the military deals, both live luxurious lives.

Indian Army has grown too much flab at top level which needs to be surgically removed. We don't feed this army for Republic Day parade.

Operation Parakram was such a damp squib that the political leadership may be reluctant to trust the military with anything more than border management and counter-insurgency. That is how the IA was raised and trained by the British, that is how the Indian Army still operates.

BTW, do you know how easy is it to purchase military gears and identity cards? They don't even spare their dead colleagues, during Kargil War Caskets were used to smuggle assault rifles and ammunitions. That is the reality of the Indian Army we are so proud of.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Cut the chatter short and tell us what exactly did you proved ?
What I'm proving at first place?
You have access to internet, search about details of cross border fire exchanges in 2014 and 2015.

Entire outcry is here because GoI doesn't take any action overnight unlike those people whose emotions eat their mind up.
Instead, there will be a planning, covert operations because a Nation during it's economic revolution must not undergo a war directly.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
What I'm proving at first place?
You have access to internet, search about details of cross border fire exchanges in 2014 and 2015.
Yes Indian troops suffered more according to open sources and that is a common cease fire violation not to be compare with Pathankot or military bases, which is an act of war. Indira made this an excuse for an invasion in 1971. She annexed Siachen because Trekker went there without our permission she would've annexed POK on the same logic by now.

Learn the difference before ranting.


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2009
Why did Russia agree to hold the exercises in PoK in the first place? Like I said, such feel good news are being planted in Media to control the anger.

Modi is doing what he does best, deliver more Jumlas. Idiot thinks that he has fooled the public again.

It seems GOI has finally come out of slumber and have tasked Anurag Thakur, General of the Indian Territorial Army, to assemble a force from the Khakhi Khacha Brigade. This decision has been taken to wreck havoc on the paki terror mullas across border. This has the full blessing of MODI's GHANTA. This operation has been given a name "GHANTESHWER" . Operation Ghanteshwer being led by the the most able and competent General of the India Territorial army has been set to the following Objectives

1) Clear the airwaves and print media of any negatives new about the 56 incher.
2) project Uri attack in such way so that people think it was a sucessful operation
3) Enlist the help of trusted volunteers like Indx TechStyle who are very good at spinning.

people who make the supreme sacrifice in this operation would be awarded "GHANTA VIBUSHAN" (similar to Padma Vibhushan) .

Amitab Bachan, the black money account holder has been names as the brand ambassador for this operation Ghanteshwer.



Senior Member
Dec 30, 2009
Why did Russia agree to hold the exercises in PoK in the first place? Like I said, such feel good news are being planted in Media to control the anger.

Modi is doing what he does best, deliver more Jumlas. Idiot thinks that he has fooled the public again.

Anurag Thakur, General of the Indian Territorial Army, has been tasked to assemble a force from the Khakhi Khacha Brigade. This decision has been taken to wreck havoc on the paki terror mullas across border. This has the full blessing of MODI's GHANTA. This operation has been given a name "GHANTESHWER" . Operation Ghanteshwer being led by the the most able and competent General of the India Territorial army has been set to the following Objectives

1) Clear the airwaves and print media of any negatives new about the 56 incher.
2) project Uri attack in such way so that people think it was a successful operation
3) Enlist the help of trusted volunteers like Indx TechStyle who are very good at spinning.

people who make the supreme sacrifice in this operation would be awarded "GHANTA VIBUSHAN" (similar to Padma Vibhushan) .

Amitab Bachan, the black money account holder has been named as the brand ambassador for this operation Ghanteshwer.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Yes Indian troops suffered more according to open sources and that is a common cease fire violation not to be compare with Pathankot or military bases, which is an act of war.
As per the open sources, death toll was covered after reaching around 85.
Learn the difference before ranting.
Again, when did I compare.
For Pathankot, we did military operations later (and AFAIK you were one of top posters of such operations),
Nor I have any aim to compare them.
I'm just asking members to calm down and give at least a short span of time to GoI.
We can't take revenge overnight. It needs a planning.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Yes Indian troops suffered more according to open sources and that is a common cease fire violation not to be compare with Pathankot or military bases, which is an act of war.
As per the open sources, death toll was covered after reaching around 85.
Learn the difference before ranting.
Again, when did I compare.
For Pathankot, we did military operations later (and AFAIK you were one of top posters of such operations),
Nor I have any aim to compare them.
I'm just asking members to calm down and give at least a short span of time to GoI.
We can't take revenge overnight. It needs a planning.


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Generals enjoy luxurious lives and play politics to kill time while low ranked and unranked officers die. That is the reality of IA. The top brass is not much different from the Bureaucracy, both get cuts from the military deals, both live luxurious lives.

Indian Army has grown too much flab at top level which needs to be surgically removed. We don't feed this army for Republic Day parade.
Typical Civilian move Is Captain pawan kumar was not officer .In Every War its Top Mind Which makes the Difference May it George Patton or Sam Manekshaw
Generals enjoy luxurious lives and play politics to kill time while low ranked and unranked officers die. That is the reality of IA. The top brass is not much different from the Bureaucracy, both get cuts from the military deals, both live luxurious lives.

Indian Army has grown too much flab at top level which needs to be surgically removed. We don't feed this army for Republic Day parade.

Operation Parakram was such a damp squib that the political leadership may be reluctant to trust the military with anything more than border management and counter-insurgency. That is how the IA was raised and trained by the British, that is how the Indian Army still operates.

BTW, do you know how easy is it to purchase military gears and identity cards? They don't even spare their dead colleagues, during Kargil War Caskets were used to smuggle assault rifles and ammunitions. That is the reality of the Indian Army we are so proud of.
So What you Want Is to Use same Incumbent,Corrupt and Useless Officers to Strike Back So that your Ego Will Satisfied And you Will gloat on online Forums offending Pakistanis for days Is that Not reason say Truth
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