Indian Special Forces

Fire and groove

New Member
Mar 5, 2021
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What is the status of the special group? Is it just a unit under raw with sf deputed personnel or is it really a tier-one unit , as an intelligence agency raw do a good job in hiding special group from the world but is it really best-equipped or is it just like para sf but under command of dgs. Is it like cia sad or more?
We don't have a tiers system. SG functions under RAW


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Jan 13, 2021
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Yeah this guy ain't stabbing anyone in his life.
MARCOs had a rather bad reputation during their initial deployments. Have you seen that op apache pic? I've seen a pic (in person) that's similiar to that one but instead of 9 para sf it was MARCOs.


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Jan 11, 2014
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Anybody posing like that with a knife automatically outs himself as an amatuer with no knife training or understanding of fundamentals, putting aside that whoever this is shouldn't be around on insta.
I've trained 7 continuous years in Kali and JKD as of right now, and I can tell you that you cant judge someone's skill with a knife based on a photo of them posing with it for whatever reason. The only way you do that is when you actually spar with them.

So what is your point here?

Fire and groove

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Mar 5, 2021
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I've trained 7 continuous years in Kali and JKD as of right now, and I can tell you that you cant judge someone's skill with a knife based on a photo of them posing with it for whatever reason. The only way you do that is when you actually spar with them.

So what is your point here?
My point here is limp wristing your knife by grabbing the bottom in an ice pick grip no less doesn't exactly look good beyond the layman, especially when you're wearing a berret like a chef. There's so much edge coming from that pic i could practically cut myself.

Fire and groove

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Mar 5, 2021
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I've trained 7 continuous years in Kali and JKD as of right now, and I can tell you that you cant judge someone's skill with a knife based on a photo of them posing with it for whatever reason. The only way you do that is when you actually spar with them.

So what is your point here?
PR work for militaries is a hell of a lot more intimidating when the footage/pic is genuine, doubly more so if from an Op. That pic from Op Apache is far more effective than whatever this guy's got going.


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Jan 11, 2014
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My point here is limp wristing your knife by grabbing the bottom in an ice pick grip no less doesn't exactly look good beyond the layman, especially when you're wearing a berret like a chef. There's so much edge coming from that pic i could practically cut myself.
Oh, so you're drawing definitive conclusions based on a pose in a pic?

BTW, having a tight grip on the knife is good for basics. As you progress, slightly loosening the grip allows for more efficient, cleaner cuts with minimal resistance. A knife doesn't need force or absolute rigidity of structure behind it to do damage. Fluidity, and speed matter far more when fighting with a knife. But, that's not even the point here.

Unless you actually have source material to refer to while making a comment on how something is being handled in combat by an individual, making judgements based on a social media pic taken for purely entertainment purposes would not be prudent, or even fair for that matter.


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Nov 10, 2019
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Yeah and lowlifes like you ain’t shutting up in your life.
Well to be frank, if you are a professional you will be shooting a 5.56 round into their head. Thats far more effective than stabbing someone and waiting for them to bleed out. Contrary to popular belief it takes alot of time for someone to die from a stab wound. SF guys mostly carry knives to cut ropes and shit.

Fire and groove

New Member
Mar 5, 2021
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Oh, so you're drawing definitive conclusions based on a pose in a pic?

BTW, having a tight grip on the knife is good for basics. As you progress, slightly loosening the grip allows for more efficient, cleaner cuts with minimal resistance. A knife doesn't need force or absolute rigidity of structure behind it to do damage. Fluidity, and speed matter far more when fighting with a knife. But, that's not even the point here.

Unless you actually have source material to refer to while making a comment on how something is being handled in combat by an individual, making judgements based on a social media pic taken for purely entertainment purposes would not be prudent, or even fair for that matter.
Knives are meant to gut people's intestines or their neck with a dozen or more stabs, if you're slashing them you're doing it wrong. A limp-wristed grip is quite likely to have the knife slip from your hand under degrading effects like stress. My overall point here is that this pic is cringe, owing to the military itself being way out of touch with what actually gets people pumped overall, doesn't help when army enthusiasts in their attempt to put the military and it's personnel on a pedastal will eat up any bone thrown at them. These "sigma males" (can't believe so many people took this caricature so seriously back home) more often than not symbolize everything wrong with the general public's perception of the military. The pic is extremely edgy, trivializes optics regarding special operations and it's members into some superficial Rambo status and looks like you're trying to hard.
If you want to intimidate the audience, do something genuine that displays why nobody should fuck with you, something with stakes, then hold it up as an example. Otherwise you just come off as a Chihuahua.


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Jan 11, 2014
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Knives are meant to gut people's intestines or their neck with a dozen or more stabs, if you're slashing them you're doing it wrong. A limp-wristed grip is quite likely to have the knife slip from your hand under degrading effects like stress. My overall point here is that this pic is cringe, owing to the military itself being way out of touch with what actually gets people pumped overall, doesn't help when army enthusiasts in their attempt to put the military and it's personnel on a pedastal will eat up any bone thrown at them. These "sigma males" (can't believe so many people took this caricature so seriously back home) more often than not symbolize everything wrong with the general public's perception of the military. The pic is extremely edgy, trivializes optics regarding special operations and it's members into some superficial Rambo status and looks like you're trying to hard.
If you want to intimidate the audience, do something genuine that displays why nobody should fuck with you, something with stakes, then hold it up as an example. Otherwise you just come off as a Chihuahua.
This will only work against someone who's a complete stranger to fighting. Good luck getting multiple stabs against someone who can defend, deflect, or wearing body armor/kit. Slashing and stabbing patterns by numbered counts are basic attacks, taught as part of the course, anywhere in the world where they teach fighting with a blade.
Let's just say you don't know what you're talking about. I do not think you have sparred with a training knife ever, much less a live blade.

Like I said, you are drawing conclusions on how one would fight with a knife, which grip, limp wrist or not, based on what you are seeing in a photo taken for fun. Hardly a smart thing to do.

As for the rest of your post, the logic here seems to be that appearances count for everything. True, to some extent, but highly subjective. What is cringe to you can be appealing to someone else. In any case, this is not an official release or even taken after an op. It's taken by someone on a personal level, should not be there in the first place for OpSec reasons, but there is nothing revealing about the pic either.

As for why nobody should fuck with the MARCOS, there are many dead yahoos around the Jhelum and Wular in Kashmir, who are living, or should I say dead testimony to that fact. Same can be said for quite a few Somalis and Sri Lankans as well.


New Member
Jan 11, 2014
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Well to be frank, if you are a professional you will be shooting a 5.56 round into their head. Thats far more effective than stabbing someone and waiting for them to bleed out. Contrary to popular belief it takes alot of time for someone to die from a stab wound. SF guys mostly carry knives to cut ropes and shit.
Not always possible to aim and shoot someone when you are jumped at unpredictably in CQB. Good luck getting to the long gun when it has been pinned against you and you have been pinned against a wall or some shit. A knife is the only tool that allows for a counterattack and to create distance to get the primary or secondary firearm working.

Since a lot of people here look to the US Special Ops personnel to get validation on everything, I would encourage them to look at the SOCP Knife and SOCP Combatives program centered around the very same concept I talk about here.

Fire and groove

New Member
Mar 5, 2021
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This will only work against someone who's a complete stranger to fighting. Good luck getting multiple stabs against someone who can defend, deflect, or wearing body armor/kit. Slashing and stabbing patterns by numbered counts are basic attacks, taught as part of the course, anywhere in the world where they teach fighting with a blade.
Let's just say you don't know what you're talking about. I do not think you have sparred with a training knife ever, much less a live blade.

Like I said, you are drawing conclusions on how one would fight with a knife, which grip, limp wrist or not, based on what you are seeing in a photo taken for fun. Hardly a smart thing to do.

As for the rest of your post, the logic here seems to be that appearances count for everything. True, to some extent, but highly subjective. What is cringe to you can be appealing to someone else. In any case, this is not an official release or even taken after an op. It's taken by someone on a personal level, should not be there in the first place for OpSec reasons, but there is nothing revealing about the pic either.

As for why nobody should fuck with the MARCOS, there are many dead yahoos around the Jhelum and Wular in Kashmir, who are living, or should I say dead testimony to that fact. Same can be said for quite a few Somalis and Sri Lankans as well.
Mate you're not deflecting a knife. I don't think you understand the gravity of fighting someone with a knife in close quarters, you should be running the fuck away. You're plate carrier covers a small sized part of your chest, which means i can still shank your kidneys, your ribs, your underarms, your neck your guts under the plates your arms and elbows etc while the best you can do is punch. And what you call "basic" is tried and true that's rarely failed and has been more than sufficient and capable even against people with years of training. There's a reason why you'll never find people who've been shanked with fancy moves no matter how hard you try because all of them get fille'd long before. And i'm well aware of the fundamentals of knife fighting including flanking/stepping off-center, controlling the distance and avoiding the contact zone, i also know that you'll be shanked long before that pops in your mind. I mean what a way to out yourself, cause all you've really told me so far is that you're either bluffing entirely, or practiced in some mcdojo where you never deigned to pressure test any of the stuff you learned. It's like thinking everything in Karate just works.
And it's one thing to be killing jobbers, that doesn't telepathically brief the masses on it. Presentation matters when you're trying to present an aura for the public, and less is more especially for SOF forces. This may be one guy, but his activity very well alligns with the crowd and the PR system we have running. The self-indulgent kind.

Fire and groove

New Member
Mar 5, 2021
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Not always possible to aim and shoot someone when you are jumped at unpredictably in CQB. Good luck getting to the long gun when it has been pinned against you and you have been pinned against a wall or some shit. A knife is the only tool that allows for a counterattack and to create distance to get the primary or secondary firearm working.

Since a lot of people here look to the US Special Ops personnel to get validation on everything, I would encourage them to look at the SOCP Knife and SOCP Combatives program centered around the very same concept I talk about here.
Are we completely ignoring our battle-buddies, and our pistols? To be very blunt, grabbing a gun is an excellent way to get your self gunned down while looking like an idiot.

Fire and groove

New Member
Mar 5, 2021
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To be honest the limp wristed knife fu with a cheap looking knife bollocks is less annoying then the badly sized, terribly shaped beret..... that's a crime
Yeah that French hat looking beret caught my eye as well. It's one of those things about berets that just make them too annoying.


New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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Yeah that French hat looking beret caught my eye as well. It's one of those things about berets that just make them too annoying.
Why are you guys even discussing this? If you have to take out a knife then shit is already bad due to any reason and the pic is clearly a photop on personal level stop reading to much into that. Its cringe


New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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MARCOs had a rather bad reputation during their initial deployments. Have you seen that op apache pic? I've seen a pic (in person) that's similiar to that one but instead of 9 para sf it was MARCOs.
Like mate, elaborate pls

Aditya Ballal

New Member
Dec 16, 2020
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Like mate, elaborate pls
He means to say MARCOS have done something similar.

Global Defence

