Indian Special Forces


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Sep 4, 2019
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Posting purely to illustrate the difference between legitimate SOF capability and commandos.

the most significant part here is that it was ordered from the very top of their executive leadership. This is the key to strategic operations, the lack of any similar mechanism in india is why Indian special units remain largely tactically employed and even if the executive wanted something done it would have to go through countless layers of command.

Bare in mind that these things are relatively common in the GWOT days for NATO SFs especially increasingly in Africa. No one can discount the experiences of Indian units who have seen combat but it’s nothing on par with the kind of experience or capability that some western units have seen in recent years.

it is because of these roles that the top units are also the best equipped in the world- form follows function, it’s not just about looking gucci.

if you aren’t equipped it’s largely because you aren’t a factor in big picture.
I watched this when it came out.
Was rather surprised by the amount of damage tier 1 guys take and are still allowed to serve.

He mentions having a rehab guy flown to Afghanistan with him to assess his recovery while on ops.
Btw, how this guy is alive is beyond me after so many injuries and med addiction and mental problems.


New Member
Nov 10, 2019
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I watched this when it came out.
Was rather surprised by the amount of damage tier 1 guys take and are still allowed to serve.

He mentions having a rehab guy flown to Afghanistan with him to assess his recovery while on ops.
Btw, how this guy is alive is beyond me after so many injuries and med addiction and mental problems.
They are assets and the US has spend massive amounts of money on them. Their training and experience matters, they are even putting in research into medicine to allow sf operators to serve as long as they can.


New Member
Sep 4, 2019
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They are assets and the US has spend massive amounts of money on them. Their training and experience matters, they are even putting in research into medicine to allow sf operators to serve as long as they can.
That's rather unimaginable in the Indian mindset.

These guys treat their tier ones like olympians.


We treat our olympians like grunts.


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Nov 9, 2021
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It's more like a token posting of a liason officer. USSOCOM is massive to the point that a single guy would pretty much end up getting buried.
Its a good start tho and AFSOD still being a pilot project you dont need to station entire AFSOD there just take some inputs


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Nov 9, 2021
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i dont think you understand, do our guys know about the weaver stance or the isosceles stance? We think we are the best and refuse to learn or adopt new ideas. There is an arrogance there which th US Sf guys lack. Willingness to learn.
Its not arrogance of the guys but the amount of money put by the institution in their SOF, the number of research they do just for them and Gun Culture is pretty common there so you expect it to be.


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Nov 9, 2021
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what is a single officer going to do? i dont want to mold ourselves like the US either, but some changes makes sense.
Considering AFSOD still a pilot project and its a start so looks good to me for a start we might increase co operation in coming time. Slow but good Start imo


New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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Posting purely to illustrate the difference between legitimate SOF capability and commandos.

the most significant part here is that it was ordered from the very top of their executive leadership. This is the key to strategic operations, the lack of any similar mechanism in india is why Indian special units remain largely tactically employed and even if the executive wanted something done it would have to go through countless layers of command.

Bare in mind that these things are relatively common in the GWOT days for NATO SFs especially increasingly in Africa. No one can discount the experiences of Indian units who have seen combat but it’s nothing on par with the kind of experience or capability that some western units have seen in recent years.

it is because of these roles that the top units are also the best equipped in the world- form follows function, it’s not just about looking gucci.

if you aren’t equipped it’s largely because you aren’t a factor in big picture.
Form follows function but that line India takes differently take any service and you will see it just few years back Infantry wasn't even equipped but they are supposed to fight in wars. SF is trained to be deployed Strategically but they are deployed tactically and sometimes Strategically which is rare. Can they do the job depends on plethora of conditions and equipment's is a small part of it. US did that US did this because they used a different Strategy in GWOT Afghanistan their SF were mostly hunting down war lords or local commanders in Kashmir RR, CRPF and JKP SOG does it simply taking out local commanders. Comparing two conflicts is like comparing Oranges and Apples. SF guys have done the task which they have been assigned always. The only comparison you can make between different SF is of Equipment and funding to some good degree anything else and you are in the same category as that guy on Youtube who ranks Special Forces.


New Member
Nov 3, 2021
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What is the status of the special group? Is it just a unit under raw with sf deputed personnel or is it really a tier-one unit , as an intelligence agency raw do a good job in hiding special group from the world but is it really best-equipped or is it just like para sf but under command of dgs. Is it like cia sad or more?


New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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What is the status of the special group? Is it just a unit under raw with sf deputed personnel or is it really a tier-one unit , as an intelligence agency raw do a good job in hiding special group from the world but is it really best-equipped or is it just like para sf but under command of dgs. Is it like cia sad or more?
CIA SAD and SIS E Sqd type of to do recon, black ops etc. Its deputes best men from Para SF mostly. For Equipment its said they can demand anything they want to get their job done while planning even black market option is there. Training not sure but probably go under some specialized training.


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Sep 13, 2010
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I watched this when it came out.
Was rather surprised by the amount of damage tier 1 guys take and are still allowed to serve.

He mentions having a rehab guy flown to Afghanistan with him to assess his recovery while on ops.
Btw, how this guy is alive is beyond me after so many injuries and med addiction and mental problems.
Yes it is crazy and a reflection of the mindset that exists in regards to their tier 1 units- they value each and every operator who by nature is the best of the very best and thus each and every one has immense support and resources allocated to them.

arguably it’s gone too far as they are pushing these tier 1 individuals very far and almost every single account I’ve heard of tier 1 guys who served in GWOT includes immense amounts of injuries, substance abuse and suicidal tendencies (most don't but a large % do go through with it ).

so it’s not all sunshine and roses but at the least they aren’t treated as cannon fodder like Indian units are


New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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Yes it is crazy and a reflection of the mindset that exists in regards to their tier 1 units- they value each and every operator who by nature is the best of the very best and thus each and every one has immense support and resources allocated to them.

arguably it’s gone too far as they are pushing these tier 1 individuals very far and almost every single account I’ve heard of tier 1 guys who served in GWOT includes immense amounts of injuries, substance abuse and suicidal tendencies (most don't but a large % do go through with it ).

so it’s not all sunshine and roses but at the least they aren’t treated as cannon fodder like Indian units are
Tier 1 Comparison with Para SF/Marcos/Garuds o_O

Global Defence

