Indian Special Forces

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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Guys I have always been keen supporter of modernization of our sfs
But the fact that Chinese are training like sas, seals, etc which will make them a formidable sf is not correct
Even sas seals, etc have repeatedly told in interviews, youtube channels and many general have given speeches that the actual scenario is the actual training
Yeah I am against commando syndrome, lethargic and irresponsible nature of our sfs but they can be very lethal with their experience
As far as for Chinese sfs with those gear and tech they won't be able to even fight few taliban or isis terrorists
Becoz when actual bullet comes towards you to kill, yours buddies fallen bleeding, then at that moment how you control your psychology decides the fate of the battle and no training can give you that feeling


Section Moderator
New Member
Sep 15, 2009
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I don’t think so, are you talking about the amendment to the SPG act in 2019?

no reason NSG would be involved in PM security, in fact after the amended act SPG reduced their manpower a little as they don’t have any protectees but the PM now.
Yes SPG Act.At first me too thought i must have heard it wrong or the person who said it misspelt. But the person said this was from State Special Branch Security. He clarified that,post this amendment a small team of NSG is involved in the motorcade/carcade of PM.Though he didn't mention anything about their role in security detail of PM jn capacity other than being part of motorcade.

Fire and groove

New Member
Mar 5, 2021
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Guys I have always been keen supporter of modernization of our sfs
But the fact that Chinese are training like sas, seals, etc which will make them a formidable sf is not correct
Even sas seals, etc have repeatedly told in interviews, youtube channels and many general have given speeches that the actual scenario is the actual training
Yeah I am against commando syndrome, lethargic and irresponsible nature of our sfs but they can be very lethal with their experience
As far as for Chinese sfs with those gear and tech they won't be able to even fight few taliban or isis terrorists
Becoz when actual bullet comes towards you to kill, yours buddies fallen bleeding, then at that moment how you control your psychology decides the fate of the battle and no training can give you that feeling
I hate to break this to you, but the whole point of training is to drill the application of tactics and skills into you so that your body can subconsciously fight irrespective of how spaced out your mind is. It's the repitition drilled into you that makes you function in combat, in a fight or flight scenario your capabilities will always degrade to the level of your training. And contrary to popular belief, a higher degree of training leads to greater mental tenacity and resistance by a large margin, poorly trained combatants have less confidence in their skills and are more susceptible to shock than a better trained one.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
Country flag
I hate to break this to you, but the whole point of training is to drill the application of tactics and skills into you so that your body can subconsciously fight irrespective of how spaced out your mind is. It's the repitition drilled into you that makes you function in combat, in a fight or flight scenario your capabilities will always degrade to the level of your training. And contrary to popular belief, a higher degree of training leads to greater mental tenacity and resistance by a large margin, poorly trained combatants have less confidence in their skills and are more susceptible to shock than a better trained one.
Sir I am not against your view of training and whatever you have written is completely true but u can ask many people who have fought battles be it Indian or foreign they will always tell experience has given them more than training
I am not going to write anything further on this these personal views so let it be personal
I may be wrong or right but if my post are disturbing then sorry


New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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I hate to break this to you, but the whole point of training is to drill the application of tactics and skills into you so that your body can subconsciously fight irrespective of how spaced out your mind is. It's the repitition drilled into you that makes you function in combat, in a fight or flight scenario your capabilities will always degrade to the level of your training. And contrary to popular belief, a higher degree of training leads to greater mental tenacity and resistance by a large margin, poorly trained combatants have less confidence in their skills and are more susceptible to shock than a better trained one.
Both are important, combat is a place where your training will be tested and not just training but the complete operator.

Fire and groove

New Member
Mar 5, 2021
Country flag
Sir I am not against your view of training and whatever you have written is completely true but u can ask many people who have fought battles be it Indian or foreign they will always tell experience has given them more than training
I am not going to write anything further on this these personal views so let it be personal
I may be wrong or right but if my post are disturbing then sorry
Well, here's a former Delta force operator who was in Iraq about to tell you why training is foundational and crucial in doing his job properly:


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Yes SPG Act.At first me too thought i must have heard it wrong or the person who said it misspelt. But the person said this was from State Special Branch Security. He clarified that,post this amendment a small team of NSG is involved in the motorcade/carcade of PM.Though he didn't mention anything about their role in security detail of PM jn capacity other than being part of motorcade.
Again I don’t believe this is correct normally.

The SPG act designates the SPG as the sole protective agency for SPG protectees and the SPG blue book is exhaustive, on occasion NSG may be deployed for high profile/risk occasions but that is in their conventional role as national counter assault agency. In terms of being part of the motorcade of the PM, I am 100% certain this is not the case and SPG’s CAT is already present for such an eventuality.


New Member
Feb 19, 2016
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Guys I have always been keen supporter of modernization of our sfs
But the fact that Chinese are training like sas, seals, etc which will make them a formidable sf is not correct
Even sas seals, etc have repeatedly told in interviews, youtube channels and many general have given speeches that the actual scenario is the actual training
Yeah I am against commando syndrome, lethargic and irresponsible nature of our sfs but they can be very lethal with their experience
As far as for Chinese sfs with those gear and tech they won't be able to even fight few taliban or isis terrorists
Becoz when actual bullet comes towards you to kill, yours buddies fallen bleeding, then at that moment how you control your psychology decides the fate of the battle and no training can give you that feeling
In combat people regress to their basic level of training under stress, it's why training is intense even in regular infantry units so when the rounds are come down range at you, you almost institutionally react whether it's to move, shoot or communicate.


Section Moderator
New Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Again I don’t believe this is correct normally.

The SPG act designates the SPG as the sole protective agency for SPG protectees and the SPG blue book is exhaustive, on occasion NSG may be deployed for high profile/risk occasions but that is in their conventional role as national counter assault agency. In terms of being part of the motorcade of the PM, I am 100% certain this is not the case and SPG’s CAT is already present for such an eventuality.
Inside the 'security box' of PM's carcade the counter assault vehicle is manned by NSG, rest; pilot, lead vehicle, jammer, escort ones all are of SPG.If you happen to know anyone from SPG please do check.


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
Country flag
Inside the 'security box' of PM's carcade the counter assault vehicle is manned by NSG, rest; pilot, lead vehicle, jammer, escort ones all are of SPG.If you happen to know anyone from SPG please do check.
Sorry but this isn’t accurate. CAT in the motorcade is SPG, I have never seen NSG in the PM’s motorcade, NSG haven’t been part of the everyday security of the PM since 1985.

Global Defence

