Indian Special Forces

Fire and groove

New Member
Mar 5, 2021
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I don't want to continue dragging this thread off mission but if I could lads 😁
We have to remember Chinese SOF has operated to a different operational mindset to what we'd think of as "SF",.
If anything their army SOF were closer to your own Ghataks, selected infantry given additional training and kit to carry out specific needs.
Beginning in the early 2000's small moves started being made to develop a "Western" style SF capability and for the first decade+ it was hard going they had no direct access to any of the "Western" units/adjacent they wanted to emulate and the ones they did interact with (Thai, Malaysian) conspicuously didn't agree to an exercises that went too far into the complex modern operational style and the Russians were in a largely similar position with their military SF, it was the FSB teams who were cutting edge there, not the military/GRU.

So anyway the Chinese mil went on a journey to develop a capable full spectrum SF system which has been largely led by the Navy's SOF unit "Jiaolong" and the AF's "Leishen" these are the guys who pioneered stuff like HALO/HAHO, modern sniping. JTAC etc in the Chinese mil and they are the ones you see mostly operating/training outside China although Army SOF have been picking up the pace there too.

Army SOF also took the decision to create special SF companies inside each of the SF groups, these companies are formed by long term veteran soldiers and inside the company the institutional knowledge is maintained and developed they are also trained and equipped to a much higher standard, far closer to a Green beret, SAS level if not quite there. These guys will carry out the theater level special operations in wartime etc beyond the commando style raids etc of the larger unit.

China has never had a nationally dedicated military SMU like Delta force etc, each SOF unit was theater/army/branch rolled, but over the last year or 2 there have been persistent strong rumours that such a unit was being stood up for that role, even a patch from the unit was accidentally leaked.
Now the 5th branch of their military the "Strategic support force" has a rather vaguely named SOF unit called the "Counter-Terrorism Assault Unit" which would fit with being a SMU but no one is quite sure yet, it'll be interesting to keep an eye on them.

The Rocket force also has a SOF unit, their job is to mostly defend the missiles from enemy SF and to recon /secure launch sites etc, I doubt they are "offensivly" orientated.

Anyone has any questions or wants me to go into more depth on something just ask and I'll try my best with what I've gathered.
I'd love something in depth, always appreciate a detailed analysis.

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
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Aug 28, 2019
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New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Offtopic after the recent SPG law amendment NGS guys too are in the security detail of PM. Forget it everyone else knows it. 😄
I don’t think so, are you talking about the amendment to the SPG act in 2019?

no reason NSG would be involved in PM security, in fact after the amended act SPG reduced their manpower a little as they don’t have any protectees but the PM now.

Global Defence

