Indian Special Forces


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May 27, 2023
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Won’t change the fact that even female Korean SF operators have more knowledge than 9 para “elite operators” LOL
Ive heard that they've started donning somalian militia patches stiched to their uniforms (since they cannot afford velcro) after the new CO read this exact message. Glory to general black panther


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Not really sure if this is the right thread but on 8 July 1999, patrol from ghatak platoon of 2nd bn Naga regt carried out a raid on Pakistani positions west of Tololing. 4 Pak soldiers were killed and numerous documents and weapons were captured, which in turn were used to show pakistans role in the war. One MVC and VRC was awarded for the action. From Gen Ved Malik’s book

Rifleman who won a MVC is currently a subedar.


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Next level cope for an army which can’t even defeat a country that it’s 10 times the size of

bro - just ignore. Every few months someone will show up here whose sensibilities get offended because they step out of their echo chamber and then they resort to personal attacks.

just ignore


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
bro - just ignore. Every few months someone will show up here whose sensibilities get offended because they step out of their echo chamber and then they resort to personal attacks.

just ignore
I’m just being real petty rn, kinda on Me.

Although some points is very valid such as Paras failing to modernize since 2010


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
bro - just ignore. Every few months someone will show up here whose sensibilities get offended because they step out of their echo chamber and then they resort to personal attacks.

just ignore
Funny you say that. He made sweeping generalizations about the IA and its ethos and fighting spirit without any basis. He basically shown his immaturity and low self esteem qualities when he made that post and other posts. There are IA soldiers who have done the walk who highly disagree with what he said.


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Funny you say that. He made sweeping generalizations about the IA and its ethos and fighting spirit without any basis. He basically shown his immaturity and low self esteem qualities when he made that post and other posts. There are IA soldiers who have done the walk who highly disagree with what he said.
Yet you chose to attack him personally.

Suggest you read the last 2-300 pages of this thread. The Generalizations he makes (while maybe over the top in some instances - hold enough water)

PS - I know enough IA soldiers who have walked the walk and will agree with him and i also know enough others who are complete Idiots and have been detremental to the evolution of our Army.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Yet you chose to attack him personally.

Suggest you read the last 2-300 pages of this thread. The Generalizations he makes (while maybe over the top in some instances - hold enough water)

PS - I know enough IA soldiers who have walked the walk and will agree with him and i also know enough others who are complete Idiots and have been detremental to the evolution of our Army.
If I say my true beliefs on topics I get attacked as either a jai ho gang or a blackpiller.


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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If I say my true beliefs on topics I get attacked as either a jai ho gang or a blackpiller.

Look i am not saying I agree with you. But you are free to post what you wish without getting attacked personally. You and me have argued enough as well.

Lastly - lets say you are one extreme - extreme Criticism of the Army. The Other extreme is every other thread on this forum and on twitter and reddit - the blind mindless patriotism.

I will take your extreme over the that of the other any day as the other one is far far more dangerous for the wellbeing of our military.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Look i am not saying I agree with you. But you are free to post what you wish without getting attacked personally. You and me have argued enough as well.

Lastly - lets say you are one extreme - extreme Criticism of the Army. The Other extreme is every other thread on this forum and on twitter and reddit - the blind mindless patriotism.

I will take your extreme over the that of the other any day as the other one is far far more dangerous for the wellbeing of our military.
Blind and baseless blackpilling is also bad and very unhealthy for the morale of the nation


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Yet you chose to attack him personally.

Suggest you read the last 2-300 pages of this thread. The Generalizations he makes (while maybe over the top in some instances - hold enough water)

PS - I know enough IA soldiers who have walked the walk and will agree with him and i also know enough others who are complete Idiots and have been detremental to the evolution of our Army.
Well if he’s complaining about the weak character of the IA and such that’s basically a personal attack. He hasn’t walked the walk yet. Wait until he joins the IA and then after he has completed his tour of duty he can complain all he wants.

His comments about officers leading in the front and that western militaries don’t practice it and makes fun of them for not doing that shows his lack of basic understanding of how western militaries practice leadership philosophy and minimum casualties and maximum command and guidance without getting into fog of war issues. He should have known that in western militaries it’s the NCOs that provide leadership not the officers. Officers sit in the rear and give commands based on their overall god eye view of the battle situation and it’s up to the NCOs on the grounds and in front to provide leadership and execute commands. Soldiers listen to and follow the NCOs. NCOs are the nuts and bolts of platoons and companies. Officers provide guidance and show leadership based on NCOs feedback.

In militaries where its officer led soldiers follow their officers but the problem is that when officers become incapacitated NCOs sometimes can’t pick up the slack and they become rudderless. In a NCO led military unit that doesn’t happen because there are redundancies built in.

IA is in the middle of trying a hybrid approach due to its legacy and built up traditions. IA is trying to figure out how to cope with a rapidly changing environment where you need to make quick decisions and develop a free of fog of war issues battle situation awareness and how to communicate orders and relay critical info to decision makers quickly as to keep the OODA (decision making process) loop intact and keep the enemy from getting a kill chain upon themselves.

Having the latest gizmos and flashy guns are not what makes a military a leaning fighting force. It’s doctrinal evolution, training, improving logistics, the nuts and bolts thing. Amateurs thinks tactics and weapons. Professionals think logistics and doctrinal training and operational planning and people management.

And lastly, there’s constructive criticism and there’s unwarranted criticism and he falls into that latter category.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
I’m just being real petty rn, kinda on Me.

Although some points is very valid such as Paras failing to modernize since 2010
Sometimes it’s not really about having the latest gizmos and whiz it’s just about getting the weapons to reliably work and in the way you want to and they have invested years of tinkering and training to get it right and they don’t want to start the process all over again just for incremental gain that really doesn’t justify the efforts and time put in to master the latest gizmos and techs.