India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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It will be very surprising if China even try to repeat 1962... India's present political and military leadership is of different caliber unlike that existed during 1962 and nor the PLA have the overwhelming numerical superiority over Indian Army...

Indian Army is ready to dig in there this winter and the morale is very high ...

Indian Army has come out stronger morally after they gave PLA befitting thrashing at Galwan ...

With each passing month or year PLA will find confronting Indian Army that much difficult ...
Gap is only supposed to get widen. Their defence budget is bigger than us & they are heavily investing in their Navy for power projection. I'll like to have a short conflict with them now rather than in future or in the words of Mao we will ensure 50 years of peace along the border. China needs a sound beating sooner rather than later especially if we have any hope of retrieving PoK.
Feb 16, 2009
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Is this chadarmod for real? That mofo should be tried for high treason. Moron will never say the truth that the border issues we are facing presently, along with the infrastructure bottlenecks are all a result of the cuckoldery displayed by our Chacha decades back.
Arrest these traitors . These are all treasonous post that undermine national security.


Regular Member
Jun 19, 2020
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Arrest these traitors . These are all treasonous post that undermine national security.
Sad byproduct is that much of what they say about infra is actually true. Few days back during an incessant spate of rains in our place, the arterial highway in AP resembled a mountain stream. Our beloved leader is trying to undo all of their misdeeds of decades in just a few years, hence their heartburn and butt ache.

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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The only estuary there, is the galwan-shyok estuary.. And it is a couple of kilometers behind the Indian camp near the stand off point at PP 14. So, what does the slimy f**ker mean, when he says "PLA too moving back from places it crossed the estuary" .. Is the river bend at PP14 an estuary now as per sawhney darling?


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Gap is only supposed to get widen. Their defence budget is bigger than us & they are heavily investing in their Navy for power projection. I'll like to have a short conflict with them now rather than in future or in the words of Mao we will ensure 50 years of peace along the border. China needs a sound beating sooner rather than later especially if we have any hope of retrieving PoK.
China will face Japan, USA, Australia, Vietnam and Philippines at its door steps ... USA is very serious and in a mood for intervention if China plays badly ...

The landscape at LAC will limit what China can throw at India ... India with four squadrons of Rafale and 300 - 350 of SU 30 MKIs is different ball game ...

PLA will not have much over Indian Army ... rather PLA from now on will fear IA more after Galwan ...

We can leave 50 Mirage + 90 Mig 29 UPGs and 50 to 75 Tejas for the LoC ...

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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LOL Chinkis are going nuts by telling PLA actually won this standoff. :hehe:

They are saying that India media is biased and China will not disclose anything so, waiting is the only option. And I don't blame them Indian media can be very frustrating about "over-hyping". But I am surprised that they are still not able to make 2+2=4.

I guess they are just trying to save the PLA's face.

I will ask our trollers to educate them in social media. @mist_consecutive


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Feb 27, 2018
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I am not a big fan of foreign maal. But I will say this


I would not want another bloody episode of our RM going to other countries for weapons at the last minute if another situation develops in future. So I say fuck it and sign the deal for 180 Rafales and negotiate hard for full ToT even the Engine. French would definitely yield. They transferred rocket technology which became our PSLV. We built on that tech and today we have GSLV and we are still in the process of building bigger rockets. An order of 180 Rafales will definitely be in the range of $40 billion. I don't think Dassault will say no. Because there won't be orders of such magnitude by France or from any customers for them. From 2040 France will be retiring Rafales and will be going for 5th or 6th generation aircraft. Is it not better to have more Rafales in our inventory?
We didn’t have money for more Rafales before, we certainly don’t have it now.. We also will have to look at buying American whenever we decide to, simply because we enjoy huge trade surplus with them and they can really deliver quickly. Had we signed a deal with the Americans in 2016, they would have most likely completed delivery by now. The French are comparatively very slow.


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2017
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China buying time with border talks, satellite images show PLA helicopter support base near stand-off areas – Indian Defence Research Wing

3 minutes


Continuing with its Sun Tzu-esque deception, China is ramping up infrastructure along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) while holding diplomatic and military-level talks with India. New satellite pictures by Planet Labs and analysis by Sim Tack has revealed that the PLA is developing helicopter support base near stand-off areas.
Posting the images, OSINT handle d-atis said that China’s PLA helicopter bases are capable of supporting the current India-China stand-off and that the new site under construction is just 155 km from Pangong Tso with basic outline resembling what could possibly be a new heliport.
The construction work is going on in Gar County, Rutog County and Pishan County.
New PLA infrastructure shows China’s long-term ambition in the region
Sim Tack, a chief military analyst said: “The buildup of PLA infrastructure in support of helicopter operations demonstrates the long term Chinese ambitions in the region and their capabilities in logistically supporting large deployments in complex terrain.”
Prior to the 1962 Sino-India war, the Chinese maintained that any dispute with India should be resolved through diplomatic means.
Any dispute should be resolved by peaceful diplomatic measures: China before 1962 war
General J. J. Singh, who served as the 21st Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian Army, in his book ‘The McMahon Line: A Century of Discord’ writes: “The Chinese were systematically preparing their army and civilian administrative machinery to achieve their national objective. And, while the preparation for armed conflict – the gradual and unobtrusive build-up of troops, weapons systems, munitions, construction of roads and logistics infrastructure – were taking place, the leadership of China kept sending signals to the Indians that the dispute could be resolved by peaceful diplomatic measures.”
He further writes that these “deliberate acts of deception” by the Chinese succeeded in making the “Indian leadership, the country’s intelligence agencies and diplomats, and a few politically influenced high-level military leaders believe that skirmishes along the disputed areas could take place but an all-out war was a remote possibility.”
He also said that the Chinese were also successful in misleading the international community “to a large extent.”


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2013
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We didn’t have money for more Rafales before, we certainly don’t have it now.. We also will have to look at buying American whenever we decide to, simply because we enjoy huge trade surplus with them and they can really deliver quickly. Had we signed a deal with the Americans in 2016, they would have most likely completed delivery by now. The French are comparatively very slow.
BS We cancelling IAC-2 And 57 Navy deal for MMRCA 2.0

That Is Alone saves 25 billion $

Indian Capex budget Will only increase in future


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2020
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We didn’t have money for more Rafales before, we certainly don’t have it now.. We also will have to look at buying American whenever we decide to, simply because we enjoy huge trade surplus with them and they can really deliver quickly. Had we signed a deal with the Americans in 2016, they would have most likely completed delivery by now. The French are comparatively very slow.
Signing fighter aircraft deal with Americans? Nah. Once bitten twice shy. There is a reason why we are buying only C-17s, Apaches and other assets from Americans but not fighter aircraft. We might have a trade surplus but we have a huge trade deficit overall. I don't think you can blame the French for being slow. It is our fault we didn't sign a deal earlier. If UPA would have signed for 36 aircraft as a stop gap measure we would have had Rafales by now. We will have the money to buy Rafales. Economy will not be in doldrums forever. It will recover by the end of this year. By then why not start negotiating for additional Rafales and see where it goes?


Regular Member
Jul 6, 2020
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See, what should not be done is give too much thought about hurting their feelings.
Let them lose face. Face is important to India too. Why do and respond to everything on their terms.

Those f***ers attacked us when we were battling covid. Why should India treat China with care anymore.

Poke where it hurts. Keep the pressure.

I never mentioned that we should give too much thought to hurting their feelings. You need to understand Chinese psyche, why they decided to attack us in the first place?

For two very specific reasons -

1) We were (and still are) down with Covid. This is a huge problem to carry as a baggage when going in for a conflict with a country.
2) They wanted to drive home their superiority using our weakness in the present time and make an example of it.

So their objectives were very well defined, take out any threat to CPEC and also disable our DSDBO road as that can become a threat to China occupied Aksai Chin and also, humiliate India militarily (bonus points).

So far, they have not been able to do any of them. Therefore, we should definitely keep hurting them but still be aware of the fact that we are dealing with a country that is extremely devious. If they lose their image of superiority their dream of world dominance will take a serious beating and that is something they will definitely try to protect. Therefore, we need to tread with caution and be ready for them.
It should not be like - we get happy at them retreating and suddenly they have a change of heart & attack us and we are caught with out pants down.

Hurt China both economically as well as militarily (in case of any misadventure) but ensure that we don't lose territory to them. As per status quo ante, they need to go beyond finger 8. For starters, let them do it first.
Feb 16, 2009
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Japan says Chinese ships spend record time violating its territorial waters


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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Shouldn't we start defense production on war scaling aiming to sell those defense products/systems to ASEAN and african countries ?
Feb 16, 2009
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After Japan Backs India At LAC, Chinese Navy Intrudes Into Japanese Territorial Waters


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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The only estuary there, is the galwan-shyok estuary.. And it is a couple of kilometers behind the Indian camp near the stand off point at PP 14. So, what does the slimy f**ker mean, when he says "PLA too moving back from places it crossed the estuary" .. Is the river bend at PP14 an estuary now as per sawhney darling?
If India accepted Galwan belongs to China and retreated back then why PLA is also retreating back from its legitimate claim? He's making grounds for sat images that will be out in few days.

Changing the goalpost.


Senior Member
May 28, 2016
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China buying time with border talks, satellite images show PLA helicopter support base near stand-off areas – Indian Defence Research Wing

3 minutes


Continuing with its Sun Tzu-esque deception, China is ramping up infrastructure along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) while holding diplomatic and military-level talks with India. New satellite pictures by Planet Labs and analysis by Sim Tack has revealed that the PLA is developing helicopter support base near stand-off areas.
Posting the images, OSINT handle d-atis said that China’s PLA helicopter bases are capable of supporting the current India-China stand-off and that the new site under construction is just 155 km from Pangong Tso with basic outline resembling what could possibly be a new heliport.
The construction work is going on in Gar County, Rutog County and Pishan County.
New PLA infrastructure shows China’s long-term ambition in the region
Sim Tack, a chief military analyst said: “The buildup of PLA infrastructure in support of helicopter operations demonstrates the long term Chinese ambitions in the region and their capabilities in logistically supporting large deployments in complex terrain.”
Prior to the 1962 Sino-India war, the Chinese maintained that any dispute with India should be resolved through diplomatic means.
Any dispute should be resolved by peaceful diplomatic measures: China before 1962 war
General J. J. Singh, who served as the 21st Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian Army, in his book ‘The McMahon Line: A Century of Discord’ writes: “The Chinese were systematically preparing their army and civilian administrative machinery to achieve their national objective. And, while the preparation for armed conflict – the gradual and unobtrusive build-up of troops, weapons systems, munitions, construction of roads and logistics infrastructure – were taking place, the leadership of China kept sending signals to the Indians that the dispute could be resolved by peaceful diplomatic measures.”
He further writes that these “deliberate acts of deception” by the Chinese succeeded in making the “Indian leadership, the country’s intelligence agencies and diplomats, and a few politically influenced high-level military leaders believe that skirmishes along the disputed areas could take place but an all-out war was a remote possibility.”
He also said that the Chinese were also successful in misleading the international community “to a large extent.”
Vietnam war style heli operations base. Hmm... but its a post by de-atis, I take huge rock of Himalayan salt to buy this one again.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
It doesn't matter if they left due to rising water levels at the end they had to leave and vacate so it's our win.

If they are so smart why did they build their camp at such a position in the first place.

Fools ended up losing half their camp to the river water of course they will have to vacate now or else they will lose their soldiers too.

All this is making me wonder if India had a better understanding of the geography and was just waiting for mother nature to do it's job.

This is our win let no one tell you otherwise but now we must focus on pangong Tso and be alert at the same time.
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