India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Regular Member
Nov 6, 2015
on a philosophical note....

i think the moral of the story so far from these set of events is that even the mighty super power USA has no clue how to deal with a country which has all it's fundamentals covered as far as national security and economic power is concerned.

Hopefully young india will make future Bharat achieve the same status if not greater, more importantly drop this whole viswhaguru bunkum and go after real power.
A state which was working properly, when start to behave strangely or i can say becomes threat of existence for others out of nowhere, gets some time for misadventures as no one is prepared. It will change when others will come out of shock. Retaliation will take time till that time they can enjoy but it won't be business as usual after this crisis. They have to pay for their misadventures. China have so many weak points internally. They aren't invincible yet as they think or we think.


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Jun 18, 2020
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China silent over its casualties suffered in Galwan valley during talks: Sources

important extracts:

Sources said the Chinese also sought to blame the Indian side for the clash in Galwan as they have done in their press briefings in Beijing. The Chinese side is also talking about using the 1959 maps given by them at that time to address the problems but that has been rejected by the Indian side. The same set of maps were discussed with India before the 1962 war as well and were rejected by New Delhi. The two sides had fought a war over the issue in 1962.

The Chinese side also conveyed that they had submitted a proposal "a long time back" to discuss and resolve the boundary issue with India and New Delhi should respond to it. The details of the proposal given by the Chinese government are still awaited, the sources said.

During the talks, India also outrightly rejected Chinese allegations of India being an expansionist country by citing the example of the issues by raising the boundary issue between India and Nepal. Nepal has claimed that the area near the Lipu Lakh pass along the Kali river belongs to it. The issue gained prominence when the Nepali Parliament passed a new political map to strengthen its claims over Indian territory.

They are discussing India-Nepal border issue in India-China talks .
Then it is better they send DFI members in those talks. Why are they wasting everyone's time and money.😑


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Mar 27, 2019
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Amidst all this stuff, it should be noted that if you or anyone you know have neighbors of Chinese origin or friends of Chinese origin, or if you see someone trying to Harass people of Chinese origin in India, stand up for them.
Don’t let this issue cloud your sense of courtesy and hatred towards innocent civilians. I would hate to see some chutiya harassing innocent people who have nothing to do with the standoff.
Indians in China are treated with a lot of respect and I’m hearing stories of their neighbors ensuring their safety. It’s only fair that we Do the same.
So please go out of your way to ensure that they don’t feel threatened. There is an image of fairness and just that India should hold in the international forum.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Would be good to see faces of Chini soldiers who die for CCP Mafia Ltd.

We can give them a DFI funeral, :rip: it would be much better than nameless graves in Tibet. Pity Chini soldier cum insects! We give funeral to even animals. We did same to Pak faujis in Kargil :lol:

China Sent Martial Artists To India Border Before Deadly Clash: State Media
does this mean their martial artists got their ass whopped by our biharis bhaiyas and now because of this, Chinese are going plan b and recruit mma fighters :pound::pound::pound::pound::pound::pound::pound:
multiple source confirming this
It means their Kung-Flu failed before Fist of Fury of IA so now China wanna bring their MMA fighters & get 7.62mm in their filthy CCP brains.

Kung-Flu works well only in Bruce-lee films! btw Bruce Lee was beaten and embarrassed in public by a stuntman. :shock: :lol: Bruce Lee paid the guys to be beaten or else not taken in the film. Han Chinese are extremely egoistic!!! :rofl:

these are the countries who have issues with china
please add any countries thats not in list
Could be fake tweet too. It is unlikely China will give us advance info on its ship movements.
Anyway sum total is China is going Germany's way in ww2. It is looking for a one big fight with everyone.
The equation seems to be already built. India already beefing up it's ammo+weapons.

Axis Powers = China+DPRK+Pak+Iran.
Allies = QUAD+NATO+SKorea+Taiwan+Philippines+Vietnam

Role of Russia would be more into providing support depending on it's relation with each country of Allies, for example India.


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Would be good to see faces of Chini soldiers who die for CCP Mafia Ltd.

We can give them a DFI funeral, :rip: it would be much better than nameless graves in Tibet. Pity Chini soldier cum insects! We give funeral to even animals. We did same to Pak faujis in Kargil :lol:

It means their Kung-Flu failed before Fist of Fury of IA so now China wanna bring their MMA fighters & get 7.62mm in their filthy CCP brains.

Kung-Flu works well only in Bruce-lee films! btw Bruce Lee was beaten and embarrassed in public by a stuntman. :shock: :lol: Bruce Lee paid the guys to be beaten or else not taken in the film. Han Chinese are extremely egoistic!!! :rofl:

The equation seems to be already built. India already beefing up it's ammo+weapons.

Axis Powers = China+DPRK+Pak+Iran.
Allies = QUAD+NATO+SKorea+Taiwan+Philippines+Vietnam

Role of Russia would be more into providing support depending on it's relation with each country of Allies, for example India.
you forgot NKorea, the king kong kingdom. they will join axis powers


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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Third world war polarization is in progress. Iran, Russia and China are on the same side for sure.

If you call it axis powers, add Venezuela, Cuba, Turkey, Pakistan to it.

Unfortunately Quad was proposed in 2007 but nothing concrete was done. Quad has been revived in 2020 but more an intelligence sharing platform at this time.

Many West Europe and North Europe countries who are strong supporters of NATO will be automatically supporters of quad. Same is true for countries like Poland, Romania etc.

The list may grow on both sides. Eventually at least 100 countries may choose sides.


Regular Member
Mar 27, 2019
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India is very hesitant in joining any side but loomng Chinese threat may force it's hand.

One thing is certain that India will never align with a side containing China and Pakistan.
It’s already joined the US. Ain’t no going back.
The moment shit goes down, one of those AC’s will sail into the Arabian Sea. IFF it’s a two front war.
The US is already providing all sorts of Real time intelligence inputs and satellite data.
And this is not a wet dream.


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Reading China right

some extracts from the article:
"China seems to be pushing for a formal settlement along the LAC in Ladakh, where they have nothing to lose. Probably, they also assume that India has accepted fait accompli. And, to our disappointment, it may not involve swapping India’s claims over Aksai Chin for China’s claims over Arunachal Pradesh, which many in India thought to be a pragmatic thing to accept. This time, Chinese may be making a tricky move to let India, in the first step, forego its claim over 38,000 sq km (Aksai Chin), thereby de-link Ladakh from the overall boundary dispute. But, should that happen, India, by implication, will have to give up not only Aksai Chin, but also cede its notional claim over the 5,047 sq km (Skyasgam valley) and the Menser Enclave (five villages) near the Mansarovar Lake. China’s “minimal demand” that Tawang is non-negotiable had been aired through Chinese academics. This tactic was also applied with Central Asian states."
one of the best analysis so far that i have read regarding the stand-off. please read the full article at



Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Dekho vai log kitna fake raha hai. :pound: :pound: :pound: :troll:

Read above statement of Chinese mouthpiece. They came to capture Indian land and now they say that PLA is capable of defending china. I like this transformation of china from an angry dragon to wet cat showing its capability to defend. Ye dar muje Accha laga. Mogembo khush hua.


Regular Member
Mar 27, 2019
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Read above statement of Chinese mouthpiece. They came to capture Indian land and now they say that PLA is capable of defending china. I like this transformation of china from an angry dragon to wet cat showing its capability to defend. Ye dar muje Accha laga. Mogembo khush hua.
Entry of US in the region is only going to happen if the Chinese bring the pakis in.

Good to see some sensible users back in the thread...
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