India China LAC & International Border Discussions

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Maulana Rockullah
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Aug 12, 2009
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Just wanted to say, it's always a treat to read explanation of complex topics by DFIans. I was confused on how it impacted Chini market and news articles confused me more than clarified.

The best part is in the start of the second half of the second video- गोलगप्पे खाएगा?🤣🤣🤣
Chini Bruce Lee bites the dust with some desi IA punches! Bruce Lee films where he is never beaten with his Kung-Flu. :pound::pound::pound:

Well done IA... :salute: you showed how it has to be done and now Chini Psyche is filled with fear. This video comes at a good time so our PsyOps are not so bad as we think. This also include DFI as we are also playing our role.:lol:

btw as a former MA player I got a little suggestion. IA can next time target Chini legs so they are beaten down on the ground and don't go back on their legs.

Bwhahaha . Chinki porky forums will be crying so loud now.
They are not allowing this video on their paki forums. I am sure Pakis are watching this as their true yellow masters are getting bitchslapped.

LOL Good observation, I was also thinking on the same lines.....If fight happens with me I will throw my camera aside and join the Chicom commie beat-down for my palttan! However, here that smart-ass Chicom is pretending that he is recording and expecting that he should not get a good beating like his fellow chicom PLA!
If I was there I would put the cam on a good place/angle and then jump to support my buddies.

Liberals to NDTV:

Pakis are in shock in their forums and refuse to accept what randiTV says. They love using that channel.

It's a "You Too brutus" moment for Paki/Chini or may be randiTV didn't get their payment on time.


Do you think , Indian media is humiliating China unnecessarily. Or this order has come from top ?
Unnecessary aggression may lead to war.
Offcourse... they just knew that Indians are making fun of him and that's the #1 reason for all siapaa.

Right now Winni The Poo is furious as some Maulana Rockullah from DFI made fun of him like below. :lol:

Golgappa - Copy.png

PS: I made this but please feel free to distribute. :india:


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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This kind of chutiyapa from ex Pentagon official makes one suspect what really US establishment agenda is

Road building is good. In fact roads were horrible in our border regions till 2010. I have direct experience.
Let us not worry about two bit analysts which come dime a dozen.

What matters is thinking of US administration; which must be understood through direct contacts between our government and US government.

India is in a difficult situation no doubt; but a lot of good will come out of it. These events will make India stronger.


Regular Member
Feb 19, 2019
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Even modi went walking talking with she in india. It's all for an advantage for a partner ,self, society. Percentages varies from time to time deal to deal regardless of parties
He went walking talking with Xi in the capacity as prime minister of India. Who the hell was Sonia negotiating in behalf of? The Congress party that's who. Why the hell does Congress party want to sign an mou with ccp? Ask them.


Sanathan Pepe
Sep 18, 2009
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India-China military commander-level talks end after 11 hours
What could they have talked about for 11 hours? The Indian corps commander should be thoroughly debriefed before being sent back.


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Jun 21, 2020
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It is a part of narrative building against the current CDS. See the posts of Joe Shearer in PDF, feels like openly building a narrative against CDS and this will be the next salvo on the Indian government.
@IndianHawk @ezsasa @hit&run @Bhadra @LETHALFORCE
Everyone in Opposition was against Bipin Rawat as CDS, they are ready to pounce on CDS & NSA for intelligence failure & battle readiness.


The Preacher
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Dec 3, 2010
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Nepal starts radio warfare, anti-India songs heard on Nepali radio stations in Uttarakhand villages on the border

Nepal has started radio warfare in bordering villages of Uttarakhand. The residents of these villages can catch Nepali Radio stations that are now playing anti-India songs from the last few months.

they started playing anti-India songs. The lyrics of one song she shared were “Hamrai ho tyo Kalapani, Lipulekha, Limpiyadhura… Utha, jaga, veer Nepali (Kalapani, Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura are ours… Wake up, brave people).”

Some songs even stated that Shillong and Darjeeling were part of Nepal.



Regular Member
Jun 21, 2020
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Nepal starts radio warfare, anti-India songs heard on Nepali radio stations in Uttarakhand villages on the border

Nepal has started radio warfare in bordering villages of Uttarakhand. The residents of these villages can catch Nepali Radio stations that are now playing anti-India songs from the last few months.

they started playing anti-India songs. The lyrics of one song she shared were “Hamrai ho tyo Kalapani, Lipulekha, Limpiyadhura… Utha, jaga, veer Nepali (Kalapani, Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura are ours… Wake up, brave people).”

Some songs even stated that Shillong and Darjeeling were part of Nepal.

I think there were also talks to call back Gorkha regiment soldiers back, I may be wrong.


The Preacher
Senior Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Nepal PM Oli starts border row with India to divert public attention as China annexes parts of Himalayan country

According to the exclusive documents available with Zee Media, China has occupied about 11 areas adjacent to Nepal, but the Oli government has maintained a silence over.

China has already occupied Rui village adjacent to Tibet for a long time and this is being opposed by the residents of that village.

Even though Rui is still included in the map of Nepal, China has removed the boundary pillars to legitimize its occupation, the report says.

According to security agencies, Pakistan and China are planning to open another front against India by instigating Nepal to increase India's difficulties.

1. China occupies 6 hectares of Bhagdare Khola in Humla district of Nepal

2. China occupies 4 hectares of Karnali river in Humla district of Nepal

3. China occupies 2 hectares of Sinjen Khola in Rasuwa district of Nepal

4. China occupies one hectare of Bhurjuk Khola in Rasuwa district of Nepal

5. China captures land of Lamde Khola in Rasuwa district of Nepal

6. China captures 3 hectares of Jambu Khola in Rasuwa district of Nepal

7. China occupies 7 hectares of land in Kharane Khola of Nepal's Sandhu Pal Chok district

8. China occupies 4 hectares of Bhote Koshi of Sandhu Pal Chok district in Nepal

9. China occupies 3 hectares of Samjung Khola in Sankhuwasabha district of Nepal

10. China occupies 2 hectares of Kam Khola in Nepal's Sankhuwasabha district

11- China also occupies 4 hectares of land from Arun riverbed in Sankhuwasabha district of Nepal



Regular Member
Jun 21, 2020
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yes, you are right.. oli made that call but gurkas reported back to work at own will
Yea, I saw this too, but if there is another front in the form of Nepal then will they remain In India is the question. And today china played dealt its cards in Bangladesh too.


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Oct 12, 2013
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Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal

The Chinese don’t like the Sikhs, their war cry ‘ Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal’ frightens them , their huge frames with long hair and beard frightens the clean shaven slick looking Chinese.
At Doklam, three years ago, the best of Chinese troops had wilted under the brute strength of the Sikhs , one of whose havildar likened the push and shove to kabaddi.

On the night of 15th June, as the 16th Bihar troops faced a murderous and treacherous unprovoked Chinese assault , taking heavy casualties, they found critical support from the gunners of the 3 Medium Field Regiment.

The valiant Khalsas launched a barehanded counter-attack with their trademark blood curling war cries about an hour after the Bihar troops had got embroiled in the savage hand-to-hand combat , having to fight with sticks , bare hands, rocks and with weapons snatched from the Chinese.
The Sikhs went straight for the jugular , attacking a ‘senior looking officer ‘ protecting by six Chinese guards.

“They killed all the six guards and dragged the senior officer by the scruff of his neck in a bloody fight lasting for 30 minutes,” said an eye-witness of the 16th Bihar Regiment. ” They fought like men possessed, smashing Chinese heads with rocks and slashing them with swords snatched from the Chinese.”

Other Chinese troops in the vicinity fled or stayed away , in sheer fright . Two Sikh gunners died when struck by swords but one of them strangled a Chinese to death in the squeeze of his massive biceps , all along shouting ‘Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal.”

The angry , bloodied Sikhs were about to thrash the senior officers when the JCO leading them glanced at the stars on his epaulets and stopped them, imagining he must be colonel. The JCO was right — this was the Chinese colonel who had planned the treacherous attack on Colonel B.Santosh Babu, CO, 16th Bihar.

This CO greatly helped fast tracking of GOC level negotiations* held between the two sides on 17/18 Jun, leading to quick exchange of 10 Indians against the lone captured Chinese Commanding Officer.

That the ten Indians including two majors were released without torture and torment might owe itself to the Chinese Colonel being in the custody of Sikh gunners.

Down India’s medieval and modern military history , the burly and fearless Sikhs have turned the fate of many a battles with sheer bravery.
They — and their corps commander Lt Gen Harinder Singh — again proved they are peerless warriors on the night of 15th June.

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