India-China Border conflict


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Nov 10, 2020
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300 million farmers striking and blockading the capital, record high pollution, 100 million people going hungry, slowing economic growth with massive inflation, facist hindoo government passing laws to disenfranchise citizens, multiple armed separatist movement, covid deaths that are 10 times what is officially reported....
If you start continuously feeding information like ^^^ to an ignorant foreigner, they will also start believing India is going to collapse soon (and there are plenty who do believe exactly that). News coverage/Analysis of the CCP is often is just people amplifying every "bad" news to confirm their own biases or worse desires. And with modern news/media, if you read one negative article you will be recommended 10 more negative articles that scream that the collapse imminent... but it just not happened, not yet.

I'd rather recommend spending more time understanding the culture, history, politics and and analysing the motives behind their actions etc. And never ever base any of our plans on the CCP/China getting weaker or collapsing in the future. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best and fu*king stop snorting hopium.
lol, educate yourself. They are literally collapsing buildings because of CCP kickbacks; the contractor only makes a profit by cutting corners.


The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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@The Shrike I think the Chinese ignorance has been taken too seriously here.

There are only two places where tanks can be used in NE, one is Naku La which is north Sikkim, another is a few isolated plateau of Tawang.

Naku La, especially has very similar terrain to Ladakh, that is high-altitude flat desert plateaus with gentle slopes and a lack of vegetation.
However, the terrain ends at the Indo-China border so they cannot "push" any armor forward, like in Ladakh.

Tawang is even trickier, and only Bum-La is a bit suitable for armor rollout. Even rolling down towards Tawang, tanks will be restricted to narrow mountain roads with 0 maneuverability. Other parts are way too steep for free vehicular movement.

At last, a tank's advantage is outflanking the enemy with speed and firepower. A sitting and sluggish tank is an easy target for ATGMs and even Carl Gustavs.
First off I'd like to say that although I have been following defence matters (as an "enthusiast") for many years now, but it wasn’t until 2020 that I realised that a lot of theories that was often repeated on the interwebs as incontrovertible truths was a load of horseshit fuelled by a lack of knowledge, absence of critical thinking and and zero self introspection. Since then I have become more careful, I (try to) differentiate between useful information, insightful analysis vs hot takes and BS talking points. Also never "hand wave" off any scenarios. I guess this is just part of learning.
Now coming back to topic, if you look at the original (twitter) thread, a big deal is seeming being made of the pact that we have ~11-12 divisions of troops against China, but the Tibet TC has only x amount of forces. Er... why is that a problem? the PLA can pull in as many any ground forces assets from its other TCs as it needs to get the job done. After all China does not face a threat from the ground from any other direction. Only issue is these units need to be trained to operate effectively in this region, which is something they have been actually doing since this year at least.
And coming to the tanks part - although that's what is highlighted in the propaganda videos (actually they show more SP artillery, MBRL, mobile gun platforms, IFVs, light tanks than outright MBTs), does not mean they don’t have enough infantry, they do and they will bring in as many as they need. Also even if they have a mechanised heavy force does not mean that the PLA commander will simply go - "Oh look at those tall mountains, tanks no run here, I give up!" - He will plan the fight such that his strengths are utilised to the max and our weaknesses are exploited. Also the ironic thing about the "they will use tanks in THIS terrain? He" pic is that it shows eastern Arunachal where our connectivity is shit compared to what the PLA have on the other side. In some places the Chinese drive up the almost to the top of the ridge lines in their 4x4, IFVs etc. while we have to hump our way on foot for dozens of miles to reach the same spots.
And just to clarify I don’t actually believe PLA MBTs will stream down the Chumbi valley in their hundreds and cutoff the chicken's neck (its practically very difficult to do for various reasons), but they will apply as much pressure as they can in the sector because they know this is a nightmare scenario for us and use it to tie down our forces. And we cannot discount the possibility they they will user Armour or mechanised forces to do this, to the extent the terrain and tactics allow.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
Food shortage

Stop doing nonsense Thier is no collapse china short term problems yes nothing major
We faced far more problems during covid some porkies even said it will lead to our demise and refugees will flood to Bangladesh and Pakistan no use in discussing hypothetical


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Stop doing nonsense Thier is no collapse china short term problems yes nothing major
We faced far more problems during covid some porkies even said it will lead to our demise and refugees will flood to Bangladesh and Pakistan no use in discussing hypothetical
What part of order in chaos don’t you understand. India is used to Chaos and evolves into order. China is the opposite; they don’t know how to deal with dissent, chaos and unruly citizens. You are projecting Indian model onto China; which is a falicy. China is prone to collapse more than India. That’s the only rational explanation to deploy 200k soldiers to occupy some barren high altitude dessert.

ok fine just worry about the roads and not look at the bigger Picture. Let’s all put our heads in the sand and not recognize the 800 pound elephant in the room. The CCP is looking for an enemy and will play some tricks to secure the next 50 years of rule. The only counter strategy is the destabilize the CCP. For that we need to understand the fault lines. I don’t understand your apprehension towards learning more. Seems like you want Indian strategists to be forest hermits who are happy as long as they are left alone.

no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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Fragmentation of CCP into different groups and violence-filled power struggle within the CCP with no group having full control of China, and those groups relying on external help to assert full control but end up getting killed instead after winning the intra-party struggle by various secret services thereby creating a power vacuum.

First of all, relying on external help is a sure way to lose the civil war, KMT will tell you that;
Secondly, there is no such scale of service services can wipe out a political group.

Wrong example. Cultural revolution started with internal power fight, but itself was not but a political purge - the pro-soviet and conservative classes in and out of the party were wiped out.

It only proved how quickly and relentlessly CCP can settle its internal and external dispute.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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If it's true then in local term it's known as "gaand marwana'
Ya'll Nibbiars Breaking the agreements is fun for the Mleechas. And we all agree when world calls them Evil china. If this is true.

The Shrike

Senior Member
Jun 12, 2021
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Ya'll Nibbiars now what this?.

This wumao/paxi (amongst others) only reposts video/pics from Chinese SM with masala (made up) titles/descriptions. Now Indian news media is taking them seriously and writing articles about it :facepalm: .

Another post, which came two days after the Pentagon report was released, claims that Chinese troops are being moved to the border at Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. The target, the post says, is to take control of a waterfall it calls Dongzhang.

Yet another social media account claims that Chinese long-range PCL 191 rockets have been deployed close to the Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) area in Eastern Ladakh. This is in the vicinity of the Depsang plains, where Chinese troops have been blocking I ..

Read more at:


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2016
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lol, on one hand you say China is not going to collapse and on the other you are saying that China lost every war. Make up your mind. I’m not the one who seems confused in categorizing the enemy properly.

China has an incompetent form of governance, and their band aid solutions are unraveling because they don’t give their population room to breathe. Therefore they are highly motivated to fight India and win.

to dismiss them as incapable of fighting shows your immature analysis of the situation. India has to rally and step up for the challenge and move away from defensive posturing to attack.

China will attack India to establish dominance over Asia. If India wins, CCP will collapse. If there is a stalemate, CCP will collapse. If India loses, there is another 50 years of CCP rule. What is there to be confused about that?

the window for winning is narrowing for the CCP hence the urgency in their strategy. For India, we need to break the propaganda which breaks the social contract between their population and their government. The social contract is accelerated wealth and prosperity in exchange for freedoms. If you remove wealth and prosperity, people will want their freedoms back. This instability, even if the local population doesn’t succeed in overthrowing CCP will lead to companies leaving because of slow in growth. This cycle will repeat every 5 years until the CCP is gone. This is the outcome for any state that doesn’t allow failure or publicity around failures. The root problems still exist; they are just brushed under the carpet. This is not sustainable and will lead to an overthrow of CCP. History has been on my side, you can smoke your opium and assume that the PLA is a walkover. Bring over jingoistic and saying China hasn’t won a war in 400 years is silly. They fought the Japanese in WWII and they fought India in 62. We should learn from it, be honest with ourselves instead of making excuses for our shortcomings and prepare for the worst. That is what it takes to win this fight, not drinking your own cool aid and patting yourself on the back. That’s how you get your ass licked.
India is walking tightrope , go for war , loose on economy or look for economy and deal with aggression.
Unfortunately , situation on Pak side is also same .Let's agree that the least we want war at this time but fact is that we have trouble from both side.
It's analyze it
PAk : The country is on the verge of economic collapse and highly Islamic radical , and hence on suicidal path .They are obsessed with India due to humiliations in 1971 .The only aim of the Pak Army is to see India breaking. They will go upto any extent to achieve this. You can Invade such country but it's like throwing stone in mud. They are sided with China only to hurt India even though they know that China is making them colony.
China : They are desperately looking for access to Middle east , Europe and India is big hindrance for them. AFG and Pak do provide them this but it is very risky . In addition to this they want India to be subservient to them. In UPA era , India was pushover but at Galwan they got surprise. They wanted to show India as aggressor to install nationalist sentiment , but failed so far. They had their own issues on economic front and world has become wary of China .The mission to replace US is diminishing.
Conclusion : Keep working on PAk disintegration and keep pressure on PAK army by carrying out surgical strikes when ever they cross the threshold. Strengthen Internal security apparatus and deal antinational with Iron hand. Be prepared for war with China in anticipation that they will look for surprise element like 62 , but prepare the war game to see that we enter Tibet and other areas in counter attack , do not stop unless you acquires much more territory . This will be the last chance to settle 1962 and China forever.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Please someone give me a gun and send me to border. Want to kill a few batmuncher subhuman Chinese. Their very existence makes my blood boil.
Mighty Indra Incarnate.png

O glorious Indra Incarnate, the divinity himself, the winner and the harbinger of hell of heaven please forgive them batmunchers for the sins they did. For the enemy they are, but despite all that those scums don't deserve the generous fate of being laid down by the grace like yours, they are unworthy of thy honor.

Also because i don't think our OFBabus can produce 1.4Billion bullets in such short span. Hell, i doubt even American MIC will be able to match your wrath and pace of destruction of our enemies, o mighty Indra incarnate so request to your immortal rage, to take your gaze away from the land and let IA handle the rat eating insect devouring infestations at the LAC.

Though my plebian eyes are being blinded by witnessing the sheer aura of your divinity, i still bow to your glorious self!
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Gravitas: Why is China not talking about the mysterious blasts?

At least 10 mysterious, high-intensity blasts have struck China in 7 days. Several people have died, many were injured. China is trying to cover up; nothing is being said on whether these blasts were accidents or coordinated attacks. Palki Sharma brings you the details.

with enough money china will boomboom itself. chinese greed at play..may be

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