India-China Border conflict


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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History would disagree with you. If you're gonna say something is "garbage" or "nonsense", you better be prepared to prove your point instead of one-liners.

No one claimed that the CCP is not an expansionist party that believes in suppressing other countries. That has been their ideology since the beginning. But Natsocs wanted to conquer the entire world, and got victories against Poland, France and other countries. Doesn't mean they ultimately were able to achieve shit.

I already made a post some time ago about how 1962 was pretty much a Pyrrhic victory for the Chinks and it transformed our capabilities too.

No one's suggesting that we should not prepare or be lackadaisical in our efforts. However, overestimating your enemy is dumb and retarded. Look at the Boxer Rebellion, its wars with Japan, the Korean war, the war with Vietnam and look at the condition of their military even now.

Dhoti-shivering and trying to make an enemy look bigger than he is is equally as retarded as thinking that we don't need to do anything to protect our borders. The Chinks are nothing but overglorified mongrels. And history is witness to this fact.
lol, on one hand you say China is not going to collapse and on the other you are saying that China lost every war. Make up your mind. I’m not the one who seems confused in categorizing the enemy properly.

China has an incompetent form of governance, and their band aid solutions are unraveling because they don’t give their population room to breathe. Therefore they are highly motivated to fight India and win.

to dismiss them as incapable of fighting shows your immature analysis of the situation. India has to rally and step up for the challenge and move away from defensive posturing to attack.

China will attack India to establish dominance over Asia. If India wins, CCP will collapse. If there is a stalemate, CCP will collapse. If India loses, there is another 50 years of CCP rule. What is there to be confused about that?

the window for winning is narrowing for the CCP hence the urgency in their strategy. For India, we need to break the propaganda which breaks the social contract between their population and their government. The social contract is accelerated wealth and prosperity in exchange for freedoms. If you remove wealth and prosperity, people will want their freedoms back. This instability, even if the local population doesn’t succeed in overthrowing CCP will lead to companies leaving because of slow in growth. This cycle will repeat every 5 years until the CCP is gone. This is the outcome for any state that doesn’t allow failure or publicity around failures. The root problems still exist; they are just brushed under the carpet. This is not sustainable and will lead to an overthrow of CCP. History has been on my side, you can smoke your opium and assume that the PLA is a walkover. Bring over jingoistic and saying China hasn’t won a war in 400 years is silly. They fought the Japanese in WWII and they fought India in 62. We should learn from it, be honest with ourselves instead of making excuses for our shortcomings and prepare for the worst. That is what it takes to win this fight, not drinking your own cool aid and patting yourself on the back. That’s how you get your ass licked.


Regular Member
Jun 16, 2020
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lol, on one hand you say China is not going to collapse and on the other you are saying that China lost every war. Make up your mind. I’m not the one who seems confused in categorizing the enemy properly.

China has an incompetent form of governance, and their band aid solutions are unraveling because they don’t give their population room to breathe. Therefore they are highly motivated to fight India and win.

to dismiss them as incapable of fighting shows your immature analysis of the situation. India has to rally and step up for the challenge and move away from defensive posturing to attack.

China will attack India to establish dominance over Asia. If India wins, CCP will collapse. If there is a stalemate, CCP will collapse. If India loses, there is another 50 years of CCP rule. What is there to be confused about that?

the window for winning is narrowing for the CCP hence the urgency in their strategy. For India, we need to break the propaganda which breaks the social contract between their population and their government. The social contract is accelerated wealth and prosperity in exchange for freedoms. If you remove wealth and prosperity, people will want their freedoms back. This instability, even if the local population doesn’t succeed in overthrowing CCP will lead to companies leaving because of slow in growth. This cycle will repeat every 5 years until the CCP is gone. This is the outcome for any state that doesn’t allow failure or publicity around failures. The root problems still exist; they are just brushed under the carpet. This is not sustainable and will lead to an overthrow of CCP. History has been on my side, you can smoke your opium and assume that the PLA is a walkover. Bring over jingoistic and saying China hasn’t won a war in 400 years is silly. They fought the Japanese in WWII and they fought India in 62. We should learn from it, be honest with ourselves instead of making excuses for our shortcomings and prepare for the worst. That is what it takes to win this fight, not drinking your own cool aid and patting yourself on the back. That’s how you get your ass licked.
Past doesn't matter. At present, China is formidable. It is preparing to deter even US when it takes Taiwan. India in China's eyes is too low a power to be threatened by.
But wars are simply not determined by strength. What happened to US in Vietnam, Afghanistan? Stupidity is always with consequences.


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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lol, on one hand you say China is not going to collapse and on the other you are saying that China lost every war. Make up your mind. I’m not the one who seems confused in categorizing the enemy properly.

China has an incompetent form of governance, and their band aid solutions are unraveling because they don’t give their population room to breathe. Therefore they are highly motivated to fight India and win.

to dismiss them as incapable of fighting shows your immature analysis of the situation. India has to rally and step up for the challenge and move away from defensive posturing to attack.

China will attack India to establish dominance over Asia. If India wins, CCP will collapse. If there is a stalemate, CCP will collapse. If India loses, there is another 50 years of CCP rule. What is there to be confused about that?

the window for winning is narrowing for the CCP hence the urgency in their strategy. For India, we need to break the propaganda which breaks the social contract between their population and their government. The social contract is accelerated wealth and prosperity in exchange for freedoms. If you remove wealth and prosperity, people will want their freedoms back. This instability, even if the local population doesn’t succeed in overthrowing CCP will lead to companies leaving because of slow in growth. This cycle will repeat every 5 years until the CCP is gone. This is the outcome for any state that doesn’t allow failure or publicity around failures. The root problems still exist; they are just brushed under the carpet. This is not sustainable and will lead to an overthrow of CCP. History has been on my side, you can smoke your opium and assume that the PLA is a walkover. Bring over jingoistic and saying China hasn’t won a war in 400 years is silly. They fought the Japanese in WWII and they fought India in 62. We should learn from it, be honest with ourselves instead of making excuses for our shortcomings and prepare for the worst. That is what it takes to win this fight, not drinking your own cool aid and patting yourself on the back. That’s how you get your ass licked.
China has an incompetent form of governance

bruh they have better living standards than us , better literacy , HDI . they are also decades ahead of us in tech and almost all domain.

China will attack India to establish dominance over Asia. If India wins, CCP will collapse. If there is a stalemate, CCP will collapse. If India loses, there is another 50 years of CCP rule. What is there to be confused about that?

sounds more like a movie , standoff is due to infra we are building near aksai chin.

they really dont care about all that much about us. single reason y they released those galwan pics

no need for war , they will try to use pakistan to keep us occupied - arm pakistan with new weapons , pakistan then uses terrorists to fuck with us.

Optimistic Nihilist

Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2021
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lol, on one hand you say China is not going to collapse and on the other you are saying that China lost every war. Make up your mind. I’m not the one who seems confused in categorizing the enemy properly.

China has an incompetent form of governance, and their band aid solutions are unraveling because they don’t give their population room to breathe. Therefore they are highly motivated to fight India and win.

to dismiss them as incapable of fighting shows your immature analysis of the situation. India has to rally and step up for the challenge and move away from defensive posturing to attack.

China will attack India to establish dominance over Asia. If India wins, CCP will collapse. If there is a stalemate, CCP will collapse. If India loses, there is another 50 years of CCP rule. What is there to be confused about that?

the window for winning is narrowing for the CCP hence the urgency in their strategy. For India, we need to break the propaganda which breaks the social contract between their population and their government. The social contract is accelerated wealth and prosperity in exchange for freedoms. If you remove wealth and prosperity, people will want their freedoms back. This instability, even if the local population doesn’t succeed in overthrowing CCP will lead to companies leaving because of slow in growth. This cycle will repeat every 5 years until the CCP is gone. This is the outcome for any state that doesn’t allow failure or publicity around failures. The root problems still exist; they are just brushed under the carpet. This is not sustainable and will lead to an overthrow of CCP. History has been on my side, you can smoke your opium and assume that the PLA is a walkover. Bring over jingoistic and saying China hasn’t won a war in 400 years is silly. They fought the Japanese in WWII and they fought India in 62. We should learn from it, be honest with ourselves instead of making excuses for our shortcomings and prepare for the worst. That is what it takes to win this fight, not drinking your own cool aid and patting yourself on the back. That’s how you get your ass licked.
That you can't understand basic comprehension is not my problem. China has lost every war in 4 centuries. This is a fact. Does that mean they are going to collapse tomorrow? No. People have been predicting a Soviet Union style collapse to happen to them for years now and every time it turns out to be bullshit. So, no point in believing it without any credible evidence. How does this change the fact that they haven't won a single war against a foreign power for the past 400 years?

Strawman arguments are useless and not worth my time. Again, no one said that the CCP doesn't want to start fights or want to win. Who the fuck wants to lose in a war? Of course they would love to win, but their people are demoralized, so is their Army which is pretty much in tatters. Senile shithead slant-eyed Commies may dream sitting in their boardrooms, it won't change the reality.

Did you not read my post properly? I already said India must redouble its efforts and not blink. But are the Chinks as formidable and powerful that its wumao shills and social credit warriors present it to be? Fuck no. This is not my "immature analysis", but your historical ignorance and lack of knowledge about the facts that is the problem here.

The Chinks can only boast and thump their chests, the reality is drastically different. Dhoti-shivering losers always clatter their teeth in fear of the Chinks as if they are this mighty race and nation that has wreaked havoc on its enemies in the past. Again, the fact is they have basically lost every single war against a foreign power for the last 400 years. Yeah, they are all bark and no bite. It is laughable to shiver in your salwar kameez against a nation that has humiliated itself in practically every conflict.

What history are you talking about, the one which the CCP publishes in its manifesto or what its brainless leaders repeat on? I'm not smoking any opium, but it seems you are drunk on CCP-approved bat soup. Clutching your pearls and hyperventilating in fear at "Mighty China" is so laughably dumb that I don't even know what to say.

There is no question of jingoism here. I have not said that we have decimated them hundreds of times. I have not said that we will win no matter what against them. I have not said we don't need to prepare for a war against them. I have not said that India will crush the Chinks in a war. What I have said is that the Chinks are not as powerful or fierce as people who are scared of its might like to think. They are, like I said, overglorified subhumans with distasteful tendencies who live in a world of their own believing that they won every single war that they were ass-raped in. I thought it would be impossible for any rational human being to believe their bullshit, but apparently not.

"They fought Japanese in WW2 and fought India in 62"......umm okay? Do you have a reading problem? You know there is a difference in fighting and winning, right?

During the Second Sino-Japanese War, Japan was only expelled from China when they were utterly defeated by America in the Pacific, and the Soviets in Manchuria. China totally lacked the strength to expel Japan from their country, and the threat of being forced to sign an armistice that partitioned the country was a very real one. Additionally, the Chinese people were absolutely fucked during the second sino-japanese war, civilian deaths were literally in the 8 figures.

And that was AFTER Japan had been sanctioned by the West and the US and UK had been giving weapons and aid to Chiang Kai Shek since the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War. It is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and show your ignorance and remove all doubt of it.

1962 was, like I said, a Pyrrhic victory for the Chinese, I have already said it before. It entirely transformed Indian foreign and military policy and was almost solely responsible for the Sino-Soviet split accelerating due to Khrushchev refusing to back China and Changs seething about it.

Apart from us finally beginning to heavily garrison our northern border and move closer to the USSR, China seethed that they took massive casualties for the amount of land they got (they were expecting an easy ambush that steamrolled right into south tibet/arunachal pradesh, through sikkim, and through ladakh) and Mao was butthurt that the war he had led to try and divert attention from the famine had ultimately failed overall.

Instead of believing the CCP fed garbage and shivering in your pants at every propaganda video they release, try to actually read up on their history. They are the most overrated nation in the world. Their military was basically a joke, still is to some extent, and they have lost every war against a foreign power in the last 400 years. This is a fact, no matter how Commie shitheads may try to twist it.

Do yourself a favor and read up on the Boxer Rebellion, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, its battles with Japan and the shit condition of its military even today. You might be surprised to see the reality of how "glorious" Red China actually is.

Again, this is not jingoism. This is not to say that we should become complacent and not prepare for war. These are simple facts which show that overestimating an enemy and getting your knickers in a twist is moronic. Don't do that.

Optimistic Nihilist

Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2021
Country flag
looks like a bat , very fitting .

QUAD + south china countries will lock china in

i think we are also signed some agreement with france for satellites to track ships.
If the United States and the other countries get on board, it could really be transformational. Surveillance of potential Chinese military operating areas could be strengthened by:

1. employing the entire spectrum of existing ISR capabilities, not just UAS, supplemented by select investments in key technology enablers.

2. improving ISR processes, primarily by using artificial intelligence (AI) to automate specific collection and processing tasks, to maximize the returns from existing ISR capabilities

3. adopting a “neighborhood watch” approach, primarily via adapting existing organizational structures, with additional capacity to conduct coalition situational awareness operations in the Indo-Pacific theater.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
Hmm, they banned tutoring. Their companies are being trimmed and more state control. Lie flat movement. Hidden covid numbers. Factional infighting in CCP. jack Ma was disappeared for a bit. Popular actresses erased from the Internet. All Tech companies getting nerfed. Threatening Taiwan at risk of war with US. Threatening India at the border. Lack of visibility into Covid numbers. Evergrande, real estate crisis. Population slowdown.

what other evidence do you need sire? Does that seem like a healthy growing state or one looking to manage internal problems by shifting focus.
People need to understand that evergrande did not pop out of nowhere and catch everyone for surprise.

Since last year they were already preparing to tackle the real estate bubble by bringing in a slew on new laws and protocols.

For example they had launched the three read lines last year.

  1. Liability-to-asset ratio (excluding advance receipts) of less than 70%
  2. Net gearing ratio of less than 100%
  3. Cash-to-short-term debt ratio of more than 1x
Chinese society considers real estate to be the safest form of investment and this throws away their life savings into the sector. This was creating a bubble but most importantly was preventing more investments into the industrial sector.

Then they had launched operations to stress test back in 2020 and continued it well into 2021 in anticaption of the current crackdowns.

Evergrande crises has already started to slow down in now slowly moving under control as the company continues to raise more money to pay back it's dues during the grace period. They paid their first installment on time and have now raise 145mil out 147 for the next payment. Basically they are now being forced to sell their stakes in other sectors to firm up their balance sheets.

Hmm, they banned tutoring.
When you look at this from the prism of capitalist US model it would make no sense and yet when it look at it from the prism of CCP it makes a lot of sense.

They look at the online tutoring as a form of ponzi scheme which just basically increases work with minimal benefits as neither the portion nor the exam has changed. It just creates more pressure both on families and the students when they can get the same results by going to normal classes.

BYJU's white hat jr are good examples for this. These organizations should be stripped of their licenses their entire board jailed for good. Look at their reviews they take the hard earned savings of families by promising them impossible things and later keep on perusing scaremongering and in some cases even harassing them to cough up more money for nothing. The company might make you feel good when it comes up in the billion dollar market but it has an adverse effect on the society.

Popular actresses erased from the Internet.
Waiting for this to happen in India. The entire celebrity worship culture created by bollywood and the promotion of US lifestyle where a guy earning 2000 dollars a month is growing broke trying to act hip and keep up with the standards of the society.

Aaryan khan Sushant singh and all the other drug related cases should be enough proof that this industry only exists to drop the collective IQ of the entire country by creating new forms of horseshit.

All Tech companies getting nerfed
This was going to happen sooner or later. CCP does not like monopoly for a lot of reasons the biggest being threat to their own powerbase and the prevention of innovations. Chinese tech companies were applying for the US stock market while China was trying to form a new financial hub in shanghai. These moves are aimed at forcing these companies to list at the chinese stocks.

People really need to go through this article

The west idolizes money even if it comes at the cost of the next 10 people living their lives at the extreme bottom barrel of the society. It is a culture which forces even the poor to spend more to keep up with societal standards even if it results in a vicious cycle of him being stuck in the same place due to his inability to save up his money.

These problems are visible in Indian society too. Celebrity worship culture the exploited being overexploited a materialistic society straying away from Hinduism.

Today almost 40 million Americans “live in housing they cannot afford.” Homeownership has gone down and rental prices keep going up, meaning that millions of residents are forced to pay more than they reasonably should.

Family culture student loans humility respect for your elders teachers knowledge is all fading away from America.

These plans will surely be used for the personnel benefit of a few people it overall represents a remarkable shift by a country to stop it's own cultural and societal death at the hands of liberalism before the entire country is fractured as we are witnessing in America.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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China has an incompetent form of governance

bruh they have better living standards than us , better literacy , HDI . they are also decades ahead of us in tech and almost all domain.

China will attack India to establish dominance over Asia. If India wins, CCP will collapse. If there is a stalemate, CCP will collapse. If India loses, there is another 50 years of CCP rule. What is there to be confused about that?

sounds more like a movie , standoff is due to infra we are building near aksai chin.

they really dont care about all that much about us. single reason y they released those galwan pics

no need for war , they will try to use pakistan to keep us occupied - arm pakistan with new weapons , pakistan then uses terrorists to fuck with us.
Only reason is trade with the west. Indian has a better governance mechanism long term. The Soviet Union also had a better living standard compared to Indians. All that matters is the social contract between a government and its citizens. The contract for Chinese is prosperity over freedom. Take away prosperity and they will fall. The social contract for Indians is freedom over prosperity. However, we are reaching a pace of prosperity that threatens Chinese social contract. Why do you think the Chinese want to attack Indians and befriend all the dictators? They are threatened by the Indian model and don’t want it to succeed. Their model requires obedience and compliance. Our model is order in chaos. If we succeed, we are a direct threat to the CCP. Either the Indian way of life will succeed in Asia, or theChinese. There is no scope for both, since we are contradictory to their social contract. It’s the same reason Pakistan has a vendetta as well. Their social contract with their citizens is that India is bad for Muslims. If India isprosperous; we directly threaten the social contract both Pakistan and China have with their citizens. For them it’s a matter of survival; Xi Jinping will be disappeared if things go sideways. At most Modi will lose an election. We need to understand this, to understand their motivation to attack and determine our objectives based on this. India’s goal should be to overthrow CCP and annexation or liberation of Tibet. There is no solution between succumbing to CCP or this.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Lol, I don’t think the Indian soldiers being paraded is fake propaganda. I think it happened and they took the videos / photos to rally things back home. We look weak when we make excuses or don’t acknowledge when we are being pushed around. The first step is to admit there is an issue, the second step is plan your response. They came prepared and achieved their objectives of nationalism and made us focus on defensive measures. They can circulate the media amongst their local population.

if you think China is hunky dory, think again. I don’t want India to be anything like China. News like this doesn’t come out in the open. If you love their governance, go live in China. We need to protect Indian ethos, values and freedoms. Fuck prosperity if I lose my freedoms.



Regular Member
Sep 21, 2021
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The Funda is very simple. CCP is in power only because it provides stability to Chinese populace devasted by war, and disasters. They have a deal. CCP promises economic growth and prosperity in exchange of people keeping quite about CCP's overlordship. If Deng hadn't instituted a two faction formula and other reforms which accelerated Chinese growth, CCP would have been out of power within decades. There were even supporters of democracy in ccp itself, they got wiped out after Tiananmen and the Chinese people looked the other way because no one wanted to rock the boat just when their lives were starting to get a little easier.

Now, all the reforms taken by Deng to ensure the stability of this state are been reversed by Xi. He doesn't want any factions alternating between themselves power every 10 years so that the long term survival of ccp isn't threatened. Deng had ensured that it's party that must survive not the individual. But now, Xi doesn't like it one bit. He wants it all. There might be many motives to his wanting everything for himself not a single one.

And now he has waged war against Jiang Faction, Youth league faction and even the PLA faction. He is aiming for Emperor of Middle Kingdom type position with no successor in sight.

And if China faces a economic slowdown or disaster and Xi or any of his successor decides that people don't matter and he can do whatever he likes, it's gonna ensure the end of Xi and also the end of CCP.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
Lol, I don’t think the Indian soldiers being paraded is fake propaganda. I think it happened and they took the videos / photos to rally things back home. We look weak when we make excuses or don’t acknowledge when we are being pushed around. The first step is to admit there is an issue, the second step is plan your response. They came prepared and achieved their objectives of nationalism and made us focus on defensive measures. They can circulate the media amongst their local population.

if you think China is hunky dory, think again. I don’t want India to be anything like China. News like this doesn’t come out in the open. If you love their governance, go live in China. We need to protect Indian ethos, values and freedoms. Fuck prosperity if I lose my freedoms.

Thier goal was to make a road to Pp14 and ask us to retreat look where they are now on earth and senitinel they can keep making pics but our road is progressing thier is not


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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The Funda is very simple. CCP is in power only because it provides stability to Chinese populace devasted by war, and disasters. They have a deal. CCP promises economic growth and prosperity in exchange of people keeping quite about CCP's overlordship. If Deng hadn't instituted a two faction formula and other reforms which accelerated Chinese growth, CCP would have been out of power within decades. There were even supporters of democracy in ccp itself, they got wiped out after Tiananmen and the Chinese people looked the other way because no one wanted to rock the boat just when their lives were starting to get a little easier.

Now, all the reforms taken by Deng to ensure the stability of this state are been reversed by Xi. He doesn't want any factions alternating between themselves power every 10 years so that the long term survival of ccp isn't threatened. Deng had ensured that it's party that must survive not the individual. But now, Xi doesn't like it one bit. He wants it all. There might be many motives to his wanting everything for himself not a single one.

And now he has waged war against Jiang Faction, Youth league faction and even the PLA faction. He is aiming for Emperor of Middle Kingdom type position with no successor in sight.

And if China faces a economic slowdown or disaster and Xi or any of his successor decides that people don't matter and he can do whatever he likes, it's gonna ensure the end of Xi and also the end of CCP.
I agree with this assessment. This is why the CCP is being aggressive, to secure Xi Jinping’s rule and avoid any potential turmoil or dissent by attacking India / Taiwan.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Thier goal was to make a road to Pp14 and ask us to retreat look where they are now on earth and senitinel they can keep making pics but our road is progressing thier is not
What’s the purpose of this road? The endgame is not to build a road, the endgame is to make India succumb. There is no peace with the CCP. So the road is a mechanic, if we deter them today; they will come back with another pressure point. They have hundreds of options to needle us and destabilize us. Unless we have the same intent to be aggressive like them, we are going to only react not be preemptive. If our focus is on the road, we are responding tactically without checkmating strategically.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2021
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Btw what does a China collapse look like? Most of people who have been predicting a Chinese 'collapse' don't define it very well what it means. Does it mean a Democratic republic of China? Or break up of China into independent nations? Or does it mean defanging of China and stopping their militarization but with CCP still ruling? Or does it mean reversal of all the economic growth they have seen and the journey back to poverty?

We can't be like the pakis who keep dreaming of marching into Delhi to hoist paki flag and take kuffur land and wealth. They are inbred. Which we are not. So I want everyone to think and share their thoughts, what exactly do we want Chinese collapse to look like, how realistic it is, what are the conditions necessary for that to happen and how affected will India be in all this.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Btw what does a China collapse look like? Most of people who have been predicting a Chinese 'collapse' don't define it very well what it means. Does it mean a Democratic republic of China? Or break up of China into independent nations? Or does it mean defanging of China and stopping their militarization but with CCP still ruling? Or does it mean reversal of all the economic growth they have seen and the journey back to poverty?

We can't be like the pakis who keep dreaming of marching into Delhi to hoist paki flag and take kuffur land and wealth. They are inbred. Which we are not. So I want everyone to think and share their thoughts, what exactly do we want Chinese collapse to look like, how realistic it is, what are the conditions necessary for that to happen and how affected will India be in all this.
Chinese collapse is the country of China ceases to exist.CCP is out of power, Taiwan resumes control of eastern seaboard. Tibet Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang receive independence. India secures Aksai Chin, POK and Silk Road is established.

creation of Tibet makes more friendly regimes for dharmic culture. Tibet + Nepal + Sri Lanka > Pakistan & Bangladesh

this will introduce stability. For India to be a superpower, it needs friendly neighbors who are also focused on growth. These neighbors should adopt the Indo sphere of influence.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
Btw what does a China collapse look like? Most of people who have been predicting a Chinese 'collapse' don't define it very well what it means. Does it mean a Democratic republic of China? Or break up of China into independent nations? Or does it mean defanging of China and stopping their militarization but with CCP still ruling? Or does it mean reversal of all the economic growth they have seen and the journey back to poverty?

We can't be like the pakis who keep dreaming of marching into Delhi to hoist paki flag and take kuffur land and wealth. They are inbred. Which we are not. So I want everyone to think and share their thoughts, what exactly do we want Chinese collapse to look like, how realistic it is, what are the conditions necessary for that to happen and how affected will India be in all this.
Thier is no collapse understanding your enemy is extremely important this is not Pakistan we are dealing with those who think of this collapse are fools of the highest order it's like saying porkies that modi will collapse india wake up and fight wet dreams do nothing

What GOI should absolutely do now is realease the names and poses of the 2 ladies that got lost searching for a yak

The Shrike

Senior Member
Jun 12, 2021
Country flag
Hmm, they banned tutoring. Their companies are being trimmed and more state control. Lie flat movement. Hidden covid numbers. Factional infighting in CCP. jack Ma was disappeared for a bit. Popular actresses erased from the Internet. All Tech companies getting nerfed. Threatening Taiwan at risk of war with US. Threatening India at the border. Lack of visibility into Covid numbers. Evergrande, real estate crisis. Population slowdown.

what other evidence do you need sire? Does that seem like a healthy growing state or one looking to manage internal problems by shifting focus.
300 million farmers striking and blockading the capital, record high pollution, 100 million people going hungry, slowing economic growth with massive inflation, facist hindoo government passing laws to disenfranchise citizens, multiple armed separatist movement, covid deaths that are 10 times what is officially reported....
If you start continuously feeding information like ^^^ to an ignorant foreigner, they will also start believing India is going to collapse soon (and there are plenty who do believe exactly that). News coverage/Analysis of the CCP is often is just people amplifying every "bad" news to confirm their own biases or worse desires. And with modern news/media, if you read one negative article you will be recommended 10 more negative articles that scream that the collapse imminent... but it just not happened, not yet.

I'd rather recommend spending more time understanding the culture, history, politics and and analysing the motives behind their actions etc. And never ever base any of our plans on the CCP/China getting weaker or collapsing in the future. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best and fu*king stop snorting hopium.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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300 million farmers striking and blockading the capital, record high pollution, 100 million people going hungry, slowing economic growth with massive inflation, facist hindoo government passing laws to disenfranchise citizens, multiple armed separatist movement, covid deaths that are 10 times what is officially reported....
If you start continuously feeding information like ^^^ to an ignorant foreigner, they will also start believing India is going to collapse soon (and there are plenty who do believe exactly that). News coverage/Analysis of the CCP is often is just people amplifying every "bad" news to confirm their own biases or worse desires. And with modern news/media, if you read one negative article you will be recommended 10 more negative articles that scream that the collapse imminent... but it just not happened, not yet.

I'd rather recommend spending more time understanding the culture, history, politics and and analysing the motives behind their actions etc. And never ever base any of our plans on the CCP/China getting weaker or collapsing in the future. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best and fu*king stop snorting hopium.
the only difference is that the Indian political system can deal with dissent. Chinese cannot. Why do you care what foreigners believe. What matters is the social contract between the government and its citizens. That is why Chinese have a lock down on information flow. India will beat China only by public ally shaming CCP. Anything less will not provide us with a safe neighborhood. We can’t appease or coexist with CCP. Your analysis doesn’t have an intent to change the status quo in our favor, it is only seeking to be left alone by the CCP.

we need to be proactive and destabilize CCP. For that you need an understanding of their fault lines.


Senior Member
Oct 15, 2021
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Btw what does a China collapse look like? Most of people who have been predicting a Chinese 'collapse' don't define it very well what it means. Does it mean a Democratic republic of China? Or break up of China into independent nations? Or does it mean defanging of China and stopping their militarization but with CCP still ruling? Or does it mean reversal of all the economic growth they have seen and the journey back to poverty?

We can't be like the pakis who keep dreaming of marching into Delhi to hoist paki flag and take kuffur land and wealth. They are inbred. Which we are not. So I want everyone to think and share their thoughts, what exactly do we want Chinese collapse to look like, how realistic it is, what are the conditions necessary for that to happen and how affected will India be in all this.
Fragmentation of CCP into different groups and violence-filled power struggle within the CCP with no group having full control of China, and those groups relying on external help to assert full control but end up getting killed instead after winning the intra-party struggle by various secret services thereby creating a power vacuum.

Edit: China won't collapse but CCP can
Cultural Revolution of China- A violent intra CCP dispute


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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This cld happen in future . Leadership must stay prepared to do the same . Must be followed with heavy air strikes and missile attacks .

Our response is counter cyber attack which we are already doing in huge numbers. Now China has already confessed it officially.

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