India-China Border conflict


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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More Propaganda

I am beginning to believe more in the theory that something is wrong in china and xi ping pong is doing this drama for their domestic audience nothing else, 99% indian will not care about it rest will laugh at these videos so it doesn't make sense to think that we are the audience here.

And if that's true then if things get desperate for xi then maybe a conflict from bugs sooner may not be ruled out...


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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I am beginning to believe more in the theory that something is wrong in china and xi ping pong is doing this drama for their domestic audience nothing else, 99% indian will not care about it rest will laugh at these videos so it doesn't make sense to think that we are the audience here.

And if that's true then if things get desperate for xi then maybe a conflict from bugs sooner may not be ruled out...
Xi Jinping will try to enter the league of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping this week with a “historic resolution” at the sixth plenum, also known as the plenary session.

Xi has reached the retirement age of 68 years set for the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) top leaders in the Politburo. But there are no signs he is going to budge and leave his position as the party’s top leader.

The China-India border conflict is the central part of Xi’s signature plan for ‘rejuvenating’ a strong Chinese nation. He is out to reshape China in his image. This week’s bid at the plenum and next year at the National People’s Congress will elevate him to the status of Mao and Deng. :)


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2021
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I am more inclined to believe this is all Xis personal pet peeve to mess with India. In 1962, Mao fought with India because according to him, India needs to be taught a "lesson" to ensure a few decades of peace for China and "stability" in Tibet. In Chinese vocabulary, " teaching a lesson" means to restrict. Here, it was to ensure that India doesn't becomes threatening to China, doesn't harms Chinas interests, will never dare to fight with China, will admit Chinese supremacy in Asia etc. Ultimately that's what happened. Nehru was a broken man at the end of the war, India humiliated with a pschycological trauma, our leaders forever a pussy when dealing with China from them on.

Even though the war was short, Chinese people don't refer much to it. But the top leadership probably were very proud with what they had achieved. Here, a country of billion population with ancient history with pride lie broken and humiliated.

Xi wants to emulate Mao. What better way to do it then by taking the stick and teaching India a lesson again! The state media is already on overdrive, the Chinese people are confident, the so-called images of Indian soldiers being humiliated are being uploaded everyday. By teaching a lesson to India, he can earn a few decades of peace, he can scare other countries since China has a proverb of "kill the chickens to scare the monkey", enforce "harmony" cough cough Chinese supremacy in Asia, and prepare for Taiwan contingency. It's a win-win *cough *cough. Bring forth a new age of rejuvenated China as they like to call it.


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2019
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Lawyers and judges ll decide now how to fight a war ... War shd be fought in such a way that trees and environment are not harmed , May be in future there ll be PIL to fight war without using of bombs , granades , guns as it violates article 51 , art 48A , art 21 bla bla ...
Court making a mockery of itself by entertaining these cases when crores of cases concerning common men is in waiting list . Public ll gradually loose all faith and respect if it continues .

When CCP tanks ll be running in Delhi , court ll issue order to chinese tanks to go back to china 😂


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Will verify by evening, but 99% sure this is false news.

Other members don't fall for cheap Chinese propaganda.
No presence of China at the black top. If two Chinese soldiers sneaked to the top to click few pictures then I don't know.
At least they don't have any presence worth "capturing" South Pangong Tso.

They, however, are blacktopping the alternate road which passes north of Spanggur Tso.

More Propaganda

Bullshit. Recycling old images to poke vulnerable Indian minds that's it.

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
I am beginning to believe more in the theory that something is wrong in china and xi ping pong is doing this drama for their domestic audience nothing else, 99% indian will not care about it rest will laugh at these videos so it doesn't make sense to think that we are the audience here.

And if that's true then if things get desperate for xi then maybe a conflict from bugs sooner may not be ruled out...
Nah going to attack this December @mist_consecutive ?


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2021
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It is good in a way that such snakes are coming out in the open. If war does take place in the near future, a national emergency would be declared anyway, and GoI should use that to finish off these snakes once and for all. In a war and emergency situation, no one is going to bat an eyelid on their disappearances and killings anyway!

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Bullying and Chinese posturing.

Over the past two years, the Chinese have warned Taiwan of their intention to force join the island militarily with the rest of China. They also let India know that they will recover the tiny territory of India's Ladakh by moving the LAC line ahead a few miles. Not only that they are positioning themselves to recover Tawang in the east in Indian Arunachal Pradesh. To achieve all this, they have struck a posture of a militarily strong man ready to pick up a fight.

In the summer of 2020, they surprised India and advanced the LAC by several kilometers. They got into a fight in Galwan but they lost. Additionally, India retaliated by taking heights over Chinese positions in Kaliash Heights and threatened their supply base. The Chinese relented, they vacated two or three positions, but would not move back at the others.

Their big war like likely move was in the east. About 80 miles from the Chinese coast, Chinese struck a posture of immediate invasion to take back Taiwan island. Their intimidation tactics included fighter aircraft flying closer to the island and sending their large, imperfect and inexperienced navy around the island. Although Taiwan is militarily very strong, but the possibility of immediate invasion scared them. They called on the United States and other countries to help. This helps, the Chinese had partly taken into account in their invasion plans, and had developed weapons to counter the American plan to defend Taiwan. This included a plan to destroy aircraft carriers with their specially constructed missile 2,000 miles away before they reached Taiwan for defense. The Chinese calculated that the American public being very sensitive to American casualties will retreat if one of their aircraft carriers is struck with a missile or a salvo of missiles assuming Chinese missiles are highly inaccurate and sunk the vessel.

That's their plan, but the truth of it is less reassuring.

If Chinese are successful in their first strike on America, then the American public, being supersensitive to the losses, would in anger expect a huge retaliation. That could result in half of Chinese Navy being sunk. This is a distinct possibility as Americans are technically superior and far more experienced.

That's a World War III scenario. Defeated at sea, the Chinese could resort to use of nuclear weapons which in US counter retaliation could result in China being returned to the Stone Age.

The above is a scenario only. But it is possible because China's leaders are much more belligerent. Then the question is whether they risk an invasion of Taiwan. I hope they do not get carried away by slogan shouting Communist cadre and desist from invading Taiwan. Their military losses will be insurmountable. Their economic and commercial losses, as outlined below, will paralyze China for 100 years:

Their number one economic miracle for the last 20 years has been exports. It would be completely lost. The U.S. will order nothing from China. They would ask every company in the United States that works there to come back. Any manufacturing technology and its support that the Chinese have cleverly grasped will be denied. As there are no orders, the Chinese "Trash Manufacturing" will start to rust. Europe and the other main importers could follow suit. …… All this would be happening because of the Chinese express desire to grab Taiwan. It is a bad bargain for them. I do not believe, Chinese knowing all this, would undertake it. They will posture only.

In the Himalayas in Ladakh, the Chinese were compelled to stop. Indian troops are far too strong compared to the Chinese conscripts who have been sent to fight a shooting war. Realizing their effort at a dead stop in Ladakh, now they have turned their attention towards the east in Arunachal Pradesh. Over there, they want to grab Tawang. All their efforts to take heights near Tawang have been thwarted, so once again a dead stop has been reached there too.

It is almost impossible that China will make war on two fronts. If they fight to integrate Taiwan and lose the battle then it would be India’s opportunity to push Chinese away from the Indian territory which they have occupied for the last 70 years. Also join with Tibetans to expel China from their land.

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