India-China Border conflict


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Jun 23, 2023
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โ€˜Agree with most of your points; except large scale goods transfer via CPEC over the 14,000 foot Khunjreb Pass. It is much harder to cross these mountains and ten times more expensive compared using a 30,000 ton ship carrying goods and staying at peace with neighbours in the Indian Ocean. No sir, CPEC is a political road network with a hint of bankrupting Pakistan.
I see sir, I forgot about that. CPEC might be a good tool for China to control Pakistan too, I think.


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Jun 23, 2023
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we just have 11 of these Very Heavy Lift aircraft
View attachment 216989
Yeah, sadly we can't even buy more since the production line is down. Besides, if we had more of these we could've fielded airborne troops (a proper airborne division unlike the ones we have right now). Besides the rapid logistical advantage it's always good to have more of medium/heavy lift transporters like this

Heard we were looking into the A400M, dunno how to feel about that. Never been a turboprop fan


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Jan 7, 2022
Advantage of attacking first. You have infinite time to prepare & plan. Chinese knew they were going to draw blood. They were prepared for it. We were just reluctantly defending our borders.

I have mentioned it repeatedly, Galwan was a pre-planned ambush, not a misunderstanding as China tries to sell it. They intentionally targetted the most vulnerable point across the whole DS-DBO road (LAC runs closest to DS-DBO road at Galwan) so that they can capture and reinforce as many areas forward towards the LAC as possible.

Try to be at or above the white line.
View attachment 216882
What is this bullshit? They are Better equipped than us, in more number than us, likely more motivated as our jawans are dying for a thankless Government while theirs has brainwashed their soldiers into thinking they are fighting a war of recon quest.

They arenโ€™t just decades ahead of us, they are generations. This isnโ€™t in the 90s anymore, they have overtaken us significantly while our socialist MoD babyโ€™s and their yes men commanders while buy a gorrilion tanks while keeping our jawans with 1974 tier helmets and actively degrading its SF capability.

If this was 90s, sure, our army of 90s wouldโ€™ve wiped the floor with the PLA of the 90s, same with that of the 2000s however they are literally on par with the west in terms of equipment, while we are barely on par with Pakistan! And now the army is ordering jet packs and making different uniforms from brigade level plus commanders.
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New Member
Jan 7, 2022
That post is bloody ancient mate, why are you even bothering to look at it
Bloody levels of cringe. Muh Gurkhas, Gurkhas fought in 1962 too, their โ€œmartial prowessโ€ couldnโ€™t save them from their poor gear against inhumane living conditions.

Their infantrymen are better equipped than our most elite SOF units (and likely better trained).


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Jun 23, 2023
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What is this bullshit? They are Better equipped than us, in more number than us, likely more motivated as our jawans are dying for a thankless Government while theirs has brainwashed their soldiers? They arenโ€™t just decades ahead of us, they are generations. This isnโ€™t in the 90s anymore, they have overtaken us significantly while our socialist MoD babyโ€™s and their yes men commanders while buy a gorrilion tanks while keeping our jawans with 1974 tier helmets and actively degrading its SF capability.

If this was 90s, sure, our army of 90s wouldโ€™ve wiped the floor with the PLA of the 90s, same with that of the 2000s however they are literally on par with the west in terms of equipment, while we are barely on par with Pakistan! And now the army is ordering jet packs and making different uniforms from brigade level plus commanders.
I am not sure on the motivation part. Where the hell is your source even from lmao?

Our jawans and sepoys and officers don't fight for the "government", they fight for the country. Nobody in the army gives a shit about what treatment the army gets since the army looks after themselves in matters of welfare. You fight for your fellow troops, officers and for the unit you're in. Government means jackass for the average grunt and officer.

I mean, even the ruskies are holding a steady defensive line in Ukraine with shit gear and mind you, shit commanders and tactics. Gear doesn't affect you too much if you're on the defensive, unless it's something like a world war two British Indian Army sepoy against a 21st century PLA grunt. Yeah, we are behind the PLA in infantry gear, it's bad but it's not worse for us to be obsolete. Anyways it's not like we're planning to take over Tibet

We aren't, right? Right?


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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Bloody levels of cringe. Muh Gurkhas, Gurkhas fought in 1962 too, their โ€œmartial prowessโ€ couldnโ€™t save them from their poor gear against inhumane living conditions.

Their infantrymen are better equipped than our most elite SOF units (and likely better trained).
Again, doubt on training. They haven't even been deployed on foreign soil at all. PLASOF may have all the gucci gear but I'll exercise a lot of doubt on their real world experience.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
I am not sure on the motivation part. Where the hell is your source even from lmao?

Our jawans and sepoys and officers don't fight for the "government", they fight for the country. Nobody in the army gives a shit about what treatment the army gets since the army looks after themselves in matters of welfare. You fight for your fellow troops, officers and for the unit you're in. Government means jackass for the average grunt and officer.

I mean, even the ruskies are holding a steady defensive line in Ukraine with shit gear and mind you, shit commanders and tactics. Gear doesn't affect you too much if you're on the defensive, unless it's something like a world war two British Indian Army sepoy against a 21st century PLA grunt. Yeah, we are behind the PLA in infantry gear, it's bad but it's not worse for us to be obsolete. Anyways it's not like we're planning to take over Tibet

We aren't, right? Right?
Letโ€™s see, by the fact that they literally attacked ours in far large numbers and charge to them with a minimum 10:1 advantage in some videos, itโ€™s fair to say they know why they are there. Bottom line is they are hellbent on taking this and will stop at nothing. Giving riot gears while our jawans were using tree trunks. Itโ€™s bloody criminal!

Ruskies have far fine gear, are you serious?! They just have shit tactics and donโ€™t hold a 4:1 numerical advantage and are currently reorganizing their men.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Again, doubt on training. They haven't even been deployed on foreign soil at all. PLASOF may have all the gucci gear but I'll exercise a lot of doubt on their real world experience.
Who exactly do we have experience against?

Kashmir has been a low lasting insurgency for the past 10 years. The last violent year was 2007. Since then, our officer quality has gone down. Generals are getting complacent with COIN victories.

border clashes donโ€™t really count. It happens in both sides.

Note Iโ€™m talking of last 10 years, idrc what happened in 1998 and 2003 as the men responsible for those successful ops are retired or retiring (source: one of my uncles whose a brigadier is retired in 2021)


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Jun 23, 2023
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Letโ€™s see, by the fact that they literally attacked ours in far large numbers and charge to them with a minimum 10:1 advantage in some videos, itโ€™s fair to say they know why they are there. Bottom line is they are hellbent on taking this and will stop at nothing. Giving riot gears while our jawans were using tree trunks. Itโ€™s bloody criminal!

Ruskies have far fine gear, are you serious?! They just have shit tactics and donโ€™t hold a 4:1 numerical advantage and are currently reorganizing their men.
Mate some of their troops are being issued airsoft vests and mosin nagants, how is that even better gear than us. Yeah the wagner is way better equipped but the average Russian grunt still runs the bulky BPJs and shit like that. Corruption is very real in Russian army lmao


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Mate some of their troops are being issued airsoft vests and mosin nagants, how is that even better gear than us. Yeah the wagner is way better equipped but the average Russian grunt still runs the bulky BPJs and shit like that. Corruption is very real in Russian army lmao
Thatโ€™s mostly western propagnda.


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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Who exactly do we have experience against?

Kashmir has been a low lasting insurgency for the past 10 years. The last violent year was 2007. Since then, our officer quality has gone down. Generals are getting complacent with COIN victories.

border clashes donโ€™t really count. It happens in both sides.

Note Iโ€™m talking of last 10 years, idrc what happened in 1998 and 2003 as the men responsible for those successful ops are retired or retiring (source: one of my uncles whose a brigadier is retired in 2021)
Lmao how has our officer quality gone down, mind explaining that? Bad apples exist in every organisation but the overall quality of our officers still kind of remains the same