India-China Border conflict


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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Unless you got a nuke to blow the dam apart, nothing will. It will take more than what the Taiwanese Air Force currently possess to make even a dent in that thing.
Yeah I'm wondering how they're going to get past the 3000 gorillion fighter jets of Winnie the pooh, besides the galactomillion missiles and SAMs and MANPADs


New Member
Jul 20, 2015
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Yeah I'm wondering how they're going to get past the 3000 gorillion fighter jets of Winnie the pooh, besides the galactomillion missiles and SAMs and MANPADs
Dam will be stronger than a nuclear bunker... Even if they use 100s of missiles and dozens hit it, no serious damage will happen...

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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China intimidating India

For India to deter China by posting equal number of troops, tanks and rockets will not force them to refrain from any aggressive actions at the border contact points. The only way to discourage them includes:

1. Growing Indian economy which will reach $10 trillion by 2030. Also exposing falsehood of Chinese economic statistics

2. Capability to strike 300 miles behind the soldier to soldier contact point. Very accurate missiles, drones, surveillance hardware will do the job.

3. Deter Chinese Navy of too many vessels but manned by inexperienced sailors and admirals by blocking all entry points. That include Straits of Malacca and other entry points into Indian Ocean via Indonesia Straits of Sunda and other. Most important issue here is to block 60% of their trade which is routed via Indian Ocean.

4. Aligning with America to deter Pakistan from opening a second front when India is busy with China.

‘On paper and by propaganda, the Chinese have elevated themselves as super powerful. Since 1979 when they suffered a major military setback in Vietnam, they have not fought a successful war or even fought a battle. The only battle they fought after 1979 was the Galwan clash which was fought with bamboo sticks and nail studded bats. In this hand to hand fight they lost equal or more soldiers but unable to honour the dead and hid their numbers. Two years later, in a similar fight in Arunachal Pradesh, they were forced to retreat although they came for a Galwan type fight.

Most countries who have bought their military hardware have complained about its quality hence their tanks, rockets and guns may not deliver their invincibility in a battle. That will be a major setback.

Most friendly Western and Indian military analysts have been bought out by Chinese money hence sing their false praises. We will know better how the Chinese military operates when and if they decide to attack Taiwan.


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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Dam will be stronger than a nuclear bunker... Even if they use 100s of missiles and dozens hit it, no serious damage will happen...
I don't think Dams are generally stronger than a nuclear bunker. Sure just blasting it somewhere isn't going to do shite, but there's always a weak point that a good ol tomahawk could blast through. AGMs, which will be the stuff launched from fighter jets will do no significant damage to it. Anything bigger will definitely break that


New Member
Jul 20, 2015
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I don't think Dams are generally stronger than a nuclear bunker. Sure just blasting it somewhere isn't going to do shite, but there's always a weak point that a good ol tomahawk could blast through. AGMs, which will be the stuff launched from fighter jets will do no significant damage to it. Anything bigger will definitely break that
It's 115 meter wide at bottom.... 115 meter concrete wall... I don't know how thick a nuclear bunker wall is.


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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China intimidating India

For India to deter China by posting equal number of troops, tanks and rockets will not force them to refrain from any aggressive actions at the border contact points. The only way to discourage them includes:

1. Growing Indian economy which will reach $10 trillion by 2030. Also exposing falsehood of Chinese economic statistics

2. Capability to strike 300 miles behind the soldier to soldier contact point. Very accurate missiles, drones, surveillance hardware will do the job.

3. Deter Chinese Navy of too many vessels but manned by inexperienced sailors and admirals by blocking all entry points. That include Straits of Malacca and other entry points into Indian Ocean via Indonesia Straits of Sunda and other. Most important issue here is to block 60% of their trade which is routed via Indian Ocean.

4. Aligning with America to deter Pakistan from opening a second front when India is busy with China.

‘On paper and by propaganda, the Chinese have elevated themselves as super powerful. Since 1979 when they suffered a major military setback in Vietnam, they have not fought a successful war or even fought a battle. The only battle they fought after 1979 was the Galwan clash which was fought with bamboo sticks and nail studded bats. In this hand to hand fight they lost equal or more soldiers but unable to honour the dead and hid their numbers. Two years later, in a similar fight in Arunachal Pradesh, they were forced to retreat although they came for a Galwan type fight.

Most countries who have bought their military hardware have complained about its quality hence their tanks, rockets and guns may not deliver their invincibility in a battle. That will be a major setback.

Most friendly Western and Indian military analysts have been bought out by Chinese money hence sing their false praises. We will know better how the Chinese military operates when and if they decide to attack Taiwan.
I'm just going to exercise caution on the PLA aspect, sure they have birdshit experience and perhaps dogwater tactics since they haven't been in combat for so long, but banking on that only is going to be costly

First of all, The Chinese are cunning bastards, they will provide shit platforms to others but I'm not going to assume their own weapons are going to be that bad. Export weapons are generally downgraded but China literally makes it into shit before exporting. Some form of QC exists, even if tons of corruption exists, like the recent fiasco with their rocket force.

Secondly, agreed with alignment with Uncle Sam. Sure, there's a lot of distrust from the Cold War but US has drastically changed since then. India also has a large people to people connection there so there's that

Thirdly, Taiwan is going to be something kind of similar to Ukraine, but worse. Idk about PLA tactics but they always overestimate themselves in war games for some reason (we all know what it is). They'll get a really really bloody nose with US since Taiwan is the Poland of WW3, or in Uncle Sam's case, Pearl Harbour. That also doesn't mean US is going to get away just like that, there's going to be massive losses from that conflict

Media is always used for PSYOPS, but we're just bad at it. We still don't have a dedicated PSYOPS wing for any of the services. Half of the "PSYOPS" is done by news channels and it just makes us seem like we're coping


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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It's 115 meter wide at bottom.... 115 meter concrete wall... I don't know how thick a nuclear bunker wall is.
It's rated to withstand a nuke strike of 1MT apparently

So apparently nukes are involved

In this case, internal sabotage works. Everything has a weak point. A dam like this only needs a couple of segments to be blown off and then rest of Eastern and Central China is underwater, along with a good chunk of PLA's Airborne forces stationed there. Sabotage is the apparently realistic way because there's a theatre based missile protection for the dam so missiles getting through is hard if not impossible (well apparently, one will get through)

Also, Hypersonics!

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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I'm just going to exercise caution on the PLA aspect, sure they have birdshit experience and perhaps dogwater tactics since they haven't been in combat for so long, but banking on that only is going to be costly

First of all, The Chinese are cunning bastards, they will provide shit platforms to others but I'm not going to assume their own weapons are going to be that bad. Export weapons are generally downgraded but China literally makes it into shit before exporting. Some form of QC exists, even if tons of corruption exists, like the recent fiasco with their rocket force.

Secondly, agreed with alignment with Uncle Sam. Sure, there's a lot of distrust from the Cold War but US has drastically changed since then. India also has a large people to people connection there so there's that

Thirdly, Taiwan is going to be something kind of similar to Ukraine, but worse. Idk about PLA tactics but they always overestimate themselves in war games for some reason (we all know what it is). They'll get a really really bloody nose with US since Taiwan is the Poland of WW3, or in Uncle Sam's case, Pearl Harbour. That also doesn't mean US is going to get away just like that, there's going to be massive losses from that conflict

Media is always used for PSYOPS, but we're just bad at it. We still don't have a dedicated PSYOPS wing for any of the services. Half of the "PSYOPS" is done by news channels and it just makes us seem like we're coping
It is difficult to conclude what you are saying in your analysis?


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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It is difficult to conclude what you are saying in your analysis?
This is what happens when you've an 18 yr old & a 75 yr old interacting & commenting on the same topic in the same forum at the same time. It's also called generation gap or a few generation gaps.


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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This is what happens when you've an 18 yr old & a 75 yr old interacting & commenting on the same topic in the same forum at the same time. It's also called generation gap or a few generation gaps.
Social communication crisis moment, I'm going to cry

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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This is what happens when you've an 18 yr old & a 75 yr old interacting & commenting on the same topic in the same forum at the same time. It's also called generation gap or a few generation gaps.
Learn to write with clarity even if you are 18 years old. Without clarity, you are going to be Zero.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Learn to write with clarity even if you are 18 years old. Without clarity, you are going to be Zero.
I'm not 18 uncle . The person you were interacting with is 18. And are you always this grumpy ?


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Learn to write with clarity even if you are 18 years old. Without clarity, you are going to be Zero.
With great respect, are you 75 years old? If so then your internet skills are amazing. People around that age are not internet savvy.

I read all of your posts. Some I agree with, some I don’t but I do like the quality and thought that you put in.


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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I'm not 18 uncle . The person you were interacting with is 18. And are you always this grumpy ?
You just doxxed me. Now I demand a sacrifice for the internet God.

I thought I was being quite clear but I mean language sometimes can be quite complex for some so yeah I think it's because of that


Laughing member
New Member
Nov 23, 2017
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Is this WIKIPEDIA page telling the truth?

Status: 2,000 sq km of Indian land ceded to China since June 2020.

Looks like a recent edit to me. If my memory serves me right, the old version described the status as a "stalemate". WIKI is not a reliable source, but people tend to trust it. If this is a systematic disinformation, then this needs to be countered hard.

View attachment 216217

No & maybe...

What it seems is that China had taken the initiative to ensure Indian troops cannot patrol till what's "our LAC". So they're now placed at/nearer "their LAC" by push us back till Galwan & Finger 4 while we don't have access to patrol places like for example, Depsang plains (one of the Indian demands in the recent talks, i read in some news).

That way it's possible that we've lost access to significant land area, but that's estimate of 2000km² is ostensibly baseless. Someone should check out those citation-links given there.