India-China Border conflict


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Jun 23, 2023
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It is difficult to conclude what you are saying in your analysis?
Yessir, let me rephrase that since it was quite complicated for a long reply

For your first point, exposing Chinese statistics is quite a hurdle, because they can claim it as legitimate and we can't do much about it since the CCP tightly contains information about anything and everything. If it's possible it's a good jibe at China but it's difficult

For your second point, I agree. Tons of missiles with capability to strike targets deep behind enemy lines is enviable, especially if the missiles are cheap and capable. Hopefully an alternate cheaper brahmos emerges to carry out mass missile strikes without making our cash disappear into the wind

For your third point, it's also a good point, but that's exactly why they built CPEC and Gwadar port in the first place. Bypassing the choke point near the Andamans is crucial for them. Looking at Pakistan though, CPEC is like a joke. So I don't know how they're really going to achieve that. What is more worrysome is how they're actually trying to make bases near Myanmar coast using islands near the Andamans to achieve surveillance over our activities.

What I'd like to point out is your fifth point in which uhh you said PLA capabilities are exaggerated by propaganda. While we did an excellent job at deterring PLA intrusions since Galwan, most of those fights are close quarter brawls, obviously not involving any arms or weapons. When weapons are involved, the scenario will change drastically. They may have bad tactics but still they vastly have more artillery and rockets than us. Swarming with overwhelming strength sometimes works

Also, when you pointed out that Chinese export items are shit and generally worse in quality, it may perhaps be deliberate. Usually export weapons are downgraded but China makes them into really bad weapons that don't really work. But since they're cunning, I can safely assume some form of quality control exists in weapon production for their own military.

For the media part, China has a dedicated PSYOPS (Psychological operations) wing for the PLA to twist and create narratives and spread disinformation. They've been doing it for a long time now so it's no surprise India is going to be constantly mocked about. If we had a PSYOPS wing, this wouldn't really be a thing.

Sorry for the convoluted and complicated answer earlier, I was quite drowsy when I typed that. Hope there's more clarity now

Edit: Since the PLA has modernised their average soldier by providing cheap NVGs to them, they essentially acquired some amount of night fighting capability to every combat troops deployed. That's actually bad for us since we still don't have NVGs for every soldier and lacks basic body armour protection while they mass issued body armour to their own. So they essentially own the night and have some form of protection for every one of their troops.
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New Member
Feb 3, 2021
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IDK , I just feel bad.

In all the pictures and videos so far, the chinese looks extremely well equipped with riot gear , overwhelming in number and actually seems to have a plan.

Also the amount of professional camera they were using in clashes on the other hand the Indian seems to have tree branches which they picked up on their way.

Not to mention that most chinese soldiers who participated or died in clashes are from elite airborne divisions, they clearly expecting a clash and have inducted soldiers accordingly

What the Indian higher ups where doing while chinese were preparing for a war, have read in many articles and interviews that indian soldiers have actually reported the Inc in chinese activities and troop to their higher ups long before the clashes


New Member
Oct 15, 2021
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IDK , I just feel bad.

In all the pictures and videos so far, the chinese looks extremely well equipped with riot gear , overwhelming in number and actually seems to have a plan.

Also the amount of professional camera they were using in clashes on the other hand the Indian seems to have tree branches which they picked up on their way.

Not to mention that most chinese soldiers who participated or died in clashes are from elite airborne divisions, they clearly expecting a clash and have inducted soldiers accordingly

What the Indian higher ups where doing while chinese were preparing for a war, have read in many articles and interviews that indian soldiers have actually reported the Inc in chinese activities and troop to their higher ups long before the clashes
welcome to RR club


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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IDK , I just feel bad.

In all the pictures and videos so far, the chinese looks extremely well equipped with riot gear , overwhelming in number and actually seems to have a plan.

Also the amount of professional camera they were using in clashes on the other hand the Indian seems to have tree branches which they picked up on their way.

Not to mention that most chinese soldiers who participated or died in clashes are from elite airborne divisions, they clearly expecting a clash and have inducted soldiers accordingly

What the Indian higher ups where doing while chinese were preparing for a war, have read in many articles and interviews that indian soldiers have actually reported the Inc in chinese activities and troop to their higher ups long before the clashes
Mate, that was in 2020. They modernised even more in 2021-22. NVGs, plate carriers and red dots with magnifiers. All the gucci shit


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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IDK , I just feel bad.

In all the pictures and videos so far, the chinese looks extremely well equipped with riot gear , overwhelming in number and actually seems to have a plan.

Also the amount of professional camera they were using in clashes on the other hand the Indian seems to have tree branches which they picked up on their way.

Not to mention that most chinese soldiers who participated or died in clashes are from elite airborne divisions, they clearly expecting a clash and have inducted soldiers accordingly

What the Indian higher ups where doing while chinese were preparing for a war, have read in many articles and interviews that indian soldiers have actually reported the Inc in chinese activities and troop to their higher ups long before the clashes
In all the pictures and videos so far, the chinese looks extremely well equipped with riot gear , overwhelming in number and actually seems to have a plan.

Also the amount of professional camera they were using in clashes on the other hand the Indian seems to have tree branches which they picked up on their way.
Advantage of attacking first. You have infinite time to prepare & plan. Chinese knew they were going to draw blood. They were prepared for it. We were just reluctantly defending our borders.

Not to mention that most chinese soldiers who participated or died in clashes are from elite airborne divisions, they clearly expecting a clash and have inducted soldiers accordingly
I have mentioned it repeatedly, Galwan was a pre-planned ambush, not a misunderstanding as China tries to sell it. They intentionally targetted the most vulnerable point across the whole DS-DBO road (LAC runs closest to DS-DBO road at Galwan) so that they can capture and reinforce as many areas forward towards the LAC as possible.

welcome to RR club
Try to be at or above the white line.


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Aug 19, 2009
‘To be precise 81 years.

Then my compliments to you, sir! Even my own father is not that tech savvy!

If I may, what are your life experiences and what was the time like during 1971 during one of India’s gravest hours and what was it like to go through that Emergency period?


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Yessir, let me rephrase that since it was quite complicated for a long reply

For your first point, exposing Chinese statistics is quite a hurdle, because they can claim it as legitimate and we can't do much about it since the CCP tightly contains information about anything and everything. If it's possible it's a good jibe at China but it's difficult

For your second point, I agree. Tons of missiles with capability to strike targets deep behind enemy lines is enviable, especially if the missiles are cheap and capable. Hopefully an alternate cheaper brahmos emerges to carry out mass missile strikes without making our cash disappear into the wind

For your third point, it's also a good point, but that's exactly why they built CPEC and Gwadar port in the first place. Bypassing the choke point near the Andamans is crucial for them. Looking at Pakistan though, CPEC is like a joke. So I don't know how they're really going to achieve that. What is more worrysome is how they're actually trying to make bases near Myanmar coast using islands near the Andamans to achieve surveillance over our activities.

What I'd like to point out is your fifth point in which uhh you said PLA capabilities are exaggerated by propaganda. While we did an excellent job at deterring PLA intrusions since Galwan, most of those fights are close quarter brawls, obviously not involving any arms or weapons. When weapons are involved, the scenario will change drastically. They may have bad tactics but still they vastly have more artillery and rockets than us. Swarming with overwhelming strength sometimes works

Also, when you pointed out that Chinese export items are shit and generally worse in quality, it may perhaps be deliberate. Usually export weapons are downgraded but China makes them into really bad weapons that don't really work. But since they're cunning, I can safely assume some form of quality control exists in weapon production for their own military.

For the media part, China has a dedicated PSYOPS (Psychological operations) wing for the PLA to twist and create narratives and spread disinformation. They've been doing it for a long time now so it's no surprise India is going to be constantly mocked about. If we had a PSYOPS wing, this wouldn't really be a thing.

Sorry for the convoluted and complicated answer earlier, I was quite drowsy when I typed that. Hope there's more clarity now

Edit: Since the PLA has modernised their average soldier by providing cheap NVGs to them, they essentially acquired some amount of night fighting capability to every combat troops deployed. That's actually bad for us since we still don't have NVGs for every soldier and lacks basic body armour protection while they mass issued body armour to their own. So they essentially own the night and have some form of protection for every one of their troops.
‘Agree with most of your points; except large scale goods transfer via CPEC over the 14,000 foot Khunjreb Pass. It is much harder to cross these mountains and ten times more expensive compared using a 30,000 ton ship carrying goods and staying at peace with neighbours in the Indian Ocean. No sir, CPEC is a political road network with a hint of bankrupting Pakistan.