India-China Border conflict


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Jun 23, 2023
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extensive CAP could mean chinese sending drones ? or maybe due to that meeting between jaisankar and wing wang - we were sending message ? :hmm:

those nvg looks wack , reddit post claims they are dummies for training soldiers , another post claims they are standard issue but shitty .

either way cant be good to fall behind chinese in night fighting .
Honestly, China has been upgrading it's infantry since 2021. It's wacky stuff but quantity has a quality of its own. Plate carriers are being mass issued to their infantry while we are still stuck trying to create a MTV replica which the USMC dumped for plate carriers. And their digital MVGs are at best gen 2+ but seeing as how we lack NVGs so bad and don't have gen 3+ tubes either, they're having an edge in night fighting capabilities

Honestly GoI is brain-dead. Infantry modernisation is the lowest priority right now for a country that depends on the Infantry (can't expect Armoured and Cavalry units to fight in the mountains, at least not enough). I mean it makes sense in case of some countries but Infantry is really important for us, still don't get why GoI and MoD is staring at their own reflections and thinking whether french fries are actually french.

Seeing as how some units are locally procuring plate carriers, petition to donate money for units to upgrade personal infantry kits when?


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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He said that there was a difference between a ‘two-front threat’ and a ‘two-front war’. The former refers to the potential challenges posed by China and Pakistan to India’s security and interests, while the latter implies an actual simultaneous outbreak of hostilities on both sides of India’s borders.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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(Important part in the long article)

as few as five B-1 bombers could launch as many as 180 LRASM missiles at a Chinese carrier task force. In a scenario pitting five such bombers against one Fujian-type aircraft carrier, four Type-055 and 052D destroyer escorts, and a Type-054A frigate, it’s likely all six would quickly become scrap on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Even if the Chinese fleet managed to shoot down 95 percent of the missiles (for the sake of our argument, 30 percent is generous), nine would get through, visually home in on the carrier, and turn it into a flaming wreck.


New Member
Apr 28, 2023
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(Important part in the long article)

as few as five B-1 bombers could launch as many as 180 LRASM missiles at a Chinese carrier task force. In a scenario pitting five such bombers against one Fujian-type aircraft carrier, four Type-055 and 052D destroyer escorts, and a Type-054A frigate, it’s likely all six would quickly become scrap on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Even if the Chinese fleet managed to shoot down 95 percent of the missiles (for the sake of our argument, 30 percent is generous), nine would get through, visually home in on the carrier, and turn it into a flaming wreck.
Do we have such bomber ?


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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(Important part in the long article)

as few as five B-1 bombers could launch as many as 180 LRASM missiles at a Chinese carrier task force. In a scenario pitting five such bombers against one Fujian-type aircraft carrier, four Type-055 and 052D destroyer escorts, and a Type-054A frigate, it’s likely all six would quickly become scrap on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Even if the Chinese fleet managed to shoot down 95 percent of the missiles (for the sake of our argument, 30 percent is generous), nine would get through, visually home in on the carrier, and turn it into a flaming wreck.
Yeah, the PLAN is a sitting duck outside of Chinese A2/AD cover. They're desperately building more ships but anti ship missiles of its hostiles are generations ahead (except their antiship ballistic missiles, which again could be shot down by an Aegis system.

Heard that the B-1 was up for consideration for the induction of a strategic bomber. Hope we get it for a good price, that's going to be a big warning to China to stop it's naughty adventures. Or maybe they won't and it's all going to end the way we aren't comfortable with


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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Honestly BRICS is a laughing stock for the rest of the world

Russia is sent to kingdom come by US, and they're getting real cuddly with China

We and China are locking horns and that ain't going away anytime soon, if at all

South Africa is going downhill economic wise, and perhaps may get bankrupt

Brazil's new president is very left leaning so capitalism is out and their economy will start to stagnate

It's turning much like SAARC. Dunno if this sinking ship can be saved


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Honestly BRICS is a laughing stock for the rest of the world

Russia is sent to kingdom come by US, and they're getting real cuddly with China

We and China are locking horns and that ain't going away anytime soon, if at all

South Africa is going downhill economic wise, and perhaps may get bankrupt

Brazil's new president is very left leaning so capitalism is out and their economy will start to stagnate

It's turning much like SAARC. Dunno if this sinking ship can be saved
according to pro russian western simps , WW3 will be fought between BRICS and WEST


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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according to pro russian western simps , WW3 will be fought between BRICS and WEST
Pro Russian? well it makes sense

But it's like the fallacy they like to cope with. BRICS will be torn apart just because it's an odd bunch. China's actively trying to get us out of SCO (which again is an odd organisation we're in) by inviting Iran, and in BRICS we might openly fight or break up.

They're also the same kind who's going to praise the DPRK military as a first world military even though the troops are carrying 60 year old rifles and are dying of starvation


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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Will theatre commands help in checking Chinese incursions?
Theatre commands are going to enhance conventional warfare capabilities. Incursions are a different matter.

On one hand, it needs more political will than military, because we can't take independent action on Chinese incursions or try to stop them forcefully because it's opening the Pandora's box

On the other hand, it's going to take a while before we get comfortable with theatre commands so acclimatization is going to take a while (hopefully it'll be short as there are quite a number of examples for theatre commands)


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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any chance this is civilian , maybe construction crew or something

Also other reasons, such as -
  • I was tracking its development since May, it grew too fast (like within 2 months), which is too fast for civilian commercial construction using brick and mortar. Implying these were temporary army structures.
  • It is isolated from previous city centers and river valleys, where the normal civilian population may settle and farm.
  • You can see the distinct pink PLAGF camouflage, plus their faint brown camouflage as well. Chinese civilian buildings in Tibet have generally blue, red, or black roofs.


New Member
Jun 23, 2023
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Also other reasons, such as -
  • I was tracking its development since May, it grew too fast (like within 2 months), which is too fast for civilian commercial construction using brick and mortar. Implying these were temporary army structures.
  • It is isolated from previous city centers and river valleys, where the normal civilian population may settle and farm.
  • You can see the distinct pink PLAGF camouflage, plus their faint brown camouflage as well. Chinese civilian buildings in Tibet have generally blue, red, or black roofs.
Is this isolated or happening beside this AO too?