India-China Border conflict


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Nov 21, 2022
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Doesn't belong here but if the situation is as said chances are LAC may heat up.


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May 31, 2020
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19th talks will also be a failure .

we wont let go of depsang plains , chinese wont agree to buffer zone there.

meanwhile shit load of road construction by both india/china in AP past 2 years . chinese seem to be trying to intimidate us there . :dude: vary interesting times ahead



New Member
Jan 23, 2021
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19th talks will also be a failure .

we wont let go of depsang plains , chinese wont agree to buffer zone there.

meanwhile shit load of road construction by both india/china in AP past 2 years . chinese seem to be trying to intimidate us there . :dude: vary interesting times ahead

Everytime China tries to intimidate India. India only gets bolder. They fundamentally don't understand India.

Or any democracy for that matter.

They are like we will attack the continental US with our DF-17s and shit, to decimate the US. The Americans were like, "then the most American thing to do is throw atom bomb in China. "

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Confronting Chinese Power by India

A lot has been said about Chinese military power with 1.8 million soldiers of which 80% are on its east coast and less than perfect fighter planes and laughably brand new navy with no experience.

Mostly boys in this forum and also a few paid analysts keep on scarring India of Chinese military power. Some are victims of Chinese propaganda and others are paid.


With 1.4 million strong Indian military with exceptionally well equipped fighter jets and highly experienced navy; India should be able to beat the hell out of Chinese in the Himalayas. The only weakness of infrastructure and roads has been redressed. Hence why are analysts and story writers fail to recognize that. India can beat the hell out of Chinese both in the Himalayas and if they dare to come to the Indian Ocean. Chinese have less than two hundred thousand men in Tibet. Rest are facing Taiwan, Japan, US, Vietnam and Philippines. Their inexperienced navy will be good for target practice.

That paid psychological impression of Chinese invincibility is no longer valid especially when US and India have started to take steps to confront China in Indo-Pacific. Chinese with new navy and inexperienced sailors and Admirals can at best hope to save themselves of annihilation if they engage in a battle. On the Indian Ocean side; India has to block Chinese commerce flowing thru Straits of Malacca. India has capacity to do that and Chinese can do nothing to save themselves.

In the Himalayan narrow passes; Chinese would invite their doom if they cross them. That much touted their rocket force will become useless in the hills and valley’s and on the reverse side of the mountain slopes. They, with Indian retaliation, can be annihilate with Brahmos missiles which hits the reverse side of mountain slopes.

So what are Indian paid analysts are afraid of ……….


New Member
May 20, 2021
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19th talks will also be a failure .

we wont let go of depsang plains , chinese wont agree to buffer zone there.

meanwhile shit load of road construction by both india/china in AP past 2 years . chinese seem to be trying to intimidate us there . :dude: vary interesting times ahead

Isnt the Chinese man standing besides MEA Jaishankar went AWOL recently?

CPC is not kind with this losers kind of officials.


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Jan 23, 2021
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As Qin Gangs disappearance causes headlines, Indian intelligence are raising eyebrows with mysterious things happening in PLAs Rocket Force.

According to Indian intelligence agencies monitoring developments in China, Wu Guohua, deputy commander of the PLA Rocket Force, died under mysterious circumstances on June 6, but the PLA suppressed facts by altering the cause of death as cerebral haemorrhage, indicating turmoil within the PLA Rocket Force.

Curiously, following the demise of Wu Guohua, his senior and commander of the PLA Rocket Force, Lieutenant General Li Yuchao, was found missing from a promotion ceremony of the Chinese military in late June. The absence sparked speculation that Li Yuchao might be under investigation by the Chinese authorities. It was learnt that Li Yuchao had been arrested and placed under investigation. Speculation intensified with the disappearance from public view of Chinese foreign minister Qin Gang around the same time, and many sought to draw connections between Qin Gang’s disappearance and the turbulence within the PLA Rocket Force.

Reports suggest that the matter is under investigation and several high-ranking officers of the PLA have been detained for questioning. A military observer, who did not wish to be named, claimed that Wei Fenghe, a former defence minister of China and ex-commander of the PLA Rocket Force, was being investigated for alleged corruption. Similarly, other key PLA officers—Zhang Zhenzhong, Liu Guangbin and Shang Hong—associated with the rocket force were apparently under the scanner.

“All these developments clearly indicate that all is not well in the PLA. With each passing day, rumours are gaining strength of a possible revolt in the PLA against the Chinese leadership,” said a key Indian defence official closely monitoring the Chinese military.

Xi Jinping has been facing flak over the sudden disappearance of his foreign minister, who was last seen on June 25. There are also rumours of Qin Gang having an affair with state-owned Phoenix TV’s popular host Fu Xiaotian, who is suspected by Chinese authorities of being a ‘double agent’ and faces espionage charges. It is suspected that Qing Gang may have been implicated during the investigation.


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Nov 1, 2022
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So this is the latest strategy by the CCP. Claim someone in the PLA goofed up but won't name them, ask India to let bygones be bygones & revert to normal relations but won't restore the status quo ante on the LAC . The Chinese have actually internalised what they consider a fact that the average Indian IQ is 82 , the consequences of which will be disastrous for both parties concerned


New Member
Jan 23, 2021
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So this is the latest strategy by the CCP. Claim someone in the PLA goofed up but won't name them, ask India to let bygones be bygones & revert to normal relations but won't restore the status quo ante on the LAC . The Chinese have actually internalised what they consider a fact that the average Indian IQ is 82 , the consequences of which will be disastrous for both parties concerned
China's latest game is that - they are trying to show that India and China are getting chummy again. Despite the fact that, tensions in border persist. They will show that - look trade with India is increasing. Even though India's export basket is actually decreasing. Or that Jaishankar keeps saying "border cannot be separated from other affairs". In their own statements, they completely ignore his words and write that "Jaishankar said India must improve ties with China. ". They are even trying to falsify his words now.

This is classic Chinese deception at play as Vijay Gokhale wrote in his book. China is trying to do two things here :

To show the west, look India and China are getting along again. So your investments to India are doing nothing, India won't counter attack and doesn't has the will to do that.

Secondly, it allows them to cover up the border issue under carpet and keep exploiting India by building up economic relations. Even though if same thing was happening in China, they would have boycotted it even harder since it will violate their "core interests. "

What is good is that. Jaishankar, Modi and Doval have smelled this shit. What China calls olive branches to India, are in India's eyes traps. India will rather throw Chinas flower in dustbin then do handshake with them.


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Oct 15, 2021
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reviving the dead thread
BTW can anyone confirm if the vehicle on the Indian side is DongFeng or not ?
It it's dongfeng, the video is directly linked to this one:

It's the same clip. For the first time Chinese and Indian shared a clash clip from the same place.
BTW our Camo is pathetic. Sticks out completely. Cheenki camo is good.
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